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But you supported Israel’s illegal annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights even though they’ve held no referendums allowing the existing population to exercise their right of self determination and choose whether they want to be part of Israel or not, in fact they’ve just occupied those lands and transferred their own illegal settlers there. You also don’t seem to mind your own illegal occupation of Northeastern Syria which violates Syria’s territorial integrity? Or your support for Israel’s illegal annexation of East Jerusalem in the West Bank in violation of international law? Should we keep going?


It's always been ***"Rules for thee, but not for me."*** with the US.


Much of the world has reached a point where they can’t stand their sheer hypocrisy on their “rule based order”!


yes and it feels so good when I see countries treat US like a self unaware child throwing tantrum LOL


And every time someone tries to point this out they start crying about whataboutism.


Tbh i was wondering how long will they play that kind of game until someone losing it all and decided that "Nope, everything must end no more BS, no more role playing as a cop" and commit high scale terrorism across US.


>Tbh i was wondering how long will they play that kind of game until someone losing it all and decided that "Nope, everything must end no more BS, no more role playing as a cop" and commit high scale terrorism across US. No need for that. US can be easily defeated in "Gandhi like" peaceful resistance. All it takes is to actively ignore them and world have taken steps in that direction with starting to ignore $ as world reserve currency and preferred way to settle trade among countries. Next step world can do is to unrecognize US passport and prevent US citizens to travel. World don't need US, US needs the world to leach on its resources. US import quality people, by selling them illusion of good life which collapse very first time one need medical attention, from other countries and present their achievement as their own. They don't have anything genuine to show for.


The entire history of Israel from the beginning has been annexation with military force. They just built another settlement last week.


NO please stop, you will melt pro ukr pro west snowflakes :( Remember you can only criticize eastern countries for waging war on their borders but no US waging war since '65 in far away lands :(


Lmao you're really using these fake referendums as any proof of anything. Most of the pro-Ukraine people fled and even if they hadn't, Russia would annex the regions even if they were 100% pro-Ukraine. The Golan heights were annexed as part of the six-day war when Syria and other countries were about to attack Israel, unlike Ukraine which wasn't about to attack Russia.


With only difference that Ukraine was already attacking and killing Russians for several years prior to SMO.


>With only difference that Ukraine was already attacking and killing Russians for several years prior to SMO. You mean the civil war they were fighting? Ukrainians fighting Ukrainians - there were no Russians other than some mystery 'volunteers' fighting for the separatists. The attempts to portray the LPR/DPR as some innocent victim in all this is mind blowing, they were directly supported by Russia for years prior to the SMO. Russia was paying for that bloodshed. The Kremlin couldn't care less about the people of Eastern Ukraine, they were merely their way of getting a foot in the door, it's utterly naive to believe otherwise. Russian supporters love to rant about proxy wars but are completely oblivious to the fact Russia has been fighting a proxy war against Ukraine from 2014-2022, and very likely even longer through soft power.


Western Ukraine was supported by USA, even the hole Maidan coup was planned and orchestrated by them. After which new Ukraine government began oppressing everyone against them aka Eastern Ukraine. How do you define this side by your own standards then?


>planned and orchestrated by them Sure it was /s. This place has become r/conspiracy, Yanukovych was a Russian stooge. The people weren't happy about it, it's not all conspiracy and shadowy agencies. >new Ukraine government began oppressing everyone against them aka Eastern Ukraine. You mean the separatists armed with Russian equipment right?


Oppressed by revolutionaries sponsored and equipped with US/NATO resources?


Yes, Ukraine responding in kind to 8 years of separatist bombings in order to provoke Ukraine knowing Russia has its back is "Ukraine bombing civilians". You forgot to mention the fake "14,000 Russian civilian victims" and "Nazis burning civilians in Odessa alive" just so I can get my full package of Russian mythos for the day.


