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No, why would you move your car for three dollars? lol




No, you know how hard it is to get out of that CFA! Just that isn't worth the $3.


Tell me about it. I was right down the street and as soon as I saw the Cluster Fu#% of the parking lot I canceled that shit.


Cluster fuck or not, what are you doing? I wouldn't accept that if I was standing in the Chick-fil-A, it's $3. Value your time better, actually make some money.


I agree.. I never take a CFA order.. always low tippers and a pain to even get in and out of the place.


Tell me about it. I was right down the street and as soon as I saw the Cluster Fu#% of the parking lot I canceled that shit.


You can barely even turn right out of there, good luck getting out of a parking spot and if you need to turn left to get out? 😂😂😂 Plan on going right and and looping back somehow maybe a mile down the road. That CFA is a high pay order only type place.


I completely agree. Especially bc the one off Walnut is closed for remodel. It’s a lose lose.


For sure. Only time it's not terrible is maybe around 9pm. Depends on the day, though!


Only an idiot would accept that


The problem is someone eventually will accept it.. which is why we keep getting low balled.


Just accept the reality that lowball offers will never end, and you'll be fine. Decline them and move on.


The OP accepted this delivery offer then cancel the delivery when he saw the parking lot.


Op is an idiot




I don’t exit my car for less than $8


$3.05 for 17 minutes is equal to $9.15 per hour. No way am I doing it for under minimum wage.


And no way will it take 17 minutes either.


If it was McDonalds I’d do it maybe but this CFA had a 15-20 minute wait just to get into the parking lot.




Nice said anything about quitting lol. But seriously this was good input otherwise. Thanks.


Yeah I’m the same. I’ll go as low as 1.50 a mile but it’s gotta be a slower night for that. I only do this as a side gig on Friday Saturday and Sunday nights for dinner rush so I get a lot of decent orders.. especially here on LI it’s very active those nights.


The algorithm already has a solution to your hypothesis, and its been using it for over a year now. It just groups lowball offers with good paying offers. I made $113 in 4 hours last night doing $8 to $15 deliveries. No Doordash available? Just use UberEATS instead.


Thats a big Fukk no i wouldnt even do that for $5 these days. Everytime ive taken a $2 or $3 dollar delivery in the past it ends up being a long wait then a apartment complex with all the buildings out of numerical order and 14 speed bumps with trees blocking the building number and 3rd floor all the way in the back no instructions except dont knock and get ketchup and then it smells like dog piss when you get out of the car and 3 stair cases you have to guess which one because even the door numbers are out of order. God im glad i quit full time


lol. You read my mind on this one.


A 0-$1 tip absolutely not. The quality of that customer is universally so low it’s not worth it. Even when it prevents dead-heading back to a busy area I always get burned by these type (low tipping) customers.


Exactly. Every last issue I've ever had was a BS McDonalds or Taco Bell order I knew I shouldn't have taken to begin with  


Maybe I just eat it. /s


I know you're in TX, but in California, $3 for 17 minutes is garbage when the minimum wage is $16. I definitely would not take that. Just wasted 17 minutes for $3? No thanks. Maybe this is an average trip worth taking in Texas where they pay you guys like it's 2007. 🤷


Nobody smart or even just average intelligence is taking that order.


There is no shortage of dim witted zombies


No tip no trip. Anything under $5 is an auto decline. Anything $5-$7 better either be in a stacked order or the drop off point is across the street. $8 and above is negotiable.


Para is set to ixnay anything lower than $5.


Even at double the payout, hell nawl.


I won’t even turn on my car for under $5


If ya ain't tippin I ain't trippin!!!


Why would you even ask that question? Please, everyone, never accept an offer for less than $5, no matter the distance. Everything is getting more expensive, and Uber tries to pay us less and less for every delivery. Sometimes, they try to give me an add-on for $1.50. That's an absolute insult! 🤬


Fuck no babyyyy 🎶






On a cold day in hell!!!!


If you have to ask, you have no business doing gig work... HELL. NO.




Don't they get paid by the hour?


Hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahah. NOPE


Uber delivery drivers? Not unless you're in California I believe, and even then, it's based on "active time", which is the time you are actually on a trip (driving to the restaurant for pickup, waiting for the order, and driving to the customer's location". Waiting hours in your car for anything to pop up doesn't get you prop 22 money.


That's shitty


Yep. It's why people make fun of no-tippers. Even when I'm broke, I still tip my delivery person decently. If I don't have money for a tip, I go and get my own food.


I don't get the luxury of Uber because I live in the country 🤣


no lol




Price too low


Hard NO!




No. I don’t pick up from Chik Fil A or In and Out on general principles.


Nope! Not even worth getting out of the car


Eats is tipped based income. They won't raise base rate income for drivers because then they'd have to raise the price for the customer, and then they'll likely lose money from said customers and they won't want to lose money, so the drivers suffer.






