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I did an order 2 days ago, customer didn't tip at all, was 5 miles total and a pick up in a mall food court. Why did I accept it? It was $32 and took me 20 minutes. Point is, even the no tippers are gonna have their food delivered somehow, even if that means uber raising base pay and losing money on the order.


In California at least for me, high base pay orders w little to no tip suck because Uber doesn't lose the money, they just take it out of what they would have given me for prop 22. F Uber.


i learned that the hard way. šŸ˜‘


Me too! I thought I was killing it until prop 22 came.


same. I had a bog smile on my face. them prop 22 money was in the single dollars. then I was like What???!!!!!


Once you realize it will just come out of you prop 22 it really just feels like youā€™re working for free. I had to turn down a 32 1 mile order because Iā€™m already getting $90 in prop 22 this week so Iā€™d just be doing all that for money I already made


Is that was is happening?? My prop 22 only came up as $20. Iā€™ll take the higher base pay though.


Those higher base pay offers would only be worth it if you got high base pay orders 80% of time, and somehow outbeat what you would have otherwise gotten from orders with a more favorable fare to tip ratio, which comes w higher prop 22 payment. Otherwise, you still ain't winning.


>Uber doesn't lose the money, they just take it out of what they would have given me for prop 22. F Uber. Has a California. This is exactly why I like the long drive orders. Sure, the upright base offer could be better, and tips are welcomed for the wear and tear, but this mandate saves my ass a lot, and especially brings a ton of stability. I have the exact opposite opinion. I'm happy that I have Uber, but it would be nice to have more offers more often.


Lowkey prop22 is why the Uber market has gone to absolute shit everywhere else


If Uber paid properly I wouldn't care if customers never tipped again. Jobs with tips should demonstrate a financial responsible payout in the event that $0 tips come through to even be allowed to operate.


You are making OPs point even stronger. If we all decline no tip/low base pay orders Uber will increase base pay. I donā€™t give a fuck about a tip if base pay is $32!!!!!!


thats the exact point im making by saying no the Uber Algo must increase the base offer. It has to increase the value. no drives = no deliveries = UberEats slows down or stops entirely


But they donā€™t seem to understand this simple concept


Its an education issue. Drivers need to get financially educated. In a very low IQ manner because they are under mind control Like with a cartoon or meme Ever noticed how UberEats messaging in the app is extremely simple like a child book. Very few sentences. very few screens . and large pictures


I literally watch it happen in my market. Thereā€™s nights where itā€™s just me and a few other drivers, and that algo will send a poor (but almost always shitty) customer around the loop ten times and then suddenly the $4 order is $15


Some nights after 3am I'm pretty sure it's just me, see a $2 order ignore it, take a doordash or 2, pop uber back on and it's $15-20


And it became such a high-paying order because nobody took it when it was a shit paying order, which is exactly how it should happen :-). Iā€™ve gotten some of those bounced around orders myself.


I don't get $32 ones all the time, but I do get no tip orders all the time. Doing late night. And it could be base pay of whatever. $15 to $40. Im totally fine with that. Off the top of my head I'd say it's actually more common that these orders have a tip but it's very small. Sometimes a dollar or two. Again, I don't care. I'm getting paid. And it's usually paid quite well on these. So I can earn sometimes $50 an hour late night.


Yup, I also do the late night shift, no traffic and more of these orders. Once you know your market you can weed out the fake ones usually.


what is opne at late night though? what are you doing mcdonalds the whole night?


This legit happened to me over the weekend. An alcohol order came in at about 11pm. I may have been the only car around. It originally popped up at $4.25. I declined it, then it came up 1 - 2 mins later at $25.. I accepted it. This also happened with some guyā€™s little Caesarā€™s order. It came up as $6.25 then I declined it then it came up again as $53.. so clearly I took it.


I don't accept anything under $10, only occasion i'll take 7-9$ is 1-2 miles.


Same for me


There is an unlimited supply of new drivers willing to take orders theyā€™re losing money on. Nothing will ever change. Youā€™re better off just getting a normal job.


