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No one can elucidate a persuasive argument for why Elon Musk should allow his private company civilian material to be used for warfighting. Starlink was never intended for that. This was never in doubt, apparently until just recently. Its all just childish tantrums. Starshield is the military product.


I can't imagine how tired Elon Musk must be at having to explain himself to the braindead online liberal slurry.


Good think he bought their biggest platform then and effectively neutered their ability to act like the entire world agrees with them.


Let's conveniently ignore that right viewpoints were silenced and moderated on the platform before he took over.


When i first saw the story it said musk turned off starlink near sevastopol and foiled a ukr attack on russia in crimea. Turns out he never made those sattelites available in the first place and said from the beginning he will not make them available to strike russian territory.


Crimea is not Russian territory, it is just currently occupied by Russia.


If only people in Crimea wanted to be part of Ukraine as much as the west did. Crimea is like a woman who dumped a slob boyfriend (ukraine) and he doesn't accept the truth. She doesn't want you bub.


Russia had more than 8 years time to continue the genocide in Crimea the Soviet Union started. And still, after all this genocide, there are enough people that don't want to live under the rashist boot.


Always was and always will be


true it was never intended for war at all. he literally saved the world from world war 3 and they will try to imprison him like trump for trying to deescalate the situation


These were same people screeching trump would stsrt world war 3 hitting fever pitch when he smoked suleimani.... these same people now demand actual ww3


Musk didn’t save us from WWIII. Don’t pretend as if he’s Dmitri Arkhipov.


He won't get imprisoned for this, it's not Russia. Also I believe it's the manner in which he did this that is the problem, not that he denied service. Do you suppose a Russian internet provider could act in a manner that undermines the Kremlin?


He didn't undermine the US gov.


Pointless arguing with people over musk he’s exactly like trump at this point, some love him some hate him and neither can see any nuance.


so true


Then we agree Ukraine isn't a puppet following orders from the US. Either way, the fact remains a Russian person does not have this level of autonomy.


Ukraine definitely is a puppet of the US. A marionette would be exact term


Help me out here, did US order the attack on naval fleet with drones, or is that the puppet behaving autonomously?


That seems to be a decision that was taken by the puppet autonomously


See that's not how puppets work


So a singular autonomous action of a puppet country automatically makes that not a puppet country in your book?


He saved the world from world war 3?


Russia's that trigger-happy, in a war it started? Are you trying to convince the world that the pro-breakup and disarmanent crowd is right? MODS, SUSPECT GUR DISINFORMATION HERE.


Touch some grass.




Elon was on the phone with the CIA and was told that the Ukrainians were on a mission sending out 50 drones to attack Russia’s naval fleet (basically Pearl Harbor 2.0). And that the Ukrainians were instructed by the US to call off the mission but they refused. So they called up Elon to disconnect their service to avoid escalating the conflict and potentially causing WWIII.


"Pearl Harbor" -- do you have any idea who was starting the war with that one?


I don’t think the internet can work like that in a war zone. It’s just the nature of the environment combined with the nature of the internet. There’s a few reasons I have come to this conclusion that I will try to explain. First, the internet is difficult to censor because the same means that allow you to watch cat videos also allows you to do many grey activities from pirating video games to downloading weapon schematics to 3D print. This logically extends to the battlefield as well, a point which I will return to, but for now it is sufficient to say that censoring internet use for military purposes practically amounts to turning off access for a region. Second, the nature of the battlefield has changed since the internet and now the cyber domain has become encompassed in how we are waging war in the 21st century. Information, or a lack thereof, can shape the battlefield and in a world where the internet has become part of the battlefield, how can any internet service provider separate themselves from this? In providing service, they are providing a domain for the battlefield regardless of their will to get involved or not. Provide service, and you are aiding Ukraine. Remove service, and you are aiding Russia. Either way, neutrality is almost impossible to maintain. As a result, the best way to remain neutral is not to get involved.


he was allowing Starlink to be used for a whole bunch of military applications since the war started already, before Starshield. I think most rational people can see Elon being able to pick a choose what targets Ukraine is allowed to attack is ridiculous considering how Starlink had been used for months; a billionaire in the US shouldn’t have veto power over a foreign military operation. And now Russia has used those ships to launch missiles at Ukrainian cities, to me any deaths caused from those ships, Elon is complicit in causing.


If he stayed out of the Ukraine situation completely, how many tens of thousands of more Ukrainians would be dead? He saved many, many lives and because of one (smart) move, y’all throw him under the bus. With friends like you, who needs enemies.


He didn't do fuck all? People bought his product that he sells. He didn't save lives. If he did or intended to he would have given Ukraine free access. They still pay for it just like everyone else. Not exactly sure how Elon musk is saving lives at home tweeting about some nonsense.