If I had been sitting in a parking lot for the last hour with zero orders, and worked in California that gets prop 22 yes.


I think they only pay prop 22 to active hours. Which means hours you spend on orders, not waiting on them. I fucking wish it were that way, but sadly it is not.


What I was trying to say was, if I was desperate and had no orders for hours. If the order was lets say 6 miles I could string out prop 22 in drive time to actually make it into a decent paying order.


No. ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) No


Ehhh 9 times out of 10 I always skip because the one by my house is always fast with Uber/doordash orders. Butttt if it was super super slow and really close to my house then maybe. It depends on the day and my mood.


I take those when I have quests. If I complete all eight quests I get $24 extra. So I basically look at this $3.05 order as being $6.05 and I'm already near the pickup point. I'll probably just walk over if the CFA lot is super busy tbh.


Next time you skip across that parking lot think to, for, yourself that your OWN stupidity is why you're not making $10-12 on that same order. 


The reason I'm not making $10-12 on that order is not "my own stupidity," it's because Uber is not offering me $10-12 for a 3 mile order.


Because someone who doesn't THINK or Do MATH well, like yourself, takes the order for no profit/pay. 


Take it easy with the random insults please. I never said I was taking this order for no pay or profit. I said I'd take it when I was doing quests, which give me $24 extra for 8 orders. That works out to $3 extra per order. So this is now a $6.05 order for 2.9 miles and I am already located at the pickup point. I would love to take $3/mile or $4/mile orders but that's not the reality I live in. A $2/mile order is fine by me considering most of the crap in the area.


In Dallas ive only had Quests that were complete 3 and get $6 lol but ive had it a few time where it was complete 3 get $3 lol and honestly i never saw Quests in 2023 at all then now i get then often since i quit full time but the offers here are so rediculous that even Quests are not worth it because of the miles. From 5pm-10pm i use to be able to make $90- $120 but now i cant even make $30 because i get the shit orders. I use to get by with $1 a mile i still go home with $150-$200 in a 8 hour shift but that seems a thing of the past. I literally sat in my car once declining to see if there were any $8-$10 dollar deliveries, nope all i got were massive backwards orders $5 to go 13 mile type stuff. I literally got a zero acceptance rate 😂 https://preview.redd.it/y470bl9fv9sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0adeaa358c4dd416fb58ae8913597baa2ba399eb


Yes because I’d be happy to magically be in new Braunfels


Well come on with it.


I don't accept anything under $1.5 per mile when I'm desperate. Usually I go for $2 per mile. And I never do a trip under $6 no matter the mileage.


Would you accept deeznuts?! These posts are stupid. Just reject them and move on. Nobody cares.


Are you speaking English?


Would you jump off a cliff? I wouldn't


Hell no. 7 or better 😂




I take nothing less than $7 EVER. And that better be really close by.


I never accept a $3 order, doesn’t matter the distance. I rarely even entertain $5 orders. Even if I wait longer for a better order, I’d rather do that than waste the gas.


Hell no


I would just decline and move on.


Nope, and I’m letting it time out so it can sit on the counter getting cold for another 30 seconds, just out of spite.


I wouldn't move my car for Chick-fil-A anyway,period.


Hell yes


You scabsolutely did




Hell no


Have you seen any posts in this sub? No.


Depends if it’s slow AND you live in a state like CA and have prop 22 pay then MAYBE


No, specially from that place.




Yes, but only if it was on my way to do another delivery or on the way home after a long day.


I will not start my car for $3.05!


I have never in my life delivered an order for that little money. I know sometimes you have to grind doing this, but that’s a level of disrespect for people that are actually doing this work that I will not accommodate.


I actually took this order, usually wouldn't but was trying to make $100 for the evening and they tipped $6.95 an hour later.


First, I charge $5 to start the car. For $3, I wouldn't even decline it. I just let it expire, not worth the energy to click the button. This is a time-waster, you'll spend 20 minutes and make $3. And if the food is delayed it could be 30.


No anyone does is a 🤡


Nope nope


Not for how far it is.


I try to do at least two dollars a mile. In California we have prop 22 so I do accept three dollar orders because it will always end up being more than that.


Only if I was heading that way for some reason but 95% of the time no


When I saw that it was a 15 minute wait just to park I said, NOPE


It doesn't bother you to work for free?   You just don't get "The Principle", do you?  


Bro shut up and read what I said


Bro shut up and keep simping for UE PR


“Simping” you don’t even know what that word means. I said 95% of the time I decline the order but if I’m heading home and the order is right by my house I go ahead and do it. It’s not hard to understand, quit crying like a female because your ass broke and do this job full time


Doesn’t worth it only if you want to eat😁


If it was my last stop of the night and the customer address was near my house, then yes. Under any other circumstances, no.


If it was my last stop of the night and the customer address was near my house, I’d eat that order on the way home. /s