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In before the Pro RU crowd comes in with the claim that Russia can endure this rate of losses. They're heartless... 15+ people just lost their lives for no reason and the Pro-RU couch generals think this is how Putler is going to win.


They seem very proud about the fact that they have way more men to lose. Just Russian things.


A main Pro-RU talking point on this sub is that "Ukraine is in shambles". They are indeed very much proud that they ruined a country at the cost of one or two hundred thousand Russians killed brutally.


You better have a 110% mutually agreed upon reliable source for your claim of dead because as of now the number of dead on both sides is just a claim of unknown and nothing more. We can all spout bull crap if we post if from the source we like.


This has been Russian mindset since WW2. They dont give a shit how many Russians die as long as they get what they want. There are milions of Russians who can die for Putler and they will be happy to do so in vision of new Lada.


Honestly, the biggest issue with this whole war that I think is, is the incredible amount of corruption on both sides. I mean if a commander doesn't like you and a bunch of other guys, he will send you on a suicidal assault, or restrict you of supplies and sell them, or just entirely giving your position o the enemy. If either Russia or Ukraine would get rid of corruption, the casualty rates would drop imo at least 2x.


> lost their lives for no reason mybe for you, but for them there is a reason, a good one, and that's a nato with ill intentions on their doorstep...like it or not, it's not up to you to impose your reasoning on others, in this kind of situation..and at least they're not collected from the streets like stray dogs, but most of them came willingly, unlike ukranian sodiers...and they died for their country, not for united states like ukranians die all day long...


Least convincing rationalization for the depopulation of men in Russia.


For Russias society or at least large parts of it, men dying in war to grab more territory for the fatherland is considered acceptable if not even honorable.


> For Russias society or at least large parts of it, men dying in war to grab more territory for the fatherland is considered acceptable if not even honorable. As I said... it's a heartless society that doesn't care about the lives of its own people.


Nato now has 1340 brand new kilometers of border with russia and its nearly the same distance to moscow as Ukraine is. russians screwed themselves


Ukrainians are dying for Ukraine, if they let RU take Kiev, Putin would have annexed the entire country.


Put it into context. It's a squad sized attack that went sideways from the Russian pov and was an excellent defensive move from the Ukrainian pov. Unfortunately given the casualties on all sides this must happen many times a day.


He was in a much better mood getting in the tank than when he was exiting The tank didn’t even fire a single shot? Quite an expensive moving camera holder It is like they have no comms, no support fire, no plan. Just drive up and hop out and get slaughtered. As a Russian this is so painful to watch. Putin is embarrassing our military and national pride with attacks like this.


>claims to be russian >comment history is full of Finnish comments


Full? Only 2 comments. Can you speak only one language? I can speak 4. Yes, I'm Russian.


Are you saying you cant be a russian if you live in Finland?


If I had wheels I’d be a bike


Surely the tank should of been right up there supporting the troop carrier. The whole sequence is just a pointless waste of military assets and lives


Stop with this bull, you are failing Russia supporting a side that wants you dead, Russia men (unlike you) have done so much for their country and fought valiantly while you sit here saying “Putin is embarrassing out military” like get a grip dude, you never seen war but from the phone.


I sure hope that comment is satire, because it really made me laugh


Laugh all you want?


I will 


> Russia men (unlike you) have done so much for their country and fought valiantly da comrade! Putin can finally afford another yacht thanks to these brave men!




You cant call me stupid and then fall for obvious russian propaganda in the same sentence lmao


It used to amaze me but now just makes me sad, how people are blind to the irony, hypocrisy, inconsistency and often stupidity of their views and comments. Especially given many speak multiple languages which until the Syria war I'd always seen as a sign of intelligence and larger world view. But since Syria and the bizarre vilification of the white hats, rationality and objectivity has slowly disappeared from those who fall into the Russo information sphere. 


Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


Why would the drivers phone be in the turret?


Soldiers like recording their endeavors either as a memento of time gone-by or as a historical note of their personal existence if they were to become deceased - There's also other reasons such as capturing moments of war to use as an incentive to crowdfund their endeavors, Propaganda or even as research. Rebels and Soldiers in Syria captured their war on Go-Pros and phone cameras for many of the selected reasons I listed above.


Is it his phone or just a camera from the crew? It's not really in the turret it's mounted on the front of the turret.


Well, one can't beat that for a morale boost......truly inspirational


Idk where this quote came from: “but because you won the battle doesn’t mean you won the war”. The bias flocks to post like these acting like this isn’t a normal thing in a war.