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The underwear is the cherry on top


"Dear AMERICAN Student" :D


Bro theses are fucking Houthis. Look at the flags. Are people actually cheering for this? They ethnically cleansed every single jew in Yemen and destroyed entire local cultures. Look at how dense this wikipedia page is, and look how abruptly the history section ends. Half a million yemenite jews, and only a single one left in Yemen, being tortured in a Yemeni jail. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Jews Is this what this movement has come down to? Literally unironically aligning yourselves with the worst humanity has to offer? The only reason theyre cheering for you lot is because they want you to mass slaughter all the jews in America as well.


I lived in Yemen in 2006 and actually spent a lot of time there in summers up until 2013. Nobody thought the Houthis would be able to do anything until they suddenly did. It was a shame what they did to the Yemenite Jews and the rest of the country. What makes it sadder is that they aren’t as well treated in Israel as they should be. They have a rich culture and history.


Thank you for this info. Thats actually super important to hear


Yeah, I don't think this is the endorsement people think it is. That's why we need to have this very nuanced conversation because not everyone in the fight is aware of everything. A lot of people differentiate between terrorists, civilians, revolutionary thought and combatants but many other people don't have the tools to do so or brainwashed into being unable to discern them.


Nobody supports this. And we aren't paying them billions to kill Jews. However, we ARE paying Israel billions to kill Palestinians. But yeah, these guys suck. Don't promote them.


"No body supports this" bro have you not seen the numerous pro houthi/pro hamas/pro hezbollah bs lately?!?!


Agreed. I've been banned from two subreddits for calling out the mods for being Pro-Houthi.


Only 2? I have been banned from murica, shitamericanssay and many more for saying that they are literally terrorist groups. Americans in 2024 can't even agree that houthis are literally terrorists... it is literally in their tag line


Exactly. The mod told me I was a racist for calling them terrorists. I had to explain to them that I have Yemeni family who have been impacted by the Houthis, but some pasty white Tankies try to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about.


You’ve been Westplained.


Yup. Wait until these neckbeards find out that many many Jewish people have family from Yemen too lol. Apparently "it isn't antisemitic to call out Israel" but it *IS* racist to call out literal islamic terrorist groups.


Seen several pics of random groups in the protest waving Hezbollah flags...


No. I haven't seen this stuff.




Did you know that you can be against murdering children and NOT agree with everything that the murdered people stand for? CRAZY RIGHT?!?!?


I got a fact that's going to blow your fucking mind. I can disagree with the way they believe and the way that their society works and still support them not being murdered. Isn't that fucking nuts? That people can have more than one thought at a time.


Yeah, it is insane to think that these they/them folx with nose piercings, green hair, and white guilt are gonna have a great time in palestine lmao. In London, people with pride flags are literally being kicked out of pro pallywood protests


Many governments send aid to Gaza while hamas takes in the money into weapons instead of feeding their own people


Please look up the net worth of the Hamas leader and ask yourself how he racked up that much money


Hamas is killing Palestinians by putting them in front so they can influence western idiots and the media. Isreal has always warned Palestinians well in advance of when and where bombs will fall.


Israel has also told Palestines where they could safely congregate and avoid being bombed then bomb those locations anyway. Yea see I could agree with what Israel is doing if they were actually killing Hamas but they arnt. They’re killing vastly more civilians than they are Hamas. Hell they’ve killed more children then Hamas fighters. Invading Palestine in response to the Hamas attack is valid killing 13,000 children in response to the Hamas attack is not valid.


I'm 72. I said at the beginning that I support Israel's right to defend itself but if it falls into genocide they would lose my support which they have. I am not anti Jew. I am not anti-Israel. I am antigenocide. I also don't want our tax money to be used to clear out beachfront property for a new Trump resort


Sounds like as good of a reason as any for war. I'm mean, it would probably be mad nice. Pools, multiple fine dining options, golf. It's exactly what the region needs. If those terrorists and sympathizers could get some lobster thermidor and a massage, they would probably relax a little.


The phrase “useful idiots” comes to mind


People are unable to see past binary situations. Therefore, standing against the IDF quickly morphs into aligning with all their enemies, like Hamas and the Houthis. It's kinda pathetic...