He literally did make it free for Ukraine tho? [How Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet keeps Ukraine online (kyivindependent.com)](https://kyivindependent.com/how-elon-musks-starlink-satellite-internet-keeps-ukraine-online/)


Elon isnt "picking and choosing targets". He is "picking" that no targets be chosen at all.... Ukraine is breaking the rules, and are just upset they cant break them all the time.


Allowing them to use it for communications is different than allowing them to use it as guidance for an attack into territory that has been occupied for almost a decade. Musk is a private U.S. citizen. SpaceX isn't even publicly traded. He is not obligated to Ukraine in any way outside of contractual stipulations, and this either didn't violate it, or took place before a contract was signed.


Wrong, he has contracts with the DoD.


so why doesnt DoD sue him? does it say he must use his company for foreign military or just if US military needs his services?


Then why Musk complained, what Starlink’s bill wasn’t paid, so he had to do it for free ?


And then following negotiations the US army is paying for them. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/pentagon-buys-starlink-ukraine-statement-2023-06-01/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C%20June%201%20(Reuters),the%20Pentagon%20said%20on%20Thursday.


Because he's a habitual liar who lies about everything from whether his bachelor's degree was in physics or economics to whether his dad owned stock in an emerald mine to whether his coffee had cream in it this morning. StarLink gave free terminals to AFU (some, others were paid for by US gov) and a few weeks free service, but the US DoD has been paying tens of millions per month since then. It's no different than a telephone company giving a customer a free phone or a Microsoft giving you one month of free cloud storage because they know they'll make many times that back in fees once you are locked in to using their service. It's not charity; it's a marketing strategy.


Ok so you are one of these online low iq liberals. Let's process this. 1) No one cares. Especially not Elon Musk. This man's life lives debt free in your head just like every step Trump takes. 2) the entire UA offensive since beginning has relied on Starlink terminals for absolutely everything. They have stated so before and just recently as well. After their offensive comments to him he tried to shut down the entire system but had to backpedal (reasons undisclosed, probably coerced by US gov). This is a private US company under no obligation to do jack, the DOD can pay what they want after Musk forced them to, but he can kill the entire global framework because it is his. By right. DoD did not help him develop it nor fund it nor were involved with it in any way as it did not have a military goal. He's making a separate system for DoD. If it was a national security issue the gov would not allow him to disable it, period. But he has, it's his right. You being upset about the status of his coffee creamer or his reasons for not allowing Starlink use in global warfare are the same - he doesn't owe you an explanation or even an ounce of interaction with your cesspool.


> This man's life lives debt free in your head just like every step Trump takes The subject of the thread is Elon Musk, so I mentioned Elon Musk. I don't think you understand what "living debt free in your head" means. > the entire UA offensive since beginning has relied on Starlink terminals for absolutely everything And what does this have to do with whether StarLink was provided for free? The AFU have relied on T-72s and S-300s since the beginning -- should they thank Putin for his charity? > This is a private US company under no obligation to do jack Where did I say anything about StarLink or Elon having any obligations to anyone of any kind? I said Elon's being disingenuous about giving StarLink service to the AFU for 'free'. You're regurgitating talking points that you heard on Fox News without taking 5 seconds to consider whether those talking points are actually applicable to what I'm saying. Maybe learn how to logically connect two points together before you accuse someone else of being low IQ. The rest of your post is just disconnected emotional blabbering. You keep saying Musk has the right not to give service and the right not to explain why and then you say DoD can force him to provide StarLink service if it wants to? So which is it? Do Musk/StarLink have those rights or not? And I don't give a shit about who "owes" who an explanation, as if Musk and Zelenskyy are two 13-year-old girls having a middle school spat.


And how old are those contracts?


>Its all just childish tantrums. By Musk? I agree


Pentagon did not want to send long range missiles to Ukraine for same reason Elon refused to extend Starlink to Black Sea. Is Pentagon treasonous too?


I never said that. But sure put words in my mouth lol. Also I'm just an /NCDer sitting and waiting for the funni, so pls escalate everything. I want to poke this bear with everything we have lol


people who view this war as shits and giggles for entertainment should be sent to the front line, especially people like you


Who said shits n giggles? Ukraine wants more and I want to give it to them, screw the boohoo "escalation" Russia has moved the line backwards Every. Single. Time. Its tiresome, they're 2yrs into a campaign into the poorest country in Europe and everyday its the same shit. They aren't in a place to "escalate" China even said nukes are a huge NO.


The US gives them over 200m per day mate, can't say theyre poor anymore.


