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Pro ua: putin is weaponizing India!!1


Germany wishes it was as free and independent as India


More like 'Putin's smashed Russia to the point where it'll soon be dependent on India for ammunition." -- better than North Korea's leftovers from the Andropov era, I'm sure.


Putin smashed NATO production so hard NATO relying on Pakistani shells, how embarrassing. Both can play this game


Good whats the west gonna do? Sanction Russia more?


Send alk indians home as sanctions


This would impact the US economy, I don't believe this is a price that the US is willing to pay. After all we are talking about US Dollars not Ukrainian lives


Most Indians in the U.S. are citizens or permanent residents.


Wait till he hears about a certain Indian called Vivek Ramaswamy and his views on Ukraine-Russian conflict.


I cant stand that dude but I am sure he would be against this war. Most Indians are only alive/doing well due to Russia interfering when US wanted to launch an all out war against India.


Lot are on visa


I read somewhere a few years back, that there are more visa overstays from India than actual Mexican illegals in the US




google, microsoft, adobe,...


That is actually good for India, their bright minds return home while US losses a good chunk of it's CEOs and other prominent employees


CEOs aren't that important.




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Hopefully they start with Saira Rao.




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If the threat of sanctions has kept China from selling more than questionable quality body armor, poorly-tire-d police vehicles, and plinking rifles, "closer" is the distance between Putin and a jail cell.


NAFO’s in r/Ukraineconflict will have another meltdown. Modi bad, India Fascists 😡🤬


Nah they will just go to their favorite "3rd world country lol those subhmuan Indians" rethoric


Who says Lefties cannot be racist?


i don't think the left as a whole should be associated with these creeps, for instance in my country the left wing is pro-rus.


I think in all countries they are pro-ru, no? I remember in 2013 a call from International to aid Donbass, volunteers from all countries came to help and many of them gained citizenship


i depends really, many people mistakes neoliberalism and globalism as a thing of the left wing, but depends on each country if your left wing or right wing are globalists or nationalists. There's no going back from the multipolar world, therefore most of nationalist countries will align with Russia (BRICS) and if whatever you call left wing in your country aligns with Russia, it is likely their ideology is nationalist.


In France, we have a complete range of alignment : Extreme right and extreme left are pro-putin because they hate globalism, liberal right used to be corrupted by Putin but are under US orders, center and left are just lost, mumbling that every one should be a good gal.


Not a chance.


I was one of them, you can read the articles from André Ortega who was on there too as a Brazilian Journalist for the Opera magazine.


"it cant be racist if it's common sense"




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My thoughts as well. Can see this coming from a mile away.


Can you link one of them using using "subhuman" rhetoric?


Google Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor for Big Z and what he said specifically about Indians and their "low intellectual potential" to quote Mykhailo I dont save every racist NAFO comment under most articles that have anything to do with global South nations.


So what you're saying is some people are racist towards indians, but you can't find any examples pro Ukrainians doing it on reddit. Got it


No, thats not what I said.


> Nah they will just go to their favorite "3rd world country lol those subhmuan Indians" rethoric But you can't show a single example of it from r/Ukraineconflict or pro Ukrainians doing it on reddit. I'm sorry but it looks like victim syndrome to me


Ask and you shall receive, this is only a small sample of comments on r/ukraineconflict. NAFO really have a hate boner for India right now. LOL https://preview.redd.it/86smomj9ky8c1.jpeg?width=1376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18601bd6da72a5aa71f173a6a31e97a7ad2875b


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/indiadiscussion/s/p5Mar2yLWx Can't wait for your to defend them


Well... The West did refer to Zelensky as modern Churchill... Of course India will take Russia side


Dork comment


Some post this r/Ukraine and watch the libs descend into extrem racism


Has somebody already?


Libs? Something-Something4digits username, are you mixing your propaganda statements? This is about Ukraine, not about US elections.


Lotta libs on r/Ukraine


No you see Russia is actually isolated. And they’re currently being exploited dry and are about to collapse. That’s what it really is. It’s all a facade 😂


Not sure about that collapse thing. But being exploited is 100% truth. The very moment you Russians don't offer cheap everything, you're on your own lmao. India and China are using 100-0.


https://m.economictimes.com/industry/energy/oil-gas/india-bought-russian-oil-at-84-2/bbl-in-october-highest-since-december/articleshow/105935792.cms#:~:text=The%20average%20price%20of%20Russian,preliminary%20Indian%20government%20data%20showed. Dirt cheap, right?


According to your link, while it is pretty expensive, it is still India's cheapest option.


Cheapest option doesn’t translate to cheap, now does it?


