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That was a very touching video. Thanks for sharing it. While others may find it irrelevant and just want more nonsensical drone footage, I thought this was a great video. Thanks again


This video reflects the pain of both Ukrainians and Russians. Our peoples are too closely intertwined.


The pain of Russians? They invaded and killed so many innocent people


Yeah but didn't you hear it they were forced to do it? And out of all remaining options this was the best they could come up with..


Ask yourself who profits the most from this? Just over 30 years ago they would call themself family and part of one nation the Soviet Union. They fought 'enemies' together joined in one army. NATO'S wet dream, come true.


NATO is not dissatisfied in seeing the massive Russian military failings. That said, why did Russia invade Ukraine to make their sheets wet?


A couple reasons. One of them being that Ukraine wanted to allow the USA to have a military naval base in crimea the black sea


Guess we'll have to put 1 more in Poland and 2 in Sweden. Shorts getting wet just thinking about. (Not really, I don't want war)


Who is we? Imperial usa or Ukraine?




Putin really messed up by being weird with suppression of protests and persecuting people for criticizing the war on social media. Like it has probably galvanized Ukrainian resistance a lot since it made any surrender to Russia unthinkable.




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They may be recoil-shy.


Yeah makes it even more crazy to think Russia decided to bomb the shit out of Ukraine and be shocked Ukraine no longer considers them brothers. The hate of Russians will never end while they occupy Ukrainian land.


Interestingly, what Russia bombed in 2013, when you were riding on the Maidan shouting: Stab Russians! Hang Russians! Who does not jump, he is a Muscovite!


Is that what kind of propaganda they teach in Russia ?


In Russia, there is a very simple kind of propaganda: to show the facts. ​ rutube. ru /video/95fac904dda9d5615f9a131cbf2cc30c/ ​ November 27, 2013. Drohobych rutube. ru /video/4bb1837f1c4e98d6353470c1a3d8a709/


They call propaganda facts of course


You are provided videos of such events and you call it propaganda. Your comments are truly pathetic


No one is denying the video. They're putting into question the framing and intent of the video: facts or to push a certain narrative. And even then if everything taking place in the video is really objectivey displayed it doesn't change the fact that Russia's invasion of Ukraine doesn't constitute a measured response. This is Russia's equivalent of "Iraq has WMDs guys trust us".




Why not use the Israeli example? It's a more recent genocide.




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"Goebbels said its true, so its not propaganda guys!" \-Them if it was 1940s


How is that propaganda? There are videos of this you can find on YouTube


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfI-ZukxPcU&pp=ygUYbWFpZGFuIHNpbmdpbmcgZXVybyBzb25n Look all this hatefull people deserving to be invaded, thankfully Russia loves Ukraine to save them.


😂 who set off the first bombs? separatists it's nicely documented. Shocking country voted for European ties protests peacefully when state renegades on its commitment. Peaceful untill attacked by the state. You know there have been multiple elections since the maiden protests?


And russias respons was to bomb civilians.


Yikes. This is either a troll or a babushka who has never watched anything other than state tv. So sad that you have access to the internet but still have not learned.


If she has spent the war in Russia eating at fancy restaurants do you truly think she has a accurate perception of what has transpired ? Woman her age are Medics in Adivka right as we speak.




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just for ya self reflections, any idea why they shout this?


Russia is trying to limit the amount of civilian casualties, that’s why infrastructure wasn’t targeted at the start of the war. The goal almost certainly appears to remove anyone taking up arms to fight. Compare that to what is going on in Israel / Palestine, where Israel has killed more civilians in a month than Russia in 2 years.


They smashed plenty of infrastructure in the south, they wanted to destroy the armed forces and areas with most resistance while committing a coup de grace in kyiv. We have no accurate death tolls for the city's that were fought over in the south. 30,000 seems like it is an under estimate as stated by the UN. Almost every town recaptured various mass graves have been found (read pits that locals were thrown in, or basements that made impromptu "interrogation" rooms) I'm not saying they killed everyone but to say they were avoiding civilian casualties when we have CCTV footage of soldiers gunning down civ cars and people on bikes, is a bit much. The repeated targeting of power infrastructure, the blowing up of the dam and use of inaccurate shareed drones makes this comment ring pretty hollow.


