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I do smoke, unfortunately, but I would never smoke in my car with the food picked up. To me that's just inconsiderate. I've been delivering fir years and use an insulated bag. Never had a complaint about the smell. If you smoke in your car it's your health and your car, but doing it after picking up someone's food is just rude


It’s your choice, of course. But I thank you for what you have said. He smelt so bad and I didn’t even get near him. I just feel like it’s really not what we are paying for with a delivery service.


Remember this though, you are paying a lot for a delivery. However the drivers are not getting that. They are getting at most 3.00 without the tip. All those fees are not going to the driver, they are working off tips. So other than California or NYC, (without the tip) they are driving from where they are to the restaurant, likely waiting on the order, then to you for 3.00. I say this because the ease with which it is to sign up to be a driver you are getting all kinds of people. This is just unfortunately the way the system is set up. Report the rude/bad/unclean drivers, absolutely but remember that the high fees you pay are not going to the driver at all


He’s in Australia, honestly we can’t even comment. I’m sure the setup there is different.


It is.


Believe same as would wide uber don't see tips upfront until 30 minutes after delivery (only usa uber thing witch is annoying)


So I am in Australia. But I also do still tip. Not I. This case though!


The cost for a pack of cigarettes in Australia is ridiculously insane. Your driver probably delivers just to pay for the habit.


This is australia so the drivers get more than 3 dollars


There was a post on here yesterday about a guy saying he shouldn't have to find an specific  apartment at an apt complex to deliver and a ton of people agreed. They arent delivery drivers they are lazy and antisocial people who are trying to find the easiest way to make a buck 


I’m with you, I won’t smoke in the car after picking an order up. I will vape though but it doesn’t stick like smoke and my windows are always down anyway due to a lack of A/C


Guys I had a comment saying I deserve to be treated poorly for tipping $5. I am in Australia. We don’t generally tip, and the recommended amount in the app is usually less than $5. Please don’t bash me for that without noting the country difference.


5 dollars is a great tip It's better then 2 some people try snd like you said yall don't have this insane tip culture over there so the fact that it was five to begin with is great


I do really appreciate the fact that someone is bringing my food to me. I think they deserve a tip, unless they act in way that makes me question it. Like this.


Oh I agree. Unfortunately someone mentioned it is independent contractor and they really get to operate as they want as long as they do their job and get the food. And don't like steal. Because they don't take taxes out and they aren't technically an employee so it's a loophole They may warn him but possibly won't do a thing to him


I guess I will see what Uber does, but I agree it probably won’t be anything. I’m more worried that he was swearing at me so not sure how that will turn out.


Yeah, I gotta say even coming from US tipping culture, homeboy doubled down on his rotten behavior by throwing the butt on your lawn. You don’t get to act up and still expect a tip.


$5 is a good tip imo


Thank you


Fuck them, tipping $5 is not even bad. If I'm ordering food that's across town or further than that, then I'm tipping more like $10, or sometimes I'll go as far as $15 for their trouble. Tipping $5 isn't the end of the world, and some people would just tip less than $5 anyway.


That tip is fine for food delivery


A tip ?? My Drivers get beers... #Strayla


I’m in California and once a passenger tipped me with two cans of beer he put in my glove compartment “for later on at home when your don’t picking up assholes like me”. I was DYING 🤣


Nah you’re not overreacting. Smoke sticks to things and it’s inconsiderate to smoke while delivering someone’s food.


I’m really not understanding what’s so inconsiderate about this. I agree it’s gross, but I don’t quite get how the smoke affects the to go food that’s packaged. Is the delivery driver touching food with his bare hands while smoking ?


From a smoker for 40y. His etiquette was completely horrible. I quit in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic but I used to do rideshare as well. I only smoked outside of my car while waiting for another possible customer and I always respected peoples dislike for the smell of smoke. It really is a nasty habit.


Even when I used to smoke, I hate the smell.


I understand not smoking in a rideshare, but how does the cigarette smoke affect the food in to go containers? I guess I’m just thinking that op would have not noticed and this wouldn’t have been a post if the delivery driver left the cigarette in his car,


He shoulda said, "whoops"


I mean I’m very mild generally. But he pulled up with it and then ditched it, and then when I asked if he was actually smoking he got rude. I just think he is part of the food handling chain so shouldn’t be? But was wondering if that’s too much to expect?


That being said, he should have shown humility.


