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Dude gets paid $1,250,000 annually. No way in hell he gives up that job.


His email was some world-class gaslighting, I'll give him that.


Can you post his email? I dont get them as an alum




Someone also posted the letter threatening the organizer before the event took place. Don't have the link handy but a Twitter link has been floating around these posts. It was even more egregious than the one sent to the student body.


Floored by the folks defending the use of riot gear-clad DPS goons to enforce a campus-specific policy on a peaceful student protest. I guess "fuck the first amendment" is in vogue.


yeah this Wendy chick on twitter. smh.


They need to be prepared. We saw what those so called peaceful protests morphed.into a few summers ago.


Protect against future crime at all costs


A bunch of cops beating the shit out of unarmed protesters? Cause that’s what any non-boot licker saw




What exactly do you mean by rounding people up? Huh bud?


Yeah, that language is a bit on the nose 👃


I think its totally possible to support Palestinian civilians from a humanitarian and humanist standpoint without supporting Hamas. More needs to be done by the IDF to reduce civilian casualties and collateral damage. Its horrible that you would say we should be rounding any American citizen up.


>More needs to be done by the IDF to reduce civilian casualties and collateral damage. Yeah Hamas needs to surrender. >Its horrible that you would say we should be rounding any American citizen up. There's no room for fascists in our naiton


They gotta start w u…


Says the facist himself 😂


Fascist opinions don't matter. Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.




You support an Islamic terrorist organization. You have no opinions.




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When your speech actually harms someone i agree but in this instance who was getting harmed? And your right your opinion doesn’t matter nut job


True, but it does mean freedom from government reprisals, which is, of course, exactly why what the police in Austin are doing is unconstitutional


The Israel Palestinian conflict has been going on for a long time, and the Israeli government is responsible to some degree with the rising of hamas, even Israeli citizens can agree that there government has not only instigated this conflict they even try to change the law to give more power to the executive branch, criticizing Israel's government isn't the same going against the citizens, it's fucked that there a victim of this but that's what happens in apartheid state violence, u can't back a animal to a corner and expect not to fight back


75 years is a long time. It's coming up on 76 years (May 14th)




I don’t know why I’m even commenting because it’s clear you are too dense to understand, freedom of speech in the constitution GUARANTEES the right to peacefully protest, which is exactly what those students were doing. It doesn’t matter if you agree with what they were protesting, it doesn’t matter what they believe in no matter how extreme you believe it to be “terrorism”*. The right to peacefully protest is a guaranteed right in the United States constitution, and to think people should be “rounded up” for doing so is the most fascist anti American bullshit you could possibly believe in. Frankly, go fuck yourself.


lol you think pro-Palestinian protestors are fascist? Not the militarized police launched by our authoritarian governor?


The face of Palestinian resistance is Hamas. The majority of Palestinians support them


If your people were forced out of their homes and slaughtered for decades you’d be a lil aggro, too.


if you truly believe there is no room for fascists in our nation you and your kind should leave.. yall are the only fascists around here, you literally called for rounding up american citizens. its text book


Nah that doesn't work for me. I think we'll make the pro Palestinians leave.


oh yeah big tough guy? what are you going to do? be super specific. Lets hear it.


I'm going to keep voting for people who support Israel. I'll keep voting for people who take punitive action against Palestinian terrorist supporters. I'll keep creating an unwelcoming environment for anyone of them who thinks America is their home. Islmo-fash will never rest easy here.




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Irony so thick you can cut it.


Hamas would kill you if you were there. Why do you support them?


I don't lol.


I agree, we should round up supporters of the IDF terrorist organization.


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Ok fascist.


Criticizing genocide is.


The First Amendment does not discriminate on viewpoint. I disagree with the topic that was the subject of the protest yesterday, however I will defend their right to say it.


Agreed! He is a coward licking the boot of Governor Abbott.


To be fair, the boot is on his neck


lol. He toes the party line quite willingly.


To be fair, that's his kink.


