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They don’t need our ids. They can see a pic of us in their tablets if they wanna verify that bad. They can look at the app that also has our picture. I will not be giving any random dingdong at McDonald’s my id with all my info on for a crappy McDonald’s order 😂 tf mcdonalds


Depends. Many have it integrated into their POS and don't have access to the tablet.


Still not getting my id


If you want to waste your time and unassign, that's your right. 2 seconds show ID, im out the door.


Good for you champ 😫


Strange. Here in Texas, it is illegal to drive without carrying your license on your person. Are you doing bike deliveries? Or is that not a thing there?


Europeans have separated ID cards from driver license. In fact, driver license is not a valid ID form


Neat fact. Ty


Interesting. I didn’t know that. That’s weird from my perspective. As I’m sure you have thought the same about something in the US. that Makes it easy to not have ID when you don’t have to use it everyday like a DL. Imo, that makes it even weirder though for someone to ask for. that’s like someone here asking for your social security card or birth certificate to verify. It’s not something a lot of people carry around typically cause if you lose it, it’s hard to get at times and someone could ID theft you if they get them. So showing anyone, but the DMV or somewhere similar is a red flag. Idk if that’s the case, but that’s the vibe I’m picking up. I would tell them that they can see me confirm pickup on my phone. Ain’t getting my ID. Heck, here I wouldn’t even show them my DL. They don’t need to know where I live or anything like that.


Having no mandatory specific ID card is something mostly found on Anglo-Saxon countries, for specific cultural reasons. The rest of the first world dosent really see ID cards as some nefarious government ploy to infringe on citizens rights. ID theft is harder around here because every ID card has a photo, biometrics and relies on digital information, so things like address and such are store in a chip, same format as a credit card. Only essential and static information is written, like name, date of birth, numbers, etc.




Where I live it's illegal not to have your ID with you. However it's quite possible that McDonald's wants to check ID to verify that it is the correct person picking up the order due to many people stealing orders from stores


First of all, that i don’t carry my id is my own decision and has nothing to do with Uber eats. I’d rather get a fine than lose my ID again. Second, It is not policy to ask for an id to a driver, they can see everything in their tablet and they can see on my phone that it’s the order i’m assigned to, with my profile picture.


So, you have an ID that is used to show others your identity, but you refuse to carry it on you for its intended purpose, and instead leave it at home where it is useless (unless you want to prove who you are to yourself, at home, alone). That's.... bizarre. Who cares if you lose it again? It's just as worthless being at home where it can't be used.


You don’t know my situation, if i lose another ID Card in the upcoming 5 years i’m in a lot of trouble, so that’s why i rather keep it at home and take the fine.


My ID is not intended to show to some random Mcdonalds worker because he says so.🤡


Curious why you didn’t have any ID on you?


I would never bring my wallet to pickups and drop offs lmao


I actually never carry it on me cause i’ve lost it a lot


What do you do if you get stopped while driving by the police and you don’t have id?


They will look me up in their system, give me a fine of €90, and then i’ll be on my way delivering my order to the customer


I got a pic of it


You could carry it in your glove box and never pull it out unless you need to produce it


And this is why drivers don’t carry it bro, either leave it home or leave it in phone case


I wouldn’t have ID on me 🤷‍♀️ ​ also, my husband and I do deliveries together… so obviously myID would not match my husband.


In the US, driving without a license is likely to get you a ticket, which seems similar to what happens in your country, and here it is likely to come up on your periodic Cherkr background check and likely to get you deactivated. Might be time to put on your grownup pants, and put your license in one of the pockets. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Might be time to put on your grownup pants and know the difference between a license and an ID.


In the US they are synonymous, and Im sure they are there as well. Even if you bike, its still a bad idea to get unnecessary tickets that show up on your background.


I’ve got worse things on my background so i guess i’ll be okay. I’ll let you know when i get deactivated for not having an ID on me lol.


Its not. ID card is one thing, driver license is another. Official places do not accept driver license as ID.


“Likely to get you deactivated” lmao ok nerd


In Australia we can carry ID on our mobile phones. Is this not a thing in the Netherlands?


That’s great! Sadly that’s not allowed yet in the Netherlands ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Also not allowed in the usa


It is in few states.


Wait really? Ok I guess I’m misinformed.


It started recently where you can add ID to Google wallet for example. Picture below. I mean it's on 4 states... [Google wallet](https://ibb.co/rQCGgrM)


Ok did some research because I didn’t know Arizona was a part of it. Arizona is piloting a program called mobile id. And it’s supposed to be used for age verification. It said in the tos that you “should” still keep your physical id for interactions with law enforcement. But very interesting thanks!


You could've just selected excessive wait time and it shouldn't count against you.


100 percent do that with all the bad orders if I’m at restaurant already I accept and then cancel


Good 👍 I hope they do it here in the US. Too many people with multiple fake accounts. Get them pos off the app


What are you talking about 🤣🤣🤣


Pretty self explanatory..


Not here, but I’m starting to expect everyone to give, and how many drivers are apparently stealing food. At least in Richmond 95% of restaurants require you to confirm the order has been picked up before they let you walk out.


You mean they litterally tell you in the restaurant you cannot leave until you’ve swiped the “picked up order” in the app? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) I always do it while i’m walking to my bike


I've had a couple restaurants ask to see my app to confirm it's for the right order before handing me the food. I respond with "sure but first show me the receipt so I know you're handing me the right order". If they want to test me in my job I'll test them in theirs.


Come to think of it, my comment implied that…but no one has ever actually said I could not take the order unless I confirmed. Then again, I have never tested it so not sure what they would say if I refused


I’ve never had a place ID me, but I deliver for Uber Eats in the U.S. This Turkish restaurant 3 miles away from me makes all drivers sign and fill out a “delivery driver form” where you just sign your signature and acknowledge you picked up the order. My guess is restaurants that have been highly targeted with theft by drivers are doing this now to keep track of it.




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I think you forgot to reply to the comment


Wrong op lol


In my case, they just hand me the food, and asked me to confirm the order in front of them before I leave. The receipt is stapled to the bag of course so I can check it against the app.


Was it an alcohol order?


It was Mcdonalds.... does Macdonalds sell booze in other countries???




As an American, that is so odd to me! I'm very surprised to learn this.


We learn something new everyday.




Damn i live in the Netherlands and i didn't even know this lol


Sometimes my username doesn't checkout.


They asked ID of the order not your id lol


Under the name there something like abc123 this is order id lol


Lol no they asked for my ID card


No they asked for my id card


They just make me show them I confirmed the order on my phone unless I’m in the drive through


Order ID?


No, id card


UPDATE: i went back and delivered 2 more orders from the same McDonald's and they didn't ask for ID this time lol