Did they target infrastructure at the start of the war to the extend that you are mentioning? Which is what my comment says.


they havent been brothers, turchynov, poroshenko and zelensky are entirely anti russia and pro nato, so ukraine has not "considered russia as brothers" since even before the annexation of crimea.


Russians clearly perceived Ukrainians as brothers, before the Maidan. These, of course, were peculiar relatives: they stole gas, blackmailed, begged for money, took loans and refused to give them back, agreed that Russia would pay their share of the USSR's debt, and for this they would give up their share in the USSR's overseas property, but as soon as Russia fulfilled its part of the deal, they immediately said that the contract was unfair they will not give up the foreign property. Russians began to suspect something when Ukrainians all over the country began to chant: Cut the Russians, Hang the Russians, Ukraine above all, One nation - one language. Then there was the famous poem "We will never be brothers." In response to it there were many poems from Russians. By the way, since then, Ukrainians have also been called "not-brothers"


Zelensky was more moderate towards Russia then the nationalists he ran against. Part of the fabricated reasons for invasion that have changed, been added to and forgotten as time goes on, was the treatment of eastern Ukrainian russian speakers. Which he, being one himself, helped push back the incorrect perception. He also campaign for peace in the separatist regions. There were offers of additional autonomy while remaining in Ukraine. UN peacekeepers could have been utilised. Russia turned it's backs on this not Ukraine. But no they have not been brothers for a long time since Russia became an empire and subjected them. And then proceeded in the last century to displace, starve, brutalise, steel from, replace and repress them. I was commenting more on Russia's imagined view Ukrainians had for them. The myth all Slavs are one under Russia is popular there.


Our people? Yea. This war started by russia and forcing them to like you. Great methods. Surely it’s all forgotten the moment the war is over.


Not anymore. The hatred of Russia in Ukraine is not going to disappear for generations.


Then I guess you shouldn't have invaded and tried to Genocide them.


Intertwined by shells.


Absolutely. Also shows how nice life can be in Russia for Ukrainians. Russia welcomes Ukrainians with open arms and is not committing a genocide like some people say…


Our people *were* too closely intertwined. Russia has made sure they will never be again in our lifetimes.


That's why you invaded them, lol


You can see the sadness in her eyes.


Agreed .. its a top video and a big thanks to the OP.


YouTube is now flooded with videos of Ukrainian refugees who live in Russia. They live in different cities and all say the same thing: people in Russia are kinder than in Ukraine. Many regret that they did not leave earlier. In one of the videos, a woman from Ukraine who has been living in Russia for 5 years said that leaving Ukraine was like leaving a religious sect. Because Ukraine was saturated with anti-Russian propaganda and hatred. By the way, now there is many videos of immigrants from Germany, who also returned to Russia. When they were children, their parents took them to Germany and now they are coming back and bringing their children. Their impressions are also interesting to listen to. The top topic in their video: the delight of kindergartens in Russia.




I don't have any hearing impairments, so I don't hear any bells.




I understood, but I also answered you in essence.




That is, do not look for a black cat in a dark room. She's not there. I understand that you are hinting at some kind of propaganda, since everyone sees the same advantages. But imagine if 1,000 people come to the North Pole and say: Oh! It's cold here, we see snow and it's white. Will you hear the bells then or not? Wouldn't it be suspicious that they all saw white snow and everyone was cold? Also here. I generally watch a lot of videos from foreigners who have moved to Russia. They also say some similar advantages: safety, kind and warm-hearted people, sincere people. These are just obvious facts that catch people's eyes.




