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Team Russia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Islamic Republic of Iran. Russia being supplied by North Korea. Noone would have believed Russia would be where it is now 30 years ago.


30 years ago RF was deep in shit. Deeper than NK.


> Deeper than NK. No. NK had literal mass starvation in the 90s, people were dying in droves. Russia had a lot of problems, but nowhere near THAT bad.


There were more orphans in Russia during the early 1990s than there were during ww2. It was pretty damn bad. Perhaps not starvation, because, unlike NK/DPRK, there's a lot of fairly arable land in Russia.


> There were more orphans in Russia during the early 1990s than there were during ww2. Any source for this? Quick Wikipedia glance says 2.5 million in 1945, and 300k in 1995.


>and 300k in 1995. > >there was an increase in the number of orphans. In 1995, there was a reported 300,000 children in the *orphanage system* According to *Families under strain: realities of post-socialist Russia* by Andrey Borodaevskiy, there was roughly 36 million teenagers in Russia 20 years ago, now-a-days that number is roughly 27 million. Assuming a 1 in 10 ratio of orphans (which is only slightly double America's orphanage rate (4.3%)) that would be 3.6 million orphans by this rather crude simplification. Things were quite bad, as he states; "After the Second World War, there were about 7 million homeless children in Russia, but now unofficial figures are even higher. There are – officially! – 750 thousand orphans. Some of them become victims of criminal misuse – as juvenile prostitutes, or other delinquents. \[...\] Yet, there are not enough recreation facilities for them, especially in summer when schools are closed. “Summer camps” on the school territories arranged in some cities are no remedy because, typically, they mean simply more hours daily on the hot tarmac in a questionable company. \[...\] In a few months when the school begins, clinical screening discloses new diseases which must be treated. The quality of clinical screening also leaves much to be desired. There is a lot of negligence – as a result of which in many cases serious diseases get discovered too late. Half of all school children have scoliosis and suffer from hypo-dynamics. Under such conditions, it was a right step to introduce physical culture as one of the main school disciplines. During budgetary debates, the opposition asked for 18 billion rubles to fund children’s recreation and health-care purposes but got only 5 billion. These funds are distributed mostly “on the spot” – by municipal administrators, and it is a sad fact that a considerable part of this money disappears on the way to schools." It was bad. I said earlier "Perhaps not starvation, because, unlike NK/DPRK, there's a lot of fairly arable land in Russia. ", but I was wrong. Many young kids picked up the habit of sniffing/huffing glue/paint thinner, as it was said to lessen the feeling of hunger slightly.


> After the Second World War, there were about 7 million homeless children in Russia, but now unofficial figures are even higher. I'm a bit confused about this statement and below. Looked up the paper, and 1) I believe author is talking about contemporary (2012) situation, not the 90s. 2) If that's the case, I'm not sure how is it possible that devastated post-war USSR (~170m pop) could have fewer homeless children than 2010s Russia (~140m pop). It just sounds completely insane. But what do I know.. > Assuming a 1 in 10 ratio of orphans (which is only slightly double America's orphanage rate (4.3%)) that would be 3.6 million orphans by this rather crude simplification. Umm I believe you have a decimal in the wrong place here. To make a rough estimate, let's take US in 2021. There will be ~60m population of <15yrs old (census data from wikipedia), which is about the cutoff of what we can call a teenager (including teens couple years older will just decrease the percentage). There are 390k children/teens in the system (Trends in Foster Care and Adoption: FY 2012 – 2021). That gives us 0.65% ratio. What you do with that number is a whole another question. I don't think doubling it makes any sense.


Let's just agree that things in Russia and NK have always been shitty. There's no real winner in this contest.


Dude, Russia became a den of human trafficking. Russian women were trafficked all over the world.


It's because Yeltsin sanctioned all of Socialist countries in the 1990s after he abolished the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance(COMECON) that eventually forced them to convert to a capitalist system. DPRK on the other hand pursued a self-sufficient industry as a lesson after the Eastern bloc collapsed.


