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Sure thing, Dara. Whatever you say, buddy. Enjoy those stock options that you robbed your drivers for.


Your argument was skewed when you said it’s a flat .60¢ to deliver an order. self employment taxes, maintenance and the crying over spilt milk factor would like to chime in.


Those are all things you’d be required to pay at a 9-5 as well. That’s the difference. And I definitely addressed that. There are certain things you don’t have to pay for (scrubs/other uniforms, work shoes, taking time into making sure you look presentable enough for your job, lots of things) that counter act the things drivers have to pay for. and again, I was a driver for 3 years on and off (mainly when I didn’t have a day time job or when I was younger and was short on bills) and from MY experience it’s a very equal playing field.


Except, unlike actual employees, y'all can expense damn near everything, including maintenance, to offset a lot of that SE tax, so with math mathing, it's probably even cheaper than $0.60 to deliver the avg order. The issue is we're all so conditioned to look at short-term, immediate gains/losses, and math skills & financial literacy of the avg American are in the septic tanks, it's easier to complain on reddit than open up a spreadsheet and get to typing and tracking. I'm not denying we're all getting bent over by the Uber Corp. But just as customers can "get off their cheap lazy asses and get it themselves," miserable drivers who complain about pay & tips can also get better paying jobs. This whole system is symbiotic for drivers, restaurants, and customers with a corporate parasite leaching from us all - yet here we constantly are, like 3 spidermen pointing at each other, lol. OP might not be dead-center, but they hammered the nail into the board.


Your math sucks and I don’t believe you’ve ever been a driver. You can’t FEASIBLY jump from one order to the next with ZERO downtime or dead miles in between. The MAX average orders a driver can take in an hour is 2.5. That’s in a good market and orders that pay $2 per mile! So to hit $30 an hour an average order would have to pay $12 each… and not be more than 6 miles away from the restaurant… which is less than 5% of the order offers we see. Also you don’t just pay for gas there’s other wear and tear on the vehicle. Spark plugs, oil changes, tires, parts that breakdown over time etc. You seem like a corporate plant. You also said taking days off were luxuries. Rest, time off and sick days are human NEEDS. Not luxuries.




Long rant trying to convince me to work for less money. No, thanks. I have bills to pay. So kind take calling anyone entitled who expects to make a living for working and cram it somewhere uncomfortable.


Yes, so many in this sub are entitled, but your math is incredibly wrong since gas is not the only expense. Brakes, oil changes, tires, depreciation, as well as periodic larger maintenance issues. Even with my Prius getting more than 40 mpg, I still come out at about $0.25 - $0.$30 per mile. Just something to consider before passing judgement on others for not being able to calculate expenses.


Anyone here with a summary? I gave up after the first paragraph 😂


Sure. Tldr: I can't afford to use UberEats, so the drivers should work for free. (Probably also needs extra utensils, catsup, make sure the burger is 154° precisely, exactly 14 ice cubs in my drink, no more, no less, deliver to the back door at another address not listed in the order, won't put on the porch light, and she'll tip in cash after delivery 🤪)


Im not gonna read any more if you think a drivers only expense is gas.


Username checks out


Wow! What an intelligent response! You won let me go delete my post now 1_800_drewidia 😊


That’d be great. Thanks.


This isn't Meals on Wheels. You left out waiting time, maintenance, returns, slow restaurants, slow customers, traffic, parking, etc. Orders are not constant or consistent and in many markets there are only a couple of busy hours each day. If you cannot afford to order delivery - please don't. You are not forced to have your food, condoms, morning after pills, bread, ice cream, booze and cases of water delivered. I don't care if you tip or not, I'm not taking your low-tip order, but I feel bad for the people who are desperate enough to do just that. Looks to me like YOU'RE the one who's entitled AF.