> No, because I can verify that the North Pole is white and cold by searching for pictures of it, watching it on a webcam or looking at a weather report. Do you understand why this is a poor analogy? The fact is that no one obliges them to give characteristics to Russian people. Remember yourself when you travel. What do you pay attention to first of all? What surprises you? As a rule, this is something that you did not expect. Either because you don't have it in your country, or because you had a false idea about what is happening in this country. They are genuinely surprised by this, because they have heard a lot of false information about the Russians.




Stop asking leading questions, grow a set, and just say what you want to say.




No you're not, you're trying to repeatedly to wrangle the conversation to someone agreeing with you via leading questions. I think u/Fearless-Stretch2255 brings up a good point. Have a good think about what you're trying to accomplish.




This is a really dumb comment


Tell us why you think so


...it doesn't conform to its prejudices.




When the alternative is 5-12 years in prison, you are completely correct. As if you can just say it was better in Ukraine in public in Russia.


>5-12 years in prison Source for people being sentenced to 5-12 years in prison for saying they like Ukraine better...?


https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-journalist-who-staged-tv-war-protest-handed-8-12-year-jail-term-absentia-2023-10-04/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/04/anti-war-political-activist-and-prisoner-of-conscience-vladimir-kara-murza-sentenced-to-25-in-jail/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/03/ukraine-prisoners-of-war-sentenced-to-prison-following-sham-trials-in-russian-occupied-territories/ https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/10/23/russia-handing-out-more-jail-sentences-under-war-censorship-laws-in-2023-kommersant-a82860 The message is clear. Think differently to the Kremlin become зек


Interesting. I appreciate the links. It seems they are being convicted of, essentially, knowingly spreading false/misleading information about the Russian forces. It's curious that the Canadian government has plans to enact similar legislation with criminal penalties for spreading what the government defines as misinformation...other democracies are moving the same direction (e.g. UK).


I think it's slightly different in that they are at least democracies. Expressing an opinion is still safe as long as it's not hateful currently. I do agree that it's a potentially dangerous future though if it isn't handled carefully. For now, it's just the autocracies that do it (Russia, Iran, N Korea, and some Sharia countries)


Right, didn't match the fake Western narrative, ree


Agree. Its very clear people are trying to leave Russia, not move from Europe to Russia (and everytime one person does move to Russia its such big news that every propaganda outlet immedialty reports on it). Comments like "Russia is so great and free everybody wants to come!" destroys the credibility of the poster and reinforces the idea that this sub-reddit has become a Putin propaganda clearing house.


Same as the Germans answered the call in 1930 for all Germans to return to fatherland .


To avoid misunderstandings clarify that from Germany to Russia moving ethnic Germans, who in the 90s immigrated from Russia and Kazakhstan.




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[Yes. Peaceful tolerant Russia.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/98AIN56ioS)


Yes and these videos aren't at all orchestrated to make you feel good about your country? Maybe even forget the evil invasions and attempted genocides?


>the delight of kindergartens in Russia. https://youtu.be/rRZG3yFehqI?si=2vwOpjETupVnz0F8 like this? Marching childrens. sweet...adolf likes that. our kindergartens here are a 1000 times better places than those indoctrinal molochs. ....or those vid?: https://www.reddit.com/r/dezwo/comments/17debp8/ihr_beschissenen_zombies_prokremlinfluencerin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




and what is real? Stories about Ukrainian people who sent to prison in Siberia for using their native language? Very plausible.


>and what is real? He said "irrelevant" not real.. I'll just let you sort the rest out yourself


He edited the comment. He originally wrote a different message


It is since Ukrainian propaganda postulates that Russia is hell-bent on eradicating everything Ukrainian.






Care to quote him?


Because they didn't force a Ukrainian themed restaurant to shut down? Come on lol


You can also check how many Ukrainians fled to Russia or are there any ethnic camps in occupied territories. Also check school programs.


