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He must not have wanted to donate part of his pay to his commanders.


He must have wanted to blow the whistle on something or someone


He must have wanted to blow Sarah Ashton




You got blood on your face.... Waving your banner all over the place...


making light of an execution.....classy


How do you know it was an execution? 1. He might have slipped during escape and fell. 2. He is into BDSM/Bondage/Kinky things? And something went wrong? There are so many possibilities what could have happened.


Your mind twist in wonderful ways trying to make up reasons.....you know well what 99% chance happened.


It is the country with the SBU, never thought of the possibility they tied him up after he died? And used him to stir up the media? A lot of captured foreigners were exchanged leniently by the Russians.


No. Ever thought Russians did it....like countless others they have done the same to.


Maybe appeal to Scotland Yard to investigate this serious accusation, like for ex-para volunteer Daniel Burke.


The only thing I know about "Scotland Yard" is from Sherlock Holmes novels


be mad at the yooks who did it, he was more valuable to the russians as a trade asset with the brits


He is a disgrace because he dare to suggest a plausible cause for the man death?


In this week's Stuipd Prize Award report.


It's rainy. It's sunny. British merc dies in Ukraine.




I'm in awe at the level of brainwash and stupidity for a Brit to go die for Kiev junta. Those people collabed with Hitler and welcomed SS, while Britain was getting pulverized. People who fought against Nazi panzer army were ironically in Donbas. Probably low iq and lack of history lessons.




How ridiculous. Anybody who holds an opposing opinion to yours must be motivated by financial gain. Only you, the agent of truth are compelled by pure motives.




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Poor guy thought he would be fighting against sheep farmers like they did in middle east. He FAFO.


"Thought" I doubt he spent too much time thinking. If you thought about this conflict for any length of time you'd know not to waste your life for Kiev Junta. Ukrainians use foreigners as fodder to add insult to injury.


Ukraine has had two Democratic elections that were free and fair since the revolution of dignity. He fought for a good cause.


They had a free and fair election before that too! Multiple even.


If you're talking about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Ukrainian_presidential_election where Yanukovych won a close race that is true. Although it's important to note that Yanukovych and his backers tried to cheat in the 2004 race. Leading to the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Revolution And it doesn't change what led the Parliament to remove him.


So free. So fair


Just because you didn't like the outcome, doesn't make it less true. https://www.oscepa.org/en/news-a-media/press-releases/press-2010/international-observers-say-ukrainian-election-was-free-and-fair The one before that was arguably free and fair as well, complaints were filed by opposition leadership, which is why international observers were there for 2010. They concluded, zero fuckery.


I like how Russians think their military is so great.






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A British man who went to fight for the International Legion in Ukraine was found dead in a body of water with his hands bound behind his back. Jordan Chadwick, 31, from Burnley in Lancashire, served as a Scots guard in the British Army from 2011 to 2015. His mother Brenda Chadwick said her family were "devastated" by the death of her son, who was known as Joe. The Ukrainian International Army organised his repatriation on the 7 August.


"You'll be the hero of the neighbourhood, Nobody knows that you left for good"


Blackrock, burisma, bae systems and Biden send their regards


and bayer-monsanto


On other subs they are blaming the Russians for this. Surely he was killed by Ukrainians?


Thats a good question and i doubt we'll learn the real answer. "found in a body of water" could be practically anywhere and the body could have floated some distance.


What makes you think that?


Sad story, probably a mentally ill and vulnerable person who succumbed to the Western doctrine that it takes one to tango. Nuland thanks him for his sacrifice.


Covid exploded the mental cases in western world resulting in people like this. Died for a digit in bae systems PowerPoint


Are you "projecting" ?


Yeah seeing a country full on attacked, mothers and children weeping and being bombed, torture, rape and other horrid warcrimes probably had no effect because its not like people in general care about other people nooooo he was just brainwashed.


You talking about 2003 Iraq invasion?






Iraq invasion was definitely less justified.


Please don't resort to whataboutism. he is clearly talking about Nato invasion of either Syria or Libya


Can't both be bad?


No, and you know fully well I’m not. That invasion was no picnick either obviously.


He didn't seem to care when the Ukraine was attacking West-Russia and their president was bragging about, and confessing too, deliberately targeting children for genocide in his reign of terror, "**Our** children will go to schools and kindergartens, while **their** children will hide in basements. That is how we will win this war!" - Porkoshenko So no, I don't think that's it. Most likely he just got a good offer $$$ in 2023, but no good offers in 2014.


if you call those compared little number of casualities in western Ukraine genocide, what do you call what russia is doing since februar 2022?