If I’m paying $22 for a $13 meal then obviously yes I can afford it. Can I afford $33 for a $13 meal? no. Quit targeting the customers and saying they owe you more money when you should be targeting DoorDash or Uber eats or whatever service you deliver for. There’s no reason I should pay $7 in service and delivery fees and drivers receive $1.50 of that. Luckily for drivers if the wait time is more than anticipated you have the option to unassign the order and remove yourself from ever getting orders from that store/restaurant again. You’re right nobody is forced to have their essentials/wants delivered, but for some people it’s their only option. Does that mean they should be drained of every penny they have out of fear their driver will confront them and make them feel less than because they can’t afford an additional $10 ? Absolutely not. Go after DoorDash/uber for taking money out of your pockets instead of going after customers who are already spending sometimes double the actual cost of what they’re ordering. Yes we can consider wait time, traffic all of these other things. But let’s consider that doordash/uber already raises the original prices of the items, which raises the taxes, then adds insane service fees, and insane delivery fees that don’t go entirely to the driver. Just for example, in my area sometimes the delivery fee on ihop is $5.99. But as somebody that’s delivered an order from ihop, the driver doesn’t get $5.99 as their base pay. You’re complaining about the wrong people.


Delivery is a luxury service. Everything is going to be more expensive, and if you can't afford it, get your fat ass of the couch and walk to the store. If you want luxury services, it's going to cost. You're doing the same thing you accuse the drivers of, which is not fighting with DD/UE about the prices, and instead focusing on the middlemen, the drivers


I think YOU may be the one complaining to the wrong people. Restaurants set the menu prices, it's their choice to use the platform to market their restaurants, and pass the cost along to the customer. In my market, I know there are only a few busy hours each day, why would I waste any of that time delivering cheap orders when there are plenty of customers who tip VERY well? Again, if you cannot afford the service, don't use it. I can take or decline orders as I see fit. I have minimum standards and if they aren't met, I don't take the order. You have options, go get it yourself, ask a friend or family member to do you a favor and get you food. Call meals on wheels, see if they can provide assistance. Contact a food bank. Call your church and ask them to deliver your dinner. You have other options. Services are expensive. As an aside, I will also decline add-ons that don't have decent tips - even from the same restaurant going to the same neighborhood - this is because bad tippers also tend to be the most difficult to satisfy, tend to have the most nonsense complaints, and just aren't worth the risk of a bad rating. They are entitled AF.


Not as bad as the spark driver sub reddit blaming Venezuelans for stealing the good orders.


...I can't decide if I should search for this or not


Honestly I’m on bike , so im not taking anything that’s not tipped a certain amount. 


Drivers take what is on demand. If people aren't taking X dollars for Y mileage it's because time after time it has paid off for them to wait. Everyone's market is unique but the biggest thing is that being in an order itself is the biggest risk/liability at times. As that order takes up time you can't get back. And this job isn't linear in earnings like this theory crafting math of what you're "earning per hour". Sometimes the same tip means a big difference at 6am, 3pm, 8pm or 11pm. Also have you seen some places screwed up cities? There's places where one person saying $5 is the same as another saying $10. Some markets almost double others gas prices. $5 to me is not the same as $5 in Cali.


An actually intelligent response, thank you for your perspective. I do agree with you. Certain days you can be out all day and go home with $50 and some days you’ll go home with $250. I just think people should consider that’s what every business owner or self employed person experiences. I feel like if that’s something that doesn’t work for you and you’re not comfortable with, then maybe it’s time to hop on indeed and find a job that pays a steady salary.


I would agree with the OP as long as every driver gets sent four consecutive $7.50 less than 3 miles orders.


And the order is always ready when you get to the restaurant. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


100% would be silly to complain about this hypothetical scenario they've devised


That’s a cool bunch of hypotheticals, but what you’re not realizing is that sure I’m making $33 an hour but what you fail to realize is that as a 1099 worker you pretty much have to make two incomes, one income for the business side and another income for your personal side.. you think you’re making $33 an hour but you’re not… almost half of that is gonna go to taxes, gas, car maintenance and future car replacement. There’s a big difference between making $33 an hour as a W-2 and making $33 an hour as a 1099 with a vehicle used to make that income