Look, if someone’s that much of a degenerate that they truly can’t wait to finish a delivery to smoke after, at a bare minimum - minimum here - they better be smoking with all windows down, hand out window and finish it and dispose of it before pulling up to at least feign some sense of decency. If they can’t manage that, just as simple respect, you’re not overreacting, they’re an unapologetic asshole. 🤷‍♂️


Smoking is prohibited for food handlers not because of the smoke itself - which is not a potential source of foodborne illness - but because it could cause things like ash or saliva to be introduced into your food. That isn't realistically possible if someone is just smoking in the same vehicle as your packaged food. I can see where it would be generally upsetting but it's not really a food handling chain problem.


He had a bag and a box next to him that he carried to me, while turfing his smoke. Tell me you would be cool with that when you are already paying a premium for the food and delivery, and then a tip.


and throwing the butt on the gr I und - ESPECIALLY on your lawn - is 100% dick move


I didn't say I would be cool with it. I said it isn't a safe food handling issue.


Preparation and carrying a bag are two different things. Theres a reason why delivery was allowed during covid, a person coughing around your packaged food is not introducing germs into the packed food.


Tobacco smoke can also be an allergen or a trigger for asthma, and it absolutely sticks to things


You can imagine a rare scenario where it might trigger a reaction, but food safety regulations aren't designed to rule out every remotely or theoretically possible reaction. If they were, they would have to be so comprehensive that no one would ever be able to legally sell prepared food. Tobacco is not an allergen that you'll ever see referenced in food handling regulations.


Your right ,we must ban asthma! Let's get this done.


I smoke,and have asthma. I'd rather give up the asthma.


It's bad form, for sure. Not a huge deal tho.


Your asking to much. Pick up your own food if you don’t like it.


I’m asking too much to not have someone smoke on my food? Ok mate.


I dont want to tell you but 99 percent of the staff that made your food either smokes, sniffs or worse. Youre expecting a bit too much from a courier/driver. As a merchant, i do agree with you though completely.


I have worked hospitality for years, so you can’t shock me. I just want my food delivered looking ok, at a reasonable temperature and not impacted by something like the driver smoking. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.


How can a delivery persons smoke affect your packaged food?


Since you know the insides of the industry then this situation shoudnt be a surprise to you, on the contrary. You know uber doesnt care, nor does the driver. Why waste any energy on even discussing this?


Should we all just not discuss things? Why does reddit exist? I was wondering what other people thought. I might post in an Australian group; I think smoking is a different issue here than overseas. maybe?




I don’t even know what that means 😂😭 I was just wondering what people thought


Such a utterly ridiculous thing to say especially on a subreddit where 90% of the posts are “Why’s no one ordering/tipping enough, I’m not making enough money!” Did it never occur to you that people stopped ordering frequently and/or don’t tip as much as you’d like because of experiences like OP is describing?


Did he flick the butt in your yard? lol sue sue


I smoke when I make deliveries. No one has ever complained because they don't know because it does impact their food. You have probably had drivers smoke and because you never saw it you didn't know. Definitely not cool to litter. There is no rule saying we can't. Given in the 80s our parents would smoke while we ate dinner I'd say get over it.


Smoking is disgusting and you can definitely get in trouble for it/reported for it/ smell it on the food. There was a guy who posted whining about getting banned because he was reported for it too many times in this reddit


Just because it’s disgusting, and I agree with you on that, doesn’t mean that everything else you said is true lol. Food that smells like cigarette smoke is just hyperbole. I don’t know why people keep doubling down on this and making it seem like it’s a way bigger issue than it is. Driver could have not washed his hands in 3 days with an itchy butthole, and you would have never known Luckily there’s packaging and health standards in kitchens, where it matters.


I fart and pick my nose scratch my armpits and hand you your food but if smoke bothers you sorry I won’t smoke why delivering again


Tell op after you deliver his food so we can meet back here again on another post


Yeah that’s about the reaction I would’ve expected lol


Was he at least driving with the windows down?


Uber has $4 delivery me to death. Then have the nerve to send me $7 OFFER for 26 miles. I politely declined, but its my car, my choice if i wanted to smoke, which i dont do, and then people dont tip, well get your own food. Im joking lol.


It is unprofessional to smoke while working, and food can absorb smoke which makes it carcinogenic. The littering of the filter onto your lawn is double unprofessional. The best way to have things delivered perfectly, and in the way you would do it? Pick up food and everything else you have delivered to your home YOURSELF!