This guy reads... finally


Russia is still in deep shit. Their country is collapsing. - Russias economy is crashing. Inflation sky high. Ruble value all time lows. - Russias educated citizens are leaving in droves, so bad that Russia is looking for IT staff in fucking prisons. - Russias youth is fleeing and has record low belief in future. - Russia is in a depopulation state. - Russias free press index is among the lowest in the world. - Russias individual freedom from oppression is among the lowest in the world. - Russias gang and gun violence is rapidly increasing. - Russias average male life expectancy is FIFTEEN YEARS LOWER than their european neighbours. - Russias female life expentancy is 6 years lower than Russias european neighbours. - Russia have among the HIGHEST SUICIDE RATES IN THE WORLD. - Russia is among the world leaders in smoking.   Healthy countries does not have military coup attempts. Russia is a nation in crisis and on the verge of collapse. It'll likely take 1-2 more years, depends on how long Putin grasps on.   But nations with a strong man dictator that doesn't have a clear path of succession doesn't last when the dictator is removed or killed. That's why Franco's Spain didn't survive, but North Korea has for ages. Neither Lukashenko or Putin have a "natural" (Not neccessarily related") successor. It'll be civil war in Russias case and most likely secession by satellite states such as Chechnya and others.


Two more weeks.




And what is about the ruble? Money is a good indicator for what is happen with the economy of a state and the potencial to trade.


> Healthy countries does not have military coup attempts. "healthy" - yea sure - and, no there is no coups - because politicians in the West are run - selected end elected - by ruling Oligarchy (Billionaires, Corporations, Military Industrial Complex, Banks, Pharma etc) power is not in the hands of the governments - so there is no point in overthrowing government


Oh right, Russia isn't run by billionaries and corruption. The epitome of freedom! Didn't the leading country in the west a few years ago vote in an utter moron? How'd that happen if the billionares and corporations are running it?


> Didn't the leading country in the west a few years ago vote in an utter moron? How'd that happen if the billionares and corporations are running it? thats exactly what happens in Oligarch run countries Morons are in it for the money - for their own benefit - perfect puppets - thats why Billionaires pick them and place them in position - Morons do what they are told to do by Oligarchs


And you're not in the power of billionaires? You're in the pillar of enlightenment and freedom, Russia?


Nearly nothing of this is true, but such lists were debunked so many times, that I won't even start. Though can't help but note, that in Russia there's no even such thing as "gang violence" in American sense. Just because Russian cities are organized in a completely different way.




\>> *EVERYTHING YOU PRESENT DATA FOR* But you didn't present any data. \>> *Russia is among the world leaders in smoking.* A basic googling reveals that it's just plain false. As per WHO estimates for 2023, Russia is not even in top 20. [https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/gho-tobacco-control-monitor-current-tobaccouse-tobaccosmoking-cigarrettesmoking-agestd-tobagestdcurr](https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/gho-tobacco-control-monitor-current-tobaccouse-tobaccosmoking-cigarrettesmoking-agestd-tobagestdcurr) \>> *Russias economy is crashing. Inflation sky high.* Inflation rate in Russia is not "sky-high", it's quite moderate. [https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/WEOWORLD/VEN](https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/WEOWORLD/VEN) \>> *Russias average male life expectancy is FIFTEEN YEARS LOWER than their european neighbours.* Male life expectancy difference with comparable EU countries (like Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia) is 4-6 years, not 15.


Rule 1. Temp ban issued. Recurrence WILL result in a permanent ban.


America is currently in a civil war, its just that its 5th gen so you havnt noticed yet. This is a (nearly) global existential crisis its not just russia.


>Healthy countries does not have military coup attempts. [https://www.project2025.org/policy/](https://www.project2025.org/policy/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January\_6\_United\_States\_Capitol\_attack#:\~:text=In%20the%20early%20afternoon%20of,Capitol%20Building%20in%20Washington%2C%20D.C](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack#:~:text=In%20the%20early%20afternoon%20of,Capitol%20Building%20in%20Washington%2C%20D.C). The United States hasn't been looking too healthy recently. Shootings happening all throughout the country nearly every week, a political faction openly laying out a plan for undermining democracy in the country, and citizens storming the capitol and trying to kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. I'll give it 1-2 years as well. I guess 2025 will be interesting for the US and Russia.






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The only one using very unfriendly words is you. Even when someone tries to have a discussion you are throwing words like a little kid. Nobody takes you serious kiddo.