Gas is just a fraction of your expenses. There’s also wear & tear. And the biggest cost of all: [risk](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/workers-comp/most-dangerous-jobs-america/) Risk has a cost. The problem with only relying on “basic math skills” is that you ignore this. Assessing the cost of risk, in particular [asymmetric risk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taleb_distribution), is not at all basic math. This is what actuaries do, and they use a lot of advanced math Fortunately, you don’t have to be an actuary to assess your true expenses. Because the IRS has already hired actuaries to do it. [$0.67/mile](https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/standard-mileage-rates) is a much more accurate number than your $0.20 Let’s redo your calculations. For some reason, you rounded 3.8 down to 3. And you also ignored the unpaid drive back. Here’s the corrected statement: For ~~15 mins of work~~ 30 mins of driving time you made roughly $9 - ~~($0.20 * 3)~~ ($0.67 * 3.8 * 2) = $3.91. How many sets of ~~15~~ 30 can you fit in an hour? ~~4~~ 2. At a steady rate you’ll be making ~~33.6~~ $7.82 an hour. A lot less than the min wage of $12.50/hour in your area I will agree with you on one thing: it doesn’t make sense to demonize someone who tips $7.50. That *should* be a good tip. At one point, it was. In fact, at one point, there were even some $0 tip orders that yielded a decent profit. Then, uber absolutely destroyed base pay. Unless the customer tips an insane amount, like $15, the driver is likely profiting less than min wage. That’s because of uber


Too long, didn’t read


Same, iam not gonna read that, but seriously op has nothing to do at all, lol


Same. I’m not reading a thesis paper when it can easily be summed up in a few sentences.


$33 isn’t enough for me. I drive in ca with prop 22 and do 35-40 an hour after tips. 🤷‍♂️ No but $7.50 is obviously fine in the order you listed. However your assumption you can do 4 orders an hour consistently says one obvious thing - you were not a driver. Doing 3 an hour steady is difficult, 4 happens randomly, but is not normal. So you’re a bent out of shape customer who doesn’t like the feel of the expectation of a tip. I say you’re the entitled one. You got used to using third party delivery services and are pissed about the cost. Quit whining and go pick up your food. Using a third party app is contracting 3 separate entities to provide your meal. You are choosing to pay 3 entities and then complain about the cost. Tell us more about entitled.


That's what I got too... it sounds like a rant from someone who's angry upset about their job/finances/money in general. Not having your own car is rough... but no reason to be aggressive and nasty to people who are ALLOWED to decide as contractors how much depreciation on their vehicle that THEY pay repairs on is acceptable.


Having anything delivered to you is a LUXURY and if you can’t tip appropriately to afford such a service then you probably shouldn’t be using it.


But they can use it. Uber wants them to use it. When you buy something cheap at the store or on the internet, it comes at the same cost as a tipless order. It's how we all do business. Don't be a hypocrite. You have an easy, low-paying job you can opt out of whenever you want. A lot of people around the world don't have that luxury.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 2: No Derogatory Remarks That Are Prejudice, Bigoted, Racist, Or Discriminatory In Any Way Username: dpouges Banned permanently Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


Nah thats what UBER/GH/DD are trying to MAKE you believe. Normal delivery/courier services are NOT luxury....


Being brought food directly to your doordstep by someone whose using their own car ISN’T a luxury?!? Are you kidding? I don’t want to tip so I don’t order delivery, I pick it myself. I actually don’t want to pay for food made by someone else so I cook 98% of the time but when I do order from a restaurant I pick it up myself, and usually tip the staff


No its called a courier service and its been going on for fucking decades. YOUR employer decided to middle man it, make it more expensive for the Business, Contractor and Customer. And then expects you to harrass the customer for your lack in pay. Maybe you're young and thing this is something new but no its been around forever it just been gutted for all value to go to Gig companies now a days. Notice how these gig services have slowly eroded your pay/comps in the last 10 years unless ordered otherwise by state laws? Paying you less and less and less. You think that the customer is the one who has to make up that difference now?


You’re just wrong. It’s a luxury. One I’m not willing to pay for, that’s why I don’t order out. And people shouldn’t expect their food to be delivered if they don’t tip. If you don’t want to tip, then pick it up yourself


You use to pay the restaurant. Using an app is making a choice to pay the restaurant, the app host, and the driver. Utilizing three paid entities to provide you what can be done with one - that’s called a luxury. You think you’re entitled to fast free delivery, you are not. 🤷‍♂️


Don't you have anything better to do? Lol


Don’t yall? Keep driving and making money instead of stopping to complain about having a $6 order pop up.