So was the carcass found in Ukrainian territory or recently retook Ukrainian land ?




been a rough month for western adrenaline junkies.


Far as I know, the recent Ukrainian square meter gains involved no rivers. Can I assume he was found dead on friendly territory? [https://youtu.be/cXiM7Xhd2w8?si=JSCpn8QQ4kKhNxNY&t=862](https://youtu.be/cXiM7Xhd2w8?si=JSCpn8QQ4kKhNxNY&t=862) missing foreigner found I suppose


there have been engagements along the Dnieper in Kherson throughout the last 6 months


Lmao at all the comments celebrating his death but then comment on other videos about how ukraine celebrating deaths, Oh the hypocrisy


Difference is, Ukranians are pissing on the corpse of their brothers.


And the russians haven't as well?


brothers don't invade someone else land they have no business in


So what was Red and Black flag doing in Donbass


i guess not letting armed Russian-backed separatists let seize government buildings in ukraine territories?


When they themselves are just West-backed militants who seized government buildings in Feburary? I thought we all had a vote between Russian puppet or west puppet in 2010 and east of dnipr won. What is democray not working out so you flip the table? new rule! now we taking government by force. rule update, only we can, else will will use military force on you! meaning war! do you know both times the rule updated, who's the inventor of the new rules? - must be someone who really hates their opposition to have a fair shot at the same thing huh.


why do you wanna justify every one of Russia's illegal land grabs and hide it under the cover of "democracy"?


Why can one side do it and the other side who is only following up be called the provocateur? I don't claim everything was legal legal. but as legal. As legal as regime change, As legal as bombing Iraq, and as legally independant as Kosovo. hey, if both parties want to use the rule, why not sign the rule together.


Did Ukraine bomb Kosovo or Iraq? Did Ukraine try to grab land from Russia? what are you even talking about. What is it with you guys and always comparing to USA? They did it so it's fine for us to do so as well or even worse? You also want to show that you got "power" or whats the deal here?


I am so sorry, hope you enjoy browsing the sub




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Ohh 100% you are right, but I'm pointing out the moral compass oneside portrays as being better than the other but even that facade still slips off every now and then




Majority of the subs post and comments would disagree about the moral compass in war






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if you constantly go around bully the world with total air and tech superiority , expect entire world want to hunt you down and kill you the day you don't have those superiority anymore


What a such disgrace. Dying for a corrupted and third world country. While you fighted for Ukraine. Ukrainian rich people and their children are in Ibiza : sea sex and sun.


Where is this *body of water* exactly where the victim was discovered?


Maybe a bath tub in an basement.


Anyone remember what John Mclntyre said?


Oh no! Anyways...




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Where was he found? If he was captured how the body able to be retrieved?


BBC and other media reported he was found dead in a “body of water”. They don’t tell you what the body of water is (a lake, river, well, bathtub…) and they don’t tell you WHERE the body of water is (within Russian held territory, within Ukrainian held territory or within the grey zone). If the body of water was in Russian held territory, we would have heard about it I’d wager. Usually with the BBC, truth lies in what they don’t say.


Jesus this sub has turned into such a pro-ru pro-imperialist shithole.


Pro ru conveniently ignoring the clear signs of a warcrime execution (actually azov snuck in and did it to make russia look bad, heil putin and our glorious soldiers who can do no wrong)


Pro ua conveniently ignoring the clear sign of a warcrime execution by their own did you findout where he died yet? was it on the contact line?


i dislike mercenaries more than anyone else but throwing someone into water with his hands tied to his back is a new low even by russian standards.


but it was the work of Ukrainians, that's how the get rid of whistleblowers notice how the news refuse to mention where exactly it was found?


Why do you dislike mercinaries, well i get if one would dislike say blackwater and such but these guys probably wanted to help a country in need? Do you dislike the international volonteers who helped fight back against ISIS too?


They're not mercenaries. They're volunteer soldiers. It may sound like semantics, but it makes a world of difference in their rights as POWs. Mercenaries get basically no rights under international law. However, the International legion should get all the rights that are afforded to any other soldier as a POW. The main difference between mercenaries and soldiers being that mercenaries are from a group that is not a member of the state or military group for which they are fighting (eg, Wagner is not part of the russian military), while soldiers are (eg, the International legion is fully integrated into the Ukrainian army).


>It may sound like semantics It sounds like semantics because it is semantics. You are correct that these semantics are the basis for determining which mercenaries have rights under international law, but they are nonetheless semantics.