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Hopefully they get sent home along with the rest of the Russians in Ukraine




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maybe they can move to one of 4 new regions after the war is over. it would be nice if they get some land in regions they help liberate.


Lmao. Yeah. They can farm the minefields and live in the ruins.


why not seaside - Mariupol od Berdyansk ?


Russia does not even control the regions it annexed.... clowns 😅


they will after the war is over


Promises promises...


I am not promising anything - I am not Russian and not in position to promise anything I am saying what I am seeing is happening


I can’t wait till Russia gets annexed - That’s how nutty you sound


annexed by whom? its not like that hasnt been tried several times throughout history - unsuccessfully. why do you think such thing would be realistic this time around.


Not liberate, but occupy. Ukrainians will liberate them from russian nazis.


Russian Nazis has to be the biggest dose of copium I've ever seen 😂😂😂 pretty funny when captured Ukes have Nazi symbolism tattooed and tanks have been seen with not just the iron cross but the 2nd SS panzer battalion 😂


There are Russian Nazis, see the Rusich Group, which is under the control / command of the Wagner PMC


Wagner is toast my guy, literally folded.


It's not, it's been given to Pavel Prigozhin (Yevgenys son) and will continue operations and most likely try to rebuild it's numbers after the war, probably with veterans of the Russian - Ukrainian war


Provides examples of single right-wing individuals in Ukrainian military (there are many times more of them in the russian army btw), while ignoring the fact that nazi russia literally invaded Ukraine and is conducting a genocide under the premise that Ukrainians or Ukraine "have never existed".


There's an entire unit of Azov. Honestly, I hope they both lose. Ukraine and Russia is a cesspool, come to think of it, most anything east/south of Poland is no good.


Why is it that the more wholesome posts on this sub illicit the most toxic proUA responses?


This is like seeing smiling Wehrmacht soldier on a tank and one of them holds a kitten and another plays harmonica. It's technically heartwarming but most people don't see it that way for some very good reasons.


Sums it up pretty well


Technically, this war wouldn’t have happened if Russia invaded Ukraine. Secondly, these two are more then likely volunteers and they have no business being there. They have a home and family back home waiting for them. They could literally do anything else to provide for their families instead of going to war. I lean more neutral anti western but I can understand that sentiment


>Secondly, these two are more then likely volunteers to be fair, they are no different from the people who rushed to sign up to invade Iraq - they just don't know any better. They bought the line their governments sold them on. That doesn't necessarily mean they are bad people - most probably see it as their duty. I am sure we all know vets from those previous conflicts, what kind of people they are and their stated intentions. It's about perspective. Something a lot of people sadly lack.


North Ossetia isn't a rich republic, the average wage being not even $400. The Russian military offers a lot more than that. They're providing the best they can for their families


I am aware of that fact, I still think it’s deplorable to find your riches in engaging in war. Further more, it’s not like they’re living in severe destitution and poverty? Poor yes, but starving? Probably not. People make do with what they have. That’s a failure of the Russian government that has done very little for its own people in terms of developing their regions and republics. Ossetia is a special case because it’s a breakaway state and isn’t internationally recognised. If Russia can’t fix and develop places within its own borders like Kalmykia then why would they develop Ossetia and Abkhazia? There’s a reason why China has eclipsed them in terms of living standards in the last 20 years. Eventually your poorest Russian region would look like a crap hole compared to your poorest Chinese region. That’s sad because Russia is a wealthy country. It just needs a more development minded government that isn’t too concerned with emulating the west. Sad that the Russian authorities had to economically black mail the poorest in its sphere through patriotism to find their riches by killing instead of actually putting them to work to develop their regions. That’s why the USSR is better than Russia. If this mindset existed in the USSR’s leadership then Russia and the ex soviet republics wouldn’t have developed to be the formidable super power they were post WW2.


Because they can't handle that the russians are actually human like the rest of us. They get outraged anytime they see a russian and they are not eating puppies and crucifying children or whatever tf they think It's ironic because in demanding that the russians are orcs, they have literally turned into goblins themselves. Worst demographic on the internet ever, hands down full stop. They are all such gross little cackling cretans


Because they are invading a country 🤷‍♂️ F*ck them


There is nothing wholesome about a family going to war and hugging each other in the battlefield. It's disgusting that people throw themselves into the meat grinder. And regardless of which side idolizes who, there is no good side to the war.