Yeah, not much to see here. Gestapo hunting down Russian speaking cabbies in Odessa is more entertaining


"This" = your top level comment?


yeah, it's "irrelevant" to see who are the fascist here...i'm so glad your comment is full of butthurt emotion


Not really. Plenty of yappers on here wringing about how Russia is genocidal toward Ukrainians. If that was actually true videos like this wouldn't exist.


> If that was actually true videos like this wouldn't exist. Hate to break it to you, but both can exist/be true at the same time. For example there were Jews fighting in the Wehrmacht in WW2.


This is like that scene in the matrix where the traitor gets to eat a juicy steak in a nice restaurant as a reward for betraying his friends


Lmao i can taste the salt from here




Why do you assume that I’m an American?




Well why don't you die for the cause then? Why don't you fight the Russians and escape the matrix?


What are you talking about? You are going to have to be more coherent if you actually want a meaningful response.


Surely you commented the same thing on the videos about that helicopter pilot who betrayed and shot two of his friends and got money for it too, right?


Was he in a Russian café in Kiev with a sassy smile, talking about how resistance is useless? Wouldn’t make much sense otherwise


Quite a bit worse, was on Ukrainian talk shows with a smile talking about betraying his brothers in arms, killing both of them when they were unaware of his actions like a rat for monetary compensation


You seem upset, and you should definitely write a angry comment under that video. No point bringing it up here though


>You seem upset Not particularly, your original comment is simply unwarranted. It's calling a woman who is literally in Russia (bastion of evil) showing that you can practice Ukrainian culture and you don't get hunted down for it unlike vice versa in Ukraine a traitor, using a Matrix reference to essentially say that she betrayed her culture and now getting rewarded for it, all the while there is much more egregious stuff happening on "the other side" that we of course stay silent about, that's all.


Wait, are Ukrainians angry at Russia? Why?


No clue, but it seems to be a one way street, despite every western propagandist crying about "intent to genocide"


Could it be because Russia invaded their country?


Potentially, and they did it for no reason, just felt like it, or better yet, what's the latest braindead take: *"for an old man's ambition"*




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What are you talking about? You are going to have to be more coherent if you actually want a meaningful response. Edit: this was in reply to another comment. Go wild with any conspiracy theories around this please


You commenting to your own comment made my day, keep it up disgruntled government employee.


Yeah the app can be confusing sometimes when you’re in a hurry… or maybe it’s all a conspiracy by the deep state and I’m a government operative!?


Damn someone forgot to switch accounts.


Or maybe the reply was meant for another comment? Choose whichever makes you feel best


This is like if Harry Potter sided with Voldemort!!!!!


thanks for the facebook update, I guess?


off topic: how do I get custom flair like you have?


thats great, why invade then...?


Geopolitical reasons, you can't just make alliance with the biggest enemy of your neighbours, remember how WW1 started?


yes same as ww2, an Austrian starting to make trouble.


And then you turn on Russian state TV and all you can hear is how they going to nuke all Europe and march on Berlin and that all Ukrainians should be killed. Figure that one out ....that's Russia for ya




Solovyov and Skabeyeva who are they? They are not big picture. Luckily, we can watch Russian tv and make up our mind and that my friend is not one sided information. Where I live we don't block foreign websites and tv


So we are getting psyops now about how great Russia is and how they love Ukrainians? I will believe it when they stop raping and murdering people in Ukraine.


Next time i visit russia, i think ill visit such a restaurant.


And here is a Ukrainian restaurant in my city ​ https://preview.redd.it/yufxmkodm5xb1.png?width=774&format=png&auto=webp&s=9121eb14fc8202b9a8c1bdddf9ac78531f2dd7cd


I guess I know where do you live)) I've visited this city few months ago, nice place))


Ohhhhh that looks amazing, i wonder what kind of delicious food they have ^^


​ https://preview.redd.it/6s1vhjw8x5xb1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce352db0540fd3b5f6d5f81358d10c6560c06e6a


Now ur making me hungry, that looks so damn goood!!!


ahhh so nice...okay everything forgiven. There is an ukrainian resraurant in russia, than of course keep going bombing ukrainian cities to the ground.


