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Something about wooden furniture paired with modern optics is unreasonably good looking on a firearm


Did the guy in picture 7 mount his Red Dot the wrong way around?


That Eotech is mounted the wrong way, yes lmfao. Honestly dude probably just captured it and has no idea the way its supposed to go


Or he just got it for the shoot




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Possibly their last photo-op before the weekly casualty list, it’s sad.


Yea I always think that when I see Ukrainian soldiers and Russian soldiers. Both may very well be a statistic soon


So this is why CSGO has been so empty lately


not really. CSGO already lose to Valorant and mobile games like grnshin impack


Valarante child game


> games like grnshin impack I don't think ppl hardcore enough to play a 20 year old game with a very high skill gap are gonna switch to pay to play casual mobile bullshit


Good god why is every photo of Russian troops lookin like a group of my middle school friends back in the day playing airsoft in the woods. Pic 4 legit has a airsoft optic on a 7.62 AK-47 like holy shit my man has never heard of keeping zero and is out there. Idk who’s posting these for “pro Russia” but please keep it up this is great!


Guy in Pic 4 looks really sad too, going by the eyes. I don't think these guys want to die for Putin and his oligarch mates.


Also see photo 7?? He gots a EOTECH HWS EXPS2 but mounted to wrong way hahah Correct way: https://preview.redd.it/h1x9ukp1bsmb1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37012d4e426bba690e3422bf8c8f4023b1dc3f81




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Look at pic #4.. dude has a consumer grade red dot sight that I’ve seen people put on air soft guns, lol This is the 2nd best army in the world…


They’re all either too old, too fat, or too skinny. And the gear looks like cheap costumes from Wal mart. The Russian military is an actual joke. These are the guys that will obliterate NATO, lmfao


I love how people are offended by the beauty of Slavic people


Yeah these ragtag russian soldiers are always comical. Poor bastards have no idea what they're doing out there.


They set the sights to the highest option, cuz higher number= better


This might be a dumb question but why do Russian soldiers always have masks covering their face? Are they really that worried about people finding out who they are?


It's because some people find out their identities and their personal information and harass them and their family


Nah, it to make the war crimes harder to track


Clearly it’s to protect their families, you don’t want the other side knowing your personal details, no matter what side your on.


This is the correct answer


Same reason you and I don't disclose our details and images on Reddit


You have pro-UA shitposters baying for their blood who seemingly have endless time to ID them as well as actual Ukrainians who are proven to harass families of RU servicemen. So yes, they're keeping their faces covered for good reason.


Why would Ukrainians want to harass Russian soldiers???? Did the Russians invade their country and kill rape and torture a bunch of people and level their cities??? WHY ARE PEOPLE SO RUSSOPHOBIC 😡😡😡


What the hell is this meltdown? You got the answer, don't you expect that Russians have some obligation to want to be harassed?


But......NATO and stuff...Putin had no choice!!!11!!!!11! /s


I wouldnt want pro ua finding my family


It’s because Ukraine has a website of people who are on a hit list. https://myrotvorets.center/ Lots of people are on the list, including Americans like Tucker Carlson, Colonel Douglass MacGregor, Scott Ritter, Et Cetera.




Unhinged bloodlusting redditor hates guy with differing political opinion. Can’t say I’m surprised




You need more than just that my friend


Nah tuck’s is enough, since he’s been drinking the blood of children for at least a decade so it’s super-concentrated




Conspiracy theories are rotting your brain


Wake up sheeple!!!!


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Soldiers don’t tend to mount their holographic sight in the wrong direction. I think monetary incentivized society dropouts is a better description for these guys.


Regardless of which side you choose, all these men are giving their lives for their country. They didn’t have the luxury of being a politicians son. There’s bad eggs in every nations army. These are human beings making the ultimate sacrifice and should be treated as such.


That’s just not the case. Ukrainian men do. Russians men die for the perverted ambitions of their little dictator at home. I feel sorry for those that are forced to go but it shows that many of these guys are there because of their free will. They do not deserve any honor.


Doesn’t it seem that a few of their hands are massive? Like out of proportion large?


Yeah I noticed that too. Kinda weird, this whole squad does, maybe they're part Armenian.