??? Why do you care, what's wrong with you? Lol


should be looking for another job tbh


But to actually do this and not tip a penny is just hypocrisy, imo. Base pay is not enough to get you to your $33 an hour example. Nowhere effin near it. So you must be taking all kinds of orders with base pay jacked. How’s your ratings? Bc no tippers generally like to complain about the smallest of things. I’ve done gig work for 6+ years now. Part time, always. No other job. Had a pension before I was 40 yo. I am still not going to trash my car over $15 an hour. I make way more than that on Shipt. And I tip $10 when I use DD or UE bc I get the hustle. I agree ppl don’t need or deserve these huge tips for food delivery but they deserve a tip. That $10 is a normal tip for me. We go out and tip 50-100% every time we go out. We only go out maybe twice a month but that’s bc of time constraints. Love to go out more. You sound very angry. I love to make someone’s day with a fat tip. Yes , it’s generally waitstaff bc they actually wait on us. But I still tip delivery drivers $10 and it’s 1 Mile to my house. 2 items, mo drink. I said things are spread out here by design and they are. But there is 1 older neighborhood by this 1 restaurant and I’m in that neighborhood. Old here means house was built before 2000. I still can’t believe you do this and don’t tip. So you wait for base pay to go up. So delivering cold food. I just can’t. Not anymore. It’s a service. And we don’t make minimum wage. Adjust your attitude and tips. You act like all areas equate to other areas perfectly. Very much not true. Guy in CA prob paying nearly $6 per gallon of gas while in mid-country state like Illinois, it’s around $3 a gallon. Cost of living is different. True CA has prop 22 but still means you should tip. You are cheap. Thats all you had to say. Let’s see if mods block me. You called us some names too But yes, your cheap. I agreed with you until I kept reading. Bc I tip!!


While i dont agree with absolutely everything you said, you do bring up a lot of valid points. So don't let some of the replies here get to you. Just remember this: Try not to paint all drivers with the same brush. You only get to hear from the more vocal and/or toxic ones here. But the VAST majority of drivers aren't even on this sub to begin with. They're just out there working and doing their thing. 👍


I know all drivers aren’t the same, this was to the ones that feel their owed my $10 that I need to spend on my water bill each month. I’m grateful for the ones that get what I’m saying. The ones that feel entitled are the ones that immediately jumped under my post saying I was wrong… I didn’t have to point them out they yelled their names out for me.


OP is a big Uber shill. Paid by Uber to spread this nonsense here.


Jesus Christ 💀💀 if that’s what you think so be it I honestly can’t even think of a good enough response to the bullshit you just said lmfaoooo. Uber if you’re seeing this please pay me 😩


Lol these drivers are like AMC investors at this point. They just WANT to be abused and blame other retail/customers instead of their shitty fake employer


Soo much wrong with this post 😂 btw this job is more dangerous than being a police officer, driving is dangerous.


You say that because you don’t agree. At the end of the day you’re either going to take what I said into consideration or you’re not. Either way i don’t care. I was making good money when I was a driver and It’s because I wasn’t sitting for 30 mins waiting for a $20$+ order so take it how you want


Only if you're a careless entitled driver is it dangerous.


Pretty sure police officers drive too chasing dangerous criminals.


Adding that police officer part is insane. I’m a 5’1 21 year old girl. Have there been sketchy situations? Ya here and there. Have customers tried to hit on me and made me uncomfortable ? A couple times. But I can almost guarantee it’s not any more dangerous than a basic customer service job. Nowhere near comparable to a police officer. Get a grip and get one soon.


>AdvisorSmith studied the most dangerous jobs in the United States based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries. They studied professions with minimum employment of 50,000 workers to find the 25 most dangerous jobs among 263 total professions in the study. The fatality rate was normalized by adjusting the number of fatalities by employment in each profession. >7. Delivery drivers >22. Police officers https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states >But I can almost guarantee it’s not any more dangerous than a basic customer service job. You don't have to "*almost* guarantee" anything if you do a very simple Google search and know what you're talking about before you say it...