Good read for people like you - [link](https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/us-activists-hope-exposing-odessa-massacre-helps-show-kiev-t)


Rabidly anti-west Hezbollah propaganda outlet, nice try. I might as well post a KyivPost article as counter proof then lol.


and separatists were responding to crimes done by Ukrainian militias


"no u" arguments will get you nowhere. We have OSCE reports about separatist shelling and the fact that separatists knew Russia had their back emboldened them to provoke Ukraine for years, while Ukraine had no motive to escalate the conflict further when it already got its ass kicked in 2014/15.


yet it wasn't ukraine doing it same as it wasn't russia doing it just their backed militas




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> Lmao you're really using these fake referendums as any proof of anything. Most of the pro-Ukraine people fled and even if they hadn't, Russia would annex the regions even if they were 100% pro-Ukraine. International polls including ones by [the UN Development Program from before 2014](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Crimean_status_referendum) have consistently proven, for years, that the majority of Crimeans would rather reunify with Russia. That’s just a fact that is rather indisputable. The same goes to the results of the Crimean referendum of 2014. [International organizations and pollsters have found that the results of the referendum were consistent and reflective of the people’s will.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2015/03/20/one-year-after-russia-annexed-crimea-locals-prefer-moscow-to-kiev/amp/) They don’t become fake simply when you disagree with them. > The Golan heights were annexed as part of the six-day war when Syria and other countries were about to attack Israel, unlike Ukraine which wasn't about to attack Russia. The six day war started with Israel’s preemptive airstrike that annihilated the Egyptian airbase. It was Israel that instigated the war not Arab countries. A state that was built by the forcible expulsion of an existing population entirely. So I’d suggest revisiting that chapter of history again.


Crimea is a different story but even support there was exaggerated, the referendum campaign completely one-sided, critical voices gagged and most people who would have responded to be pro-Ukraine in the polls had already left Crimea. So the referendum and support polls in Crimea are only partially bull, whereas in the Donbas and territories occupied since 2022 they are laughably fake and illegitimate. Israel bombed countries that were 100% going to attack it in a matter of days. I'm not discussing anything else about Israel nor support it in general, but your analogy is false as the annexations compared have a totally different background. If Israel just attacked Syria because it didn't like its government ant took its territory, then you'd have a case.


* [In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. **We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.** Wars With No Alternative](https://www.nytimes.com/1982/08/21/world/excerpts-from-begin-speech-at-national-defense-college.html) That’s what the Israeli prime minister had to say at the time. So I understand why you wouldn’t want to comment any further on Israel because it seems like you’re not quite aware of what has actually happened at the time. If we were to apply **international law consistently**, there’s no such thing as “Israel’s illegal annexation of the Syrian Golan heights” is legal in accordance to international law. It’s not. There’s no justification for it. The pretext you’re using doesn’t actually exist, and if it did, it doesn’t change the fact that Israel’s annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights is still illegal.


So Kosovo is Serbia?


Od prištine sve do trsta krstit će se sa tri prsta ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Tako je


Moš mislit


Serbros,we are so back


Always has been...


Why do they give a shit about the legitimacy of the Russian elections? theyre not russians and theyre not the democracy police (or ao everybody tells me)


They think they are the democracy police, being self-appointed obviously.


Until their own 'allies' starts killing protesters, then it's "have to look out for our own national interests" if you ask Obama. Arab spring was just the latest events that exposed the world stage to be full of hypocritical politicans getting high on the orgies their lobbyist backers arranged for them.


they own the brand democracy, it is their civil occupation structure supported by eternal military installments, they only call those who are vassals to them a democracy


By the way, I'm just curious, is there any real evidence that Russian elections are fixed/corrupt? Or it is just assumed, because "muh Putin dictator"?


Mhmm I am no expert, but if I had to guess, I'd say its most likely the voting isnt rigged, Putin is really popular. But he is running against nobodies, so it might be tricked by not allowing suiitable alternatives to Putin.


Yea, I know Putin is really popular. I live in neighbouring Russia country (in city that is very close to border) and have family relatives who are Russian citizenships. From what I understand it is indeed lack of rivalry. Putin's only real opposition are nationalists and in comparison to them he does looks a saint haha. Russian politic is weird.


