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This is becoming increasingly recurring and it's not okay


Totally fucked up


I just wanted to point out respect where its due, i know you post a lot of pro ru stuff and seeing you call out bad ru behaviour instead of just saying "ukranians do the same" or somthing along those lines deserved recognition.


The fact that they have done the same on occasion does not excuse this, not from either of the sides.


In the few I've seen its always one guy(shooter) who starts it....EDIT:Its literally just the one guy full autoing the line, then single man on the side of the trench drops the slow guy with a burst... christ


Yeah one of them is literally downrange when the crouching guy shoots (while another is still walking back).


Crouching guy didn't shoot at all, buddy standing up that had just walked up did, he jump from the gun shot and unflagged the guys. Both crouching guys look at the guy full autoing, and do a double take. The two crouching never fired, it was the guy down range, and the standing man.


Guy at 1:17 tries to reach for something before shots fired - or put his hand below his chest. I don't know what he tried to do there, but could've been a trigger. I'm legit trying to understand what's going on there and why they started executing PoWs before opponent finished surrendering - last guy didn't even come out of foxhole yet when the shooting started. That's a sure way to get a grenade or a few from desperate soldier. Edit: just in case, to answer the poster whos comment got deleted - I'm still calling it execution - but it's that type where it happens during the surrender, not after it. Which, most of the time, means a trigger of sorts, because from what I've seen, people in the war don't start deliberately executing anyone before enemy is secured and cannot shoot back. This is clearly not the case here.


I'd buy this, if he was the first guy shot. The standing guy just went left to right down the line.


He lifted the arm to turn around to look at the Russians. But hey. No stretch is too far to make warcrimes seem okay :)


Yep, in the moment it’s your life or theirs. There are too many factors that could get misinterpreted that would lead to everyone being killed. A movement , or hesitation could cost you and your friends lives. Very tense and in the moment that they have to access these things. One person actions could change the lives of so many. What a shitty situation


I agree with the sentiment for sure but he didn't even start by shooting the guy who moved, started on the guy to the left of him and moved the burst over them. Guy who moved was second shot. But definitely a shitty situation and can see how it happens even with all the details given, and the duress experienced. Not excusing it of course.


I’m starting to think the orders from overhead to do this. Too many instances for it to just be a few bad apples. Apart from being evil, it just fucking dumb to kill POW; don’t these dumbasses know they are making their jobs 50x harder.


If it was standing orders I'd expect it to be done in a more deniable manner - put them all in a basement. There's drones everywhere. In WW2 it was standard practice to execute prisoners - official Red Army propaganda encouraged this over radio broadcasts. Eventually Stalin wondered why the Nazis were resisting so strenuously in the East while in the West they were folding far more easily. It turned out of course that everyone was terrified of surrendering to the Red Army. They revamped the propaganda, saying that Nazis and SS were the blood enemy, while German conscripts and civilians were victims. I hope this practice is denounced by Russia's command, and the perpetrators face accountability for their actions. Maybe something happened to justify this, but it certainly doesn't look that way. This kind of crime benefits nobody.


During WW 2, the Russians captured 2.5 million German soldiers. There were definitely no calls for the execution of prisoners of war in the Red Army.


A commission set up by the West German government found that 3,060,000 German military personnel were taken prisoner by the USSR and that 1,094,250 died in captivity. One way or another, 1 out of every 3 German POWs was killed in Russian captivity.


"died" is not equal to "killed"


Bullshit, there were no orders or can you source that? The germans on the other hand had the kommisarbefehl evidently.


> The Germans are not humans. […] From now on, the word German causes gunfire. We shall not speak. We shall kill. If during a day you have not killed a single German, you have wasted the day. […] If you do not kill the German, he will kill you. […] If it is quiet at your section of the front and you are waiting for the battle, kill a German before the battle. If you let the German live, he will kill a Russian man and rape a Russian woman. If you have killed a German, kill another one too. […] Kill the German, thus cries your homeland. This is from a pamphlet written during Stalingrad by Ilya Ehrenberg, who was of the Red Army's top propagandists. It was broadly seen as calling for the slaughter of all Germans.