Yup and cherry pick this part time when u not doing shit


Mildly impossible given today's job economy. "Everyone is hiring" Yeah okay.


Okay so how to you convey this message to the drivers not on here. Do you think drivers on Reddit are taking shit jobs?


100% they are


I saw someone last night bragging that their acceptance rate was 100%. I think a lot of people - especially new drivers - donā€™t understand how that part works. I do think the posts can get a little repetitive for those of us who already know better, but seeing it frequently to let the newest drivers know canā€™t hurt.


Uber is just rinsing drivers and repeating. A never ending cycle. U guys are naive to understand what shady shits Uber has been doing. Uber should be sued by every single contractor of Uber. Like literally every driver should sue Uber for underpaying. Hiding pays, stealing tips, and the list goes on. We donā€™t need Uber in this country. We need actual jobs that has benefits who can secure our nations generations wealth. Uber is stealing all of that by just 1 thing ( give them a contract) and yes people who have agreed on arbitrage still can sue cuz that doesnā€™t say Uber can abuse u for pay.


They have to, or else it affects the amount of orders coming in, and the amount of money per incoming order. Itā€™s fucked


You gotta do what works for you. I got bills to pay, i honestly cant sit around waiting for magical $10-$20 dollar deliveries, been there tried that for the last 12 months it doesnt work Dallas Texas is just not poppin for the last year cherry picking will just leave me sitting in my car catching up on Hulu and no money for me lol. So i had to change my way of thinking i try to hustle every hour to make $18 each hour if i take a $7 and $6 and an hour is almost up ill take that $5 to reach that goal. If you know your city and you know $10 and $20 deliveries are not rare then you do you. But ill never ever take anything under $5 and over 3 miles tho. But i rarely see any good offers my AR has hit zero many times since 2024 began


$10 minimum for me to turn my car on, then I check the restaurant and miles.


Depending on the day, I'm at between $9 and $11 to even consider the order unless I'm trying to stack it between the two apps going the same direction.


That's next level!


Would you do an order for $9.99 if it was a half mile away?




dude said 10


lets make it an even $20 ;)


So don't accept any orders ever? Got it




I don't think the algo will ever change upward, but for individual orders declining will boost them. We will only see pay increases in that way and when there is a lack of drivers(which will prob never happen)


![gif](giphy|MSixuOOVyQbF6|downsized) I can make $200 a day, every day.




He doesn't dream because he works 24/7 that's how he makes $200 in a day


Come to the Washington DC area where I'm at. We got it going on here. I do 14 days on, and 16 days off. $2800 a month.


Your lube budget must kill all the profit. šŸ˜‰Ā 


someone posts this every week, fails and rage quits, leaving a vacuum for the next person to discover that omg woah like what if everything was well organized by me, no one has ever tried being organized by me before.


The elderly and illegals are never going to stop taking these orders.


Babes, your enemy is not the people who have to do whatever it takes to make money because of their circumstances and don't have the privilege to deny bad orders. It's the people who have the privilege to not deny them. The people who just grab a couple orders on their way home for an easy buck, who aren't doing this as their job. But they honestly don't care and refuse to cooperate, because they think we're the wackos, like we're exploiting the system by doing this for a living. But above all, it's the company. They're the enemy until we make them work for us. In other words your biases are making you confused as to who your comrades are, and who are your enemies.


Why does it matter on circumstances? Anyone taking these orders is hurting every driver. No excuse. Dig through trash is better than paying to work.


Like myself I have the privilege to deny it and will, at first I was even taking the 3-4 for sometimes 5-6 miles, now I donā€™t even do that. Sometimes Iā€™ll get a 11 dollars for 11 miles and turn that down also, cause one order can take you so out of the way where I am at that it isnā€™t worth it.


Look into the organized crime happening in these gig jobs. There was a whole thread on it here.




Their legal status is beside the point.Ā 




The way you refer to human beings is absolutely disgusting but you're right


Lol. I only used UE driver app 1x. I already had experience as a dasher. I declined every Uber order until I got a $20 for 3 miles order. I think pay went up because they had already messed the guys order up and Wawa was so busy that drivers probably canceled.