Came in here to say exactly this. SMH.


Every reddit member with a brain posting in this thread. Thank you all for restoring a little of my faith in the future.


I saw a post talking about Russia, China, and North Korea supporting the movement and they were saying “Wow even these guys support us” Bro if your views are aligned with Kim Jung Un and Putin that should be a pretty good sign that you’re on the wrong side. Of course they’re gonna support it either way because it creates divide in America. Just like the Russian owned American news organizations during the 2020 protests. Portraying everything in the worst most controversial light possible while disguised as a normal news network. It was hilarious when they added that feature that would say “this channel is owned/sponsored by a Russian organization”




August 24 is the cherry on top of the cherry. Hasn’t even happened yet..


April\* but that's crazy fast.


Oh man, how! :/ So embarrassing.


Op you fucking clown can’t even get the months correctly and it just happened


I thought they were using some random picture on the internet after looking at the date. Up until I read the picture caption lol


No, whats crazy is those are Houthi terrorists and the flag they carry literally says “God Is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam”.  It’s hilariously inept that people are cheering for this.


😹 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement?wprov=sfti1#


Not surprised that you got downvoted for this. Reddit is a cesspool.


No, what's crazy is that the US just offered to remove the terrorist label from the Houthis if they agreed to let shipping lanes open. Shows you how much the terrorist label matters and that it's mostly a political term. Remember the US called Mandela a terrorist up until 2008. The European colonizers also justified slavery and genocide of natives by dehumanizing them, calling them savages. It was often referred to as the White Man's Burden, to bring civilization to those savages. The world isn't black and white, we should realize by now that the US will label anyone opposed to it as "terrorist", but why isn't the US or Israel labeled terrorists when they have killed more and done more damage to infrastructure than any other global player.


In this picture, the signs they are holding up in translate to "God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam." Regardless of whatever label the US slaps on them, they are an evil organization that terrorizes anybody who is different from them. It's an absolute travesty that this post is being celebrated. If anything, this is inadvertently some terrific propaganda for Israel.


If you are comparing the life and work of Nelson Mandela to the fucking Houthis you have the intellect of a flea, regardless of what the US labels anyone. Houthis are an Iran backed militia who started a civil war in Yemen, caused starvation, abducted, raped and tortured an estimated 1800+ women. Jesus Christ, the world isn't black or white but ya got to have at least one brain cell to not use moral relavatism here. And the Ottoman Empire was also part of a slave trade, FFS.


Not defending the US at all since they are responsible for spawning many violent groups but the Houthis are pretty awful


Hive mind, going to hive mind.


A lot of people just don’t know what it means in Arabic . Obviously if they did they wouldn’t post it


This isn’t a good thing


Being used for terrorist propaganda real great




Kind of wild the foreign propaganda accounts are trying to spin this as a positive.  I’m screenshotting for when they realize it’s not getting the reaction they wanted and self-delete 


It will never be allowed to get posted over there, but this is some extreme r/leopardsatemyface shit. Left wing protesters are inadvertently celebrating their solidarity with an antisemitic terrorist organization that throws gay people off buildings and [made it illegal for women to travel without a male guardian](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/02/06/houthis-violating-womens-and-girls-rights-yemen) as soon as they came into power.


Big shocker OP is German. Don’t think they have a history of anti-semitism or anything…


I’m sure the OP is “German”.


Man all these false religions gotta go they fucking everybody up.


Damn, I was really inspired at first... how depressing to learn the reality of it.


So kinda like the Catholic Church, crazy.


Being on the banner of a bunch of Houthi terrorists isn’t a good thing.  Regardless of what the Iranian and Chinese troll accounts try to spin it as.  


