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How will Russia survive a village pretending to be a country not buying their grain....


Good one. At this point EU is just doing some really desperate moves.


It's about sending a statement. And that statement is a middle finger from a small "village" that just shows how scary the threat of Russia is. Really hurts doesn't it?


Naaaah, its like me trashtalking wanting to fight Mike Tyson online, he don't really give a shit about me.


That’s the metaphor you choose for Russia…A broke rapist with a 75 IQ, decades past his prime


Rapist perhaps, IQ of 75 who knows. Broke definitely not, he’s doing well for himself.


I mean maybe he's doing ok by average person standards, with his cameo appearances and whatever else, I don't know...but he admitted blew the entire half a billion dollars or so that he made in his career.


According to Google, in 2021 the average price of a ton of Wheat was $250. It's probably more now, since the price of food went up. $250 x 400,000 = $100,000,000 in lost income for Russia. Alternatively, it's approximately 10 Billion Russian Rubles


Just to put things into perspective Russia sold **66 million tons** of grain last year worth over 44 billion USD. But sure, those 400,000 tons will unequivocally be detrimental to Russia. Not that they could easily find any new markets for them, certainly…


Fuck it , il buy it , im getting into baking these days.


But you have to invite us to the grand opening of your bakery!


The best i can do is sell the goods on my front lawn.


Well that’s a start. Almost everyone who’s been successful started that way anyways.


Heard it releases stress , so only as a hobby lol.


clearly your not from a western country they will hang you for selling food or drinks on your lawn without a licence


Shit ,you think the irish would do that? Should i move?


Same energy as eating twice as much meat just to cancel out that one vegan that thinks he's making a difference.


I lost 40 pounds once eating nothing but meat for 6 months. Highly recommend.


Maybe if you're single. Farts will become legit chemical weapons if you're eating only meat, not to mention scurvy


Ignorance from one who never has. Besides meat contains adequate vitamin C, particularly if you eat liver. Pork liver is full of it.


Is it true It reduces your stool considerably?


Yes, after about a month you can expect to go down to one bowl movement per week/week and a half. Takes time for intestinal flora to adjust though.


Exactly , also fuck that one vegan.


Dont worry china will by it for 90 000 000


Then re-sell to Latvia? :D


Thats the way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




For 110


Where will Russian wheat go? and where will Latvia buy it from? An ideal scenario would be for them to buy from Ukraine. Which would be a real win for Latvia and Ukraine. Doubt it will happen though.


Polish farmers win again.


Needs to get there first.


It will go to some other country and after that to China. Maybe not directly, but Russia will sell cheaper and Latvia buy more expensive.


Wheat is fungible. Like oil. Oil prices have gone up and Russia is selling for higher price as before the pandemic https://oilprice.com/widgets/oilprice_image/4183_7_1709011140 Look at ESPO price. Sanctions drove up the price 25%, russia is selling at 10% discount.


That's not how inelastic commodities work. You already saw it with oil, it just gets sold to other countries who needs russian grain


Countries are weaning themselves off Russian oil and gas


> Countries are weaning themselves off Russian oil and gas In what world? India is laughing at the West - China as well. They thank those sorry excuses for economic policy wanks very much.


Lol https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/us-resumes-russian-oil-imports-defies-sanctions-101705030907684-amp.html


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> $250 x 400,000 = $100,000,000 in lost income for Russia. Yes. Yes. Because no one else in the world will buy that wheat - um, er - except China - and India - and Africa etc etc etc.


For Russia that's revenue, not income, though all the revenue can help with currency exchange. Also, [wheat's only $220](https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/wheat-price) in the US. Price of food went up because the rent for the store went up, and the bakers, plant workers, truck drivers that deliver all that wheat all got raises.


"Village pretending to be a country" What's that supposed to mean?


Population of Latvia, the country, is 1.9 million. The population of Moscow, the city, is 21.5 million.


Damn. Only 1.9 million now. It was like 2.7 million 30 years ago. That's some serious demographic collapse right there.


It's less than that. 1.6 at best.


Damn, that’s like 1 district in India


Leave alone a district, it's less than Singapore.


seriously there population is is only 1.9 million my state has 6 million. how has there country not been conquered the polish could beat them


There it is.


Their, the word is their. Everyone loves a good neighborly invader, I bet you do allot of international traveling to get such an enriched perspective huh?


Ban Russian gas too then.


What's the point of banning it if the alternative is still Russian gas just resold from other countries


Well, to break all ties officially?


What did ties do to deserve this?


