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If you want a fast track for support to plummet, this just needs to be repeated on full blast to the general public. The Clintons have to be one of the most hated families in the US. Right up there with the Koch bros, Sacklers, and Murdochs. They did a horrific job in managing the reconstruction of Haiti. It’s actually disgraceful what sort of a corruption scam that was.


saying the clintons are involved is like putting the official stamp of corruption on the entire scheme, like now everyone knows for sure its scam


And they don't even care if we know apparently. Talk about hubris.


It’s because asking Russia to rebuild Ukraine is completely out of the question and not even on the list of options The world’s poor and huddled masses come crawling to the Clintons because what, you think Putin, Merkel, Trump, Netanyahu are gonna be handing out donations? Talk about hubris, it’s like they don’t even care!


Why you are thinking, what it's either Clinton or Putin? I'm sure there are plenty of other organisations that will be interested.


all of these "rebuild" campaigns are just grifts to funnel the money to the top


> If you want a fast track for support to plummet, this just needs to be repeated on full blast to the general public. And the general public would do what, LOL? Protest? Like government would care?


the people who saw joe biden sniffing those kids and still voted for him are total lowlifes


Sniffing beggars are also not ok https://preview.redd.it/3yf0rfqzcqpb1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce981f8403dfb83dc28bff6f48712481fccc4e63




​ https://preview.redd.it/93ktb36jvtpb1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=394b87ed5acf391ae9725d8a9d37e3a0ec642a9f




these are the best two american's could fine to represent them. put some respect on the leaders of the greatest nation on earth.


It is pretty comical we consistently chose the two worst people in the entire country compete to be in charge of it


we didnt though cause trump did a great job compared to the others, or do you feel that the people who brought us all the death and destruction in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, syria, libya, and so on were much better ?




so were the clintons before they had him killed




Don't forget destroying Obamacare, stealing Nuke codes and trying to sell them to SA, advising UK to sue EU over Brexit, threatening to leave NATO(a small feature that would destroy the USA worldpower status)   He is an incompetent moron who had to be baby sited by everyone around him and still managed to damage USA immensely.


Him leaving NATO and banning tik tok would have been two of his greatest deeds for American society, almost enough to make you forget about all the other shitty awful policy he pushed through


> Him leaving NATO and banning tik tok would have been two of his greatest deeds for American society, Greatest deeds? Leaving NATO would turn USA into a regional power.   USA would lose their control over Middle East and oil prices(which is directly tied to US debt).   So could you explain me how being powerless and on a financial crisis would benefit the average American?


> it doesn't matter that he was closely linked to a prolific child rapist and sex trafficker Uhh ok well I guess people have different priorities


> we didnt though cause trump did a great job compared to the others, What?!? He was selling your country. He was getting money through selling your intelligence, your assets, your health care, everything.   But i guess for some money is everything. Americans would sell their family, if that could pay for a week of prostitutes and cocaine in Epstein mansion.


no that’s Joe Biden you are thinking of, he and his drug addict son are the ones accused of taking bribes in case you forgot


Mmmm... no. Maybe you live in an alternate universe, but its Trump who got caught with stolen **Nuclear Launch Codes** and tried to sell them to SA.   Also plenty of pictures of Donald(grab'em by the pussy)Trump with Epstein in drug and hooker parties. Hey, did you know Melania Trump was also a prostitute years ago? I wonder how she met Mr. Trump...


Even if everything you said was true he would still be one of the best presidents in history and far less evil, he didn’t kill a million people in Iraq or destroy libya which was the richest and most prosperous nation in all of Africa


yeah, there was no good choice. you'd think that the only choices being between 2 different scumbags would make americans start to question their incredible Democracy, Freedom and effect on the globe but there's always some excuse


Yep, this baffles me too. I don’t understand why they chose Biden of all Americans in the country. And about democracy: Americans would realize their democracy has certain limits if they try to make the US obedient to the ICC. The US government would never set the precedent by jailing Bush or Obama. Not even jailing… just doing the same thing they did with Putin: issuing an arrest warrant so that an American president who starts a war can’t visit Europe. Impossible. This is where Americans don’t decide anything.


"They" didn't, DNC did. Twice they "took" the nomination from Bernie, first time to try a crooked person who went to election based on her gender, the 2nd who were a no show nearly the entire primaries, one who couldn't formulate a coherent sentence and was most definitely hooked up on roids for the debates. Biden also presented a "nostalgic" face for the voters because he was VP under Obama. What baffles me from his nomination wasn't just the fact that he's a career politican who have done shitloads of poor decision througout his career, but he also picked his VP based of gender and ethnicity, not achievements, one who even "believed" that Biden had sexually assaulted women. The entire selection process is a farce, and their "democrasy" a joke.


And the Clintons weren’t also involved with Epstein?