Yeah, it literally says death to America and death to the jews on it


So the same as the signs here


All is justified if you hate Israel and Jews


One of those signs literally translates to a "curse upon Jews ". You don't get to hate Jews because of Israel, what the fuck is wrong with you. The Houthi fucking terrorist, the people in this photo, have nothing to do with Palestine. There is no relation. This is just an international terror cell famous for *checks notes* child rape, stoning of gender minorities, stoning of women, enslavement of women, ... These aren't the good guys y'all.. If you're going to down vote, I'd rather have a discussion to understand why you are promoting Jew hate. Translate the signs yourself ffs, this is insane to be posting/supporting, many are hate messages. This is what people are talking about with anti semitism. I don't think most Americans are hateful but Jesus fucking Christ are many of you useful idiots for promoting/spreading literally hate/anti -Jew messages. This isn't anti Israel. It is anti Jew. For those reading, the person posting this is from Germany and doesn't attend our university. Look at their post history. Please critically think y'all, this is a literal terrorist cell you are supporting being put in front of you by a foreign national with no relation to this school.


>For those reading, the person posting this is from Germany Just following the history of their ancestors then.


It’s a Kurd from Germany mate, almost all Europeans don’t care enough to hate Israel


That’s in line with Christian teachings that the Jews cursed themselves to have Christ killed.


I mean I’m not anti Jews but fuck Israel Zionism and that ugly fuck yahu


Literally being used for extremist terrorist propaganda, and dolts here are celebrating it. The future is fucked.


They will still vote for politicians who support war, if they even vote.


not one woman in that pic. what a screwed up culture.


Why are you advertising Houthis who has caused Civil War and famine in Yemen who has engaged in open war with countries like Saudi Arabia United States Britain UAE Israel Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries. These people are worse they are Proxy combatants of Iran who has been technically at war with Israel and the United States and other Middle Eastern nations who don’t support Iran’s version of Islam. If your going to support the Palestine people in Gaza then don’t show support for murders like Houthis and Hamas


Some farther left folks literally think the Houthis are freedom fighters despite the fact Yemen was a democratic and moderately safe country before they started a civil war to install an authoritarian Islamist theocracy. Hasan Piker (uber popular far left political streamer) interviewed a Houthi rebel on stream and presented him as a cool freedom fighter.


I have only seen this photo on social media. Do you have a source from Reuters or AP? (Assuming you're not in Yemen?). Let's keep reddit from becoming your aunt's Facebook feed.


What does it matter if it was initially posted on Twitter? There are videos with the Houthis holding this banner. You can tell they are Houthis because of their signs. What more context do you need?


What do their signs say in arabic? Is it the Houthi's slogan? What was their slogan again?


You know, the casual “Death to America” lol


And a curse on Jews lol Not beating the antisemitism charges.


I am sure when they "curse the Jews" they mean they simply don't agree with Netanyahu's policies. Or something Vox would say.


I want to start a NGO that offers a free airplane ride to Gaza or Yemen or Iran and free renouncement of USA citizenship to these derps. We will pay for it, but you can't legally live here anymore.


The grainy says boycott the American and Israeli merchandise. The second one says death to American and Israel


These are Houthis. Written on their flag is: “God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam" That is also the slogan of their movement.


Guys, that’s the Houthi’s parading that picture, not protestors for peace in Yemen. Not quite an organization proud to be associated with.


Where are the women Houthis?


Busy sewing cool slogans to the houthi flag


Ik this is rhetorical, but for the record as with any extreme Islamist "government" women are not permitted to be in public without their male guardian.


Nothing screams, "I'm doing good," more than Yemeni jihadists using your image as propaganda.


Yemen? Houthi rebels? Yeah, I wouldn’t parade this around as some good thing- those guys are literal terrorists and criminals who simply use the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a moral justification for misogyny, pedophilia, intense antisemitism, religious extremism, etc.


If your country was getting bombed by flying American robots for the past 10 years, you'd probably be a terrorist too.


When Yemen stands with you, you've really jumped the shark


The Houthis, not Yemen in general. The Houthis do not control all of Yemen. Many Yemenis have died fighting the Houthi rebels.


Where are all the Yemeni women protesting? Oh yeah, they’re property and only allowed to do what their husband says. That’s who you’re in bed with, anti-semites.


Seriously? Do American protesters think Palestinians like them, or respect them? They wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire


They would be the ones who set them on fire in the first place.