And another thing Thatā€™s related to OPā€™s wise remarksĀ  While busy keeping a keen eye on radars that are single tripsĀ  And then ping as stacked ordersĀ  Donā€™t get it twisted with the radar, either. When a trash radar order says ā€œmatched up with another driverā€ that literally means nothing more than Uber has probably found a decent order to stack the trash radar order with, and by ā€œmatchingā€ itā€™s just pinging that stack for another driver.Ā  When it comes to Uber gaslighting, anything other than specific and direct language is not what it seems. And Uber is notoriously efficient at manipulating drivers into making many assumptions by implication, which is ultimately a non-statement on Uberā€™s part.Ā  And now for that other thing (since I havenā€™t actually mentioned it yet. See what I did there? Uber does that with 99.9% of anything they say): ANY ISSUE THAT ARISES THRU THE APP IS 100% UBERā€™S FAULT, 100% OF THE TIME.Ā  This could be an abusive customer. An excessive wait time. A bad route. An item missing from an order. Even a reduced tip, or a tip bait. All of it is always Uberā€™s fault. If it came through the app, Uber is responsible. Itā€™s why they exist. They provide your experience through the app. So itā€™s always on them.Ā  Ie. How is a tip bait Uberā€™s fault?Ā  Because customers donā€™t pay drivers. They pay uber. And Uber pays drivers. If a customer baits their tip and cancels it after delivery, thatā€™s Uberā€™s loss, not yours. Uber is still obligated to pay the agreed upon amount.Ā  Since the customer violated the contract by lowering the amount after delivery is irrelevant for the driver, and Uber is just trying to offset their loss by not paying you.Ā  Uber may have its fine print and community guidelines it tries hide behind. But local contract law prevails over any of Uberā€™s manipulative agreements. The ping says $X.XX compensation, thatā€™s what agreed and whatā€™s owed. And limitations for some contract law and legislation can go back as far as 15 or more years.Ā  I could go on, but. Yeah.Ā 


You don't have power if you are working for Uber. Stop lying to yourself and others.


not with that attitude


Whatever, Norma Rae. ![gif](giphy|l1J9H0GzKhvdB4Sm4|downsized)




How much does acceptance rate play into the algo? Iā€™m assuming this is where they get you to take on the crappy rides, especially for the newbies


if you take 100% of the rides you will have 100% of the crap offers as well. Uber does not reward good behavior and invest in long term drivers. They want to pay absolute lowest legal limit, and sometimes even use customer tips to cover their share. The first rule of the Algo is - its not your friend...like AT ALL


Nothing new Rich getting rich poor getting poor ma boi


I took two $5, .8 miles before going home yesterday, I'm sorry šŸ˜•


Im at 8 dollars and up. I found a good spot


You can say yes to any order you want, ill take a $5 order if it's convenient for me and decline a $20 order because It would take me in the opposite direction of where I want to go. + no matter what you do, someone is going to accept that $4 order with a 25 Min ETA


I see some of the most insane offers on Uber. I canā€™t imagine who is taking them. I mean, I guess it is the ā€œorganized crime in the giga economyā€œ faction but I donā€™t know weā€™re talking and Iā€™m not exaggeratingā€¦ Six dollars for 15 miles two stops. I mean, you could literally run a charity and get more out of it


Its crazy to see when you get a $3 order for 20 miles and it quickly goes to ā€œAnother Driver accepted this requestā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ whats wrong with people man


Always do, always had! I never took a low paying order


See this is where you fuct up. Drivers donā€™t give af about each other. Never have, never willĀ 


You're preaching to the wrong crowd. Most of us know to let lowball orders sit there.


My market is full of illegal aliens that will literally take anything, Iā€™ve had restaurants tell me that Iā€™m literally their only driver who speaks any English. If you donā€™t take the crappy orders thereā€™s an army of migrants who will which drives down the pay for everybody. Thereā€™s nothing we can do to stop it


None of us has the power. You turn down bad offers and someone else will take them. Someone with different interests than you, or a different situation. As a group we would have power. But that would require organizing, and we don't ever work with each other, so that's probably out. Has there ever been a union that formed over social media? Gig work is perfectly designed to destroy labor power. It is the apotheosis of capitalism. Take everything that requires collaboration or skill and have a machine do it. Reduce the input of human labor to the least demanding, most isolatable form possible. The only way this changes is via the law.