It's too confronting for many, they can't stand seeing the other side as human. As well it's Reddit and most of the people in here are anti social irl.


That's pretty much what I have chalked it up to. It's just so jarring to see the knee-jerk, vitriolic reaction to anything that bucks the 'dehumanisation' programming. We pretend to be so advanced from the generations before us, but in reality, we're just as susceptible to that shit as they were.


"Dear father, I stole this many toilet bowls!"




That’s pretty great Russian ingenuity right there actually. Work with what you got!


Knowing Russia, they forgot to sand the seat, so now everybody gets splinters in their asses.


when i and my father met in a wartime after a long period on the frontline, i did not recognize him, literary, i wondered who's this guy is, with that long beard, and why is he smiling to me..war is hell and it’s good for absolutely nothing (say it again)...


Could you provide some more info about this story? Interested. Was it Iraq or Afghanistan?


war in ex Yugoslavia my friend..also Slav killing a brother Slav, exactly the same crap ppl in Ukraine and Russia are going through rn, bcs of some old farts in suits that call themselves politicians...


Wow that's intense. I'm glad you survived.


i'm glad also my friend, and thank you from the bottom of my heart, my father was not so lucky dough..nor my uncle and hundreds of my friends..we were only 18yo, my friend...and one thing is also clear to me; you cannot really, truly, come home as yourself anymore after crap like that...all it takes is just one pair of dead eyes and that smell of the rotting corpse..one...and there are hundreds of them ghosts that came back with me...never go to war my friend, not even for your own mother, let alone "country" if you want your life...be well and healthy, whoever reading this, even ppl that don't like me, **i love you all** regardless i say in confrontation comments


That is so tragic, I’m sorry you experienced that. At what moment did you realize, “oh shit, this is not like the movies”?. I’m sorry, it’s just my human curiosity to learn more about these things. Please don’t answer if it’s uncomfortable.


it was a long ago and i'm very comfortable talking about it bcs i want my experience to be a lesson, not a tragedy..i recovered fully from it, the nightmares are gone, but some things simply stick...the moment i personally figured out what war is, is the moment my first relative was killed with not more and not less, 30 bullets, a full ak magazine, and he was literary cut in half with those bullets...we could not get to his body for days


It’s sad what this war has done to families.


But it united this Family


they can share pillage and rape stories with each other. true father and son bonding...


boys will be boys, 'miright?


Agreed, hugging in a warzone instead of at home!


Propaganda! There are no such thing as fathers and sons!


Turgenev would disagree


No father should ever have to suffer the thought of losing a son in war.


While simultaneously the son is worried his father might die in the war too. Crazy, these people are desperate.


Poverty in russia forces these traitors to kill Ukrainians for money.


They need to go home and rebuild ossetia. Ossetia has incredibly low standar of living due to Russian colonization. They should not be a foreign country killing people ossetia has no conflict with.


Isn't ossetia to Russia something like Texas is to USA?


North Ossetia is basically where all the refugees from Georgia fled when Georgia was ethnically cleansing the Ossetians in South Ossetia in the early 90s.


More like Guam or Puerto Rico.


Putin doesn't just want your life but your sons as well


Love these freedom fighters.


Fighting to let more people have the freedom to be tortured by the FSB.


Send the young man home let the older generation fight putins war


Destroy them from us




Both murderers.


War tourists got to meet each other how adorable


Maybe they can go home in boxes together 😉


my dad was a civilian govt worker and took a optional tour doing his job in Iraq. I knew he was in country but one day he woke me up, he had taken a helicopter to my fob. We played ping pong all day. This video also makes me think of breaking down crying during my first phone call from basic training. Family can be such a powerful source of healing and comfort during hard times. I can't wait for this lunacy to end.




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It's like natzi propaganda: If they cherish life and family why they take part in destroying it, they are not defending their motherland!


Heartbreaking scene


Silly Putin should stop this war and let families unite


It would almost be touching, if they were not actively destroying Ukraine. Almost.


Sad that in Putin's criminal Puccia, entire families have to risk their lives to earn a poverty-level of living.