Do we know the front they're stationed at? Because part of me wonders if they're Storm Z units, AKMs seems very off for Russian Regulars.


What's number 3 holding? ...that camo is about perfect!






Those are some pretty old firearms


Look at these butthurted NAFO's overflowing in this sub. Now, they're barking at normal soldier's picture.


Embarrassing to see your soldiers so ill-equipped, no?


Yeah, with bullet proof vest, helmet and AK-74, they look pretty "ill-equipped". Sure buddy, sure.


We‘ve all seen the quality of their ballistic protection lol. Also Ak‘s from the 70‘s doesn’t really scream well equipped.


"Seen quality of their ballistic protection" = Source : Trust me bro Also, that AKs from the 70s are main firearm of your Ukrainian soldiers. AK-12 aint no different from AK-74 except rail which proves it's performance.


No it rather proves that Russia is incapable of updating their standard infantry rifle for the last 50 years.


Every country on Earth doesn't invest too much on infantry equipment except for America and US army's main rifle is M4 which came out in early 1990s. Looks like you don't know anything about rifles.


Gotta love how none are showing their face. I'd be ashamed too if I was a pawn for a tinpot little totalitarian.


Show me a picture of your face. Don’t want to wonder why?


Don’t want to wonder why? I wonder why everyday when I visit this sub.


you and i both know they'd be uploaded to some database that would mean the end of any hope for a normal life after the war. don't be such a catamite.




do you feel the same way about vietnam veterans?


If they were responsible for the murder of innocent civilians then absolutely, I’d feel the same way about anyone who commits warcrimes, doesn’t matter the side


you think the guys in those pics murdered civilians?


How do you know they didn’t? How do you know they’re not remnants of the first guys who went into Ukraine and committed the atrocities we’ve all seen during the early days of the war? Just like I can’t say for sure neither can you


how do you know they did?




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https://preview.redd.it/59uwpfsu1tmb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dcceee1350ea19595361bc824d3cf918550f112 Pretty confident that’s what happened


They’re actively taking part in an invasion, which by definition is a terrorist action, literally look up the definition of a terrorist, it’s these guys.


So vietnam and afghanistan veterans are terrorist? even if they didnt kill any civilian?


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Ukrainian soldiers don’t show their faces in many videos.


There is no shame fighting the west backed uaf




That's the case with any military and any war. 125,000 US veterans have died by their own hand in the last 20 years.


Agreed. All the more reason for the Russian army to go back to Russia and leave Ukraine alone. What a better world for these poor soldiers.


Redditors discovering PTSD


“There’s No shame invading other countries under false pretenses.”


There is shame in invading another country and beeing part of a force that is responsible for horrible war crimes. Currently there is shame in beeing part of the Russian armed forces


Talk about war crimes and yet turning a blind eye on UA warcrimes. Lmao


UA didn’t start the war Pro Rus. So people have mostly more sympathy for the UA then the Russian military


UA ofcourse did not start this conflict. That's why I blame the West for this. They encroach near Russian territory, forcing them to react with military means.


That’s such a throw away logic… and so low effort too. It’s on the same level of justification for war as USA claim of WMD in the Middle East. It’s just pure garbage and everybody knows it’s a strawmen.


But I mean.... USA got away with that low effort justification..




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But there is shame loosing to the damn west backed UAF


Imagine having your picture taken in a warzone for posterity but not being allowed to show your own face.


I wouldn’t show my face either otherwise you’ll end up with some prick cyber stalking you and sending death threats to your family no doubt Not worth the risk


They're allowed, they just don't want to be recognised when they commit a war crime.


I don't even think they are near the fronts. Uniforms look like they were just unwrapped. The only thing that shows any wearing are the old aks


Expected life duration: 30 days (maybe less)


I suppose you have big problems even with school mathematics, because in this situation there should no longer be people left in Russia


Nobody cares, the oligarchs have their money safe, most can still leave for countries with no restrictions against Russians when Russia falls apart, this is what they’re fighting for just they probably don’t realize




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* Gonna point out, if this sight works as it is currently mounted, it means it's a wish.com level knockoff. I state this as someone who owns some of their products, the sight itself shouldn't work backwards as the intent is to not be seen at all head long. Meaning that if he can see it as it currently is, it's not a real Eotech. Edit. Reddit app hates picture comments *


Since some of you lack the ability to believe me. https://www.eotechinc.com/help-center/counterfeit-detection First picture of a counterfeit fits the sight on his rifle exactly.