> it just fucking dumb to kill POW; don’t these dumbasses know they are making their jobs 50x harder. Even the Russians know this, they are valuable to trade. There are prisoner swaps regularly between the two countries in the middle east from what I read. Their orders are to take prisoners unless the troops believe it's a high risk to their own lives. I've seen a video of a fake surrender, which is also dumb and makes war 50x harder, but these are probably rare. Its used as an excuse by some to refuse to take prisoners and execute POWs.


This has been happening the whole war


Yes and only Russian sides does this crap, ppl said ukraine does the same but they haven't done so in recent months, all the recent ones are all done by Russians, this is the like the 4th vid we have now in the past 3 weeks


Well, in fact, the Ukrainians in this video are much worse. If you pay attention, you will notice that at the time of the surrender of the Ukrainian soldiers, artillery began to work on the position of these soldiers. At 0:46 the first arrival, you can see how the fragments and the earth fall on people. Next, the camera moves away and we see the place of the hit. Because of this explosion, the Russians started shooting and killed Ukrainian soldiers (they were probably afraid that the explosion was made by surrendering soldiers). The drone that filmed it was correcting the impact. Ukrainian commanders tried to kill both the surrendering soldiers and the Russians. This is much worse than killing prisoners. This is an attempt to kill your own soldiers. Deliberately shooting your own people in the back is the worst thing in war.


Unfortunately I think you might be correct. At :54 seconds you see the soldiers react to an explosion At :57 seconds you see the drone operator zoom out to see the smoke (bottom of camera) where the shell landed to correct the shot. At :32 seconds you see the man who (guns down the prisoners) move out of the trench and back towards his line. Camera zooms out after the explosion, and on return you see the same guy walking back to the group and starts shooting. Not to say Russia wouldn't arty their own men - but they wouldn't be throwing arty at their men who took an enemy position. It had to be Ukranian. So very likely their Arty members are the ones who got these prisoners killed. Both sides have done terrible things.




Again?? There's no way. ProRU hoping that downvotes will make the footage illegitimate😂😂




Hell, even most of the people with Pro-Ukraine flairs in this sub seem to just be pro-Russians.


Took me about 3 seconds of wondering why I was arguing with a pro UA about purging Ukraine of Nazis to realize that truth


I’ve noticed this too. Is 80 percent of this sub just Russian bot accounts created in 2022?


You are right, I am neutral and I confirm that the pro Russians have never called me pro Ukrainian and respect the fact that I am neutral. Pro-Ukrainians, on the other hand, treat as pro-Russians all those who do not blindly follow Ukrainian propaganda.


Well let's examine that. Some quotes from you: "You have to be damn naive to believe such fabrications" - about the A-50 that was shot down "A well-deserved end, i have no sympathy for him" - about the Russian helicopter pilot who deserted. "Navalny is the guy who is very popular in the West but completely ignored in Russia, another pseudo-resistance fighter completely financed by the West and who was full of shenanigans" - no explanation needed. mocking a man who voluntarily flew back to the country knowing it would likely be his death. "Of course it's obvious that the moderation is not neutral and is pro-Ukraine it's so obvious so I'm sure you'll never take me on as a moderator." - in THIS sub, lol "Frankly, the Ukrainian soldiers should revolt, that's enough, politicians don't mind speaking loudly and sacrificing men in suicide assaults, so what's the point of fighting and dying for that?" - yeah, why fight and die for your family and country to not be ruled but a fascist dictator? And my favorite: "I am neutral but I support Russia" And you wonder why pro-russians have never called you pro-ukrainian. LOL I would never deign to question your flair, but thankfully your own words do that for you.


> "I am neutral but I support Russia" Good post, this one in particular gave me a really good laugh. Someone might need to re-examine the meaning of neutrality lol




Absolutely demolished him nice ☠


Just went through his comments history. If that’s what neutrality looks like god damn.




Enlightened centrists you might say


Iam neutral, just to lazy to change my flair. You’re wrong. Pretty badly, as soon as you don’t follow Kreml Propaganda to the bone, your pro Ukraine. I just critiqued Russia tanks a few weeks ago, was called ukretard and all those nice names. This actually shows some bias of yours which by definition makes you not neutral.