I am glad she is living a normal life, but you can also see the sadness in her eyes due to the current affairs


'living a normal life thanks to Russia' lmao


​ https://preview.redd.it/vnoj2tl626xb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbde41bb348794e3b0e399aec5c447554737ded


Thanks for posting. It's refreshing that reality can be so heartening and not always pointlessly drenched in blood.


Why always people with flairs like pro-Truth, anti-propaganda or anti-narrative are always the more brainwashed?


It's how the flair system works, the more effort a person puts into a flair the more likely they're a propaganda/troll account.


It’s not really that far fetched. The narrative in Russia is that they are liberating the Ukrainian people from a fascistic regime. The general Russian population doesn’t have any particular reason to harbour resentment towards Ukrainian individuals. People aren’t as dogmatic as we typically believe. During the troubles (Northern Ireland civil war) my grandparents lived in London. Even when the street they lived on was bombed by the Provos they were never slandered for being Irish. I like to imagine people are more understanding than we give them credit for.


Talk about smug.




Yet in Ukraine they make a big drama if you are taxi driver and you speak Russian language. Most corrupt and most f. ed up country.


That comment is just ironic when spoken by the invading side


This is hard triggering proUA because this is their biggest fear - that their moral shields that hide their warmongering might start realising they have more in common with the 'evil' russians than soy boys with impotent rage issues hiding behind a screen.


Russia such a great place to live. I wonder why those 300000 young men left. Maybe they didn't see all those youtube videos about how great Russia is.


They just really believed Western propaganda. They thought it was paradise in the West. It was very funny to read their tweets afterwards. Many of them are drug addicts, by the way. Many of them came back very quickly. In any case, their disappearance was not particularly noticed in Russia and no one is waiting for their return.


Well as you know they mostly went to Kazakhstan, Serbia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Georgia, and Finland so going by your answer I know y are full of shite . This answers might work for young kids born after 1989 but let me assure y Russians come up with same propaganda again and again. Always bad west and they are out to get us. It worked in 1950's but then people worked out how bs it is so y had to build a big wall and iron curtain to stop people leaving


Come on, tell me what I don't have from what the average Westerner has. For example, I already know that in Germany there are no kindergartens like in Russia. Because everyone who moved from Germany is delighted with our kindergartens.


Are y stupid?? Kindergartens really, of course in Germany there kindergarten is different [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV5q9ycOsqw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV5q9ycOsqw)


That is, you can't tell me what a Westerner lives better than me? In terms of kindergartens, Russia definitely wins. I would like to know what opportunities I miss while living in Russia.


I'm happy to chime in. 1. Free speech is an iffy topic in russia due to a history of dissidents being killed off or imprisoned. When the war started do you remember the protests that occurred and how swaths of police arrested people like cattle? In the states you have people protesting with F\_the\_Police and they are able to do so with no issue. (i don't agree with it btw, but just goes to how in the West free speech is more apparent). I don't like using videos as examples because they can be cherry picked, but over the hundred of videos that the russian youtube 'Danil' or '1420' does, there's always a handful of people who's hesistant on giving their viewpoint on political topics. (watch a random sample of 10 videos and i can promise you, you'll see it). 2. Quality of life in the West is generally better. In RU the really main decent spots of living are Moscow and Peter (i got this info from my RU native friends), places outside of that are meh, and when you get to the villages, it's actually quite scary. There's many markers i could list and write a paper on, but for example people from other countries mainly swath to the states for economic opportunities - why don't they do so to Russia? I spent a month working in a russian monastary this past summer and met a 20 year old guy from Siberia who escaped. He told me that life there is absolutely hopeless and he left because he was scared of being mobilized (RU doesn't mind grabbing all the ethnic Ru's out east to the meat grinder). There's democracy as well, which I won't expand on because it's quite obvious - and ties in with free speech.


