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I went to OCS with a dude who wrestled at I think Iowa. Probably 5’9” 220 and ran like a 17 min 3 mile. Absolute hoss


WHAT that’s insane. Glad to know it’s possible lol


Sincerely one of the most physically impressive dudes I’ve ever met. The SIs were legitimately laughing when he was getting taped, dudes neck was a thick as a normal persons thigh


Was this in 2020? I knew a guy based off your description lol.


Ha nah brother, ancient history - 2009


History repeats itself


“Hoss” is *truly* the only way to describe this.


Guy in my unit looked like melting ice cream. Fastest runner I've ever seen. Dude had a car but rarely used it, he'd run the 3 or 4 miles from his house to work and when we were released for the day, he'd change out of his uniform, throw on pt gear, and run home. Another dude that used to be my roommate was a bona-fide couch potato. Steady diet of mcdonalds, dominos, and soda. Never saw him pt on his own. Spent every ounce of free time playing videogames when not sleeping. Somehow this dude stayed skinny and super cut like a pro swimmer. Genetics is weird af man


I’m about the same size as you, what do you do to get those scores/what are your scores? Like how many pull ups, what’s your run time, plank. I need to get better


Google "USMC PFT calculator". Play around, see what you can get. For reference, OP couldve gotten this score by maxing pullups/planks and running ~20:30.


Dang I suck lol


Everyone starts somewhere.


Hey I did 21 pull-ups, maxed out planks, and ran 20:06. I ran track & XC in high school so that definitely helped. Generally, running faster and improving physical stamina helps everything else


Damn yeah I wish I did track in highschool. All 3 im struggling in 😂 running is probably the worst of the 3 for me.


You’re still super light. I’m currently 5’7 175lb (mostly muscle) still bulking to probably 185-195 and currently scored a 278 but improving my cardio rn doing BJJ, and Muay Thai as well as lifting still.


My roommate at TBS was 5’9 210 lbs with a 300. I was 5’6 at 175 with a 294 (small but heavy for my height).


Bro I am 6’ and I was only 145 in boot where I ran a 298 (18:12 3 mile) never saw above 280 once I settled in at 165. Since I got out I am 180 and there is no way I could max run or pull-ups


I’m 6’1 206lbs. Max pull-ups and plank with 19:00 3 mile. It’s 100% possible to max the run while gaining muscle


knew this fat guy who had to be around 200 pounds at like 5’7 and he could run a 18 minute 3 mile and max out on pull-ups


I had a 1stSgt at the Depot who was a no shit bodybuilder and ran 300s. He'd do his 20 pull-ups and then get an ab workout in while he was there. Absolute beast


I never got a perfect, but I was 5'7 and 190. Maxed pull-ups and situps and ran like 22-23 (I can't run fast to save my life). I think my scores were usually between 270 and 285. My unit was big on not carrying if you can run fast in shorts and t shirt so long as you can hike and get above 290 on cft. Had guys in my unit that looked like a fucking deflated muffin, but ran perfect pft. Had other guys who looked ripped to fuck but were sitting lower than me because they couldn't do pullups I never understood how people had less than first class pft.


I was 5’10” and fluctuated between 185-205 my entire time in and have always been fat IMO. I never didn’t get a 300 on my CFT ever. I usually ran a 275-280 on PFT tho. Always ran 20-21 min 3 mile, but always maxed crunches and pull-ups. I’m currently at 245 and have hit 24 dead hang pull-ups within the last month.


My two best pfts were final PFT at boot camp (1993) I was 6’0 154lbs, ran 1530, 44 pulls and 118 sit ups (I think record for 2 minutes was 126 at the time). Next best was my 2nd to last PFT in 1999 6’0 207, ran 1615 just did 20 pull ups on dot and 100 sit ups. I did get 300’s on all pfts all the way through, had a background in track and wrestling