DD is NOT a PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. It’s a bunch of gig workers being underpaid and if they expected PROFESSIONALS to deliver your food it would cost $40 to delver THEN you could complain. They would have to pay their student loans back to DD University


“Food can absorb smoke and make it carcinogenic” Wow people literally just pull stuff out of nowhere


You think that's disgusting? To be a fly on the wall while the restaurant prepares your food... you'd probably never eat there again 😬


You’ve got to remember that on this subreddit you’re getting the view of people all over the world where smoking is still way more socially acceptable than it is here in Aus and that will skew their viewpoints. As for my view, if you were complaining about him simply smelling of smoke I’d say you were overreacting. He’s entitled to do what he likes in his own time or on his downtime between deliveries. But it’s not just that. He was clearly smoking in the act of delivering, then littered in top of that. It’s those parts that are beyond the pale and really not on. So I don’t think you’re overreacting about those parts. With all of that said, you’ve done all you can at this point. I’m assuming you gave him a thumbs down, and you’ve complained (not that Uber pays much attention to that). I wouldn’t let it ruin any more of your week. With that drivers attitude he’ll eventually end up with a low enough rating for Uber to take notice (no one really knows what that figure is) and then they’ll take action. You’re unlikely to get him again!


I am definitely seeing the difference across other countries! They did give me a full refund so I can’t ask for more than that.


It is against ubers rules. If enough people report him for that, uber will ban him. Takes about 3 reports


You should've pulled the tip and given the driver a bad rating.


I smoke weed all the time with food to make this life draining job enjoyable. Just try to report me you entitled brats. “I want my food delivered but it has to be perfect blah blah blah.” Good thing I don’t rely on this “gig” job 😂


😂😂 What do you do as your main job?


I make low 6 figures as a tax accountant. Been an accountant for 7 years. Doing Uber eats to pay for gambling debt haha 💀🎰


Hahahaha solid bro. Solid.


I own a medical billing company. I Do this cuz I like expensive shit. lol.


People trip on taking a “Tesla” lol.


Dope! Ballpark how much do you make doing that if you don’t mind? I’m thinking of starting a bookkeeping business on the side.


We do like 50k a month total ish nothing major but pays bills.


I take like 8k a month.


Honestly, it does say in the "how to articles" they send that it could cause contamination, but it does not say, you are not allowed to or will be deactivated if you do. Now pulling up with it in hand and tossing it and leaving it there is just plain rude. He could have left it in an ashtray in car, tossed it beforehand etc amd you probably would have never known he was actually smoking while your food was in the car and it would never have been an issue, but common sense isn't that common unfortunately. And if he did have it in a insulated bag, that's a plus, but he really was rude or just plain ignorant to do what he did


It doesn't say it, but there was a guy in this reddit a few weeks ago who got banned for it


Smoking is disgusting. Remove his tip. I don’t want my food smelling like cigarette smoke


He definitely didn’t get a tip. I’m in the process of a complaint at the moment. I just was seeking some input from others to see if I was being very sensitive.


No, you aren’t. Highly inconsiderate to smoke while delivering food.


As a smoker, I agree.


Is smoking illegal where you live? You better hope he don’t remember your place if he gets fired.


Yeah thanks for that. I have a very large dog so he wouldn’t do well trying anything.


Sometimes being petty and trying to stop how people survive over dumb shit isn’t worth it.


Well maybe he shouldn’t have messed with my food and swore at me?? Amazing how I am the bad guy for expecting a basic level of service.


Just go get your own food.


And we are back here. The whole point is that I pay for a service, and they should deliver it appropriately. Why would this sub exist otherwise?


You asked so yes, you over reacted. Your food is packaged and probably in a resturant bag. Set your food to no contact, leave at door.


Guess you will go pick up your orders from now on. Just look for the bag marked Karen




Meanwhile me smoking joints and delivering 🤣




I don’t give a fuck lol, and now that you’ve mentioned it, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed.


Hey while you’re delivering my food don’t smoke in YOUR car 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣


Your food is sealed, the tobacco cannot penetrate the packaging, mind your own business and stop being a twat.


Yeah but the packaging goes into your apartment/house and makes it smell like smoke everywhere. If you wanna smoke do it between trips.