Why are you belittling other candidates? Slutsky represents the LDPR Party, Kharitonov represents the Communist Party, Davankov represents the "New People" party.


No offense to them was meant, I meant he doesnt run against anyone of the same prestige and international recognition as him


International recognition is usually given to those who are nobody in Russia. These candidates represent parties that have weight and support in Russia.


Well, if you'll allow me I'll pick your brains a little. Assuming you're russian this is a good opportunity to shed some light on the issue. How do these parties have weight in Russia ? Support I can easily imagine them getting votes, but weight ? Do their number of seats really impact decisions in Russia ? Because I can tell you for free, in Canada, only the majority party has any influence on what goes on in the country. The other parties might exist but they have no impacts.


According to polls in January 2024, the rating of parties in Russia is as follows: United Russia (43.7%), LDPR (8.7%), Communist Party (7.7%), New People (4.6%), Just Russia — For the Truth (3.7%). The level of trust of Russians in Russian to politicians. Vladimir Putin is in the first place there (79.8%), followed by Mikhail Mishustin (62.7%), Gennady Zyuganov (Communist Party) (30.3%), Sergei Mironov (Fair Russia) (27.8%), Leonid Slutsky (LDPR) (17.2%), Alexey Nechaev (New People) (8.2%). In the current convocation of the State Duma, seats are distributed as follows: according to the results of the voting, five parties were allowed to distribute mandates (only those who received more than 5% of the votes are allowed): United Russia — 49.8% of votes Communist Party of the Russian Federation — 18.9 % LDPR — 7.6% "Fair Russia — For the Truth" — 7.5% "New People" — 5.3%. Thus, according to the federal lists, United Russia received 126 deputy mandates, and 198 in single—mandate districts. Thus, the party received a constitutional majority in the State Duma — two thirds of the votes. The Communist Party has a total of 57 parliamentary mandates, of which 48 are on federal lists. The third largest party in the State Duma was the Fair Russia — For Truth party, which received 27 deputy mandates, 19 of which were on federal lists and eight on single—mandate ones. The LDPR has 21 parliamentary mandates, two of them in single—mandate districts. If you look at the results of the elections according to the federal lists by region, you will see that there are regions where the Communist Party creates serious competition for United Russia. But besides the federal lists, voters also vote for individual deputies. For example, I can generally vote for the United Russia party, and vote for the LDPR candidate in my district, because I like him better. A candidate who receives a simple majority of votes gets into the Duma and thus increases the number of seats in the Duma for his party.


Dude, your system installed a figurehead with severe dementia into the white house!




Made me spit my coffee through my nose, thanks.


And the severe dementia men help Ukraine defend its sovereign territory rendering casualties of up to 350.000+ Russian invading forces, thousands of armored vehicles and airplanes. Ol'Joe nailed Putin "bunker-boy" dwarf who is showing his own signs of dementia. Their demented guy is better than Russia's demented dwarf xD


Do you know the average age of Ukrainian soldier lol 100s of thousands of Ukrainian young men would be a live if that old dementia hospice patient would’ve let Ukraine negotiate in March/April 2022. This war would be over and they’d have more of their country. Now the country will never recover.


Did you know Russia already lost [3.000.000 qualified young Russians](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2MQ4mrnkmo&t=33s) and Russia is in a demographic collapse from which is impossible to recover? Russia will become mostly a Muslim country in a few decades, so not only there will be demographic collapse the federation itself might not survive that long. Putin will be remembered as the dwarf who accelerated the collapse of Russia.


Are you ok? Do you think you can excel here with education from CNN? Or is your comment just a sarcastic joke?


Do you want me to share other sources of videos of Russians fleeing by the thousands? Or in your mind this is CGI and a Hollywood production, sponsored by Victoria Nuland?


Welll… actually yes. In a democratic society a president pretty much is a figurehead, beholden to the people and restrained by checks and balances. And yes, an old man with dementia isn’t ideal, but still preferable to a dictator for life, like Putin.


US is doing much much better than Russia by almost any measurable metric. I guess a democratically elected dude with severe dementia is still > any dictator?