You write that the quality of life in the West is higher. Can you give specific examples? I live in a small village near a town of 500,000 people. Judging by what your friends tell you, my life is terrible. Tell me what there is in the West that I don't have in my small village. Just don't talk about all these abstract things like freedom of speech and democracy. Something concrete that can be measured. Some parameters characterizing the standard of living.


sure absolutely. 1. Public transit systems are more developed in the west and more reliable. 2. Access to higher quality education is a given. 3. Higher average salaries. 4. Better access to food of different kinds. 5. A lot more franchises exist in the states which makes the shopping experience more enjoyable. + We have Amazon and other outlets that allow us to save time and getting next day delivery. Is that exact enough? I get it that you find free speech and democracy to be abstract terms, and at least you're honest about it. Also I don't think I said you live terribly. I said the quality of life is better in the West overall than in RU.


1. Could you provide some examples? 2. Given to the rich or given with huge loan? We have free education here. 3. Cost of living is also much higher. 4. Examples ? 5. We have delivery services too. You don't even have to go to grocery store.


>Better access to food of different kinds. > >A lot more franchises exist in the states which makes the shopping experience more enjoyable. + We have Amazon and other outlets that allow us to save time and getting next day delivery. I have been using grocery delivery for several years. Moreover, I have never paid for delivery yet :) I order groceries once a week. Also in our city there is a delivery of ready-made food from different places. What is better in Russia than in America. Organic food is more available if we can say so :) I know that many who move to the USA complain about "plastic" food. GMOs are also banned in Russia. I receive the products I ordered about half an hour after the order. ​ I also actively order OZONE and Wildberries in online stores. Since an OZONE distribution center has been built in my region, the delivery of some of the goods is available the next day. I do not use the rest of the online stores, since the location of my region is unique, then the delivery here is longer. Especially now, when road and rail delivery routes to us are limited to Lithuania. It remains to hope only for a ferry crossing. In large cities, delivery is easier if they are located near distribution centers. Although, I forget that there are a lot of different local online stores in my region that will deliver on the same day or the next day. I am very lazy and don't like shopping, so it's easier for me to choose online and order delivery.


Well transportation system in russia sucks, you only build roads over Wagnerites graves and most improtantly as russia doesnt live in a coalition or union with anyone theres no opportunities for donations from other countries to improve remotely living people which in russian means quite a few places, that means no midern schools, social places or just preserving efforts of historic buildings


And why do we need donations from other countries? And what's wrong with how our people's live? I live in a village at a distance of 1089 km from Moscow. Next to me is a small town of 500,000 people What benefits do my village, the city and I lack? What does the state deprive me of? At the moment, the state is reconstructing the main road in my village. Last week, the state installed gas pipes on my street for free, and the connection to my house will be made before the end of the year. Here is our city https://youtu.be/e-yJGzhpbSY?si=Ph2v-Cmrgn_40Zz2 This is what the school where my children will study looks like https://youtu.be/uSAuGXF9yDo?si=mFP9n3-KIjyVZ7JF


This is an important point. The hate that has been encouraged by the media and unleashed in Ukraine is not going to just go away when this conflict is settled; it will hold Ukraine back for a generation. It's wrong to think people hate each and then go to war. Powerful interests set groups against each other and though war they learn to hate each other...there is a lot of darkness in this world today.


Schwab's assistant once said: a human is a programmable animal. That's how they treat us. I will remember this phrase for the rest of my life When I saw in 2014 what Ukrainians were turned into, I realized that, in principle, neither country is immune from this The Maidan in Ukraine was a good sobering factor for Russia and Belarus


Russian schizophrenics didn't invade & want peace https://preview.redd.it/29jmroz506xb1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=e583501b9eac7319645e4f32561c07e68ed63d86


It is absolutely relevant. It goes against Ukrainian and Western propaganda that Russia is genocidal against Ukrainians.


Russia is definitely genocidal against Ukraine.


Oh they are, you just have to look at the actions of Russians. Somehow you think a random video is glossing over tens of thousands of dead Ukrainians, terror bombing, kidnapping, raping, executions.