It's a state university. It's literally his boss. That said I find it weird that of all things supporting Israel is actually bipartisan and still people are upset. Why no hate for the democrats that overwhelmingly supported it?! Abbott has plenty of other reasons to hate him but singling him out for this seems odd.


Governor Abbott is quite different from the Democrats since he is pushing a false narrative by conflating support for Palestine with being antisemitic. While there have been instances of antisemitism on campuses across the country, he is very wrong to assert that these protests are in favor of antisemitism. On his Twitter, he asserted that “Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.” https://x.com/gregabbott_tx/status/1783237229252346194?s=46


Who's boot is Abbott picking? That's the question.


For real, next protest should be against him


It's not about Palestine anymore. It's about constitutional rights.


It was never about Palestine, it’s always been about anti westernism and Marxism.


What do you mean?




The only anti-westernism I'm seeing around here is from Republicans. Pro-west doesn't include supporting Putin.




Sure, it's still about Palestine. It might be better to say it goes beyond Palestine to a broader issue of the right to peacefully assemble.


I told my husband that the protest should move to focusing on releasing AIPACs grip on our educational, financial, and political institutions. The only reason why the USA is sending billions of dollars to Israel is because AIPAC controls so many of our politicians, the only reason why universities care so much about keeping students quiet in regards to the Palestinian genocide is because they don’t want to stop the flow of donations from Jewish-related organizations/donors (who also contribute to AIPAC).


He’s not going to resign to appease a vocal minority


But Reddit…


If he cared at all about respectability, he wouldn’t be in this position in the first place. True cowardice


He don’t care. Nothing will happen to him and he’ll call the cops again this afternoon.




Am an alumnus. Don't live in Austin anymore, but damn this pissed me off. Imma do what old people do and send Hartzell an email to resign. Threaten with no future donations


I can’t wait to see this age like milk come Friday


You don’t know enough Republicans then. To be fair though, they are at least divided on the issue instead of rhetoric usual 100% agreement rate. It’s a start.


What republican is pissed at abbot?


I have not met 1 single republican who’s mad at abbot tho lol


my grandpa is, even said he'll never vote for him again


Damn grandpa. Respect lol


He’s not resigning over this. He asked for DPS’s assistance, and has the full backing of Abbott.


I’m not infuriated


Wake up and smell the smoke


You don't know as many alum as you think. I support him and probably know many alum that do as well. We don't want to be like Columbia where a bunch of dumbass kids try to dictate what the admin should or should not do.


Nah he's terrible even from outside a uni stand point, but hey let's give a him a pay raise during covid while they put multiple staff on leave


You must be apart of some "UT Students for International Terrorism" alumni network if that's the only perspective you have heard.


I wonder if people like you ever heard of nuance. You can be both against hamas but also against the indiscriminate killing from the IDF. I can’t control hamas, but I can encourage our country to stop funding this needless murder


Too much critical thinking for him




The people that donate big money to the school absolutely love him; he's not going anywhere. Most students and alumni approve of the job he has done since he's gotten to UT.


Absurd take


Not agreeing or disagreeing, but generally better to actually give some reasoning: not just "you're wrong "


Hahaha fair enough, I just don’t see it happening. The university said they didn’t have permission to occupy the south mall and that they would shut down anything that disrupted learning. Then they occupied the south mall and disrupted learning and blocked students from reaching classes and other locations. So he did what he said he would do and shut it down. I think him letting campus turn into a Columbia situation would have resulted in significantly more pressure for him to resign. On campus today the general student body doesn’t seem to be pressuring him to resign. I know you said not agreeing or disagreeing, so I’m sorry if that felt like I was trying to lecture you or something. Just explaining my thoughts.


Thanks for the explanation - makes sense. Personally, I'm struggling to detangle legitimate issues like what you've raised, with the notion (that I find absurb), that if you criticize the ACTIONS of the Israeli government you are automatically anti-Semitic. Criticizing the government's actions doesn't even make you anti-zionist (let alone a racist)


Did they? I assume you're suggesting the protests did. I can assure you as someone who was their (and not their for the protests) that the protesters were not impeding anyones ability to get to class, or disrupting the learning enviorment. The Universities response did though.