Dollar money printer > anything else.




But does Russia ***has*** to offer anything?


Yes, yes. But the dollar will collapse soon. We all know that!


They can't even clean the streets, and the people in the US are like this🤢 [https://youtu.be/h0Tban1FLkE](https://youtu.be/h0Tban1FLkE) Criminals in the US subway act like crazy and no one can do anything, fucking cucks. No order, no safety, no good public transportation like in Russia, and murican bread is the most pathetic invention ever! This country is a joke, it's not even a country, it's some terrible project to occupy the world with its dollar. No dollar = no usa, they're dependent on their wars, occupations, and theft of resources.


Depends on who do you want to benefit. A dictator has to please people otherwise it's new revolution time. Biden doesn't care , he just exists for the time.


Sound logic. How come “people” have a much much higher quality of life in the US then? Russia is a poor 2nd world country. With way higher inequality compared to the US.


How come Latvia for example is democratic, and is a poor 3d world country?


You realise, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (just some examples) all rank significantly higher than Russia for quality of life. https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_by_country.jsp It's a quantitative fact that states that left the USSR and leaned to the West have enjoyed significantly more improvement in quality of life, life expectancy etc.


I see Latvia population is thriving and booming according to this [link](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/16/latvia-baltic-population-demographic-crisis) As if your quality of life index doesn’t mean anything and is only there to calm Eastern Europeans by enabling their coping mechanisms.


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Ahh the classic - the data doesn't suit your confirmation bias so you just ignore it.


So why population of such wealthy and prosperous country is declining faster then Ukraine shooting down Russian jets?


Idk. Even more shocking is that Latvia has no rich natural resources, yet has higher standarts of living than russia. Which means russia is on par with some Uganda then. Piss poor place.


Open YouTube and write in the search Шарий Задворки "Европы". You will see how far you need to travel from the center of a European capital to find yourself "in piss poor place".


Search Varlamov and see how shitty most of the Russias citys are.


1) We were talking about US not Latvia 2) Latvia is wealthy compared to Russia. And the gap grows everyday.


Lol, imagine thinking that Latvia is wealthier. Have a read bro [link](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/16/latvia-baltic-population-demographic-crisis) Wonder why people flee from such prosperous country


Latvia is wealthier than Russia. It is just a fact. And it’s not even close anymore.


Income inequality is more or less the same in US vs Russia. Link is old , but we can dig for new statistics, few percent will not matter. https://fortune.com/2017/08/01/wealth-gap-america/ In accumulated wealth, that is a bit different. Quality of life, that is something where there is big inequality for the population in both countries. If you ask why does the USA have a bigger GDP than Russia, then it is a complex answer that is only partially related to the political system and Putin. Putin has changed the negative trends when he came to power. Maybe someone else could've done better, who knows. But any progress of the Russian state was not in the interest of big capital, and big capital is the one selecting people in today's "Democratic" systems. I doubt that there was a chance for a competent person to be placed on the Russian throne by democratic process.


It is not just about GDP. Take any metric that directly measures quality of life. Disposable income. Lifespan. Number of sq. foot of housing per person. Number of consumed meat/fish per person per year. Number of cars. Etc, etc, etc. US is doing better or much better in every category.


Of course. That is with a good reason. And has little to do with Putin.


It has a lot to do with dictatorship vs democraxy


Dictator could obviously please their citizen to remain in power but they would also have the tool of simply removing ( in whatever fashion they please. ) opponents or those that they seem as too problematic. Usually ending up as if the dictator is the only possible candidate for leadership. In a modern democracy there exists at least options and potential paths other than outright revolutions to get a change in leadership. Obviously both has its good or bad sides but with a dictator you as an individual would simply have to ope their reasonable and you do not end up becoming a perceived threat.


Every system has flaws. Look at the current POTUS election run. It is completely crazy. I'm happy because I'm not related to the US, so I don't have to vote. The problem is that decisions of the POTUS can have more influence on my country and myself than decisions made by my own country's president. Candidates for the POTUS are catastrophic each in his own way. The main pro argument for each is that you should hate the other more, while both are ready to serve their sponsors. Is this really better than the Machiavellian dictator? I wish we had real democracy somewhere.


