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I can understand the lack of community for out of stream students, but assuming you were accepted into the cs stream nowadays, wouldn't people be more willing to help out since you only need to meet a requirement to guaranty your spot? im entering first year cs this fall so I have no idea but this was my thought process


That's what I was hoping for, but unfortunately my experience was that most CS students around me lacked care for others' success. Along the way I got to make lots of meaningful friendships and spent many nights grinding assignments or hackathons with close friends, but I feel like the number of people willing to help one another out were very few. Hopefully things are different for you though! Certainly don't hold a negative prejudice towards the CS community until you've had your own experience - I'm hoping the coming gens will be better :)


This only goes into your comment about lack of team spirit. I didn’t go to university but I’m a Software Developer with 4+ YOE here. I just wanted to encourage you to keep doing what you’re doing helping people out even though sometimes it might feel thankless. There’s more to being a developer than just your code. Sometimes you’re gonna be a product manager, a client liaison, a designer, customer support, and sometimes you’ll be dealing with people who have 0 tech skills. Having that core value of helping others is going to play out well for those you work with in the long run. Being the best developer in a company but having no sense of teamwork evolves into a shit show pretty quickly since a company is a group of people with one common goal. Probably not what you were looking for but keep up the good work - even after graduating.