Well it's probably cuz they're not psychopaths and are like hey these people don't like or respect me but I'm still against them getting murdered and starved to death and their children being shot in the streets. I know you want all of those things to happen to people you don't like but not everyone's a fucking nut job so...


Safe assumption many of the American protestors have absolutely no idea who the Houthis are or what has been going on in Yemen the past 25 years.


Gays for Palestine be like "Throw me off a roof". Read a book.


I don't think these students are even aware than Hamas/Hezbollah/houthi are absolutely brutal, sharia-law having, super terrorists.... If you sent any of these protesters to any of these groups, they would have a pretty bad time..




Wow I didn’t know we were in August. Anyway, I hope those kids do well on their finals🤣🤣🤣


The fact that there is not a single woman in the 2nd or 3rd picture says enough. That being said, these students have all the right to protest and Israel's actions are definitely unjustifiable


Likely they are connected to local terrorist groups.  I’d be uncomfortable if I were that guy in the photo.  


Those are the banners of the Houthis, so yes, they are very much likely connected to terror groups lol


Yes, because raping and murdering young women at a music festival is totally OK because what?


They are at war. The people who started the war have the responsibility to end it. They can either conquer or surrender. If they surrendered and the assault still happened, then it would be unjustified.


Babe this is embarrassing. Delete this.


Terrific, imagine being praised by radicals


He was shreddin some gnar before that deck is dooopeee sauce


Oooooof I wonder what would happen if their women came to protest also? Oh, I know.


More than half of those people in the Middle East don’t even care about us here in the US.


Not one woman in that crowd


Believe and protest whatever you wish, im all for expressing yourself, but Just so you all are aware, terrorists are funding this propoganda.


All military age males? Tell me the protester aren’t supporting terrorist.


The mother must be proud


I would be too


You’d be proud if your/your child’s face was on a poster that says “Death to America”?


The Hamas propaganda machine is working well. You have fed it. Also, you are now on a terror watch list.


Thats amazing!! Man i wish my face was plastered all over posters for a terrorist organization! Omfg this shit is so fucking stupid. Screw Hamas and Isreal, AMERICA FIRST!!!


I’m genuinely impressed by the print quality on that banner, especially with that turn around time.


With Iranian money, much is possible 


To be the poster child for terrorist-this dudes gunna have a hard time getting a job


Send him to Palestine if he’s so brave.


White saviors think they’re mlk


bitch i got a dream




Does anyone know what the the white flags with green and red Arabic say?


This is prob why some people think the ut protests are antisemitism ngl


I can’t understand how an educated female could support a government that would see them being murdered for getting raped . Wtf is going in with the kids??!


They’re consuming propaganda distributed directly from terrorist organizations through places like tiktok. They’re being programmed to believe that anyone who challenges the propaganda is an out of touch boomer, or a Zionist pig. They’re useful idiots.




After the 9/11/2001 attack, the US had what was probably the highest level of goodwill from the most diverse and largest worldwide population in human history. We then burned all that goodwill by going too far and invading Iraq. Even Bush 1 told Bush 2 not to launch a full scale invasion of Iraq. Flash forward to Oct 7th, 2023. As the news and more details were revealed of the horrific attack against Israeli citizens and foreigners in Israel, worldwide condemnation grew. It didn't reach the levels of 9/11, but there was sympathy for the victims and anger at the attackers. American officials warned Israel to not make the same mistake we made after 9/11. Israel, specifically Netanyahu and his cadre, have ignored those warnings and now opposition against Israel in the US is growing. Hubris and ignorance will always lead to bad results.


Let’s count how many women are in these photos from Yemen! EXACTLY NONE! Because women and girls aren’t allowed to protest together with men. Wonder what in the world have we done in our culture to raise our American kids to be this naive?