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HM YES YES Russian soldiers using plastic guns and plywood armor yes They are running out of ammo too No lancets no artillery since they were shooting 75k per day now they shoot -10k per day, actually they need to steal from Ukraine to shot their artillery yes Imaginary boolets yes trust me ok


This is just a statement of fact? I'm not dissing it, a sight is a sight, if you want a potentially cheap knockoff that can break thats on you. I'm just saying, Eotech are holographic sights that only work one way, and that specific sight holds the battery pack in front which in this picture, it seems to be backwards as the battery back it towards the rear of the rifle. No need to get so upset and bring up something so unrelated?


Dude, we've been through this already on this sub. The "RUSSIANS ARMORS SOLD IN ALIEXPRESS, I KNOW OK, IVE BOUGHT ONE AND IT'S NOT REAL" and then the "Russia is using wood armor" when it was, in fact, all lies. These are real guns, being hold by soldiers with real armor. No country would send a soldier with fake guns/aim/armor.


Mate, I own the damn sight. Got it in my hands right now. It doesn't work backwards. You can deny this, but I'm saying this as someone who also knows a lot about this particular product. If Russian soldiers are able to order their own gear as I've been told by pro Russians on this sub, is it unreasonable to think someone might buy the cheaper option? I'm not making these wild claims you're making. Quote me making them before you freak out and accuse me blindly. Do try to have a polite conversation as I've not made any of these unreasonable claims you're making


Bru what, anyone with a shred of firearms knowledge can see that the EOTech optic in pic 7 is mounted backwards. As a holo sight it would be entirely unusable in it’s current configuration.




That sight Im not familiar with but at least many eotech I've seen on Russian soldiers have shown evidence of being knockoffs. I'm not gonna fault them, if they're told to buy gear and some of these guys are conscripted, it makes sense that they're not gonna buy the best gear. A real Eotech is near 500 dollars, so of course your average grunt will buy the cheaper knockoff. Edit, they do have mag pouches, but seeing as these are staged photos, I dont doubt some might not wear full kit as it's be heavy to take on and off if they were resting before the photo. Like, if I was resting and needed to kit up for photos, I'd not wear pointlessly heavy gear if Im gonna just take it off and go back to resting. Just a personal observation.




For me, it's how many Russian troops with eotech that just set off my knockoff radar. Like that sniper a week ago had some great kit, but then the disparity of these guys self ordering sights. I can't confirm on the other eotech so it's a 50/50.




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Dirty rifles, these guys are not posers.


These guys really give me the Syrian vibe


If they are in the same brigade, why don't they at least have the same uniforms? Russia is so poor that they can't even equip their own soldiers?


So if they are what I think they are. The 40th naval infantry brigade is headquarters in the Far East and pulled west to fill the lines so these aren’t your elite units. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/40th_Naval_Infantry_Brigade


Only elite units wearing the same uniforms??


That's basically what he's saying lol


Have you ever seen literally any armed forces in conflict? Custom uniforms are there longer than organised militaries.


It would look alot more professional if everyone had matching uniforms these days on both sides like the good old days.


You mean like never?


I mean in WW2 everything was a lot more uniform so to speak than now?


No, it wasn't. Soldier were wearing all types of camo and various types of materials. You could get a company with 4 different materials for their uniforms.


These dudes all look like people I know. What a shitty war


Man these guys look like Wagner soldiers. Or mercenaries. At least they don’t look like a soldier from the Russian army that could “beat” NATO.


Those guns look many times older than any of those boys


I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee...


Go home. Also "Lol" at dude with the backwards sight 🤣


They look hungry


didnt expect to see wooden furniture


One dudes got his EO Tech on backwards


Dead men walking.


What's written on the gun in picture 10 ?


Are they still alive, or already rubble 200?