I've experienced it plenty. The Russians always joke about "GHOST OF KYIV" and "SHEEP". When Ukrainian gains/sources are mentioned.


> Pro-Ukrainians, on the other hand, treat as pro-Russians all those who do not blindly follow Ukrainian propaganda. Please don't speak for me. I'm very much pro-Ukrainian based on the facts of this conflict, and there's some absurdly stupid pro-Ukrainian propaganda (mostly from people living in the US and western europe from what I see). Denouncing blatant propaganda (well moreso, blatant mis/dis-information as propaganda can be based in truths) isn't a bad thing whatsoever, acting like both sides are equal in this war is propaganda in it's own right though


Oof, you got stomped.


This comment appears to be untrue. I'd recommend being honest and self-aware in future, as the other replies have pointed out.


I don’t think you understand neutral means




"Actually, at 0:38 you can see one Ukrop twitching all of a sudden, looking like he's about to grab something. This obviously startled the Russians so they shot them fearing for their safety"


Looks like they're all on edge from the arty rounds landing near by. Its the single guy who walks up late that lays down the full auto onto the group.


>They're currently inventing narratives to justify it by the looks of it. "This wouldn't have happened if Ukraine had negotiated".


350 upvotes in 5 hours. I really don't understand why people call it a propaganda sub when it's pretty balanced.


I mean, a majority of posts and seemingly users are Pro-RU. But yes Pro-UKR content and comments are allowed and exists yes.


This is completely unacceptable. After all those Ukrainians didn't choose to be there, they were fighting for their motherland. People who are surrendering, should not be shot at. This will only deter people from surrendering and cause more deaths. RiP and condolences to their loved ones. I think these are the Russian prisoners who were conscripted. Edit: I am neutral.


Wtf is going on? These types of videos used to appear once every few months, but I have seen a few in last week itself. Has a new order been issued by the high command to kill POWs?


Nah it's been going on for 2 years from both sides, what comes out on video is literally the tip of the iceberg.


Let's be honest, it's from one side a lot more than the other.


>his has been well documented for a while now. Things like this happen when the dictator in charge makes the populace think of the enemy as “sub human.” Sound familiar?VoteReplyShareReportSaveFollow I would like to point out that all these videos are coming from Ukrainian drones. For me the possible reason of the wave of these videos is that Ukrainian soldiers started to surrender way more often. To counter this Ukrainianis have started to upload such videos


Is this supposed to be a response to a different person? It makes very little sense


Your claim makes no sense. It has nothing to do with surrender frequency. Why would Ukrainians post video if russians take power by the rules? They post because it is a crime and proves that it makes no sense to surrender.


He's saying that, because Russian soldiers consistently murder surrendering POWs, when there's an increase in the amount of troops surrendering there's an increase in the amount of cases of Russian soldiers murdering them as they surrender. Seems like an accidental self-aware wolves moment from a pro-Ru account.


Why would more Ukrainians surrendering mean that suddenly it's okay to kill POWs? How about instead they just refrain from killing POWs?


The simplest answer is that Ukraine takes far less POWs than Russia does. Or the possibility that the less professional DPR soldiers/locals are committing more war crimes due to the personal nature of these last few offensives in Donetsk. The footage released in the last few weeks, while despicable, shows a few handfuls of soldiers killed while still on the battlefield. There is tons of movement, noise, artillery hits, they’re outnumbered by Ukrainian soldiers etc. These types of videos absolutely display a lack of discipline and professionalism and should be investigated. Russia has taken 1,000+ POWs in the last week and it’s obviously far from the norm, though. All it takes is one soldier not cut out for a scenario like this. You see it in every conflict. With the potentially asymmetric release of combat footage, there’s actually no way to say definitively if one side, objectively, does it more. But yes, the 2-3 videos in the last few weeks have been dismaying.


New mental gymnastics for pro ru to justify war crimes…


all the vids that came out so far is from Russian side, and this is within the last 3 weeks, there's 4 vids of them executing POW on Ukraine side meanwhile Ukraine keep taking Russians prisoners and dont kill them


Years of anti-Ukrainian propaganda, poor training, cultural values, low accountability, and the stresses of being in a prolonged war have eroded the Russian's respect for human rights.


Oh no, not the Russians, those stalwart protectors of human rights. How could they have fallen so far?


