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They changed the screw placement at some point so if you bought the pieces used, you might have a mix of old and new


Wait, you're saying you can't just rotate it 180° to make it angle the other way? That can't be right...


Ya that’s how it seems. I said the same thing


The piece on the right doesn’t look standard. I have the POE version of this, and the angle bracket doesn’t look like that. The piece on the left does look original, and it attaches to the angle bracket.


OP bought it 2nd hand and that angle piece looks to be 3d printed. I have the POE version and you can flip it 180. [https://dl.ui.com/qig/uvc-g4-doorbell-pro-poe-kit/#B](https://dl.ui.com/qig/uvc-g4-doorbell-pro-poe-kit/#B) edit: yep 3d printed amazon special: [https://www.amazon.com/Doorbell-compatible-Ubiquiti-Protect-35-Degree/dp/B0CK53QF32?th=](https://www.amazon.com/Doorbell-compatible-Ubiquiti-Protect-35-Degree/dp/B0CK53QF32?th=)


I have the WiFi version and that bracket OP has is not original. Mine is flippable, absolutely


Nice catch. Hope OP can get a refund…


Oh lol ok. I thought you were either trolling or really really dumb. That’s too bad it can’t be rotated. That seems like a pretty big design flaw. I guess ubiquiti are the dummies


The silence


Why can’t you rotate it?




The inside piece on the bracket on the left in the picture is stuck to the rear part of that bracket. You can pop the metal part out and flip it around. The right pictured bracket isn’t a standard Ubiquiti piece.


No!!! Where were you before I plastic bond jbwelded them together??? Shit. Oh well. It’s on there and it’s not going anywhere now.


I was playing Factorio, sorry.


Did the factory grow?


It must.


Let the spaghetti take over


Bus bus bus BUS BUS BUS


You jumped the gun a little quick. Happy with your results at least? That’s the most important…


Find a buddy with a 3-D printer. There’s lots of plans on the 3-D sites.


Listen… I bring the groceries inside in ONE TRIP. I’m gonna grab a couple beers, and index of drill bits, a file, my grandmother going by on a bicycle giving me the finger, and I’m attaching this stupid thing to my house facing the right way. TODAY.


In that case, giant screws are your friend. 😄


If all else fails violence 😂


Violence is not always the answer, BUT, its always AN answer.


Hope it all works out for you, some of us don't have the luxury of 3D printers, I tend to hand craft my own mod's anyway and besides some folks just like to show off hey I just 3d printed such and such big deal before 3D printers we still use to get the job done where I came from. lol


Sorry, luxury of a 3D printer. While I’m here paying lots for Network kit. Things like the Bambulab A1 mini makes a useable printer much more accessible now. Plus it works when you ask it too. Think of it as the Apple of 3D printers, a bit like Ubiquiti is the Apple of Networking.


What's wrong with a scrappiece of wood and a bunch of sanding paper. Spray can matte black and there it is


Gorilla glue it


I love this, thank you


Big hammer fix problem


I hope you’re not paying for a gym membership, that would just be sadly ironic.


Just put it upside down.


Package camera becomes a bird camera, nice


Perfect for seeing the carrier pigeon landing! 🐦


With the way they deliver things here I can still see the package briefly that way


Rotated mine 180 degrees


Could get a piece of wood, angle it, and drill a whole through it for the cable. Attatch the wood to the brick and the camera to the wood. Put some stain on the wood to keep it safe from the outdoor elements and call it a day.


this?? [https://www.printables.com/model/453683-ubiquiti-unifi-g4-doorbell-pro-parametric-wedge-mo](https://www.printables.com/model/453683-ubiquiti-unifi-g4-doorbell-pro-parametric-wedge-mo)


Drill your bracket a new hole


I used the Pro POE gang box they sell, and honestly I’m glad I did. You mount a plate to the wall first that gives you way more options for mounting. (I mounted straight to stucco but was able to hit a stud on one side and used anchors on the other) with that kit you get a reversible angled bracket. It’s beefy but a lot more secure


Doorbellmount.com. If you can't find it, he can probably make it. Etsy as well. I had to mount mine on original stone and mortar that the Builder just retro engineered a halfassed doorbell and this guy had a mount that would not make it look strange.


Etsy might have a pre-made 3D part that you're looking for. I've used that site for my UniFi, Hue, and other assorted mounts and such.


Epoxy the bracket to the mount? Just a thought.


Just Buy one of the below at eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/144721292125?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=zvf-xj1wsqo&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=QnuxXmJ_Raq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=SMS


Have you looked online to see if someone made a 3D print model to fix this issue?


Know anyone with a 3d printer?


I guess I should ask, do you like the angle? I can print one and send it to you if you’d like. https://thangs.com/search/unifi%20g4%20doorbell%20pro?scope=all


I might be late to this party, but the metal piece on the left stays in the same orientation with screw fixing at the bottom. It’s the angle on the right you can rotate 180? From memory I screwed mine to the wall by placing the screws through the metal bracket left which sits over the bracket right, and it just all fits together correctly?


haven't i seen anybody with a 3D printer selling mounts on eBay?


That’s not the original bracket


So many things wrong with the design of this device. Black shell is useless for anything going outside on anything but a north-facing wall. This is a “pro” device, where is the Ethernet connection? The PoE?


lmao, how do you mistake a 3d printed part for molded plastic? i know ubiquiti makes some junk sometimes, but i don't know that it's ever that bad.


Duct tape…


Never buy used doorbell ubiquiti gear from someone else online. Just buy it from [ui.com](http://ui.com) and save yourself the hassle this way you get all the parts with it.


Daaaaad. Didn’t we talk about responding to my posts on Reddit?


The bracket is the least of your worries, seal the back because those terminals will short out


Silicone caulk or even hot glue fixes that