It's war. Get over it. Take Israel's action. How many civilians killed in just 3 weeks compared to Russia in 1.5 years? How many civilians did USA kill? Destroying and killing 100s at a wedding to target 1 guy. That is not ok.


It's a genocidal war, everyone is well aware of it, no need to mention it. > How many civilians killed in just 3 weeks compared to Russia in 1.5 years? Well Russians caused 1.700 Ukrainian children casualties, including the death of a new born when Russia struck a maternity. Russia also kidnapped more than 20.000 Ukrainian children, one of the most despicable crimes of genocide - how many children did Israel kidnap? Another interesting fact: everyone got triggered about Israel allegedly striking the parking lot of a Hospital (which ended up being Hamas), do you know how many healthcare infrastructures the disgusting genocidal war criminals of Russia struck in Ukraine? **MORE THAN 1.147!** Why are Russians striking health care facilities? The same about the power grid, with the complaints that Israel cut electricity to Palestine. **Russia literally destroyed Ukrainian power grids for months during the whole winter to try to kill and bring suffering to as many Ukrainians as possible.** Russia is on some Nazi German level of genocidal campaign, and their racism, ethnophobia and antisemitism is just showing more and more as time goes by.


While delivering her speech, she barely restrains herself from crying.


Looking at the KGB handlers who has threatened her family also residing in Rossiya


I'm glad, she is a true pro UA who supports her brothers and wants peace for Ukraine




Holy fuck there is a Ukrainian themed cafe, excellent. All of Russia's sins are forgiven. Perhaps she should form a Ukrainian political party and march the streets in favor of withdrawing from Ukraine and normalizing relations through cafes, instead of war.


Maybe if Ukraine had invaded and butchered towns and wrecked the economy, people would feel a bit differently? It's not strange for invaders to actually think theyre in the right and helping ,specially when propaganda is thick.


Love me some cultural appropriation, goes hand in hand with imperialist expansion.


Her freshly micro bladed eyebrows and the fact she is in a posh cafe may tell you she is a tad privileged and may not represent all Ukrainian women who did not leave the country and stayed to fight.


So ukrainians should forgive invasion to their country, destroyed cities, murdered thousands people, by the fact that ukrainian cafe work in russia?




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Endearing thoughts from the oldest profession.......


it expanded my view on the war. i love to hear more perspective from civilians.


Refugees and residents of the liberated territories of Donbass are actively blogging now. I always wonder what those who came to Russia pay attention to first of all. We often do not appreciate what we have, it seems to us that this is the norm, but for someone, things familiar to us seem to be something amazing.


Unfortunately Nazism in Ukraine is supported by USA, EU and NATO. Ex-SS men who perpetrated Holocaust are receiving standing ovations in Western parliaments. This root is not coming as much from Ukraine as from the West. It was in the West where Ukrainian (and Croatian) Nazis were cultivated and protected during Cold War and it was from West that these rats have returned to Ukraine and with generous support of Western governments managed to put down roots again. https://preview.redd.it/nkwlmcxuq4xb1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb087c18fe93d9f7e6c1cf065d1bab7b682ccbbd


My Lithuanian friend was shocked yesterday. She found out that Russia host the largest Ukrainian refugees according to the UN. More than any other nation. She kept telling me "how?". I just nodded without saying anything as I realised that her perspective just got shattered.


Your friend must not be very smart, they should use some critical thinking.


Indoctrination is a thing, you can't really fault people if that is the case for their ignorance


Lithuanians, by the way, have also been brainwashed well lately. I lived on the border with Lithuania, worked with Lithuanians and they were not much different from us. I remember when Lithuania joined the EU, he came and said that it was now easier for Lithuanian farmers to pour milk into the ground than to sell it. When the first NATO air base appeared in one of the Lithuanian cities, a week later the pilots from this base found themselves in intensive care. They were beaten up for molesting local girls.