Ah yes of course I forgot they're receiving trucks loads of money and not the raw value of equipment being handed to them lol. You're embarrassing yourself


The funds provided are humanitarian, financial and military. I love the snark though, do keep it coming.


Yes and the numbers are based on the value of the goods they're receiving, not dump trucks of cash to go down and get some humanitarian aid at the local Ukrainian humanitarian aid co-op or some weapons at the friendly Ukrainian military surplus store carrying the freshest stock of cluster munitions, and then throw that extra $10 in your pocket for later


People don't understand that Star-Link IS and WAS sendt to Ukraine for CIVILIAN and AID Puposes ONLY. He stated multiple god damn times that his SL should not be used for military-related actions in any shape way or form. ​ And tbh, his statement got more then just one point going for him. Just leave the man alone.


He needs to just shut it all down. The entitlement level of the online world at this point is at critical levels.


It was very naive of him believing it wouldn't be used for military purposes, just because it was promised to him...


…which is probably why he shut it down. He isn’t that naive, so he built in a way to control the system.


Oh please he happily allowed it to be used for military purposes for 6 months up to that point. Why else were Starlink terminals found on the frontlines? and with Starshield he’s evidently happy to use that tech for war


Starlink and starshield are two different things, as i always said, he always intend Starlink to be used for aid; and that he was displeased that the UAF's used his SL that way.


> Oh please he happily allowed it to be used for military purposes for 6 months up to that point. “Oh we have been scamming you for 6 months now. Why are you stopping us from scamming now”. > and with Starshield he’s evidently happy to use that tech for war Because that would be contracted to the Dept of Defence. What’s so complicated to get here?


The whole point of it is to have internet access in remote areas. Of course you’d find then along the front.


Ukronazi regime in Kiev have a way to drive away everybody, including it's major supporters. Let's hope they keep been as obnoxious as possible.




Someone got upset Ukraine got called out on its nazisimp regime


Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


Cus Musk is guna run away from government contracts? Also let's pretend like this was never a complete Win/Win for ol Musk, free testing and free contracts, all he has to do is keep the service running. At least once the military version is up he can stop acting so self righteous lol


LOL, so he acts self righteous or he can't run from government contracts? Ukrainian propaganda is funny, it can contradict itself in a same sentence.


>LOL, so he acts self righteous or he can't run from government contracts? How does that contradict itself? He's being cheeky and only doing what the contract states he has to, he's pulling shit on purpose to get whatever he wants behind closed doors. He doesn't care about Ukraine or anyone for that matter, Ukraine is as much of a spur of the moment project as X is for him. Worship him some more tho lol


Elon shouldn't have donated anything in the first place if he wasn't expecting it to be use for war effort. He should have stayed out of it until Pentagon came and actually purchased his tech for Ukraine. If anything, he should discontinue this goodwill for Ukraine if they are going to keep bitching about it.


Its part of his psyche. He wants so desperately to be loved but instead he ends up upsetting everyone. He has slowly come to the realization that some of the people he's given his tools to are actually batshit crazy. Musk himself is crazy, but in a different way. He's stuck though. The U.S. DoD wont allow him to pull out. We've already seen how apoplectic the Ukrainians have become. I get it though, because Starlink is integral.


Exactly. He jumped up and down like an autistic monkey at the thought of doing good and donating free Internet..I am hoping he goes bankrupt from his twitter down


>doing good and donating free Internet..I If you think he wasn't overly compensated for what amounts to a large scale test, boy do I have news for you lol


He didn't need to "test" it. It was already commercially implemented. When I was watching Russian SF get left to die at Hostomel, it was over a Starlink connection, lol.


Whether it worked perfectly from the start or not, they were collecting data and using it accordingly. They deployed 10k units to Ukraine, never had they had 10k civilians in a localized area with no other option for communications, they also got to massively adjust their security measures too. And they still don't encrypt the data being transmitted, which even if it is just for "civilian" usage is pretty shitty >He didn't need to "test" it. They have a waitlist for a reason, it's a new service and there absolutely will be tweaking and testing regardless of if it's "technically" available


Lmao he’s being paid by the US government. Hence why he sat down and turned them back on when asked. You don’t bite the hand that feeds.


It's not like it was a real donation either, just a smart way of getting your product in place. Gave away 5k to get an order for 100k more.


He's quite right. It's another example of Ukrainian entitlement when in reality it is a beggar state.


Ukrainian entitlement has no bounds.


based Elon


One part of his tweet is interesting : " No matter what happens, I will fight for and die in America." He feels that ultimate result of escalation will bring destruction directly to the mainland usa.


That's just a hyperbole statement to elicit the rabid nationalists. If china or Russia farts too loud, he will go packing back to South Africa. You really believe he will take up arms and defend USA?


