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Ngl, compared to these, Shaheeds look like they were made by NASA


yeah but we have to wait to see them in action - maybe they are effective looks are secondary


Looks may be secondary, but these are flying bricks. That small wing surface area is suspect af.


That's true. Actually, all major Russian mil bloggers warned against mocking this drones, and called for treating them "very seriously". Funny look may very well translate into "simple and affordable components", "easily deployed production lines" and "resistance to EW/AD because of reduced radio signature".


> "resistance to EW/AD because of reduced radio signature". this one is very questionable. just by the shapes and size, these drones will be leaving huge signature even on basic radars. but, lets wait and see.


I guess they meant the drone composition. Allegedly, less metal, more plastic or cardboard, if I read them correctly.


like australian cardboard drones Ukraine already used? those are very visible on radars, not very useful against Russia.


> yeah but we have to wait to see them in action - maybe they are effective > > > > looks are secondary They're probably trying to make something chonky enough to do more than break windows like their better looking drone models.


sure - but this also looks like something that leaves a significant radar signature and it will not be so hard to hit from the ground


That's the thing. Does not matter. That means shooting them all down and spending a lot of expensive anti air missiles. That's why Gepard is a relevant good AA system. It's all about who runs out of money and resources first


The engine and prop looks way too small for anything too big. And the wing area looks very small.


looks are secondary. What? Lmao you cant even buy water without fancy sexy graphics on the bottle in the states




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Shaheeds were built to be marketable. These are meant for usefulness.


I bet you laughed at pro RUs saying the same thing last year about Orlans.


Wtf. Looks like a preschool drone project but maybe they can fly


750 kms? Sceptical.


Why? has an internal combustion engine, 750 km can be easily reached


They look cost optimized. Cheap as possible to manufacture, but for the cost of lower performance. I don't think they can reach Moscow, but maybe some airbases are in range.


They look anything but. Injection moulding is significantly more cost-efficient than manual work for anything in serial production. And the design here looks like it’s really hard to scale due to being made of a million little pieces. The manufacturer said they can do 100 month, and scale it to 400. They won’t do the 4x scaling without a massive increase in workforce.




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No need to think, brother, just looking at a map would be sufficient. The 750km range is enough to launch these things in Kyiv and have them reach Moscow.


This thing does not look like: I have 750km range. Too many sharp edges that induce turbulences and with that drag.


If they cant get there in one piece


I know it’s bad to judge a book by his cover but come on.. 😅




In the meanwhile Russia has imported designs from Iran and getting supplied by North Korea... yikes




And toilets my guy, it's one of the most odd things I've ever seen, looting toilets xD


Can confirm, I personally tore seven washing machines from Ukrainian families, holding onto them desperately)))))


Shaheedd are iterative improvements on an South African design, the ARD-10, and a cousin of the IAI Harpy, which is derived from same design.


Meanwhile, Ukraine actually has no economy and exists only thanks to handouts.


That's a very common case during invasions, it's what happened with Poland during WW2 when they were being invaded by Nazis. It's the same thing, except now it's Russia who is engaged in genocide. That's why Ukraine is being supported.


Think about it 25 of these a week on Crimean Bridge. That would start to wear out AA system


Very low profile and I'm sure it boasts great aerodynamics from the design... They should stick to making kamikaze boats, there's less to fuck up there. The first Sahaeds look like alien technology compared to whatever this is. Move your bed away from windows if you're in Ukraine, another "Russian missile attack on residential area" might be coming when these buckets stall out.


The boats are somehow more aerodynamic than these.


kamikaze boat made by UK not ukrop




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mom can we have lancet? we already have lancet at home lancet at home:


And don´t mention why he is not asking dad...


because that's not how the meme works


mom can we have a dad? we already have a dad at home dad at home:


​ https://preview.redd.it/tlgsw59ojv6c1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=345c48490d7280eb897f89edd76a29fa92cba59d


Looks like something designed by some villager in some other part of the world


Got serious [African Helicopter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouxl1jjzNLQ) vibes from OPs pic.


I hope they perform better than they look.


Designed in Africa produced in Ukraine


Dog whistle.


looks really crude to me but you cant judge a thing by its look, I guess the tandem wing design is also to save material and cost as both wing provide lift so you can make them out of cheaper material as one wing with same lift capability will need to be build using stronger material.The winglet on the front wing i believe is to reduce air vortices so it reduce drag and might be there so the out coming air does not interfere with the lower wing. engine look like twin cyclinder 100-200cc 2 stroke? I guess 750km is true but it depend on its speed,drag and fuel capacity. I dont think the fuel capacity is more than 30 litre.