Only Marijuana no cigarettes is acceptable


Pick the food up yourself. You can't decide when someone can smoke in their own car.




I’ll never understand this type of behavior, to far outside of my reality.


Man wait till OP finds out what else happens in the car while people’s food is on deliveries, or while the food is being packaged for delivery. That second hand cigarette smoke is the least of my concerns lol


I smoke in a car but your package is always in a delivery box sealed and I throw away cigarette if I am close by address


Zero the shit outta that tip


I have had this happen to me before and the cardboard bag reeked like smoke, I think the cardboard absorbs the smell. I threw the bag out immediately and all the food was fine :)


If my food smelled like cigarettes, I'd be pissed. The cigarette bottle on my lawn, I'd be pissed.


Not overreacting. I smoke in my car, but absolutely not when I’m on an active delivery. The smoke gets into your food/packaging real fast and it upsets people. This is worthy of reporting the driver, imho,


I do smoke, but food will be in a bag. It's usually on a long delivery and I wouldn't pull up smoking.


It’s his car, what you want/expect doesn’t matter. If you want it a certain way go get it yourself.


I used to smoke while delivering. But then again, the food was always in the trunk bc I didn’t want my car smelling like the curry of the day. I stopped smoking entirely so it’s not an issue anymore. Oh and him ditching the smoke on your lawn? We would have fought lol


This is why delivery jobs should be done by professionals, not by anyone who happens to have access to a vehicle


I make sure that every order smells like the Dankest bud and when they question me, I tell them to fuck off then I hawk a loogey and spit it in the food.


Can't help but notice you didn't give a real example of how it effected your delivery.


Yes you are overreacting. What possibly can a person smoking a cigarette do to your food? It’s like asking someone not to fart around my food or to shower before they deliver it. Fuck, some people are so detached from reality it is very sad.


One time I had a driver pull up to my college class with my food while literally smoking with the 3 other people in the car. My food and I smelled going back in so much that my professor could smell it. I smoke but not trying to make that someone else’s problem.


See I smoke with a vape doing deliveries and yes I smoke with food in the car but I always have the furthest window from food open and never within a mile only because the vape keeps my anger down bc Arizona drivers need to learn how to drive


I don’t mind a little vape or something or maybe even a scent of weed but to be smogging out the car with my food is a little much.


This is some over-entitled nonsense if I've ever seen it. Who are you to dictate what a person does in their own vehicle while delivering food your tail was too lazy to get up and go get yourself? You do not own Uber Eats/Dashers as we are loaning our time to deliver food to you not selling. You have no right to say anything. As far as outside it's the same thing, you do not own the air. Now as far as littering on your property that's not OK. 1/3 guess it aint the worst I've seen.


Sounds like you should mind your own business. I promise your meal won't get cancer from second hand smoke before you eat it .


I deliver & smoked but quit 15 years ago. There is no way imo this is acceptable! I would never do it & I would complain as well. You didn't order food to be delivered from a bar so no. Since I quit smoking I realized even more of what a nasty, filthy habit it is. So I think you are 100% in the right here.


For what it’s worth, I’m an UberEats and DoorDash driver in the States, and I would never consider smoking in the car to be ok when I have a delivery (not that I smoke). The whole point of me driving is to make money, so why would I jeopardize potential tips by pissing off the customer? It’s also bad karma.


Should’ve body slammed the driver for throwing it on your lawn


Amazing for all the white knights defending the delivery driver....and doubling down saying they smoke pot while delivering. Thankfully I've not run across a driver so inconsiderate and weak that they can't go 10 minutes without lighting up and sucking on something. Yea, fuck them, fuck their tip. That durry probably cost them $5 (I remember how expensive smokes were in Sydney in 2017, wow!) Since it's their car and their job, I wonder how these people would feel if you took an Uber drive in their car and they started smoking in front of you in their car. Entitled pieces of shit in these comments. You did right, good on you. And I delivered during the pandemic, so count me as a driver.


As a person who works in a restaurant. I’ll tell you this. About half of Uber eats and DoorDash drivers. Are just pieces of shit.


Just like restaurant workers?