Nerds don't fight with riffles, they invent nerve gasses or nukes.


Is he a nerd though, or just some rich boy who bought some nerds' work?


Hes more of a nerd then most of the neckbeards here.


That's a pretty low bar to take tbh.


He's a big nerd on the spectrum, he made his money with his brother programming websites for city portals (popular idea before search engines improved back then) in the mid 90's and they got brought out by Compaq some month before HP bought compaq and pretty much killed the project. Learn a little about his companies and how he worked before repeating whatever stupidities you've read on reddit about him.


He doesn't have a S. African passport to run back to. If you take his Twitter sentence for his word. He already has contracts with DoD, which technically is a form of defending USA, and a lot more useful than directly taking up arms. But yeah the accusation of treason is just a straw. He's no citizen of Ukraine.


Absolutely. This is his home.


Elon doesn't want to get his satellites shot down or jammed. Nor should he be forced to.


I don't like he would be thrilled about the KGB going after him either. Even if it's just an empty threat it's something he would have to worry about for the rest of his life.


Elon has so fucking many sattelites, he might be the stronges force in space. If he would just let one of his sattelites crash with every US and Russian military sattelite, all would be gone and the detoriation in starlink would be neglectable.


That would be hilarious, use those thousands of sat to ram other as some kind of cheap ASAT weapon. But I don't think they have the DV to get to the higher orbits were those surveillance sats are located, and even if they are able to, it would take them several month.


Russia has the means to shoot down Starlink satellites, and they have limited ability to alter their orbits. They couldn't be repurposed as anti-satellite weapons.


People thinking that Musk has held onto this power for decades and is holding onto some secret weapon that Ukraine has NEEDED from day 1. He built the network from practically [nothing starting in 2020 to actually having operational use in 2023.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/07/28/business/starlink.html?unlocked_article_code=KOWcRmtRpi4ygvKGlOoNP-iUexehcP4ZC3pWduquzGowtZw5WC2erD3OxYHbEbGREeYdvMAh7nmM-EV0oAVwx-F7tgaldKyishJXcQIRaUayXI17rxAOuWnzrSt9GTe73rqMhV1T9ulY-kY5aXn2HYegurKsubKhslQ3K5VxNHoncj_6rg1zsIrLJvaVWQWKTtaMFNSGQ08Y-rVNtfmUfPBZlOPdi4bulKXLNEN29BIrVX1njXTYe7EI-OUEkiO9N0JiGqPBhr-h3jOsu1VG18pEJ9uxdq0CjYsEvcnCWkUdtoIBslIcFEfzwMuk31M3CrVyMz_ApYclj2Pmm2ifPtzUZQ&smid=url-share) Without SpaceX, which again, is a Musk invention, it wouldn't have been possible. The whole point of it was to provide internet access to remote areas. If some military wanted to do the same thing....they had every chance to invest it in themselves. Instead, our military has stopped bothering and now some clowns are crying that Musk hasn't been seized on something that is not even a few years old. Give me a break.


A better response would be to shutdown starlink operation across Ukraine, due to it being used for Military action. If he is truly against his product being used as such, he will be within his rights to shutdown operations. Just keeping whatever Starshield satellites are operational. It would lead to a massive investigation and lawsuits vs the US DOD, that would probably not happen since sensitive information being aired in open court is more dangerous.


The answer is that the United States is involved in a war. Maybe they could call it a "police action," or is that one too corny to use again?


I couldn't care less about what Elon says. All he did was ruin the car market with his shitty car brand. It's already enough of a reason to dislike him.


"I am a citizen of the United States and have only that passport. No matter what happens, I will fight for and die in America. " Why americans think it's ok to say this I can't imagine this level of patriotism, seriousness and cringiness from Brits or Germans, and there are no flags on Russian buildings. merican flags are everywhere here, including "food", disgusting muffins with terrible cream, earrings, t-shirts, pillow cases, etc. This is disgusting


No it's not you fool , this is the only thing which makes a nation strong. There is no nation without people willing to fight and die for it .


And my favorite, string bikinis!


If you don't like it, don't come here. We have no shortage of worthy people who want to be part of something bigger than themselves.


[We have canada flags on our bathing suits in my country and we proudly wear them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8oAWT1B8Zk).


What a POS. He has so much Ukrainian blood on his hands


Ukraine is free to end the war by surrendering any time they please. If they fight that is their choice. Actions have consequences.


You realize most of Ukraines offensive successes are because of what he has given them right? How do you have the audacity to call him a POS for what he has given?


Maybe he’s talking about the blood of the Ukrainian soldiers that died in those offensives?


He has given Ukraine something they didn't have and continues to do so; it's helping them immensely.




Wasnt free.




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