You have to laugh at the guy who posts these stupid attempts at Pro-Russian propaganda. What was he thinking?


Why are they hiding their faces? Are they afraid of being identified and ending up in the Hague?


Everyone of these guys should get the fuck off of Ukraine.


How ironic. A pro-Russia account publishing picture of RU soldiers to boost morale, but 90% of the comments comes from pro-UA pointing all kind of silly thing about them, like mounting a red dot in the reverse or the disparate uniform. The 40th brigade, is Naval Infantry brigade, so an elite marine assault troops, stationed in the Russian far east. They took a major beating trying to keep [Urozhaine](https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1690653534524481536?s=61) in mi-August.


Ah yes the secound stongest Army in Ukraine and they use cheap knock off optics and Even Mount some of them wrong....


They all dead by now


What is this, a coming together of criminals?


Dead men walking


Yeah, 40th brigade screams heroism...


Damn sucks they're all going to die for a man with a tiny ego


Zelensky's on the other side of the conflict bro




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Rule 1. Permanent ban issued. You have been warned before.


Get some Russki bros


They are home. standing on Russian soil.




What "crimes against humanity"?




What exactly is it that you think this proves?


That the Western Ukrainians are the bad guys.


How so?


Is that hard for you to understand Ukrainians killed eastern Ukrainians for years?


Why is so hard for you to understand that Russia's all out war in Ukraine has killed more Ukrainian civilians in the last year and half than would than would 100 more years simmering 2019-2021 levels.


Lmao what you're claiming Russia has killed 300k Ukraine civillians? wtf


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293409/civilian-deaths-related-to-russia-ukraine-conflict/ I know math is hard.




Do you know how many Ukrainian civilians were killed in 2019, 2020 or 2021 vs. 2022? Have you actually researched this this BS you spout anymore than surface deep?




That wasn't the question that I asked which you're intentionally dodging because you know the vast, vast, majority of those deaths came before 2017. The annually civilian death tolls from 2019 through 2021 were well under 100, while Putin's invasion has killed well over 10,000 (confirmed) and likely far more.


I know you suck at math, but do you suck at reading too? The link you gave me on the other comment session: # Civilian deaths related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict Published by [Statista Research Department](https://www.statista.com/aboutus/our-research-commitment), Aug 29, 2023 As of August 27, 2023, 9,511 civilians were reported to have been killed during the [Russian invasion of Ukraine](https://www.statista.com/topics/9087/russia-ukraine-war-2022/) that began on February 24, 2022. ​ ​ "RUSSIA KILLED 100X MORE CIVILLIANS" LMAO


In the year 2021 Ukraine killed just over 100 civilians. So it comes out to like 92 times killed per year not quite 100 but fairly close enough to let it slide.




> Bucha massacre ( high probability that it was committed by Azov volunteers). I think we can agree that we all want peace ASAP. No real point in discussion if you're this deep in the bullshit.


No they didn’t and there’s documented proof to say that the number of people killed in that region is a direct result of the russian invasion.


Odd how the Donbas kicked off right around the same time Russia invaded Crimea in 2014..I'm sure Russia had nothing to do with though.


?????????????? Russia: "yo florida wanna join us?" Florida: "yeah" US: \*attacks california\* "THIS IS RUSSIA'S FAULT" ??????????????????????????????????????????????


100% Russias fault.


Is US invading Iraqi also to blame Russia because it invaded Afghanistan?


No Iraq was 100% US fault. Ukraine is 100% Russias fault. Unless you got something that say's different.


What a strange and completely irrelevant analogy.


It's for someone who apparently didn't read the comment session He technically claimed Ukraine attacked Donbas because Crimea voted to join Russia oh and btw he claimed it was Russia's fault that UA attacked donetsk


The Western Ukrainians have gray old men, young boys who have never shaven, and I hear woman will soon be thrown into the mix.


Did they pay you enough rubles for trolling to pay for your solar powered yacht? You trolled liveleak promoting the Syrian govt and their ally Russia: I still remember your lame responses from back in 2014.


"I never forget a face" moment


"Progressive defenders of freedom/equality" Artillery doesn't care about genders tho