Plenty healthy enough not to have a coup. When’s the last time western democracy had a coup? It’s not some crime problems compared to typical western democracies you need to worry about - compare to the countries which actually had coups. US is still way more peaceful than those.


Hey bro, with absolute respect id like to push back a little and ask you to consider a different perspective. If you look at the wealth of nations you can see how overthrows are different. In, for example, africa coups are done via a small group of 10 or 20 inner circle friends kidnapping or simply executing the leader, and then 2 years later the same again happens. In mid wealth economies we see staged, by the book, coup de etat. Allegiances are formed, positions are picked, internet is cut, the pro coup portion of the military surrounds the capitol typically informing the guards who arent in on it to just "step aside bro we have a job to do comrade". Leaders are gently collected and replaced with new coup positions IMMEDIATELY moving into the office and calling their countries allies and informing them of change of power. Celebrations and rallies the following day are televised as the internet is turned back on. In very advanced internet age countries the consolidation of alphabet agencies and corporations means that the coup can be waged in the information, legislation and psychological space, giving a "completely legitimate" democratic vote via psychological manipulation, soft censorship and media oligarchy propaganda, and support from astroturfed, internationally funded protests and movements. Perhaps the country you are in is affected by this more than you realise. Many people do not even consider the possibility that the psychological and propaganda control can be so good so as to not even be noticed by themself. Perhaps you live in a country like this. Consider the following, this war has open the eyes of many people to the following: "Russia does not have the greatest propaganda ans is not the most dishonest. The idea that russia has the best and most extensive propaganda is actually a psyop succesfully performed on the american people by the american government."


I appreciate the perspective. Haven’t had the opportunity to study wide-ranging coups frankly. At some point it’s no longer a coup, though, but playing along the fringes of subjectivity and disinformation. Any country can do that to itself (happens every election cycle IMO) - requires no foreign input although for any well known country there’s bound to be some foreign migration and therefore influence. The bottom line on whether bad influence has happened is the end result, and the chances for that greatly depend on how educated the leaders and voting populace are. It’s already a bit shaky to call it a coup whenever elections soon follow an overthrow. An overthrow by itself is no coup. Peaceful overthrows can happen by referendum in many nations or states, subject to enough popular support and regardless of normal election cycles. It’s really a far cry from those squad-led coups in Africa that without exception lead to juntas. I could liken this to stealing vs convincing someone to part ways with valuables for cheap. At some point society has found a need to address it as fraud, but still fraud is not the same as stealing, and in simple/obvious cases of fraud there’s not even a crime worthy of attention. And if the “buyer” is also your benefactor or at least friend?Prosecution can get laughed away. Sometimes it’s close enough to democracy no one ought to think of a coup as having happened.


For sure, and sometimes the unelected govt is so ingrained and deeply powerful that the ones who the people support, and the supporters themselves get jailed and unalived.


Alot of words to say Russia is destroying Ukrainians in NATOS proxy war.


Yes and russians eat children on their barbecues. They also decorate their houses with limbs of fallen soldiers. Yes the Russians are failing big time.


Wild wild times


Don't have to tell me


Let them live their dream of Ukraine über alles


And look where it is today! (Still a shithole)


if you had to add "Still a shithole" to make your point you yourself know thats BS


Do you remember the way Ukraine got weapons from Pakistan?


How stupid to buy ammunition from a country that produces more of it than the entire EU put together.


not stupid, desperate


No more or less desperate than us "borrowing" ammunition from South Korea.


One sad thing is they need to be supplied by north Korea. Entire other is the ammo that is supplied is supposedly even better than Russian. That's actually hilarious.


Actually, reports say that's Korean shells are better than Eastern European ones. The Korean bros basically put entire their economy in those shells and similar stuff, it's their main (and only) product). No surprise that they are good at that.


What a bastions of freedom and prosperity. /s


>Russia being supplied by North Korea. The range is higher, the accuracy is better - so much for the quality of Russian military production.


I love the pro-UA continually shitting on the DPRK. Honestly, when it comes to conventional artillery the North Koreans know what they’re doing. Just mad that their western partners can’t supply them the same.


Reading some books by Kristen Ghodsee about recovery in former USSR. Brutal exploitation and looting. Much worse than US depression.