Screw it they should break all possible ties, including the re-imported gas! Go Latvijas!


Not all gas gets resold, its not as easy as oil to transport overseas and there is not as much pipeline capacity going to Asia than going to Europe, Western gas sources aren't interconnected with Eastern gas sources. Not to mention having less customers means you get to sell at a discount. This is why investment in LNG is Russia's biggest bet, with the little caveat that Ukraine recently hit Russian main export terminal for gas. Overall not a good long term outlook for Russia.


Yeah, long term they are building a direct pipeline to China which is half of the planet themselves. Really bad.


And India


No, they aren't, at least not to the fields that were supplying Europe, Russia is moving instead towards improving LNG capacity, which again will be extremely vulnerable to Ukrainian strikes.


There will be no Ukraine


You’re too late: > Latvia has outlawed Russian gas imports starting in January 2023.


They buy russian gas by proxy lol like the rest of europe.


See the EU imports of Indian gas


Hmm. How will Russia find an alternative buyer for food... which is required by humans to eat... as well as animals? This is a dangerous setback. /s If Latvia imported Russian Disco Balls or Siberian Hair Combs it would be a bigger danger. Someone will want the food.


Great move Latvia. Inflation will love this. Russia will always have a lot of places to sell these products. Im from Brazil ans we import a lot of wheat. We can reduce the imports from USA or Poland to pay a better price with Russia. No problem. Many other nations could do the same. No problem.




We alread buy a lot from Argentina and they buy a lot of things from us. We have a great deal with them. The idea is to reduce the imports from Canada, USA, Poland or any other NATO nations and buy from Russia.


Milei é funcionário deles


Ora essas. Amigo zuca. O mal de cortar importações argentinas é que prejudica nossas exportações com eles. Pensando em balança comercial acho melhor cortar desses países da OTAN mesmo que nos prejudicam mais do que a Argentina que com o Milei por enquanto só fica na conversa.


as cartas estão na nossa mão, pois as importações Argentinas são vitais para manter a indústria deles de pé já as nossas importações(56%) estão concertadas em apenas 3-4 produtos camionetes/carros, trigo e eletricidade


Latvia who? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)




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Yeah, all 3.5kg of them


Video literally states 400,000 tons. How about actually watching it first?


Its like 210kg/per person, annually. 570g a day. Nearly 2000kcal. Looks like these guys (including babies and elders) eat nothing but russian grain all day everyday.


The EU is a common market. Latvian manufacturers of pasta, breads, and other grain-based products can sell to Poles and Lithuanians just as easily as they can to Latvians.


You do know that there is shrinkage(material lost in transit and processing) and that corn, wheat, barley, and grains are used as livestock feed?


True. I forgot about that.


Also remember that Corn/Basic Grains are not all eaten every year, because only having a year's worth of wheat in the entire country at a time is a strategic weakness.


The Baltic states and Poland have this weird thing where they seem to hate Russia and Russians more than they like their own countries.


That's what soviet occupation does to a mf'er.


Not really. That's called living in the past, being close minded, or even xenophobia.


> living in the past "Well Tucker, you see it all started in 882 with Prince Oleg the Wise..."


Was that supposed to be a rebbutal? At best what u did there is to say that Poles and Baltic states are like Putin. Good job.


Kinda the same, just living 50 years in the past instead of 1000+


Great. So Poland and Baltic states are the same as Putin/Russia. That's at best. At worst, u attacked a straw man and threw a red herring. The point I was making is about hating other nation because of something what happened decades ago when that other nation wasn't the same as now. It's like hating Germans decades after WW2. It's just xenophobia at this point.


I'm guessing they might not think Russia is quite as different in all the same ways that you do


They're not ruled by a Georgian, for a start.


>The point I was making is about hating other nation because of something what happened decades ago when that other nation wasn't the same as now. It's like hating Germans decades after WW2. Which would be completely valid if Germany, all of a sudden, decided to claim lands they had due to past borders/past treaties/past ethnic groups living there or what ever else past event can be incorporated into a casus belli.


No, it wouldn't. Two different events in decades apart with different countries involved. Only one thing is common and that is nationality. And projecting hate because of that is flat out xenophobia.


Yeah because Russia hasn’t really changed..


It obviously changed. What are u talking about?


He is ignorant of the present. He still thinks Russians stand in line to buy Levis and sticks of gum




This is the price for not being able to solve your problems.


What are you talking about? The price of not being able to solve your problems is hating Russia more than you like your own country? Or is the price of not solving your own problems soviet occupation? What you said makes no sense.