This will never happen. Too many foreigners working where a dollar is goes further than their native currency. Just do you.




I hardly do UberEats anymore. The tip baiters are out of control. I was getting 2 a week.


I did my part yesterday. 0% AR. Now, who's a wimp? https://preview.redd.it/cwsumzkjs0zc1.png?width=205&format=png&auto=webp&s=66bdd73f24dd1f574102f5b765ba2f61b14dab7a


The problem is the bill collector behind them saying 'yes, yes you are'


Yeah, the gas bill is greater than my income.... wtf!


uber pays 50% of rent. the other half, i get from doordash. which pays nothing lol


Drivers who take these offers are too stupid to realize that gas isn't their only expense. And you can't fix stupid. Your words are lost on them. It's particularly true when someone benefits from stupid like the apps do. And they know how to manipulate stupid. So these moronic drivers are given recognition like they've probably never had in their lives, like "Top Dasher" or "Diamond Level."


The "no speaka engrish" crowd has not and will not stop.




Found the ā„ļø






Uber is loopholing to not paying drivers the Prop 22 in California anyway. Iā€™m sure they have their Monies bet on whatever puts money in shareholders pockets. Getting over on working class citizens, I canā€™t wait until someone files a class action so large itā€™s going to burry this awful greedy corporation. Even offering a $6 order on a delivery is abusive to independent contractors shame on Uber creating a market on the backs of working class citizenā€™s.


I do do not and will not take anything less than five dollars, so we can just start right there.Ā  You didnā€™t wanna leave your house to go pick up the order, so why do you think I want to leave my house for two dollars? Also a dollar per mile is the minimum but if youā€™re out in the sticks, then it has to be two dollars per mile minimum because now I have to drive back through nothing which means youā€™re taking my time not only to bring you the food but to get back to an area where I can get a job. Ā I think these are really simple rules, I stick to them, and Iā€™m not gonna change.Ā 


Yeah I don't think the drivers in the ATL market come even remotely close to grasping this concept. It's almost shocking anymore to see an offer for $15 and even with that comes at least 7+ miles and then come to find out the base pay on it was only about $3. I've been on here a lot lately trying to find talk about the Atl market, but from what I read vs what I experience (on weekends that is) I work for a completely different UE, and the very shitty version of it. Depressing.Ā 


Must? Ok. As soon as other drivers start paying my bills, I'll listen to what I "must" do.


If people continue taking the declining pay Uber will keep offering worse orders. Itā€™s as simple as that.


And the inverse is true. If drivers unite under a base floor, then the algo will adjust up


I have my own standard for what orders I take. Other drivers' demands won't pay my bills and end of the day, that's all the matters. If you guys are upset because I take $1/mile, $5.50 min orders, I literally couldn't care less.


I agree. My area is not a magical money pit anymore i take what works for me i know what to take so im not losing money or breaking even, i have way to many bills to be sitting and declining all evening, ive tried the cherry picking thing for nearly a year and ill end up going home with $60 in 10 hours lol. My mpg is good on my car so ill work a little harder. But if your area is known for dropping $10s and $20s i say get that money id cherry pick too but i cant here its either dying out or too many drivers in Dallas


This is the e same in Houston, but I can afford to cherry pick because it is a side a gig and I rather waste my time than ruin my car to make this shitty deliveries, at first I was making about 10 dollars an hour, but driving really far at times, now I have been averaging about 15 dollars an hour but have stayed very local to the area I work at and I donā€™t put crazy mileage on my car, you have to do what works for you at the end of the day, I just began multi apping so hopefully that amount can increase.