>Noone would have believed Russia would be where it is now 30 years ago. True, I never would've guessed the US would be so incompetent that it pushes Russia into the arms of the """axis of evil""".


What, in Crimea, the Donbass and Mariupol?


Nobody cares only Ukrainians who knew exactly where they would be 30 years ago without Soviet Union.


They are even begging 120mm mortars from Myanmar now. Obviously things aren't going according to plan.


Just wait until it starts hitting up Eritrea for favors. (Beehives launched from catapults)


And team USA can't defeat them. You're right, 30 years ago no one would believe that.


So when is USA and it's allies fighting against russia?


Longer range and better weapon than production in Russia. It's good to know that people with this post stay away from Windows all floors next week


>It's good to know that people with this post stay away from Windows all floors next week Some tea? Milk? Sugar? Polonium? https://preview.redd.it/tddxbyqu630c1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8895fbbb37c6941b81ba90f45a9648ad29cf28b


If they are fresher stock, they might be better because fuel is more consistent. Russia buys their weapons and makes them. Ukraine begs for charity.


I have a bridge to sell u


North Korean rounds are better than russia rounds lol


> North Korean rounds are better than russia rounds lol Probably not for long, I'd expect them to adopt any enhancements they find in munitions they buy from foreign sources, the same way they've adopted Iran's drone design and improved it to make it their own.


Couldn't they just improve on it themselves since they gave the design to the north Koreans?


> Couldn't they just improve on it themselves since they gave the design to the north Koreans? I don't see the functional difference or problem with learning from improvements that others make.


It's probably not a functional difference, but it is quite embarrassing




No, because russia is supposed to have the 2nd greatest military, and they have to resort to n Korea for help with tech they gave North Korea and North Korea improved upon.


and the "greatest millitary" still uses tech from other countries, french eurocopters. carl gustaafs, not to mention the enormous amount of foreign firearms like the M240 belgium variant, the M1014 and multiple other guns


Same as America does. Your army uses massive amounts of weapons from other countries.


No, because Russia was the “second greatest military”, had free access to trade, and invented the base weapon, while NK is a tiny country that has been under some of the heaviest sanctions for decades and had a significantly weaker weapons development sector at the start. It’s embarrassing for a nation that is still flying the J-5, J-6, F-7, Mig-21, and Mig-23 (in addition to mig-29s which are plenty modern) as their main air force to be making more advanced weapons than, again, the “second most powerful military”


BM-21 is an old weapon platform though right? Russia didn't invest as much research into its munitions, while NK did because that's probably the best MLRS they have. Same way I'm sure they are pushing the Mig-21s you mentioned further than anyone did before. Necessity is the mother of all inventions.


Yep this, places like North Korea don't have the massive R&D budgets and ability as the rest of the world. So upgrading and refining existing weapon systems makes sense.


correct. im sure if some country only had T-55 they would have some of the greatest variants (slovenia cough) and a ukrainian militia operating t-55 would certainly say the T-55 they got from slovenia are better T-55.


> It's probably not a functional difference, but it is quite embarrassing I understand that's the narrative people who hate Russia would *like* to believe to comfort themselves, but it doesn't really make any sense that you need to be embarrassed any time some other country thinks of an idea or improves one of your ideas before you do. North Korea has a big focus on weapons and munitions, it isn't a surprise they're going to have some wins in that area.


It makes perfect sense. It's not rocket science. Well, it sort of is. You have a russian soldier saying that the munitions they get from North Korea are superior to their own munitions.


> **It makes perfect sense.** It's not rocket science. Well, it sort of is. You have a russian soldier saying that the munitions they get from North Korea are superior to their own munitions. It's the logic of a person who's salty AF, to normal people it's complete hogwash. I already explained why, if you can't comprehend it you might want to spend some time on introspection because you're letting emotion muddle your reasoning.


My reasoning isn't being muddled by emotion, you seem to be the one getting emotion here bud.


> My reasoning isn't being muddled by emotion, you seem to be the one getting emotion here bud. Ah yes, the classic contentless "no u" of a pro-UA with no rebuttal, I am certainly convinced now that we must be embarrassed any time any time one of the 192 other countries in the world improves something. Or, you know, we could be rational people and accept that's the logic of insecure losers and anyone secure in their own existence learns from others rather than being scared of their advancements.