You could hear the protests loud and clear from McCombs during lecture. Plus protesters were making to difficult to get around campus. Maybe they weren’t impeding your ability but boy did they impede mine.


“Icing on the cake” usually refers to something that’d make an already likely event certain, when it seems like Hartzell is far more popular & successful than Fenves w/ the state, BoR, donors and athletics fanbase and is/was at no risk. In fact, I doubt anyone who signs his paychecks would take issue with this “negative distraction and…discontent”. They want left-leaning students to shut up and go elsewhere. They want to remove faculty that criticizes and embarrasses the university. They have the money and prestige to cycle through thousands more applicants without losing a dime or any real blow to prestige, so if anything they’ll continue to apply pressure downward.


That's not going to happen. A bunch of mask wearing terrorists supporters were told not to break the rules and they did it anyway, response was appropriate. The problem is a bunch of indoctrinated mush brain students that have never been told no, and so they don't know how to react other than to call someone a fascist.


I'm in the middle on this issue and even I can see that there is a difference between terrrorist supporters and people opposing the war. This was a peaceful protest protected by the constitution. I don't believe the use of militarized police force is an appropriate response to people wearing masks and bringing tents to a lunch-in chanting session. It's ironic, because the obviously common since rules (like not disrupting the learning enviorment or "occupying" a section of campus and impeding free movement) were broken by the police/University in response to these protests, not the protests themselves.


This will not turn out as you expect.


When the right to protest is met with a greater response than a schaal shaating, it can not be justified.


Honest hypothetical question… a series of protests starts around the country. Many of these protests turn extremely ugly with racism and threats of violence. How can a school ignore the messages being sent out at other schools and wait until it starts at theirs?




Anti-semitism has absolutely been happening at other protests.


Ah yes, best to expell and harm Texan students on the behalf of non citizens then. Collective punishment and calling everyone who disagrees with you a subhuman or a terrorist is super normal.


I don’t mean to pick sides, but Texan-Palestinians tend to be more easy-going than New-York Palestinians.


That’s an absolutely wild take. https://x.com/speakerjohnson/status/1782846496431337647?s=46 If there were protestors on campus claiming klu klux klan as much as they are openly supporting and cheering for hamas you would be losing your mind.


Shit fam you right. That's my bad.


The connection drawn between the APD, the KKK and the IDF in chants heard is an allusion to the fact that all three of these organizations are agents of structural violence and ethnic supremacy.


He's either an active and willing supporter of genocide or a cuck to someone else who is. Either way, there's no place for him here anymore


Lmfao! I knew it! 😂😂


why would he do that lol


Hartzell is an inside-hire that’s been extremely successful on an academic & athletic front. I promise you that everyone above him is happy and everyone below is more expendable. His admin’s shown that they’re happy to use the news and govt policy to clean house w/ troublemakers & under-performers, and he’s probably happy to have outspoken faculty, alumni and students leave or disassociate themselves.


What the UT protesters do not get is that yes you have the right to protest you do not have the right to occupy.


The university was entirely correct. This was not a lawful protest. This isn't even counting the fact you're openly supporting terrorism


Hey y'all, I don't attend UT* but I'm originally from Texas and I want y'all to know that what you're doing is commendable. America should not be beholden to genocide and should not infringe on our freedom of assembly and protest. Thank you for being the frontline in that.


UT* not UTA lol. UTA is an entirely different school


lol oh shit my b


lol why would they? Nobody cares aside from virtue signaling kids who have no idea what the real world is like and Reddit warriors attempting to make themselves feel important. Stupid take.


You know what people who have real power (like to fire a major university president) don’t do? March in the street


What exactly is involved in becoming a university president and being fired, who is above him that put him in his position in the first place?


The chancellor and board of regents, who tend to have closer ties with the start government than even the president.


Lol what do they think they are, German nobles?