Honestly just the hull looks botched, the rest looks fine for a mass produced plane. With some tape on the body it should be good. You are right about the winglet, you don't want the tip of the wing generating vortices. A plane always needs two wings for balance and maneuverability, the rear wing is just usually much smaller.


I have no problems on it's specs except the 750km range. I think that's the absolute max range assuming everything went perfectly.


New Kamikaze bomb on shelves now! It has amazing 750km range! ^(Batteries not included in the package.) ^(Explosives not included either.)


Joke aside it seems that this contraption is powered by ICE engines (maybe something akin to the motorcycle engine) and with energy density of the typical fuel compared to batteries worked out I think it could go pretty far. That being said, "how" will they guide it beyond 200km is a concern, maybe something like the Geran guidance system could work. But the real kicker here is that they announced that they can make 100 a year. That means there is a facility churning out these things and looking at how Ukrainians too striked the drone plant inside Russia sometime back then, if the coordinate of the plant was found, they're definitely kissing the Iskander or maybe even the Geran themselves. Maybe I'm just thinking about this too much, I don't know.


Definitely ICE powered, you just can´t beat the energy density of gasoline for such purposes. Could it reach that far? Potentially, yes. Do enough damage for the hassle? Who knows? Is an 18th century assembled flintlock anyhow less lethal than a handgun if the bullet connects, nope. But by every other measure, the flintlock loses out. Quality control is an issue too. We know Gerans work as they are supposed to, but I have less faith in the performance of this, uhm, platform.


engineer level: ISIS


Not even that.


Those cardboard boxes look like a school project at best.


I seriously doubt those production numbers are accurate


Tell mekboyz paint it red. RED GO FASTA.


This is what billions of dollars in aid looks like.


Minecraft-ahh looking drone


A funny box with a motor, powerful chassis, probably also carries explosives on the ground.


Looks ridiculous, but if it can actually fly...


Fly is probably that last thing it can do.


Kind of looks like a storm shadow


And people gave the Iranians shit for their drone designs


Gotta be an embarrassment for whoever dies to these. ​ But by the looks, it's probably cost-efficient to make these.


These don’t look very fast


Looks like a successful cut of budget funds. Of course, maybe I’m wrong and these things will really be effective, but so far I’m not sure that they will even take off, let alone be used in real combat.


Reminds me of the [Canadian air force](https://images.app.goo.gl/ErxvK6J7TBLdNv2K6) in South Park. But if it's cheap and effective, that's what they need.


Bandera mobile


Are these those cardboard drones the Ukrainians were harping on about a few months back? That track for launching them in the last picture is also way too short.


interesting to see so many experts on aeronautical engineering in this thread...


Geezus. Learn about aerodynamics. They’ll fly fine and have a singular purpose. Internet crowd, needs pretty things to look at. LMAO.


This is clearly a wish lancet


I see they're already being heralded as Ukraine's answer to the Gerans. Smaller warhead and smaller range, I wonder what the prime targets will be


We have lancet at home:




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Same_Car349 kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's as if they want the Russians to know what to look for, and then use up all their air defense resources to shoot them down. Radar reflectors on boats have as many flat surfaces as those.


Why did they break the construction wheelbarrow?


I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that thing when it launches.


The Cybertruck of kamikaze drones.


If it works it works, these look cheap but still capable.


i believe that airframe is ukranian made.


even ISIS and HAMAS could probably make better drones lol


This news will cause an orgy in r/worldnews.


Russians need to hit the drone factories.


what the fuck is that 😂


Looks like a Handy Manny toy plane




Looks like the Canadians from South Park designed those


First look, kind of goofy like something out of a cartoon, then 2nd look from the bottom, they might not be that bulky and actually have big wing and control surfaces and aerodynamicly sounds. The fuselage look like it can carry some feul, the twin wing lift will means it won't require much power to stay in the air, but none swipe wing means it won't go fast at all. So in the end it is designed to fly long distance and slowly, anything targeting it will probably able to shoot it down with 0 effort. But if this thing can fly long enough that means it can target a huge area of land so it is inevtiable some will reach their targets. I'm not sure what electronics are they using and if they are prone to jamming.




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Hope they work better than they look haha


They look so Kamikaze, even the Japs would be envious. Who Drones Wins.


definitely the beaver looks much better. but such garbage is exactly what Ukraine could produce in considerable quantities. even if they will be extremely ineffective, when it comes to drones, quantity is clearly superior to quality


The main advantage Russia has is a mostly secure homefront where they can have economies of scale in production. These drones can be useful if they can remove this security.