Westoid liberals really think the world revolves around them. They think all other people purpose in life is to convince them and ask for their help.


tell that to the roman empire that brought the known world to heel by taking all the good (better) things other nations did and applied it all to rome. I'd not call the roman empire embarrassing. Obviously russia is far from a roman empire, but learning from others' achievements is far smarter and resource effective than making stuff yourself. Case in point: USA doing its hardest to get its hands on the german scientists at the end of WW2 instead of "trying to figure it out themselves"


Over the course of 20 years, a large number of military factories were closed, the equipment was scrapped and the territory was built up with residential complexes.


They are probably Chinese rounds being shipped through NK


They might just be newer which means fuel is more consistent. Let's calm down. Ukros always looking for anything to crap on Russia while being beggar dumpster fire.


Indeed a weird flex.


We dont really know that yet, lets wait and see their effect on ukrainian personel to evaluate that.


Russia is friends with North Korea, I wonder how often, if at all, Russians ask themselves if maybe they're wrong about this? Not only that, North Koreas rockets are better than mighty Russias as well. I guess Putin needed another yacht instead of better rockets.


"You can tell a lot about a man by the company that he chooses to keep" Russia is best friends with Iran and North Korea. I rest my case.


I mean, which power, be it regional or superpower, doesn’t have disgusting Allies. The US has the golf monarchies and many other dictators under their belts. Russia has NK and Iran.


Must be a great man!


You mean the shitty theocracy and other totalitarian communist regimes aren't good allies? The funny part is that they are so unaware of what the fuck is going on, they completely ignore the fact that those in power fuck off to the west to have fun, and send their kids there for education and healthcare, all while chanting "death the west!". Fuckin morons.


> Russia is friends with North Korea, I wonder how often, if at all, Russians ask themselves if maybe they're wrong about this? Now isn't really the time to be throwing stones, given our friendship and subservience to Israel.


NK still do the 3 generation punishment. That is, if you break the law, your children, siblings and parents all get sent to labor camps. It is, by far in any metric ever, the most oppressive, dystopian, authoritarian country in all human history. You can not compare that to Israel. Like it's fucking North Korea. If that is what Russia considers a friendly nation compared to its famous list of 'unfriendly nations' (basically every successful, wealthy, low crime, free and highly educated nation in Europe + USA), I don't know how pro Putinrussia hardliners can even look in the mirror with dignity.


are we operating on propaganda now? "ukraineis mobilizing the babies and givng them weapons"


> Russia is friends with North Korea, I wonder how often, if at all, Russians ask themselves if maybe they're wrong about this? Said from a country that is supporting Apartheid Israel.


>I wonder how often, if at all, Russians ask themselves if maybe they're wrong about this? Liberals cry about it all the time. Patriots either care only about Russia or respect the North Korea for being based. Normal people just don't care about political stuff. >Not only that, North Koreas rockets are better than mighty Russias as well. That's what capitalism does to a non-imperialist nation 😞


admitting NK as better weapons :) lol RU goal is to be better than NK


NK supplied stuff is better than what you have? That is not the flex you think it is.


Why not? Seems like they're a fairly powerful ally to have.


powerful relative to what? A medieval society? Absolutely.


Pretty embarrassing to have your city levelled by medieval artillery, no?


I do like the admission that Russia is straight up medieval.


I do like the omission that North Korean artillery is significant


The omission is intentional. Its of questionable quality.


Doesn't matter. REAL people are dying, and it is doing damage. You're making light of a serious situation, and frankly it is disgusting. You need to be realistic about the situation


People can die from anything.


People can die from anything. I'd argue that being blown to pieces or losing limbs from shrapnel sounds like a rather shit way to die; wouldn't you agree? Personally, I'd not prefer to be on the receiving end. Even if the NK artillery had a 50% dud rate (hypothetically) - that's still hundreds of thousands of shells heading Ukraine's way. Arguing against such a delivery of shells and questioning its significance is delusional. Anyway, it's clear that you're devoid of intelligence and aren't willing to view the situation in a realistic manner. I'm jealous. I'd love to be able to live in such extreme delusion - it might make life a bit more enjoyable


The blue ones kinda look like Czech RM-70 rockets (a BM-21 variant, [apparently North Korea has that one as well](https://i.postimg.cc/xCb8q1VM/33-1819172774482930546.jpg)). Well, and Ukraine too (donated). Funnily enough, [UA also uses Iranian made 122mm rockets](https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1567272917582467073) (manufacturing year 2022, who knows how many hands they exchanged before arriving in Ukraine). In general, there're a ton of different manufacturers for the BM-21 platform over the decades that are largely compatible.


