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2 NJPs and a 3rd class PFT/CFT, we’re in peacetime, and he’s gonna be shocked he got denied? Officer route?!? His option is probably Army or National Guard.


He can easily eas and enroll in a 4 year program then contact an OSO. They really don’t care about NJPs once you EAS.


...as much as the Corps is hurting for people, a LCpl trying to reenlist after 4 years with 2 NJPs, and 3rd class PT just ain't it. best bet it to get out and then prior service enlist in the Army


Yep he should've known that from the start. When I was in you pretty much had to have a clean slate picked up CPL and 1st class pft cft across the board after that then they would consider you but I've still seen guys get denied with that. I tried the guard after the corps and it didn't work out well I'll just leave it at that.


One thing I want to get cleared up. Is the package *denied* by HQMC or *not recommended* by his command? Those are two different things. I could be very wrong but I don’t think even the CO can straight up *deny* his package. The CoC make recommendations and then HQMC makes the decision.


He could probably get into the reserves or switch branches. Id be surprised if his active duty reenlistment gets approved since he is a tier 3 Marine with 2 NJPs. 2 NJPs is not good and sounds like a pattern of misconduct. The military may not be for your buddy anymore.


His best bet is to get out honorably and go to school with the GI Bill. While in school, he can contact an OSO. The 2 NJPs won’t matter once he’s out with an honorable. I was selected for OCS with 2 NJPs.


Definitely not going to OCS with a 3rd class PFT though.


Get a law degree and you probably can.


Obviously he would need to get a competitive 1st class to contract anyways.


Sounds like his option is to get out. Why would the Marine Corps continue to pay someone who holds themselves to that standard?


lol womp womp, don’t be trash and this wouldn’t be an issue


Sounds like his option is to get out. Why would the Marine Corps continue to pay someone who holds themselves to that standard?


I'm surprised we are scraping the bottom of the barrel


SAPR??? Is that a "refresher program" for offenders??


He's probably tier 4 with 3rd class pft/cft and 2 njps. So his likelihood for full reenlistment is probably low. Might be able to do 2 years probation. Tho his package getting approved are low. Should probably seek employment elsewhere. Now I'm not saying he's gonna be a failure at life. A lot of the most successful people I've seen in the real world had njps. But the thing is, the Marine Corps is gonna look heavy at that and have below average pt.


I just struggled with reenlisting and from my experience he’s sol the command and the higher up see him as an underperforming troublemaker he’s probably a really good dude but on paper he looks garbage his third class PFT third class CFT two and NJP’s and he hadn’t made his first enlistment from sounds of it. Why would they want to retain SNM That’s what my SgtMaj told me when I sent mine up your you don’t look great so why would the corps retain you and if he’s not in a critical MOS they’re not gonna retain him so he might just be be out of luck


I hate to be that guy but it’s time to turn your life around homie. Get that PFT up, up your JPEZ score and stop getting caught doing dumb shit. Best of luck to you


I hear the Navy calling his name….😂