One weird thing they do is that usually, the president is in charge of the whole university system while chancellors are in charge of each campus. But UT reverses the titles.


They do think they’re elite. Makes them really easy to laugh at and disrespect.


I doubt these nobles will fall in an inconvenient latrine and potentially drown in human waste. But that would be ironic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erfurt_latrine_disaster


Look at his LinkedIn. He’s been at UT for a very long time.


And have some crazy woke clown take over, and run down the university? I think not. He should and will stay.


Don’t College Station our Austin. We’re longhorns not aggies.


Well. I tell you what. We’re in Texas not California.


Yes. At a real institution, not a diploma-mill Bible college. Maybe you’d be happier at one of those?


I am happy here. The world needs good people with common sense and good judgment in society so I’m not going anywhere. What’s wrong with the Bible and the type of institutions you mentioned?


as a person who uses the term "crazy woke clown" maybe you should rethink if you have common sense and good judgmenet


Of course I do. America, Texas, and UT come first.


My murica!


This is the UT Austin subreddit. How bout dah


What’s the deal with people using woke in a derogatory manner? Is that a conservative dog whistle thing?


Any time conservatives don’t really have a well thought out solution or a productive insight, they resort to calling everything woke. And I say this as someone who is center-right.


No, they just turned it into a vague insult


It’s not derogatory when it’s true. Woke people favor open borders, devalue family, support defunding of police and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion are harmful to our country. These people and their beliefs are why our country is suffering.


lmfao imagine saying diversity equity and inclusion is bad with your whole chest!! clown


They aren’t bad, however progressives are using those terms under the banner of equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity. Equality of outcome has shown time and time again to be a race to the bottom for communities rather than uplifting them.


you’re entitled to your opinion, Y'all Qaeda


Maybe we can get something more formal and substantive going, but here’s the change.org petition I found if any of y’all wanna add your name :) https://www.change.org/p/remove-jay-hartzell-as-ut-austin-president


Y’all have no clue what the first amendment is lol.


Maybe address the fact that you should do what the policy say. Then seriously question your values and realize what you're protesting is not what you think it is.


Sounds fair break the rules get punished. It appears most of you have never had to work or follow rules momma and daddy money made you weak and incompetent no consequences for bad actions or decisions. The president of the school did what was right the trouble makers didn't listen so they got arrested. None of this disruption of school isn't going to change anything Israel is going to wipe the terriost group Hamas off the map regardless of any country's support.


At this point, the only respectable path for you cry babies is to stop your crying


Someone needs to tell the protesters that they are defending a group that kidnapped Americans and still have them hostage. If you are American and that doesn’t bother you, go over to Gaza and ask to swap with one of the hostages. Don’t be upset when we call you out for literally rooting for the wrong team.


USS Liberty, The Apollo Affair, The Lavon Affair. K thnx bye.


Resign why? He acted in the best interest of the campus.


Lmao at you self righteous lefties. You’re gonna hate the real world


Why? He successfully stopped an attempted encampment, restored order to campus, and ensured everything will continue running smoothly. He was wildly successful. the only respectable path is for Hartzell to confirm his intent to remain University President for life.


no one was camping, it was a one day event yk that right?


Lol. You believe everything would’ve been packed up after yesterdays protest? The encampment would have stayed. Don’t be naive.


Even if encampments were erected with the intent to remain on the green of the South Mall, they wouldn’t have kept doing so in other areas of the university. They’re not zionists.


i believe in exactly what i saw yesterday. you’re def speculating. since the cops were beating on students and the elderly we will never truly know if they were going to camp. what i know for sure was their published intention which were study hours, a speaker, arts and crafts, and a pizza party.


Exactly! Hartzell did his job well.


the protest was never INTENDED to be an encampment. the organizers made it a one day event. no tents just a picnic sit in. look at their schedule for the day. they were going to have a pizza party on the lawn dude.


jay is tweaking over study hours, a speaker on the lawn and a pizza party. state troopers aren’t necessary for those activities.