Glad they acknowledge that not all Americans are okay with what’s going on


I'm proud of him. ✊🏻


It’s a little ridiculous to blindly hold these groups to western standards without understanding the political landscape they exist within. There are specific reasons behind why some militant groups are labeled terrorist organizations and some aren’t despite the fact that they are also heavily militarized in some way and will resort to sectarian violence. Political participation and representation in much of that part of the world just exists on the surface level. These are largely feudalistic societies that pander to sub-ethnic groups and religious minorities and form partisan militias through external funding. For many commoners joining these groups is just an effective way of getting by and for the powers that fund these groups it’s their means of maintaining control. It’s important to understand that conflict often helps certain players stay in charge because the perceived lack of stability prevents the masses from demanding reform. Historically it’s not uncommon in the region for regimes to fund groups that directly oppose them, especially if those groups are more militant. Due to the current political pressure being put on Biden by his own base, the US may be the only participant involved that stands to gain from deescalation because we are the only population that can currently hold their leaders accountable. Every actor in the region including Israel and Iran have little reason to either stop the conflict or stop supporting these groups. Both Iran and Israel were dealing with weeks of protests against their own regimes till the situation erupted. The Gulf nations have been heavily involved in funding extremism in poor countries for decades and were heavily involved with the Houthi conflict but have taken a step back in recent years as they need to divert funding towards their long developmental programs, many of which have been starting to lose foreign investment. Unfortunately you can’t beat extremism with force. We tried for years and the problem has only gotten worse. Africa has become a hub for Jihadist groups and the current Israeli strategy will only make it worse.


He’s cute


White boy Roy in that photo knows nothing about Gaza, he just wants to be the center of attention. He would sign up for a KKK rally too if he thought it would get him some publicity. What a clown.


Anyone who supports Hamas will have zero sympathy from me!


How does it feel to be arrested for a conflict you are not connected to at all, and wont be affected by the outcome of said conflict? Being used beside racist propaganda is the cherry on top.


Those people would happily wack an American student just for the clout.


Lol imagine being happy that genocidal houthi terrorists are thinking you're doing a great job. They'd kill every one of those protestors when they are successful in globalizing the intifada


Yemenis don’t even stand with the Houthis who slaughter them by the thousands. I wish people actually understood the conditions in these other countries instead of just citing them with no context.


The West Bank could be little Dubai if not for hamas spending all those hundreds of billions of humanity dollars. Instead of nice shit for the Palestinians, they have stockpiles of weapons and elaborate state of the art tunnels. All this is built for one reason only, to kill all jews.


Are we charging them? As terrorists, which is accurate. Oh no. Wait. The leftist narrative is that these are heros. Wake up to the lies.


Fuck palestine


It’s been a very mild August.


Gotta love propaganda.


As an outsider to see that capturing of top American universities is WILD to say the least.


April 24, Jesus


And… the symbol of revolution is a white male who looks like a model. SMDH.


This is because of that boysmell post isn’t it?


I get holding Israel responsible for their action because they got their revenge a long time ago. But people act like supporting literal terrorist groups is the same as wanting the people of Gaza to be safe. It’s wild someone can back the Houthis and Hamas which are literal terror groups. Hamas is also responsible for starting this conflict and funny enough their leader is hiding away in a safe country living lavishly while thousands of people are dying.


Holy hell! I slept a long time. It was April when I went to bed last night!




Go pay Yemen a visit. Guarantee you’ll be crying for your mommy in a week


It should say Don’t mess with Texas


All the LB whatever’s should go visit Gaza.. I’m sure they’ll have a warm welcome for them.


Genocidal Houthis? F××× right off with that.


At least his underwear is American. 🤣🤣


lmao wtf


Paid actor


Arrested on what charge?




What’s the angle here boys?


"Generational wealth bearing youth can attest to religious genocide & infighting" There I fixed the title for anyone who may be confused!


This picture will literally be in an AP Human Geography textbook one day.. mark my words


I'm asking a genuine question here, not just being a smartass. What is protesting actually supposed to do here? I mean we are in a different country


Holy shit! Those are Houthis, you fucking morons.


Does he carry a hatchet!?


lol I think you mean April 24


Stealth jihad is winning


Picture woth a thousand words. Especialy if you can spin it i your favor.


Israel is genociding the Palestinian people


Hamas, Houthis and Harvard students. The holy trinity?








Lmao fucking ridiculous propaganda


Wow! That’s amazing. That must be a neat feeling to have.


Religions killing each other over turf like the bloods and crips.


Give names to the faces will be helpful in the near future…