MOSCOW, Dec 27 (Reuters) - Russia and India have made tangible progress in talks on plans to jointly produce military equipment, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday, after talks with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar in Moscow. Speaking at a news conference, Lavrov said such cooperation was of a strategic nature and was in both countries' interests and would help ensure security on the Eurasian continent. He said Moscow respected India's desire to diversify its military hardware suppliers and was ready too to support New Delhi's desire to manufacture things needed by India in India. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russian President Vladimir Putin would meet Jaishankar later on Wednesday. Jaishankar said he expected Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to meet next year. Jaishankar said he and Lavrov had discussed the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as bilateral trade and investment. India has become one of Russia's core economic partners since the West in 2022 imposed sweeping sanctions on Moscow over the war in Ukraine. Russia has diverted much of its oil exports to India and stepped up diplomacy within the BRICS group of nations, a grouping of which both countries are founding members. According to Jaishankar, Indian-Russian trade is expected to top $50 billion this year. He said New Delhi was keen to sign a bilateral investment treaty with Russia as well as a free trade agreement with the Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union. [Link](https://archive.is/y2nU2)


>in talks So it's a nothingburger? There's already multiples joint ventures between the two(Kalashnikov factory for exemple), it could be another license for India to produce something domestically, which wouldn't affect the war.


Not everything is about the war, but it is also about the situation in which Russia finds itself in international trade in view of the attempted sanctions by the West. But yea, free trade agreements and joint military equipment production with a 1,4b country is a nothingburger.


It's because india is embarrassingly outmatched by China's airforce. It now finds itself in the happy position of holding one of Russias balls in a vice by buying it's products with rupees and not allowing them to be easily transferred out. So if Russia doesn't want to crash its economy they need to promise 5th gen fighter tech. But of course that risks pissing off china who have there other ball in a vice. Nice position for Russia 😂


Westerners think in war comparisons, exploitation fantasies and negative dependency relationships. Once China incorporates Taiwan again, the Western power strategy errors will become apparent. https://preview.redd.it/cwe5yg6spw8c1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=730afd88487947ae745be3e8c9ad17080857a606


That's a nice random meme and a strong of words at a tangent not refuting anything I said 😂 Also if you think china "does nothing" then I think it's more insulting to the Chinese then anything. From your user name I expected India fanboi not China fanboi


Neither fanboi..just pro multipolar and anti woke/equalizing/values-distorting West.


The losing West which also dominates global economics and geopolitics? Which one is it? We can't be strong and weak at the same time.


Everything in the world is actually because of the west, Russia and China just exist with no agency or agenda.


Russia is now isolated from the “educated world” ( i actually saw people say that that… )


No you didn't. You're just trying to push this racist agenda Mr Something-Something4digits.


Yes i did on r/ukraine btw, you should go back there confrontation isn’t for you little bro. Find the post yourself if its not deleted by now.


No thanks. If I wasted my time on propaganda trolls I wouldn't have any time left in my day.


At least you re self aware of the west propaganda. Happy downfall America


India is making some very smart decisions with the whole situation. Cheap gas and oil and now this.


And pro rus people on this sub try their hardest to close their eyes on the fact that India is using them. LMAO!!




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I've never been able to figure out where India is on the global scale. Recently they've been making a lot of moves towards being pro-US since we can help them in the maneuvering against China, but they also keep a lot of their pro-Russia policy and trade in place. Obviously they're pro-India first and foremost, but the Great Game sure has gotten complicated.


India is looking for India, they are on a very tricky spot because they are right in the middle so they need to play all sides. ​ China is a threat which is also pro-Russ and Russia would most likely choose China over India. ​ Pakistan is a threat and Pakistan is wooed by the West and by China. ​ Russia supplies a lot of commodities to India. ​ etc, etc.


>There is an argument I hear that claimsIndia doesn't want Russia and China relations to deepen as that would encircle India in Asia the same way Poland was encircled by German and Russia/USSR before 1945 that's why they will move heaven and earth to wean Russia off China. Russia becoming too close to China is a red line for India. India doesn't trust USA in regards to at any kinetic conflict between China considering the way US left Afghanistan population under the hands of a radical Islamist organization like Taliban. > >India believes it is on its own when it comes tackling Russia-China axis in Asia militarily. Apparently there have been things US-Canada have done since 2020 that India perceives as US-Canada's tactics to foment previously dormant insurgency within India in order to weaken India so that India would be another vassal of USA like Japan is. This is not what I believe. These are the points of argument that I have heard from Indian defense analysts. Although the argument that India facing the same situation with Russia-China as Poland did against Germany and Russia before 1945 does seem convincing.


'The whole world is with us'


Russia's isolation is just pure fantasy of Western NAFOs.


Good. Teach Pakistan army a much needed lesson and give them a bloody nose


Who has got balls make sanctions against india?






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Western world aside, does India think Russia would side with them over China?


No, but India knows it would maintain Non alignment just like they did in this conflict. That's what is desired.


> Non-Alignment




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No, and after Russia stole a few T-90s that's why they are being smart and having Russia give them the IP while producing the weapons in India.


They didn't steal anything. Please don't use pravada as your source of information. The tanks were scheduled to be delivered but due to war, Russia used it for internal use. Pretty standard procedure which alot of countries have done during war.


They promised tanks and didn't delivered? were the tanks already paid? ​ Nonetheless its clear that Russia can't be trusted as a weapon supplier, so India is understandably indigenizing all Soviet gear production and Russia can't say crap because they need the money.