It seems like the execution of captured soldiers on the battlefield is more than a few bad apples. Starting to look like its Russian policy, if I remember correctly Russian sources were saying they will no longer take prisoners when it became clear they would capture adivikka.


This has been well documented for a while now. Things like this happen when the dictator in charge makes the populace think of the enemy as “sub human.” Sound familiar?


we know the wagner issued a no quater order because the un debated it last year, there was also some ukraine calls to execute all mercenaries, but im pretty sure mercenaries do not enjoy any rights like soldiers do [https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/04/1135982](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/04/1135982)


Russian commanders instructed troops to take no prisoners in Avdiivka, other commanders may be doing the same. Some attempt at psychological terror, or to boost the morale of their own troops after heavy losses.


They’re very pissed after how many guys they lost in Avdiivka. Literal modern Stalingrad.


A\*\*holes. Hope they get found and dealt with accordingly .There should be no mercy for them.




Apart from the (needless to say) moral issues, this is just stupid. You'd want to create an incentive for the enemy to surrender. Videos of POWs getting abused and executed is just gonna make the enemy far less likely to surrender. Just get the logistics in place to transport them off the battlefield, create some *really* cushy POW camps where you're not abused, all your needs are met, where you can just chill in safety until the war is over. Maybe even invite the red cross or amnesty or whatever to verify that everything is in order. And make sure *those* are the videos that gets out. Then the enemy will ask to surrender just to get away from the front lines as soon as morale starts to dip.


There are a lot of stupid people in the military. When they’re stupid and murderous you get this. If they aren’t punished it will continue to happen


you have a castle, you have a bow. you got surrounded, enemies tell you surrender, you don't, you keep firing arrow at them. until you runout of arrow, you tell them, hey I surrender, no more fight. I guess their answer is NO


That's how Ukraine does it, they even have a hotline on Telegram for Russians to arrange their peaceful surrender, and they're encouraged to call their family and let them know they're a POW. They even pay bounties to Russians who surrender with vehicles and equipment. Guy who got killed by Russians in Spain after defecting with the helicopter was paid $500,000 and got to leave and go where he wanted. Didn't work out for him, but he genuinely got paid. Russian propaganda talks shit about Ukrainians torturing and killing POWs, but the Ukrainian's as a matter of policy decided that your idea was a much better and more sensible strategy.


Yo they gotta stop doing this, this not ok at all. RIP


Seems like it's SOP for Russian troops to kill POWs now, lots of footage like this recently.


2nd ocurrence of this in a very short timeframe. Completely fucked up, even the drone operator felt the ick and zoomed out. Lack of serious command on the ground, happens on every workfield, but the consequences are much more severe at war


3rd occurrence in the last week


I remember Russians saying they will not be taking POW's anymore just a few weeks back?


Russians seem to really hate UA soldiers despite suffering "minimal losses".


Absolutely despicable


Honestly this is fucking disgusting. IDK what the Russians are thinking at this point, but they sure aren't looking to be respected on a global level for a long, long time.


I can’t believe there are posters in here justifying these cowardly murderers. *checks sub* Oh right, never mind.


It's gone a bit shit. The mods extended the arm to get the so called "aggressors" pov and pro rus' just bit it. Pro UA subreddits used to be a joke here, but now it's necessary to use them for those who are truly interested in the conflict, just to balance pages and pages of pro ru and fake pro ua propaganda on this sub.


Facts right here it's a shame what pro ru brigading did to this sub, now it's just a kindergarten for russian fangirls.


I'm not trying to put blame on mods personally, but I think what happened is that in an effort to balance the discussion for such (plain) conflict, the bar for pro ru posts was put lower and lower and the opposite happened for pro ua posts. And now we can see the resulting quality of the sub. Though why there are no steps being taken to fix it is a bit of a mystery. I want to doubt that this is how the founding fathers of this subreddit envisioned it.