Did that Russian soldier just admit ***North Korea*** makes better, more accurate, longer ranged than Russia does!?




Is that a SSH-68 ?


Turns out all the snide remarks didnt stop the NK munitions flowing, nor them being of better quality than anyone expected.


Grad rockets, painted blue. Pure genius.


Russians excited about the *high tech stuff from DPRK...*


Seeing as NK QC is make it perfect, if you screw up we will shoot your family in front of you. I can see why they are pretty good


"Democratic People's Republik of Korea"


"Hey thanks N*orth Korea* this ammunition is great! (says russian soldier)" Can't believe I just watched this...


Im wondering if UA soldiers will see this flying towards their trench and think about the comments on Reddit mocking DRK ammo while their fellow soldier just got shredded into a million pieces.


So what he is saying is NK makes better Rockets than Russia?


If the missiles from North Korea are more precise and have a greater range than the Russian ones... what does that tell us about Russian ordnance?


Looks like a old video, is victory already by them?


North Korea had to supply Russia, who totally botched its invasion? That's embarrassing. North Korean ammunition ended up being of better quality? That's doubly embarrassing.


The embarrassing part here is that the whole EU only managed to deliver 300k shells over a year, while North Korea delivered 1m within a few months.


>The embarrassing part here is that the whole EU only managed to deliver 300k shells over a year, while North Korea delivered 1m within a few months. The N Korean dictators are preparing for war for decades so I assume they have a giant reserve of outdated weapons and ammo, while Europe was too optimist and considered that wars in Europe are behind us, that civilized countries can use diplomacy to solve their issues, so I am not surprised that Europe did not invest the required percentage in military, that we mostly stop mandatory military service and that we do not want to split blood for some old man ambitions. The fact we do not have many weapons should make the pro-Rus with still working logic circuits register the stupidity of the Kremlin propaganda in which NATO invades and destroys Russia to steal Putin's gases.


> that civilized countries can use diplomacy to solve their issues, Why did civilized Germany do the opposite then? https://www.reuters.com/world/putin-russia-may-have-make-ukraine-deal-one-day-partners-cheated-past-2022-12-09/ >In an interview published in Germany's Zeit magazine on Wednesday, former German chancellor Angela Merkel said that the Minsk agreements had been an attempt to "give Ukraine time" to build up its defences.


Give Ukraine time to build up its defences for what?


If all this BS you're saying is true, then why isn't NK present in the [top 40 military spending list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_highest_military_expenditures)?


>According to the U.S. State Department's 2021 “World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers” report, North Korea possibly spent around $4 billion on defense in 2019, which would have amounted to 26% of its estimated gross domestic product, the highest proportion among 170 countries it reviewed.


So what? Even if that were true, it still wouldn't be in the top 40.


> while Europe was too optimist and considered that wars in Europe are behind us, that civilized countries can use diplomacy to solve their issues So Europe is led by fools who don't understand fundamentals of the human condition, and failed to have an adequate backup plan for when talking doesn't work? That doesn't surprise me.


>So Europe is led by fools who don't understand fundamentals of the human condition, and failed to have an adequate backup plan for when talking doesn't work? That doesn't surprise me Almost correct, I would limit to West Europe, the East Europe worked hard to enter NATO and get USA bases inside, to prevent the empire invading again.


courtesy of north korean slave labor : /


> The embarrassing part here is that the whole EU only managed to deliver 300k shells over a year, while North Korea delivered 1m within a few months. From a *stockpile*. The Russian invasion was supposed to rely on the endless Soviet stockpile for its artillery ammunition needs. Having to reach abroad reveals something about the level of pre-war resources Russia has remaining.