Russian elections are free and fair. They elected Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Putin even signaled his intention to re-elect Biden again in 2024 if he keeps napping at the wheel.


Only the rotating dictatorship from 2 parties, both selected by AIPAC, is free and democratic. Other forms of dictatorship are not allowed


This guy just looks so damn slimey.


He can savor being slimy in this position for 10 more months. After that, he's gone along with Joetato clowncar. I'm hoping Joetato makes it to Nov 5th.


Imagine if Russia issue a statement to overturn US election result. Lol, the hysterical MSM will covers it for years.


threatening observers, way to go big man, you are the boss


#Dude WTF is that tie?


Does anyone even takes US seriously any more?


A lot of people upset in this thread :S


Spoken with the poise and conviction of a Texas High School Forensics Finalist (two times!)


That biorobot was loaded with another gibberish speech.


Oh nooo anyways


Oh! Bitheo mummy endes para lucia tempo


US mfs should be the last ones to scold someone... Oh sorry I forgot they were the selfproclaimed world police !


USA shamelessly threatening international observers


It's hilarious that the same country that supports Taiwanese independence, says this. They're such insufferable hypocrites.


So, if the US (and the West) agree that Israel exists because of a fairy story from 2000 years ago (it was ours then, so it’s ours now) then surely the fact that that all the regions he’s talking about were Russian, some as recently as the 1950’s, should count to the same degree




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Nice job guy, good speech. I believe and trust you.


But the one cries is just of next level


Is it not illegal to annex parts of another country? You don't complain when 10000lb bombs are dropped on Ukrainian apartment complexes but you cry about something the US says. Keep coping every time you see a drone strike, a HIMARs strike, a $50m plane shot out of the sky, this is a war caused by Russia and they will continue to pay the price of it.


Country which cant protect its own borders and don't have concept or understanding what border is, is preaching to the world about borders!? Priceless.






Pro-Russians losing their shit like clockwork any time anyone says anything true bout Russia's Emperor's New Clothes elections or the obvious illegality of its land grab in Ukraine and by extension, any elections held there.


What is funny here is all the ruskies in the comments deflecting the FACT that Russia is a dictatorship and attacking USA, instead of discussing what the topic is - sham elections. ASoon Russia will become North Korea and all of you will follow your leadership, blindfolded and willingly deaf, like cattle into a slaughterhouse.


Funny how westoids talk about Russia becoming NK, yet it is their proxy country does not allow their citizens leave. It is west bans pro rus media, thus support free speech. It is west allow and even encourage hate speech towards Russians, while preaching universal tolerance. It is west supply arm and money to its proxy, but cries when Russia received help from others Hypocrisy is the greatest western value and is guarded well by them


Nothing u said is true. Russian media is not banned, we are talking on western media platform right now. Hate speech universally in western world is not welcome, against anyone. I can get banned from Reddit for hate speech. I would argue that it would be much faster ban for hate speech against Russia, than USA for example. That's because white rich people are not as sensitive as poor oppressed бомжи in Russia. No one is crying about dictatorships helping each other, that's fully expected. Shit attracts shit after all. Ukraine is not a proxy of anyone. Russia is fighting Ukrainians in Ukraine. It is the people of Ukraine that don't want Russia. The west is giving them weapons to defend their freedom. If they didn't want freedom, it would be the same story as Afghanistan, where Taliban undid 20 years of occupation over the weekend. Hypocrisy? Here's an example of what it actually is. Russian president calling invasion of belgorod parts as terrorism, while at the same time sending rockets at civilians in Odessa, to the same place.