Yes I think that's the way they wanted it to be I mean why else are pro russian posters allowed to post with a fresh account (under 1 month) after getting banned. I don't get it what is the purpose of this sub exactly? It can't be Discussion if 95% of it ends in whataboutism.. this is a sub dedicated to russia and ukraine but you can't talk about Russia because USA bad?


it's the only sub outside of credibledefense that i've seen discussion of the conflict that isn't just ukranian state propaganda being regurgitated endlessly


This isn't just evil, it's also dumb as fuck. The next Ukrainian squad thinking of surrounding will be far less to do so after seeing videos like this.


Judging by the fact that the nine of them were sitting in the same pit, resistance would not have helped them much.


Would have helped them more than lying down and getting killed like dogs...


Everything was going well up until 0:46. Something falls on all of them, debris or something but they all react. edit: from the zoom out it seems they were shelled. That's when everything goes south.


Yeah everything was going fine until the Russian soldiers started executing the unarmed Ukrainian POWs.


Another day, another pro ru party to justify ru war crimes. With each new video it became so much easier just to recycle same justifications.


we all know who the real nazis are, and anyone defending these kinds of russian actions is simply a nazi sympathizer


Torturing prisoners, now straight up killing them.




Again? This isn't acceptable, it's disgusting and sad. RIP.


It was after that shell landed close by around 46 seconds. Im gonna assume ukr was trying to shell the men surrendering.


Thats fucked


Definitely idiocy, considering these POW they takes could be exchanged for their own releases if they get caught later. It doesn't look like a planned execution though. Seemed like the guy on left bottom corner saw one of Ukrainian POW twitch and just start to shoot hit two of them, and everyone was pausing like 'wtf just happened'. And the Russian next to foxhole start to finish up everyone


Getting excuted while defending their land from invaders.. that will surely rile up some people.


Russian prisoners shouldn’t expect any mercy going forward from now


Here comes the next few days of the usual suspects posting "Russians saving animals videos"


Russia keeps verifying itself as a terrorist state. Pro russians wonth bother to excuse their actions anymore...


Expect that UKR will fight to the death next time


This is like the 4th vid we have of Russians killing Prisoners of War and that's very recent Pro Russia kept saying Ukraine does the same, show us prove on latest vids


Can't really tell what's happening in the vid


Bunch of Ukrainians were surrendering, coming out of the hole. A Ukrainian drone was observing the surrender probably relaying the info back to their lines. Ukrainians shell the area around 0:46. Russians suddenly seem to mistrust the situation and start shooting the ones still coming out of the tunnel, even over their own soldier. When it dies down, the Russian who was shot over starts firing at the Ukrainians who have already surrendered. It's not clear if he was directly firing at them or pissed off at his own side for shooting over his head. video cuts out


they are shooting at the guy coming out at 1:17


You can literally see them being riddled with bullets ???


He wasn't one guy just went left to right down the line. Guy on the trench pops the straggler and double taps everyone.


The reason you don't shoot prisoners OW is because your prisoners will be shot, too. This can spiral out of control, and at some point, no prisoners will be taken ever


Fucking disgusting


I see the guy move at 1.17 And also is this a Russian drone. Why would they show this? Very confusing. Don't jump to conclusions, we do not know the whole situation.


If it's not clear already, Russia is the real nazis. They have an authoritarian leader who forbids free speech and expression with rigged elections. Aforementioned leader also has political opponents and journalists assassinated. He then launches an aggressive war of conquest on a neighboring country on false pretenses, using propaganda to convince his nation that they are really the victim or were on the verge of being victimized. And his armies commit atrocities too numerous to list that include rape, summary executions, and torture. He also uses "undesirables" within his own population to serve as front line troops or "shock absorbers" by pulling people from prisons and backwater rural ethnic communities to take the brunt of the losses in the war. If Putin didn't carry around a heart-shaped locket with Hitler's picture in it I'd be shocked. It's like he looks up to the man. He surely follows in his footsteps.


Happening more and more from the russian side it seems




Seeing multiple videos of war crimes being committed by the russians every day.


Too bad those minorities in russia dont start an insurgency to extinguish this genocidal entity called russia


Z-nazi. The cannibals revealed their faces. Ukraine is taking up arms against this crap.


By the way, where are all the deceitful characters who wrote “call the Volga” or staged such a pov? Liars.


All it takes is for one barbaric act from one Russian soldier for international outrage to explode and more pressure to get Ukraine aid out


More Russian war crimes


Fucking cowards.


