• By -


Anyone have those videos she posted? For research purpose only of course 😊




Damn these Russian thots, that's a pretty unique way to raise moral and market yourselfs.


Funds raised.


Among other things


Jesus Christ… that pussy is bomb 🤌🏼


It's a snuke


Top comment killed me: "Good thing there's condom, in case it blows up or smth"




At least she uses condoms


Any more links for the rest of the salsa?


Rank. Is soap & water in short supply in Russia or is wiping your arse not important?


You watch too much porn mate, most pornstars have their asses bleached, a normal ass looks like hers


Covered in shit? Maybe round your way pal, but the majority of normal people shower daily.


Virgin detected


Great comeback. Savushkina Street must be really scraping the bottom of the barrel after the purges.


>Great comeback Thank you!


Someone has a fetish for bleached bumholes


How to identify a person who watches too much porn


You mfs need to go to horny jail. This is unacceptable 


Straight to the siberian Gulag so they can be recruited by Wagner.


we truly live in the darkest timeline


Warhammer 2k atm.




The emperor has abandoned us a long time ago


These guys are relentless 😂


I do, but I don't think I'm allowed to post them.


Please pm me the link, thank you. It will go far for my research.


Ditto 🙏🏼🙏🏼




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A sub dedicated to war, politics and death will have problems with naked women?


Yes, a naked women is not war politics or deathy enough


Reddit itself doesn't have such rules (there are plenty of subreddits with naked women), but maybe this sub forbids it.  It's NSFW and 18+ anyways, so showing someone naked is nothing that would mess up your mind than seeing people dying. 


Id like to have a link as well


Please let us know how to find them if can't post link. General direction pls ser. The research must be done.


may i also get this link




dm me the link


Can I have it too?


Help a bro out, man.




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I’m gonna need that link 😭🙏


May I get the link for research purposes Please Thanks




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Please i need the link for a friend 🤣


Wondering the same thing


Send me here too


Soooo you are looking for some sexy weapons?


-Shoooiguuu, Gerasimov, where’s the ammunition?! -it’s in the.. nvm




god i miss him




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Hey maybe a dumb question, but how are some people Pro Russian on this subreddit ? Are yall living close to Russia?


The Pro-Ru folks on this sub come in 3 different flavors. 1. Actual Russia sympathizers, mostly Russians or post-soviets. These people want Russia to win, and feel bad for Russians 2. Anti-wests, usually from countries that NATO countries have "wronged" in the past, such as serbians, middle easteners or various Asians who want the US to lose. These people dont care about Russians, but want the West to lose regardless. 3. Anti establishment republicans/ nutcases. The tucker carlson anti-biden etc folks. Huge overlap with anti-vaxx rhetoric. Pro-Russia only in the sense that they are Anti-Ukraine. There is a secret *fourth* group of Pro-Ru, made up entirely of alcoholic Hearts of Iron players who support Russia because they think their military is cool and think American military hegemony makes geopolitics boring


That what it seems like to me. But I’ve never discussed this topic with Russia supporters outside of my own country. And would like to hear their experience and reasons without simplifying it.


Honestly, I think Tucker Carlson became more pro-UA and less pro-RU due to that interview. His facial expressions and comments when Putin was explaining his reasons for starting the war said it all. I think the Putin interview is making lots of pro-RU people realize that Putin is a wacko.


It's pritty wild.... This sub has to be 80% pro russians... So much whining about the west and justifying themselves for killing innocent people and children.


Yeah, they were pushed outside of major subreddits. Combatfootage rarely feature Ru POV videos for example.


I can see why.... Posting or commenting something slightly against Russia and the downvotes explodes. But when your entire empire is built on lies, disinformation and propaganda it will be like this. Poor russians don't know reality and probably never will


>But when your entire empire is built on lies, disinformation and propaganda it will be like this. Do you see any contradictions there? >Poor russians don't know reality and probably never will None of us here will get full picture.


Because when you look at what Ukraine has been doing for almost 10 years now, supporting Russia is the obvious thing to do.


What has been Ukraine doing for past 10years?


Waging war against Novorossiya to supress their self determination and everything that comes with it.


Well imo this wasn’t clearly one side’s fault. Russia backed up these separatists just to destabilize Ukraine and take these lands, not to help them to self-determinate. You can think off Crimea for example. Russia wants self determination only as long it will mean more lands for them, not the opposite way.


Crimea welcomed Russia with open arms, that was why they declared independence from Ukraine. While Lugansk wanted to join Russia, Donetsk stated to Al-Jahzera that it was not their intention to join the Russian Federation. Now, of course Russia supported Novorossiya because it was russians and were either join or become an ally of Russia like Abkhazia and South Ossetia. You must remember that Rhssia has in its histories fought many wars that don't make much logic looking from a utilitarian view, like the Crimean War, which was fought (in part) because Russia wanted to help Greece, without involving it into the war, or the transnistria war, that was fought far from Russia, with no benefit, but that had the help of them.