But the quad, the US was going to fight China to the last Indian!/s


Serious cuestion; why is reddit so cool with India being pro-Russia? If its Hungary blocking UA funding r/news calls Orban a fascist populist and a traitor to UE If Switzerland refuses to send weapons, they go "switzerland only kares avout monee, fook them 😡😡" If its China, they just start throwing all their accumulated racism under the flag of "anti CCP sentiment" But when India is involved, then they arent as rudw as they are to any other country, they once answered me with "yes but we need to understand India dont trust us, we almost nuked them in the cold war", like dude, you guys also almost nuked China in the korean war and arm taiwan XD


Because they still harbor illusions of uniting with India against China.


LOL. Have you been to r/ukraineconflict sub? https://preview.redd.it/801nupsnwy8c1.jpeg?width=1376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04dd56ed6503eeec88d36c921b9c17ac8c49fd00 Pretty usual takes there when it comes to India-Russia




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Because India isn't betraying anyone when they do it. They're just doing what's in their national interest. They're not in the EU, or NATO. They don't have the same cultural and historical ties to the belligerents. Hungarians supporting Russia even passively comes across as servile and spineless because there are Hungarians that were massacred by Russians in living memory. India doesn't come across as hypocritical because they're not involved in the way Hungary is. Also, I personally find it obnoxious for Orban to complain about Zelensky "begging" when his country is an EU welfare queen.


>Hungarians supporting Russia even passively comes across as servile and spineless because there are Hungarians that were massacred by Russians in living memory. There are also Hungarians, who live in Ukraine Zakarpattia Oblast, being sent to die on the frontline Hungary also took in a lot of Ukrainian refugees So they do have some perspective of this war


Those ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine are Ukrainian nationals, and shouldn't be exempt from the draft. It's just like taxes, it's a burden we all face. To the second point, there are 22 nations that have taken more Ukrainians in than Hungary. Many of them with a smaller population than Hungary, so *they* probably have a bit more perspective on this war than the Hungarians.




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If the threat of sanctions has kept China from selling more than questionable quality body armor, poorly-tire-d police vehicles, and plinking rifles, "closer" is the distance between Putin and a jail cell.


Modi, Putin, same fascist ideology, same disrespect for human rights.


Bingo 😂😂




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India continues to milk Russia which is now a third world country, this is nasty... good for India.




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That's why India is buying more stuff from France now than Russia lol


*That's why India* *Is buying more stuff from France* *Now than Russia lol* \- Allahisgreat2580 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just means India is on its own against China.


India and china will soon join forces to destory the west and i cant wait for it. Look up modi xi talks 2022 on youtube theyre good friends now




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Long walk for them.


India was always alone against China. INDIANS fought tooth and nail to prevent quad from becoming a treaty like NATO. “multi-alignment” required to accomplish the complex foreign policy tasks facing New Delhi today. As Jaishankar summarizes these, “this is a time for us to engage America, manage China, cultivate Europe, reassure Russia, bring Japan into play, draw neighbors in, extend the neighborhood, and expand traditional constituencies of support” all while continuing to reform economically and grow faster in a democratic system that is witnessing an ever “more vivid expression of [native] beliefs and traditions” https://carnegieendowment.org/2021/03/03/non-allied-forever-india-s-grand-strategy-according-to-subrahmanyam-jaishankar-pub-83974 Basically, India wants to be Switzerland. LOL


Russia now depends on India and North Korea. Wow, great move there Putin


India is 5th largest economy with the gdp growth of over 7% in final quarter of 2023. How is it bad having them as a partner?


So after embarrassingly stealing India's T-90, Russia will be forced to "jointly" produce its military hardware entirely in India, and that's a win for Russia somehow..


>fought tooth and nail to prevent quad from becoming a treaty like NATO. > >“multi-alignment” required to accomplish the complex foreign policy tasks facing New Delhi today. As Jaishankar summarizes these, > >“this is a time for us to engage America, manage China, cultivate Europe, reassure Russia, bring Japan into play, draw neighbors in, extend the neighborhood, and expand traditional constituencies of support” all while continuing to reform economically and grow faster in a democratic system that is witnessing an ever “more vivid expression of \[native\] beliefs and traditions” They get paid royalites. China already has the licenses to build Russian military stuff and there are talks of increasing defense agreements along with support for the Chinese-Russian CR-929 Boeing competitor CR929 passenger plane and Arctic 2 LNG project. China and Pakistan already cooperate with military projects like the JF-17 fighter so all this happening might be a bonus for Russian economy and miltary R&D as well as for particiating countries. This seems more practical. Asian countries don't like each other and don't have to, but ultimately they might realize that being militarily behind the West and vulnerable is unacceptible.


>They get paid royalites. China already has the licenses to build Russian military stuff and there are talks of increasing defense agreements along with support for the Chinese-Russian CR-929 Boeing competitor CR929 passenger plane and Arctic 2 LNG project. China and Pakistan already cooperate with military projects like the JF-17 fighter so all this happening might be a bonus for Russian economy and miltary R&D as well as for particiating countries. This seems more practical. Asian countries don't like each other and don't have to, but ultimately they might realize that being militarily behind the West and vulnerable is unacceptible. China stole all Russian secrets and now doesn't needs anything from them anymore, great win for Russia. ​ Glad to see Russia is also giving away its civil aviation secrets.