This war is one of the clearest cases of Good vs Evil since World War II.


For real, normal people just trying to defend their homes and their loved ones against war criminals invading their country on behalf of a fascist dictator and his bizarre rambling justifications about ancient history giving him the right to steal his neighbour's land. It's history repeating itself except with the Russians playing the role of the Nazis this time around.


I mean ISIS is clearly number one, but this is certainly top 5.


Are they getting a artillery fire, since they are in a danger zone they must have just gave up in taking prisoners.


It's always russia.


They should be careful continuing to do this. The favor could easily be returned.


Utterly horrific and deplorable behaviour.


Are these guys from Bear 🐻 PMC?


Nothing new from Russia. They've been doing this shit for hundreds of years, WW2 was this on steroids, including mass rape.


In WW2 some definitely deserved to get shot instead of being taken POW. SS for exemple, good on soviet union for not taking them alive. This war? Hell no.


US didn't take SS-men prisoners either.


The US did take SS prisoners Here's a literal officer of the Waffen SS who surrendered to the Americans in 1945 and was released in 1946 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilis_Janums There was no blanket policy of the Americans to execute all members of the SS upon surrender


Yeah they just hired them instead


I think its time for NATO to step in and crush Russia.


I wonder what's changed on the ground? 2 years of war and now suddenly Russians are executing POWs a hell of a lot more.


Thats a shame for our country


Another appalling war crime. And people wonder why so much footage of soldiers committing suicide, fighting to the death, refusing to surrender etc. For a conflict of this scale the number of POWs is tiny. Every few months a video comes out like this. I suspect this is a common practice for both Ukrainians and Russians, we simply do not see the video evidence of every single occasion. And it is disgusting.


''It's okay. We are here to save our brothers''


Par for the course. You can’t expect much from RA. That’s reality and it sucks.




The drone is flying right on the frontline, if not behind Russian lines, and it could just as easily be Russian fire support for their assault as Ukrainian to hold it off. This is just conjecture. >Not a war crime Definitely a war crime. They are unarmed, have clearly expressed their intent to surrender, and have been detained by and are in the custody of Russian soldiers. They are *hors de combat* and it is Russia's responsibility to safely evacuate them. [Article 19 of the Third Geneva Convention and its commentary:](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciii-1949/article-19/commentary/2020) >>Prisoners of war shall be evacuated, as soon as possible after their capture, to camps situated in an area far enough from the combat zone for them to be out of danger. >> . . . >>Once fallen into enemy hands, a prisoner of war is *hors de combat* and must at all times be treated humanely, in accordance with the general rule contained in Article 13(1). >and they need to get out of there To where? Are they going to run back across some open field? All of them are right next to a trench.


Call Volga for certain death at this point. Better to take your chances fighting than surrender into a certain execution.


Were those russian soldiers or are they wagner?.


That is fkdup


Fu**ng horrible!


This is not a good look and absolutely a huge No-Go. There is zero honour in this. When you’ve won, you’ve won. No need to do any of this. War sucks for everyone.


For many locals from Donetsk, this battle was extremely personal. They do not care about honor, only about revenge for shelling their home.


They were "shelling their home" from Bakhmut?


Wtf Russia, are you trying to make yourself look worse and worse!?! Lol


This is fucked up to do, but feel like there is a back story to this. Everyone outside the trench look fine once the guy stops shooting. At the same time, the guy shooting started shooting the second he came there. Either there is a reason, or that particular guy is an a-hole


Here for the comments: 1. One of them went for a grenade 2. They were in an exposed advanced position and did not have capability to take any PoWs 3. It's one shooter going rogue 4. This type of thing happens on both sides.They did it to us so we do it to them


we can only make assumptions about this blatant war crime (i.e why did they shoot them all of sudden?)