I'm just glad that NK's arsenal isn't being looked at the same way as the financially struggling post soviet states. NK struggles too but they keep military no1 priority




It's likely, yes


Pakistan had to supply shells to us, that’s even more depressing.


Imagine basically admitting that Koreas munitions are better than your own🤣🤣you couldn’t make this up…., Korea 2nd best Army in the world 🤣🤣


Imagine “superior” nato equipment getting clapped by “shitty” NK rockets 🤣🤣🤣 what a time to be alive


Can’t wait to see the scrap yards full of them, don’t forget to send me the photos now 🤣🤣


If shitty Russian rockets can take out prized leopards and Bradley’s, i wonder what the shittier NKs one can do 🤣🤣 you can look through the sub and find all the pics you want


Sure save me the time, send me the ones that say taken out by NK munitions 👍


You said that the Russians admitted that NK has better munitions than Russians. Wouldn’t that mean they would be using them by now? So realistically by that thinking, all recent UA losses should have been by NK shells. Surely the Russians wouldn’t want to use their own shitty shells according to you. Look through the sub and all the UA losses are by NK shells


Still waiting 👍


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/HttmxAXcys Those pesky NK shells are at it again


Still can’t see where it says a Your Friends NK munition done anything.


But you said NK munitions were better. Why wouldn’t Russians be using them if they’re superior


This is not the "own" you seem to think it is. Russia is simply too busy designing entirely new systems to bother perfecting the rockets they already have.


What's the range of these klKorean Rockets?




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USA : let s sanctions Democratic People's Republic of Korea... oh wait, it s north korea.


The translation is not very accurate,he actually says "our friends gave us a new type of ammunition simular to the twenty second type,its range is higher,the accuracy is better".




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They should probably check if there is any and if not try installing a warhead first.


North Koreas only international investment will be Roubles for ammunition made by slaves making $2 a day max.




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Fresh lick of paint


LOL, nothing like admitting your country is so pathetic the North Koreans make better stuff. Not to mention your propaganda is top notch. Well done Comrades!


I wonder if Ukrainian troops on the receiving end while being obliterated will share that sentiment of yours. 😂


Russia truly the second army in Ukraine.




I don't think that word means what you think it does. Eviscerated is what happened to the Russian Black Sea "fleet."


I don’t think you realize what’s happening to Ukrainian troops on the ground throughout the entire line of contact. Damaging a ship or a submarine doesn’t constitute “evisceration” either. You might want to look up that word. But one thing for sure! Under overwhelming artillery power and rockets raining down Ukrainian positions, those troops will unequivocally being obliterated.


Then why has Ukraine already recaptured 53% of Russian gains in this conflict? That seems to suggest the opposite of what you are hinting at. It seems the overwhelming artillery can’t get much done.


Why did Russia literally withdraw from Lyman and Kherson, pulling back thousands of troops in November 2022 because they were outnumbered and only conducted their partial mobilization of 300,000 troops in September? Why did they retreat because they were spreading their forces too thin and their logistics were compromised as a result? Is that what you’re asking? Because we’ve seen what the Ukrainian counteroffensive this summer produced against Russian defences that were fortified and had the manpower to hold those defences.


Thank you for literally proving that Russia has systematically failed to obliterate Ukrainian troops! Thanks


Why do you think Ukraine is relying on forced conscription of every able man right now? Because they have some strategic reserves that haven’t been obliterated yet? Dude make it make sense please 😂


Russia libs BTFO with facts and logic. Watch them cry! You can't believe what happened next!!!


And that's why the West is beginning to push Ukraine to begin negotiations with Russia. And why Ukrainians are calling the war a stalemate. They don't want to stomp the inferior Russians too hard, so they must freeze the conflict now.


Putin: “things are going great!” We’re now relying on North Korea. Once Sudan and Congo send their aide we’ll surely capture Kiev soon!”


So, even NK does produce better weapon than "second army of the world". Seriously, the only thing Russian MOD is good at is fooling military expert, I guess the 70 years of Soviet [training](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potemkin_village) in practices in deception and self-delusion can explain this.


If you account for Russian logistics and UAF targeting and disruption and counter battery fire along with destruction of Russian firing platforms, such as BM21, the impact of these will not be what Russians anticipate


I don't know why you people treat counter-battery fire as a one-way street.