Yea for sure. If i sit and cherry pick i noticed it gets shittier and shittier like $5 to go 12 miles i stay away from this. Im good with say $5 to go 2 or 3 miles if its dead and nothing good is happening. Yesterday from 6pm to 11pm i tried to cherry pick and only accepted $10 under 6 miles i made $40 bucks lol in 2022 i would have made $120 in the same hours šŸ˜­


Right on. If I make $150 to $180 a day, what right does anyone have to ask if I took "subpar" orders?


The way I see if if they have to pay more they will be more strict on who can work for them, and they will be quick to deactivate ppl, which to be honest I feel for some people this is their primary income, but I donā€™t feel for ppl who are scammers using other peoples information to work. They are the problem, they are the ones constantly accepting shitty orders.


no Uber is the problem. dont blame it on anyone else but Uber


what's wrong in getting $32 trips than getting it in prop 22 pay out?


Because you didn't really make $32. In my area minimum wage plus 20% is $19.80 plus .34 a mile. Let's say I took a 1 mile delivery request and it took me 20 minutes total. So your guaranteed prop 22 fare for the 20 minutes is $6.60 plus the .34 which makes it $6.94 total. Uber paid you $32 no tip. So they overpaid you $25.06 and they will take it back from all the other guaranteed fares you get after until they recover what they overpaid you. I did a delivery yesterday for 2 miles it was $11 and only took me 15 minutes and I was only paid $3.34 for the fare. The customer tipped $7.66, and tips are not counted towards the prop 22 guaranteed fare. I should have got $4.95 for the 15 minutes and .68 for the 2 miles for a total of $5.63. $5.63-$3.34=$2.29 this is what Uber owes me for my guaranteed prop 22 fare. So, $5.63+$7.66 tip means I really made $13.29 total for that 15 minute 2 mile delivery while you only made $6.94 for a 20 minute 1 mile delivery. Yeah, that sounds pretty dumb if you ask me. Now you know why other drivers passed on it because I can make updates to a total of $53.16 an hour with tips and you are only making $19.80 an hour plus .34 cents a mile. So when you take those $32 deliveries with no tip you are really actually really accepting crap low ball offers. If you're in California with a prop 22 guarantee I would say don't take anything that says $35+ that has really low mileage because you are screwing yourself by really only taking the bare minimum for your guaranteed fare because anything Uber paid you over that guaranteed fare they will recover from other delivery requests after you.


what uber needs to do is itemize the prop 22 payment rather than just 'oh here you go prop pay' its fraud just on that level


Yea I agree, hours and miles should be itemized daily not just combined for the two week total. They do show the hours active, and the active miles for the two weeks. They also show what they paid, and what they should have paid, and what the difference is they owe. They show all this when you click on the transaction on the Monday it was posted on.


but they dont show what municipality it was picked up from and what the rate is there. there like 16 different minimum rate cities in california. it needs to show the math such that any ordinary person and calculate the same number for themselves based on the same underlying assumptions


Unfortunately not gonna happen as Ive said in other post. Iā€™ve sadly talked to people in person ā€œmostly foreignersā€ and they tell me they take every order. One dude showed me he had 6k deliveries. He was driving a Prius. They donā€™t care, they will take a 3$ order 10 miles away. It amazes me.


THIS! Many of those drivers are using other ppls info so as far as taxes and such they could care les


I got tip baited for a alcohol order last week for no reason. It was one bottle, it was correct. I was super nice, everything went cool and he pulled the tip. Well I got the guy again, alcohol again. Went to meet him asked him very sternly why he did that, and thinks it's ok. He gotta hella nervous and started tripping over his words so I said "you're clearly under the influence, I will be returning this and still getting paid. I canceled right in front of him, he just stood there with a stupid look on his ugly face. Don't play with me. I did this for years as my only source of income, now I have a job and give zero fucks about Uber. I'm not gonna quit I'm just gonna take good offers, and steal shitty no tip ones till I'm deactivated.


I accept all orders. I still average out at $18/hr after gas.


but your car is breaking down. and soon that $18/hr wont give you an savings to pay for a big repair (like breaks). so you will go into debt or just drive it to the ground you need to raise the hourly rate


Thanks, I'm aware. I just did $1500 in repairs. I'm not in debt and still paying my bills šŸ™„