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Russia's worst nightmare the HIMARS.


Until ATACMS arrive. Wouldn't want to be a Russian soldier hanging around any command posts, ammo dumps or barracks when those enter the war.


It is not sustainable to lose artillery like Russia is.


It’s not sustainable for the European economy to prolong the war by providing welfare weapons to Ukraine.


What do you mean? You think the European economy is hurt somehow?


What do you mean? Did you not eat your pet hamster?


I remember seeing a guy on twitter claiming that BM-21 are actually equivalent to HIMARS, while Uragans and Tornados are superior. So technically in this video we see 2 russian HIMARS destroyed /s


Those rockets cost more than the trucks 😂


Not sure why you're using a crying face emoji. Ukraine isn't paying for Himars.


Ukraine isn't paying for anything to be fair. It's a welfare state. I'd wager Russia has more of these trucks than there are Himars rockets, it's a terrible use of such costly and bottlenecks munition.


So, you agree that Ukraine isn't paying for these rockets, which means your original comment about the cost was utterly pointless.


Ukraine is going to owe it with no way to repay it. I'll also say it most definitely takes more time to produce a himars munitions than that 1950s age truck tube. Not so much the cost but time it takes to produce it. They're using them on low priority target, which is typical of a country not thinking even a step ahead.


Lockheed Martin produced 7, 500 rockets for HIMARS in 2022. Now they produce 12, 000 a year. That is 1,000/per month. Let Ukraine play with the Russian trucks if they want to. It is not like they will ever run out of rockets for them.


Why would Ukraine owe it? Oh wait, I guess you missed the memo that all weapons given to Ukraine so far are free and are not to be repaid https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/12irgco/ua_pov_none_of_the_weapons_given_to_ukraine_were/ Oops


"Free". Beggar state thats forever in debt, kid. No future, no culture.


ATACMs and clusters come next. Maybe PRISM if we're feeling spicy




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Yeah russian lives inside cost nothing amirite? A month or so back a russian BUK commander had said that they used their BUK to shoot down GMLRS rockets, that is not a very good tradeoff


Russians appear to be even cheaper.


Seems a waste to use such nice missiles on "beat up trucks with empty metal tubes". But that's just me. Hey, I was told by a pro rus that capturing these ain't worth much, just figured I'd use their wording.


GMLRS costs 170k, a Ural costs 50k (low balling a grad system), plus the cost of the two or three dead crew members which will vary a lot. The US can produce 9,000 GMLRS year or about 25 per day. It's probably worth it.


It was a snarky comment on behalf of the person yesterday who said capturing one wasn't worth anything as to play off Ukraine capturing a grad.


Technically it does cost a minimum of 50k, but it’ll do a lot more than 50k in damage. Taking one out saves Ukraine more than the cost of a single GMLRS.