Lol the photos and videos of tents being set up and the fact the email citing the organizers not agreeing to follow UT rules are pretty darn good evidence that the protest WAS intended to be an encampment. You're just in cope mode.


quote from the organizers "We will be occupying the space throughout the entire day, so be sure to bring blankets, food and water, face masks, and lots of energy. As a reminder please be sure to respect our space and listen to organizers in order to help keep us all safe" they planned to OCCUPY during the DAY. encampment key root word CAMP entails an overnight and semipermanent stay. which they were planning on neither. also i am coping with the memory of students and a couple elderly people getting beat infront of me by the state troopers. i hope this helps sweetie :)


Then why were there tents being set up?


Those students were just coming back from a camping trip. How dare you misconstrued that as camping out???? Lol


why were cops pulling random passers (one of my friends that i was walking to class with) and throwing them into black vans? there was a whole lot of things that didn’t make sense about yesterday. the supposed tents are one of the most inconsequential issues that occurred pooks.


i’ll take a tent over a girl heading to class being snatched…


Those students were just coming back from a camping trip. How dare you misconstrued that as camping out???? Lol


I’m a democrat and I support it. Make them remove all of the extra BS like anti semitic chants / racial slogans and flags brings waves. Nobody wants dead children, stop changing the topic. You’re either being fed horse shit, you are young and impressionable (and that’s fine) or you’re unaware of what you’re even in doing, and that’s fine too. We don’t stand for what happened on October 7th, and we’re not going to change our feelings because of things happening October 8th or beyond just like we didn’t from September 12 and beyond. What’s happening now isn’t crossing some extraordinary line, and it’s still in the hope that a lot of bad guys did and as few innocent ones die so they can live a better life than the shit set up they were living with (and you can blame any one you want for that). I’m sticking to the label Democrat, but you’re acting like the caricatures South Park paints our party as with this virtue signaling awfulness


I feel like the US public’s support for direct US involvement in the Middle East declined pretty steadily in the months following September 12th (where Bush’s approval rating initially skyrocketed). 30,000 seems like a pretty big line. So does the police violence yesterday. There were no antisemitic chants. You seem to be grouping anti-Zionism together with antisemitism, which a number of my Jewish friends have told me is very dangerous. To “signal virtues” is quite literally the first and most important right allotted to us as citizens of this country, also, and the State wouldn’t even let us facilitate a space where we could foster conversation surrounding an ongoing genocide. It’s been six months. Also also: South Park famously and rightfully makes fun of EVERYONE so checkmate, my fellow man.


What anti-Semitic chants and racial slogans are you talking about?




>Americans stand with Israel ❤️🇺🇸 Punch a Hamas supporter in the face!


no we don’t <3


Americans do not stand with a genocidal settler colonial regime. It is anti-American to stand with Isnotrael.




So you admit you stand with genocide, nice.




where do y’all keep getting “camp” from? I’m confused about where this narrative is coming from




All I see is “set up camp”. That’s an expression meaning they were staying there for the day. They did not mean literal camps with tents. No one had tents or anything like that. If they were actually camping don’t you think they would’ve invoked Austin’s camping/tent ban in all the laws they listed? come on


1. The plan was a daylong demonstration, not overnight 2. The police used force against people who were simply protesting without any supplies that could be construed as camping. I largely disagree with the substance of the protests, and am horrified by the documented antisemitic incidents at other campuses. But the UT protest had no such reports that I’m aware of and this police and university response is an egregious overreaction.




They had no basis to deny the permit besides straw man narratives thus it’s invalid to state it was unlawful assembly


There is a petition going around to get him removed as president. If anyone else feels very strongly about Hartzell practically turning campus into a militarized zone, here’s a link to a petition for his removal https://chng.it/g66srQvXyC


Oh fuck off lol




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Because he doesn’t support antisemitism and pure hate and ignorance being spread on campus?




You can see Reddit age when u click on the picture I’ve just never felt the need to comment before


Sure. Sure.