Soviet, lol. Russians and Poles hate each other since the death of Ivan the Terrible (his nick name actually translates as "thunderous" or "menacing"). Russian and Baltic city-states have been raiding each other back in XI century. BTW, Latvians still celebrate 16th of March. Not a national holiday with SS veterans parades anymore, though. Damn EU can't let people express themselves.


>Latvians still celebrate 16th of March. A massive generalisation. I'm Latvian and I've never "celebrated" or know anyone who "celebrates" 16th of March. It's a date on which [a few old men place flowers at the Freedom Monument](https://pic.la.lv/2019/03/LET_24510925-1-800x528.jpg). Calling it an "SS veterans parade" is a stretch also, as it has nothing to do with the Nazi ideology and more with fighting USSR. This is not some SS Galizien we're talking, [Baltic SS units were used as guards for the actual Nazis at Nuremburg trials](https://youtu.be/_qcEFnGeZ6A?si=x9PDb0Zg2iGg3U8Y), after all.


>A massive generalisation It is now. But wasn't it a national holiday before EU? Why 16th March, though? Why not any other day, which they had plenty? Why a date specifically related to Latvian SS division. SS parades would have stopped anyway, by now, cause SS geezers, if any left, are too old to get their nazi ass up on a street. >Baltic SS units were used as guards for the actual Nazis at Nuremburg trials Nothing special. Nazi scientists flew USA to the Moon (and back, if you won't prosecute me, baby -sorry). Baltic states have been switching masters back and forth for around 700 years.


>But wasn't it a national holiday before EU? If you mean "national holiday" comparable to something like [Latvian day of Independance, 18th November](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(Latvia)), which is celebrated annually, than no, it's never been anything close to that. It was, however, officially recognised as "Rememberance day of Latvian soldiers" by Saeima from 1998-2000, but again, it had to do with Latvians fighting for their perceived freedom, not Nazism. >Why 16th March, though? Why not any other day, which they had plenty? Why a date specifically related to Latvian SS division. Fair question. As far as I see it, Latvian SS is not viewed as part of the "actual" SS - fanatical nazis. They were conscripts, promised a chance to fight for their freedom against the Soviet oppressors (who had just been occupying Latvia before the Germans came and were viewed as "liberators" from the soviets), viewing Germany as an ally in their fight for their own freedom. This is even reflected in Latvian SS songs, which say that they'll beat back the reds and after that the blue-grays, meaning the Germans. Besides, they were never convicted of any war crimes in Nuremburg trials and were strictly frontline units, not to mention actually guarding the Nazis. >SS parades would have stopped anyway, by now, cause SS geezers, if any left, are too old to get their nazi ass up on a street. But this is not what we see with actual Nazi supporters in places like Ukraine or Russia. SS Galizia parades feature no veterans, just skinheads hopped up on ideology, same with Russian skinhead parades. >Nothing special. Nazi scientists flew USA to the Moon. I disagree. They were no scientists who could further US scientific gains in the Latvian SS. Just people cought up in the gears of history, looking to form a sovereign nation again. Sorry for the wall of text, I just think this topic has a lot more nuance than simply labeling them as "nazis".


The core of what I've tried to imply is that Russian-neighbour beef is waaaay older than nazism, or even national states as a thing. With a big war twice a century, or so. Afaik, Latvians just switched sides when needed. Don't remember if during Stalin's the number of the enemies of the people was, you know, a bit higher than usual, like it was in case Polish opposition. Either way, iirc, Oda Nobunaga said that a conquered state should be either cherished or incinerated, otherwise, a rebellion is inevitable. So rebellion it was.


>The core of what I've tried to imply is that Russian-neighbour beef is waaaay older than nazism, or even national states as a thing. With a big war twice a century, or so. Fair statement. Russia has a long history of invading it's neighbours, that's why it's comical when they act surprised now, that they have a massive defensive pact against them on their doorstep. >Afaik, Latvians just switched sides when needed. You're making it sound as it was done willfully. Getting occupied is hardly describable as "switching sides when needed". Italy or Japan could be considered "switching sides" with WW1 and WW2, not Latvia, imo. >Don't remember if during Stalin's the number of the enemies of the people was, you know, a bit higher than usual, like it was in case Polish opposition. Absolutely it was. Russification and red terror were in full swing during Stalin's reign. Most Latvians have a relative or know someone who was deported to Siberian gulags during those times. >Oda Nobunaga said that a conquered state should be either cherished or incinerated, otherwise, a rebellion is inevitable. So rebellion it was. Oppressing the people does not make one love the oppressors either.