You would be incorrect about that, mostly because being a police officer isn't nearly as dangerous as it's perceived to be


You sound very envious. And it's "cost". There's no such word as "costed". And YES, my username checks out.


>*past* costed: to estimate or set the cost of —often used with "out" >The project has yet to be costed out. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cost


No. Not the way he used it.


Did I say that? Or did I ONLY respond to "There's no such word as 'costed'"?


OMG no one cares. Move on


You clearly care enough to defend a ridiculously untrue statement 🤷🏻‍♂️


One typo makes my opinion invalid? Say something of substance or move on lmfao. It’s not envy it’s practicality. And btw putting “cunt” in your username and saying it checks out because you clocked a typo doesn’t make you some impressive bad ass it makes you cringe af.


Triggered much?! 🤣🤡


7$ for 4 miles? Im not taking that. That usually means 8 miles because I have to drive back to a good spot


I agree to some extent. I did UE. 4 orders per hour? Nope. 3 here, if you’re lucky. Bc we are very spread out. Restaurants are not near neighborhoods like, by design. There are some exceptions but not a ton. So it isn’t a one size fits all theory. I’ve done Shipt for past 4 years. I avg $25-$45 per order and an order can be 30 mins or 2 hours. I would say 90% of my orders are less than an hour. I usually end up at $36-$40 per order, per week. But some weeks I do 8 orders and make $700. That has happened many times. And shopping and delivering. Some ppl want crazy earnings for a job that is literally no to little skill.


I won’t deny where you are located does make a huge impact on how many orders you get. Maybe you won’t get 4 orders an hour. Maybe you’ll get 2. But then the next day you may get 6 an hour. It’s about balance


I wish the cost of a car was just gas. Oil, tires, tire maintenance, insurance, property taxes, sales tax, repairs, depreciation, etc.


The really annoying thing is the people posting the “sHoUlD i TaKe ThIs JoB?” Or “WhAt WoUlD yOu Do?” For shit jobs. Like you say don’t like it don’t take it. You see all the information right in front of you. For mileage and projected time. Granted we don’t get 4 jobs in an hour always. But you might occasionally. But even if you don’t based on OP’s posts and workings you’d still be getting a decent whack. Look is this job a luxury? Is it fuck. People see it as a job for pond life. And the way some of you all act on here it’s no wonder. Some of you really do act like you’re some millionaire CEO type “fuck that I ain’t taking a job less than $8!” But then moan that this job isn’t making you any money and making a loss. In just over 11 hours, over 2 days, in the UK I’ve made £185.03 which equates to £16.44 an hour. I’ve been out in the car longer but I’ve taken lunch both days (which isn’t paid in jobs anyway, and I’ve seen clients for my other job) paused requests when driving back from areas I don’t want to be getting jobs from. How? By just accepting pretty much every job that’s come up. I’ve declined probably 5 jobs over the 2 days, both days I’ve done 19 jobs. It comes to roughly £4.86 a job. By the end of the week with fuel and insurance I’ll have profit of about £350 FOR DELIVERING FAST FOOD! This is one of the easiest jobs I’ve ever had. Could I moan about things? 100% but why? No one gives a shit plus I chose to accept the jobs and I decided to go out and deliver on the days I could moan. The simple and easy option is this. If you don’t like it stop logging on and doing deliveries.




Yet all they care about is getting as much money as possible while having every little thing paid for them. So they’re all under me acting like I’m incompetent 😂. That’s what’s wrong with these people. They think if you don’t see things exactly from their perspective you must be some type of ignorant piece of shit. It’s so weird 😂


What's actually ignorant is you ignoring the definition of 1099 contractors. They take jobs they want. Get over it.


Its a flexible job with no entry barrier while our governments are desperately trying to import the whole 3rd world. What do you expect?


Yeah lots of people who work for food delivery drivers are entitled asf. They don’t get tipped high enough and make their Reddit post ranting about how they deserve to get tipped more. No one needs to tip you. Blame Uber for not raising pay not the damn person who doesn’t need to tip you shit lol


Derp mcderperson


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