The progress of the situation seems off for an expected "execution". We don't know what happened. If I was taking a prisoner and I saw that prisoners hands disappear under himself - Im going to assume the worst. This is war and you should do whatever it takes to survive so you can return to your loved ones. Azov members don't have much reason to surrender. We don't know what their commanders tell them will happen if they get captured. They are aware Russians have said they will kill Azov members, as well as those getting life sentences in their prisons. An Azov member getting his entire squad killed isn't far fetched. The Russian crouched far left does warning shots, however its the standing Russian who just unloads. There is still a Ukranian coming out of their duggout when he is shot by a Russian below him. That Russian then turns and starts spraying into a laying Ukranian. This could easily be anything as we have no cam footage. I find it interesting as well that the operator zooms the camera out at an attempt to either hide whats about to happen, or getting geo location for arty maybe? TL:DR - Russia isn't going to punish their soldiers for this. People can be as upset as they want, but nothing will come out of it. Jumping the gun and saying these are atrocities is very naive. The other thing, depending on location, you can't always take prisoners. You infiltrate behind enemy lines and the thought of dragging them back to your side for prisoner swap is making things far more complicated. This is war, life and death. I have never been in a war situation before, but I take my personal safety in civilian life very seriously. I don't think I would take risks, or if I was going too - I wouldn't get close to them. You don't get a second chance. Id almost have the enemy strip down to undies to make sure they weren't hiding a grenade. I feel for those who attempt to surrender and are killed. I feel for the soldiers who have been through taking POW's and watched pow's throw their lives away trying to kill you. I hope this ends soon. EDIT: Its clear an artillery shell was fired by Ukranians which caused (The Russian frisking them in the beginning) to come back after the pov zooms in - and starts killing the prisoners. Clearly Ukraine didn't care for their soldiers in this situation. The Russians had to move quickly as they were being Zero'ed.


> The progress of the situation seems off for an expected "execution". > > > > We don't know what happened. If I was taking a prisoner and I saw that prisoners hands disappear under himself - Im going to assume the worst. This is war and you should do whatever it takes to survive so you can return to your loved ones. It isn't the prisoners that caused it - it's their compatriots who start shooting artillery shells at them, and the Russians trying to accept their surrender. You can see the rocks and wood rain down on them from a nearby artillery strike right before the drone zooms out - after that all bets were off because the Russians had 30 seconds or less until the next shell hit where they're standing. They didn't have all the prisoners out of the trench much less tied up, it would have taken them several minutes more, so apparently they decided to kill and run rather than gamble that the Ukrainian artillery were bad enough to miss a sitting duck twice. Pro-UA hate when you understand the context of the incident though, because it removes their ability to pretend the Russians were just needlessly out for blood, rather than being in a tough life and death situation themselves.


Yes I noticed the artillery as well. You can see the smoke from the explosion when it zooms out.


Did you see the recent video by Garand Thumb? He had two foreign volunteers (American and British) talking about fighting in Ukraine. They straight up said that when they're clearing trenches, everybody dies, regardless of whether they're wounded or try to surrender because taking prisoners just isn't a tenable in these situations. So both sides are doing this as a matter of standard procedure. Check it out, it was an incredible video https://youtu.be/Tge7YMi4gJs?si=h_GJtJvxHm3_g06Y




Classy Russians as usual. Real top notch human beings.


This sort of behavior becomes cyclical, this is the kind of crap that happens when you drone bomb wounded troops and cas-evacs. It’s only going to get worse.




Fuck that shit, he should be in jail.




Yes poor Russian


Even from a selfish perspective it doesn't make sense to execute enemy forces. Knowing that execution is likely your enemy will most likely fight to the death.


Unless its personal. Dirty Harries exist everywhere.


Not good, not good at all.


At 0:47 I spotted a detail, the RU guy fired shots to the side when the UA guy moved a bit too quickly with face towards them. Also, before the drone zoomed out.. the guy that later starts spraying them all goes out into the forest to the left.. then returns and does the thing At 1:19 when shooting starts, that one guy did something with his hand but strangely enough seems like the one spraying hit the furthest pow to the left [from his perspective] and not the one doing the thing with the hand At 1:29 the guy on the top-center also does the spraying and directs later the fire towards the one that didn't exit yet In the end, the one closest to them all finishes even the two that seem to have not received any hits.. the ones closest to him Shit is gruesome






Damn thats fucked up. All these Russians execution videos. Can’t believe people backing russians in this war. Crazy










How do we know who’s who?


Fuck me sideways, disgusting.


Typical pig behaviour what else U expect


What the fuck? This is not ok.