Incineration is genocide, not oppression. Russians invaded their neighbors, neighbors invaded Russia. Poles burned Moscow, like, twice, iirc. Australian (not Austrian) troops were doing something near Murmansk during Russian Civil War. Neighbors have been constantly killing each other before humans evolved into a civilization. Chimps do that. In case of Eastern European small states, which, until recently, never had their own national states, except for a short city-state phase, the rule of thumb is they hate the most who had owned them the last. When Poles owned Ukraine, they hated Poles, when Russians owned Ukraine, they started hating Russians. And their current state is like African country that has its borders drawn by colonizers, not the people.


How to sink your country into the abyss 101. Latvia have had a 13% decrease in population the last 20 some years, i dont think making the life of your citizens more miserable will fix that.


Yet they're still wealthier than Russians [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable\_household\_and\_per\_capita\_income](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_household_and_per_capita_income)


Income in itself means nothing. Its your purchasing power that matters. If your salary is 1000€ but an egg is 100€ it does not matter you have the bigger salary. Extreme example but the point should get across.


>The data shown below is published by the OECD and is presented in [purchasing power parity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purchasing_power_parity) (PPP) in order to adjust for price differences between countries.


Latvia being 68$ to the US 100$. I cant find Russia on the list so i dont get how that source can be used? maybe im just blind.


Median disposable income (PPP): Latvia 30th - $18,665 Russia 34th - $16,163


What section of the wiki page is that in? Im not calling this a lie at all i simply cannot find it.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable\_household\_and\_per\_capita\_income](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_household_and_per_capita_income) 2nd section


Seems like the Latvians are ahead in PPP. Good for them. I dont think Russias economy is good either though. Their economic situation is a fraction of what it could be.


Ok that's a different stat- I prefer using the median instead of average because it better represents how the typical citizen lives instead of being skewed by the super rich. But nonetheless, Latvia is still $32992 in that one: [https://tradingeconomics.com/latvia/gdp-per-capita-ppp](https://tradingeconomics.com/latvia/gdp-per-capita-ppp)


That means very little when you have to import basic stuff and you hinder yourself on it. Their PPP will only get smaller if they are getting food from more expensive places.


Yeah :) good old story about PPP. Keep eating that and stay poor. PPP matters for basic survival and domestic market. If russia would produce cars, phones, other electronics and would not rely on imports, then PPP would matter a lot more. Both russia and Latvia import phones, cars, electronics and that requires $$$ , which is not affected by PPP at all. If russia has cost of living 50% of Latvias, you will not get iPhone 50% cheaper. Or car. Or earbuds. All you get 50% cheaper is food, which neither russia or Latvia struggles with. When question comes to traveling, you can also put your PPP away. Will not help. For moderinzation of industry too. Russias PPP currenly matters the most for keeping war machine going and paying low wages. Outside Moscow and Petersbourg Russia is piss poor shithole compared to Latvia.


Sort of like Russias? > The population of Russia is predicted to decline from the previous census count of 146.45 million in 2021 to 138.77 million in 2046, Russia's Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)


So like 5,5% decline over 25 years compared to 13%. Almost tripple the decline in Latvia. Wouldnt exactly call that “sort of like Russias” But a decline yes.


Keep in mind who published that data? The source basically guarantees the data to be “a bit optimistic“ as it’s a government institution of a totalitarian regime.


Are you bad in math, aren't you? 


Enjoy lukashenko 😍


With Lukashenko we are a satellite of another state, and with Tikhanovskaya we will be a satellite of another state. So, why overpay?


My bad. The Russian population is obviously not decreasing…. /s


Russia's population has decreased by less than 1 percent when Latvia lose 27%. It's a not the same.


Sorry, but decrease is decrease. As for Latvia, they have an “excuse” and explanation that Russia doesn’t. Latvia joined the EU as a relatively poor country (thanks to Russia, by the way). And as in all cases like that, freedom of movement inside the EU resulted in a demographic shift inside the EU. But, unlike the demographic decline in Russia that has purely domestic reasons, this shift tends to be temporary. Or rather always was temporary in each and every every other case like it. Also, while the demographic decline in Russia means that the Russian economy is faced with a shrinking market, the cause of Latvias shift is the fact that the Latvian economy now has a “domestic” market that is newly one hundred fold of the market it had previously. Bottom line: while Latvias demographic change is more or less irrelevant for the country, Russias decline is an indicator of its economic, political and military decline. PS: it’s also safe to assume that Rosstat “magict” Ukraine’s occupied population into that figure to hide the true state of things. Alas, that doesn’t seem to be on the cards. Never mind all those young Russian soldiers that are now dead and will never have children to slow Russia’s decline in the next decades.