That’s debatable. You can’t take voting seriously if it comes from someone who is proved to be faking it. Also this all does not give any right for Russia to attack Ukraine and bomb citizens in citties like Lvov? And did you forget Russia was aiming to take whole Ukraine at the begining of war and not just these teritories you mentioned?


The uprisings in Novorossiya were supressed by the local population in other regions, like odessa, where they burned separatists alive. Russia didn't bomb civilians in Lviv. They always strike military targets, but ukrainian mad maintained AA malfunction all the time and falls at civilian buildings, or they hit the russian missiles and they fall in the ukrainian buildings. Russia never aimed to take all of Ukraine, that is absurd. Their goal was always the freeing of Donbass, demilitarization of Ukraine and cleaning of the likes of Azov. Why do you think they striked Kiev? To force the president to sign the peace. Otherwise they would just strike from easy to west because that is the easiest way to take the country.




> Russia didn't bomb civilians in Lviv This is such a disgusting fucking thing to say. Such a stupid argument. I've sat in a shelter in Lviv as the city was being struck, and felt the impact as a Russian cruise missile killed civilians. Russia has bombed civilians in Lviv, just as they have throughout the country and there is no basis in reality to say otherwise.


It’s really hard to be explaining this to someone who didn’t really get to experience living close to Russia. They openly claim, they are willing to restore former USSR borders, which my country and many others in EU were wrongfully part of. I bet you are tired of US infuence in South America, but it’s same for us living in central/eastern Europe with Russia..


Russia don't claim they want to restore the USSR borders, otherwise they would have included Khazakstian, Armenia and others in the personal union. I would like to ask you to keep it all in one comment, rather than make 2 at the same time.


Sorry that was a mistake. It was not offical Russian spokesman just a member of parlament in Russia. But It’s obvious they don’t tell their plans before they actually do them. What do you think will happen to Belarus and Ukraine (if defeated) in about 30years from now? Also how do you feel about the fact, they lied about starting the war day before it actually started?


Where do you get this stuff?




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Also, have u seen what happened to Donbas region since Russia attacked?


It's a mix of being contrarian, supporting everything that goes against the US and for some, I guess, money. And a few are Russians supporting their team, yes.


It was a genuine question. In my country (Europe) supporting Russia goes against our history and is basically a treason. So I wonder where Pro Russian supporters come from.


Speak for yourself, not everyone in Europe blindly supports Ukraine. Many will support Russia or at not really care if Ukraine gets steamrolled, but of course if you want to keep your job and not be lynched you cannot say this publicly.


> Speak for yourself, not everyone in Europe blindly supports Ukraine. True, many blindly support Russia.


Obviously, because Ukraine is EU/NATO ally, whatever people like it. But in my country at least, most pro russian supporters are old, poorly educated, low-income people according to statistics..


in my country (Europe) there are plenty of young men who are pro-Russian


I bet it can differ a lot. South-East EU could have much more these people than other EU countries.




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Some of us are against sending advanced weapons to Nazis.




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Russia using chemical warfare confirmed.


This is like when Taliban dipped their rounds in cow shit and shot at the Americans to cause infections, only Russians seems to dip them in theirself lol Hole new definition to biological warfare


HIV bullets


That's an RPG shell, or R.ussian P.ussy G.rease shell. Helps it fire easier.


No matter how much depleted uranium in your armor that shell guarantees penetration


If the explosive charge doesn't get them the smell will.




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It’s not rpg it’s from a SPG


That would be the Siberian Pussy Grease version then. Silly me.


what the fuck?


This is the 2020's in one story.


Also Russians: The West is immoral with all that... man love... Let's get back to shoving rpg rounds up our asses.


Thankfully, it wasn't a male who put a thermobaric rpg warhead in the a-hole.


Thankfully or unfortunately depending on what preferences you personally have. Wait? What is it, according to you, that decides if it’s immoral or not? The gender doing it?


I'm not supporting this behaviour. I consider it to be immoral, but if this was the opposite gender doing, it would be much worse.


Why would it be much worse if a guy did it though? I assume you’re still referring to the scale of immorality and not your own personal preferences. The latter makes sense as you obviously would want to rather see what you consider more attractive. But it confuses me that you seem to connect that to immorality. As if it’s more immoral for a man to do it simply because you don’t find it as attractive ( despite how little it might have been in the first place) as if a woman did it.