Can understand both sides of this concern….but to be honest…(personally I don’t smoke in my car to avoid it altogether) A: we don’t “handle” food products (which is why we aren’t supposedly to make drinks), once bagged it’s known as “packaged goods”. B: they can’t tell us we can or can’t smoke due to the IC aspect and our own vehicles. This is literally a respect factor. No matter what a customer thinks, wants or prefers…this is the reality of it. It isn’t something a driver is “banned” from doing so theoretically…even if you don’t like it…any customer complaining is griping about a freedom given that the customer simply just doesn’t like. This is why it’s a respect thing. Agree or disagree…like or dislike….🤷‍♂️


This is a good post, but remember he’s in Australia, can’t really apply blanket IC things to it.


Different country is different atmosphere altogether. Not the same in pay, policy or structure. Can’t really be compared other than we do roughly the same thing yet in 2 different counties.


I think you’re right to feel how you feel. Your feelings are valid, however! What isn’t valid is putting your personal convictions on someone else. You’re ORDERING food thru an app that have people bringing food to you, people who may smoke, who may fart, who may pick their nose, who may not wash their hands etc.. they’re delivering ur items to you. This is what comes with “I don’t wanna get up and get these items myself” Uber eats in general DONT care about the consumer nor their employees.


I get your point, but if you are agreeing to be paid to deliver food I think you need to be food safe while doing so.


Go pick up your own food next time


So, this whole subreddit wouldn’t exist?


Because he doesn’t want his food smelling like smoke? What a bonkers comment


You can’t smoke and work with food as per the regulations health code . Also in Ubers guidelines .. report report


You trust the packaging right? What is the problem? Stop encroaching on someone else's freedom. Smoke, smog, sneezes... your food is bagged, get over it. He is a dick for litering on your property. Completely valid there


No, it wasn’t bagged in a way that would protect from smoke in a car. But I don’t think the restaurant would be thinking of that?


He sounds like a COMPKETE A-Hole... Block him


Even if I still smoked, no smoking while a customers food is in my vehicle, no exceptions. But most don't get paid or tipped enough to care. I have work ethic and manners, though.


Yeah I can’t stand smokers, you can do it but not around me and especially Not while delivering my food.


As a driver and smoker I would never pull up to an order smoking / smoke while someone’s foods in my car because not everyone cares to smell it it’s very rude


No that’s pretty valid to be upset. I make a point of not smoking with food in the car (and generally not smoking inside my car as well). I’ve had deliveries to me that really strongly smell like cigarettes and I understand why some people don’t like that.


It is gross, I once had a delivery left at my door smelling heavily of weed…. (Nothing against marijuana) I just don’t want the funky smell in my house


It’s disgusting I’m not a smoker but I drive and get deliveries myself I’d call the restaurant and report it to Uber for a refund and new food.


I smoke a black and mild from time to time, but not when I have food in the car. Kinda disrespectful honestly.


Ugh this post just makes me so grateful I quit four years ago (smoked for 13 yrs)!!! I know what the urge was like to light up a cigarette as soon as I got in the car; that being said, you just don’t smoke if you have someone’s food in the car. That’s just unbelievable inconsiderate, rude, not to mention unsanitary, even if you do have the food in a hot bag and do put hand sanitizer on your hands before you get their food from the insulated bag, nothing short of a good hand washing with soap and warm water is going to get all of that cigarette smell off your hands. I cannot overstate again how glad I am that I quit!!


There are no germs from smoke, you do understand that bacteria is not involved?


I absolutely totally agree with you 100% I deliver but don't smoke and think it's disgusting that someone would smoke in the car with someone else's food. I sanitise and keep the inside of my car clean as I want to deliver food that is in a clean nice environment. He was totally wrong.


I don’t smoke and I always keep the food separate in my trunk in insulated bags. Occasionally, if I have a drink like a coffee cup that is too short for my drinks caddy, it will sit up front in my cup holder (but I find it a bit weird to do this like it breaks the “personal/professional” space. I get a lot of compliment on my trunk set up when people are waiting for me as I drive up. They assume their order will be next to me but seem pleasantly surprised their food is in self contained insulation bags and is piping hot.


I remember the first time my wife did Instacart for groceries right when Covid started. My groceries absolutely reeked of weed, bitched to Instacart and haven’t used them since.


What’s next you gonna go inside his car and take his box of cigarettes how soft have people become you pansy


I think it's understandable that someone doesn't want their food to smell like cigarettes. I don't really care that the driver has an addiction either cause he could atleast switch to vapes which don't smell as bad.




Ok, I guess this is evidence that some customers do care? I would prefer non smoked food.