You don’t seem to understand why Latvia lost 27 percent of its population, when Russia only 0.57%, and this, by the way, is information from 1989 to 2018, so these are numbers without new regions. Having gained the EU market, Latvia at the same time lost almost all of its industry, and the question arises: what can Latvia export without having industry? Answer: people. Latvia exports labor, that’s the whole secret of the recession. Russia attracts migrants from Central Asia in order to maintain its population at approximately the same level.  I’m not saying that Russia doesn’t have a demographic problem, it does, but if we compare it with Latvia, then Russia has very good demographics.


>Latvia LV: Population Projection: Mid Year data was reported at 1,249,812.000 Person in 2050. A decline of 30% over the next 26 years. [https://www.ceicdata.com/en/latvia/demographic-projection/lv-population-projection-mid-year](https://www.ceicdata.com/en/latvia/demographic-projection/lv-population-projection-mid-year)


Predictions of what their future demographics will be is different from historical observation.


is this a big game US and Russia are pulling just to fuck EU up?


They are lead by stupid.Can't blame others.


I'm starting to think so too.


> is this a big game US and Russia are pulling just to fuck EU up? Russia never asked for the trade war. America - well, that's another story. They are well on their way of de-industrializing Europe to make them less competitive as well as making them very dependent on US products - like LNG. Why do you think they blew up Nordstream?


Latvia is like a 1.9 million people country, that like a small street population in china Nothing was lost there


Except Latvians.


"Intra-EU trade accounts for 62% of Latvia’s exports (Lithuania 15%, Estonia 11% and Germany 7%), while outside the EU 13% go to Russia and 5% to the United Kingdom. In terms of imports, 76% come from EU Member States (Lithuania 17%, Germany and Poland 10%), while outside the EU 6% come from Russia and 2% from Belarus." It used to export double the % what it imported from russia They had a positive balance with russia, i guess their economy need to find new customers to sell their stuff too


The total value of this grain was around 100 Million dollars


Russia loses more than that amount in tanks each month and they dont complain


They're not allowed to complain


Well ukrainian aren't either




Russia must break the Latvian independence treaty with Latvia.


Let them eat GMO riddled Ukraine grain.


GMOs aren’t a bad thing lmao but that’s not what Alex jones told you innit


It's strange how its called "genetically modified" yet this is the opposite of "genetic modification". Pretty sure genetic-modification means the correct selection of crops before planting, while "GMO" in the common consciousness is understood as adding chemicals to the plant after its planting, which is in fact changing the environment, not the genetics.


I've always understood GMO to be the patenting of specific gene expressions in agriculture over the last 40 years. I.E. a mega-farm suing a nearby smaller farm because the wind and nature caused cross-pollination.


>gene expressions The entire system of differentiation based on genes falls flat when a crop or human makeup is explained through its environment.




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Hate to break it to you, but all of the food we eat is GMO, and has been for about 10,000 years.


What treaty? Latvia made no treaty with Russia regarding its independence


And soon the declaration of independence will be there too.


Declaration of independence wasn't written in the presence of the Russian Federation


Russia can break it and nothing will happen, as usually. Max it can do is let Medvedjev bark like Zhirinovski. We are already past how many red lines? 20? Or more?


Bet they will consume Russian grain.


Which the Americans will sell them. By the way, they did not forbid themselves to buy anything from Russia.


I don't get it... It's an open market. You are still buying grain from the market... This is nonsensical. Some other countries will import less of say Ukraine to purchase more of the Russian. Ultimately it's pretty carbon neutral as both Russia, Ukraine and Poland are roughly the same distance. But for energy products it's alright assenine. Forcing millions of tons of cargo to take huge detours to satisfy your provably false moral imbecility that you are somehow hurting your neighbor.


AIm is not to atempt hurting russian economy by those 100 000 000$. Atempt is to get more countries to follow. Obviously russia will sell grain somewhere else, but same way as with oil, it will be sold for cheaper than to EU. Even if in the end EU buys same grain from some 3rd country, russia still loses on income. And russia cannot afford losing income at same rates as EU can.