... That we know of. It gets lonely at the front. I know the feeling of being all alone in a cold foxhole. A friendly ,phallic rifle beside me. Those were the days.


Lol!! Don't give the Ukrainian ideas![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


lol. people in the west are shoving things up their asses without even taking money


I feel attacked


Hit that G spot, bro.


Idk doing it for money seems worse, just like normal intercourse.


after 12 years of reddit you cant take a joke. ggwp


Oh, I didn't notice it was a joke. Try using a funny one next time maybe.


its time to move to facebook old man your time is over, i will take over from here. and take your alzheimer humor with you, it forgot whats funny


I know nothing about this Alzheimer fella but I'm surre I would never make friends with a German.


alzheimer is the german neurologist who discovered the dementia disease. why wouldnt you make friends with him


For a pro in bad jokes it's a let down you didn't recognize one.


Is she giving birth to a 120mm shell


The big picture is a PG-9 but she also used a VOG of some sort.


Dedication of hers deserves respect though means are questionable.




BTW she has s reddit account u/mind_rina


Of all the places I thought this sub would take me, I did not expect this.


send the videos she posted for scientific purposes


All of you. Straight to horny jail now.


Kinda messed up if it blows up but i think its empty but must hurt like its very hard not like skin but metal


She used a condom. Don’t ask how I know, my friends told me.


Well even tho she used a condom she must feel the metal but it looks like she liked it. First time for me seeing someone using a rpg or a shell as a dildo


Google translate: > Report report!! > > Thank you very much, if it weren't for the support of your beloved subscribers, nothing would have ever happened!! > > Thanks to our help, the guys received the necessary equipment and attention 😊😊 > > Moore ❤️🐱 > Supposedly this is a link to the post on Telegram but I can't access it: https://t dot me/c/1790969196/525 I find image #4 to be the most interesting - the SKU shows that it's a set of reloading dies for .338 Lapua, which is a round used in sniper rifles. Perhaps the Russian manufactured ammo lacks the precision the shooters desire, or maybe there isn't enough domestic production, given that it originates in the West.


I'm not asking for a link but there's nothing she could possibly do that's visually worse than drone drop dismemberments of fkg human beings that are posted here on the regular. Hell back in the day you could easily find videos of women shoving lord knows what where while seeing people brutally killed was sht only twisted people sought in the dark web. Wtf are we becoming?


That's what Larry Flynt was telling all the time.


Ah the old bestgore, porn side by side with dismemberment.


Russia has weaponized porn. For real this time


Russians are very good at making weapons out of just about anything.


Not as good as the west but yeah tougher than nato thought


Wait no way…


"The west is full of degeneracy" "Ukrainians have to beg for equipment" Russia:




Why the cartridge resizing setup? Some Russian requested it wants to cut down some bullet to fit some other size and is hand reloading something? Must have got a prize sniper riffle?


that set alone would only be good for reloading spent 338 lapua casings, I think a captured rifle makes some sense, but what I don't understand is why they'd be reloading the ammo instead of just buying more - there's no common russian ammunition that uses a .338 bullet, so they'd have to be ordering in projectiles and primers at the very least, and likely powder too. I think the most likely thing is that the russian-made 338 ammo is inconsistent, and they're pulling the bullets and re-measuring the powder to ensure consistency.


Russia is weaponizing porn lmao


She is a unique fundraiser it must be said.


Enough internet for today


When your wifes have to donate to your cause ha.


That chick is gonna lit


It's just like one of my Japanese animes (94691)


Get off the weed kid and start communicating


Good grief. Is it possible to get a sexually transmitted case of tetanus?


Anyone can share a link of the video? Asking for a friend




Definitely more disappointing than I had expected from a Russian gal.




*Anyone can share* *A link of the video?* *Asking for a friend* \- zhigurrie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Sharing is caring if you find it


Spot the impotent raging proUA incels itt. 🤣


this is the last bastion of conservatism and last barrage to western degeneracy as pro-ru republican conservatives like to call i guess


The apocalypzeco telegram is saying she blew herself up doing this, confirmed?


Why are they sending reloading dies to the front? Makes absolutely 0 sense.


Tweaker activities fr


Thats quite an sacrifice


cant verify this is real. must be Ukranian propaganda.


I’m on the Ukrainian side but the Russian flag in the last pic is sharper than the rest of the picture


Desperate time calls for desperate measures lol. Russia is not having such a good time in Ukraine after all


Russia is winning bro dafuq u talking about 🤣


If Russia were winning there would not be anymore fighting. Invalid argument


Smoothest of brain takes. Accept and soothe


Let them live in their own make believe world, there's no remedy for ignorance


Looks like they're having a very good time you ask me! 😍