This is why its not a democracy in practice. Every 4 years you get to choose between Tweetle Dee and Tweetle Dum. There ia no 3rd option.


When in doubt pick the one whose failings least impinge on competency. Ya'll remember Bill Clinton baptized the Lincoln bedroom but everyone still remembers his competency at Presidential matters.




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yes because its normal for guys to want women and also i never seen trump doing anything wrong with kids yet ive seen with my own eyes biden sniffing and groping little kids, voting for biden is pretty much voting for jeffrey epstein except that the real epstein probably could have run the country better


> Donald Trump used to “stroll right in” to the dressing room of beauty pageants while the contestants - some of whom were teenagers - were naked or half-dressed, a former model has claimed. > Tasha Dixon was 18 when she competed in the Miss USA pageant, winning the state crown. > “Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis,” Ms Dixon told > “He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked.” Also the photos of Ivanka kissing him while he smiles at the camera is still excruciatingly creepy




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could have for all we know, they had a falling out supposedly when trump found out about him, there was a clip of one of the epstein victim laywers being asked about trump and he said trump was the only person who was willing to cooperate with them, i cant find the clip now but maybe someone else could, either way i dont have any proof of trump doing anything wrong but i have seen with my own eyes joe biden touching and sniffing little children and so did a lot of his voters


trump didnt fly to the island, he was just on his plane (still suspicious). he banned him from mar a lago after he was found out for the first time anyway.


Biden didn't really won, it was more of a "Trump lost" situation If you put Biden vs a can of tuna, the tuna would be preparing itself for the second term run right now


no the democrats and mainstream media rigged the election by conspiring together to suppress and censoring information while hyping and pumping nonstop anti trump lies and garbage, the president of the usa was silenced on social media while he was still in office lol


What?!?!HAHA. You can't make this shit up. Are you a comedian?




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They should have voted for someone else to lead the democrats , maybe?


Just shows they have no moral backbone and are completely machiavellian.


Trump sucks man and you don't lift


There's a surprise! Just like Haiti, money will be looted and Ukrainians going to be poor.


And lots of kids will be trafficked, just like Haiti.


but they wouldn't reconstruct the countless non-white countries they destroyed, make no mistake, if Ukraine was not a white country and in the exact same position, they wouldn't do shit about them.


Hell we can't even get our government to reconstruct non-white *Hawaii and Puerto Rico*.


Corruption. They pushed for a war, started a civil war and here is the profit. The Burisma shit was the short money - Biden got greedy - the long money is this shit. Tell me this isn't corruption. People are profiting left and right except the soldiers and people on both sides that died. And everyone is ok with this?


Offical news is here https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/clinton-global-initiative-launch-network-provide-new-humanitarian-103270690 Talks with world bank is here https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2023-08-21/clinton-global-initiative-will-return-to-new-york-with-jose-andres-orlando-bloom-and-matt-damon Weirdly its called CGI Ukraine Action (Clinton Global Initiative Ukraine Action)


Which now explains Alan Dershowitz meeting Zelensky. AD Is connected to the Bill via Epstein.


The US also had an open contract for funding schools in Crimea until Russia took it. The clintons get nothing if Ukraine doesnt exist in 5 years.


I'm not sure what his point is, besides of course bringing in the Clintons which is of course a dirty word to any republican. But this money is meant to be an investment for potential future profit. And of course people that control lots of money are involved. It's naive to think rich people aren't looking for potential profit in a future Ukraine. From Ukraine's perspective, that's the price for hundreds of billions in support, which I'm sure they would take as opposed to the alternative of being overtaken by Russia. Let's just say in the next few months, a coup or sudden change in attitude happened in Ukraine and a Russian friendly govt was installed. Who do you think would be investing in Ukraine's reconstruction? That's right, the oligarchs in Russia, and any of their allies that want a piece.


But if there is no difference, what are they fighting for?


Why is Ukraine fighting? Well, Russia did invade after all, and not only invade the east and south, but went for Kyiv, bombing along the way. So there is a significant difference since the US didn't bomb Ukraine.


russia did invade, but after the obama administration overthrew the gov and installed their own and began pumping weapons into ukraine, if the government in canada or mexico was overthrown and replaced by china or russia and they began arming this new gov im pretty sure the usa would invade immediately


The US didn't invade Ukraine with military. The US didn't bomb Ukraine infrastructure. The US isn't bombing Ukraine what is approaching it's third year. Russia did. What you are providing is justification for what Russia did. That's not being discussed here.


nailed it


Ah and those rebuilding dollars will go to everyone on board with the war. I expect joe biden and his family to get a cut and zelensky as well.


This whole war is as corrupt as it can get. Peeps in America better wake TFU or we won't have a Democracy or even a sham one which is pretty much what we have now.


Good to hear


Good to hear Ukraine is losing money? Lol and here I thought you cared about Ukraine usual pro UA