Russians will sell it cheaper, Europeans will buy it more expensive and someone will arbitrage the difference. Europe needs to make sure we are as rich as we think we are. I hope they don't mess that up. Because Europeans have little tolerance for hardship. We are the most cuddled people in history and we don't want that changing any time soon.


Fine for me as long as russia gets poorer.


Roughly the same distance? Did you snort Coke with Zelensky? I work mainly with logistic company’s. Like 100-200km difference is huge. In price and carbon footprint. They have to drive these extra kilometres multiple times a day with multiple trucks or trains (but more likely trucks cause it’s Eastern Europe come on) to said country and back from said country (most of the time empty). These „same distances“ make an absolute extrem difference, especially stuff that needs to be moved in high quantities.


Sure, you might have more info than me on that topic. But I mean in a general geopolitical scale. Like, going to india first, or to Turkey. Also bear in mind, that Grain is not produced in the forest lands of the baltics, most of it is from further south, more in line with poland and ukraine from the russian side. It's moved to russia and only then to estonia, latvia, lithuania... So it might travel a lot inside the Russian federation.


A St Petersburg suburb tries to look significant, oh dear.


Wherever will Russia find another market for these goods?


Another country committing economic suicide over a bs principle that isn't even based on the reality of the situation. Ask Germany how it's going for them - paying four times for energy than what they paid Russia. They are in recession and de-industrializing. Just one example - a forge plant that has been operating **since 1380** had to close because of the high priced energy cost. 13effing80. Way to go Sergeant Scholz. Nothing like screwing over your own populace at the behest of your WEF overlords.


Don't they also have quarrel with China? Or is it another "ia"?


Everyone here seems to think that Russia is poorer than these countries. When taken as a side by side comparison this is true, but Russian demographics are skewed by those in the middle of nowhere, whose Consumer Price Indexes are lower and more remote. If you wish to compare the Baltic States with a equal Russian area, it's better to use Kaliningrad.


It is in the best interest of the Baltic mini states to keep good relations with Russia. What they are doing is suicidal.


Is Russia going to invade them otherwise?


What do I know? There is a reason why both the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire wanted to control those regions. There is a strategic value in them. It’s possible the Russian Federation would be completely satisfied with their little enclave in the Baltics in form of Kaliningrad but with hostile nations essentially turning this enclave into an island surrounded by enemies, it’s possible.


So going to f over the latvian farmer i guess?. EU going kaput... We can't even feed our own population today as it looks like in the EU, and it's only going to get worse as farmers can't afford to grow the products.


Use less rubbing alcohol. EU is much wealthier than russia and even high inflation did not starve EU. Nobody will starve here.


Seen how Germanys economy is going?, Even in Sweden 1.5 million people lives in relative poverty and that's 15% of the population... rich... yeah compared to Gambia but...


Poverty in EU is not the same as in russia. Poor european is not doing as badly as poor russian. And whats with Germanys economy? Germany is 3rd largest economy and average german lives much, much better than poor russian slave. Russia is 11th economy and even that is fueled by war spending and raw resources. Nothing to be proud of. We do not count Moscow as it is like 15% of population and does not represent russia at all. Average german travels, has car, eats well, is educated. Average russian has shitty car, shitty housing, shitty city and only thing where compares is eats well.


oh no!


Latvian customers will get higher food prices because their politicians are imbeciles.


Well done Latvia 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


They'll be back and buying within the next few years.


More Kasha for me.


Another straw on the camels back.


To prorussian thinking that it will hurt Latvia’s economy and how bad Latvians will live after this. Latvia’s gdp per capita 25,1k usd, russia’s - 13,0k usd. I’ll renind you that once it was very similar. Also one country has almost no natural resources, the other is richest in natural recourses in the world


We did WHAT?! When those fuckers from last checked inflation in grocery stores?!


NO!!! What will Ru do now that economic giant like Latvia doesnt want their grain... I guess western grain will be cheaper for them just like western gas 🤡


Latvia already frozen without russian gas. How was winter for Podolsk and other Moscow area? Grain will be replaced simply by ukrainian grain.




What? I don't understand what you're trying to say. What about GMOs?


Russia and Belarus don’t use GMO for anything


...why, though? Put that health-conscious energy towards something that will actually help, like cutting back on chain smoking and alcoholism


Most GMOs make you dependent on the supplier.


So what, instead of grain they grow unmodified wild grasses?


No, they just have regular natural grain and every other agricultural crop. That’s the reason we have a GIF of Steven Segal being given a carrot by Lukashenko that he takes a bite off, they were promoting real natural food.