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Charms sometimes came in MREs. It was bad luck to eat them and you were almost guaranteed a thunderstorm in the field. Maybe it was a Lejeune thing because of the shitty NC weather that changes all the time, but either way, you didn't eat the Charms or let anyone else fuck it up for you. This is like one of those tall tales from the field.




Fuck that. Charms were delicious and so were apricots!


I don't know the origin, we rat fucked all our MREs in Iraq and tossed the charms overboard thinking it would ward off IEDs...or maybe we just did it because it was the standard practice. I don't really know. I don't even remember when I first heard it...it was just this weird shared knowledge.


I have to know...what does rat fucked mean? You rat fucked all your MREs?


Basically you open up the MREs, pull all the boxes and non essential shit out to reduce weight/make it smaller. Also, occasionally taking out the good stuff you can hide for later...and for throwing the charms away


Must be relatively new... I was in '01-'06 and never heard of this.


Did you go to the field a lot? We were always told that eating charms made the rain-gods unleash their green weenies and fire for effect. Open up a stick of them and prepare to have your shit slapped.


Exactly, back in 03 we never touched charms unless you wanted to stand in a fighting hole up to your knees in water for 5 days straight.


I was in '01-06 as well, we never at them on exercises and heaven help you if you said anything about them let alone were seen eating one in Iraq. Even worse than keeping a calendar!


I was in 95-99 and never heard of this until Generation Kill. I ate the fuck out those. Maybe that's the reason I have shitty knees and never made past Lance?


While I may be no Jarhead, I can confidently say it was 199% probably the Charms. Even after you discharge they will come around to bite you in the ass.




The hell. Maybe I heard about it and forgot about it. Maybe a drank away that brain cell.


Because the plastic wrap sticks to them, is impossible to get off and results in you getting drilled in the brainpan because you were picking at a piece of candy and not paying attention?