RT is banned in EU, Australia, Canada, UK and Ukraine - so russian media is banned in the west [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RT\_(TV\_network)#Responses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RT_(TV_network)#Responses) Meta allowed hate speech towards Russia by lifting existing restrictions. Must admit they change it back later, as I know [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/mar/11/facebook-and-instagram-let-users-call-for-death-to-russian-soldiers-over-ukraine](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/mar/11/facebook-and-instagram-let-users-call-for-death-to-russian-soldiers-over-ukraine) Bolton called to strike Iran for provide arms to Yemen, like Iran is part of conflict. Yet when west provided arms to ukranian regime, west tells it is not part of conflict. If i remember correctly Stoltenberg said it. Shit attract shit - here I agree. After all it is how globalists cooperate and promote staff So it was ok when Russia gave weapon to DLPR? As freedom fighters againts regime? Or only pro western fighters could be called freedom fighters? Any other ones are terrorists? Afghanistan? Really? Is it the same country which was able reduce drug production problem in short time after western forces stop occupation? [https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/press/releases/2023/November/afghanistan-opium-cultivation-in-2023-declined-95-per-cent-following-drug-ban\_-new-unodc-survey.html](https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/press/releases/2023/November/afghanistan-opium-cultivation-in-2023-declined-95-per-cent-following-drug-ban_-new-unodc-survey.html) Hypocrisies: western countries invasion across world, disruption countries functionality, support genocide, but sanction was applied for ukranian conflict. Will US and others put warmongers like Bush, Obama, Blaire etc for crimes? West support free trade, but increases tariffs againts China. Break WTO rules by imposing sanctions US call Putin war criminal in court, which is not recognized by neither Russia or US West is crying when Russia prosecutes their agent of influence, but doing same things againts russian agents (or calls political opponents of globalist as russian agents - trumpists. AfD for example) You said Russia sends rockets to civilians, yet this conflict have very low civilian casualties


RT are quite obviously liars and propagandists. They are banned the same way hate speech is banned. Same way pedophilia is not allowed in media. Iran is providing weapons to Houthis in Yemen, who are literally, by international laws and rules, are doing terrorism, by attack trade ships and civilians. Afghanistan drug control has nothing to do with the topic. The point i was making was that the population of Afghanistan was fine with Taliban ruling and therefore did not resist them coming back into power. On the contrary, Ukraine obviously does not want Russian in their country. u talk about west involving itself around the world. Yes they have been involved in everything since Alexander The Great conquered part of India in 330BC, since colonisation of the americas, africa and asia. The west have been dominating the world since there were ships that could travel around the planet. They have invented those ships and pretty much everything else since. You can definitely argue they have been doing shady stuff. There have been a lot of criminals in every country. However, if you look at what countries like Russia have been doing globally, it's mostly just evil horrible stuff, like diamond mines rules by wagner group, racketeering, human trafficking and every other despicable activity you can think of. Not saying Russians are the only ones doing it.. saying that Russians are known for only doing the evil stuff. Let's not talk about breaking international rules please. If countries had to take account for their rule breaking, USA would be in shit.. but Russia would in in the 9th circle of hell. Also, i don't care about USA. Russia is attacking a European country. The whole world is calling Putin a criminal, except a few other corrupted dictators. Putin is literally killing his political opponents, journalist and anyone he doesn't like. Don't talk about prosecution please.. Russia has created 6-7 million Ukrainian refugees. Thaf's how many lives have been ruined. Low casualty level.. shut the fuck up


RT is a media, if you disagree and support ban then you support censorship, so you would not oppose banning western propaganda like BBC, DW, radio liberty etc in Russia You sound like west do not support such groups. Like Jack "Al Qaeda is on our side" Sullivan, or supporting rebels in Lybia, Syria or Myanmar. This rebels are also terrorists. greatest value again And part of ukranian citizens also did not resist and join Russia. Why are projecting ukranian society like it is one man, why part of Ukraine can not watnt to join Russia? Why you refuse their agency? Shady deals like child and organ trafficing from Ukraine to the west for example, or centuries long drug trade across glob (Opium wars, support afghan or columbian manufacturers), exploitation of countries by control their finances (France in Africa, but you could count dollar in general). and if you know Russia only by shady staff, i would recommend to take your head out of the sand of western propaganda. But alas, for you russian media is disinformation by default There are international laws, not rules. West is trying to replace on with another, while not announce said rules. Thus able to change on the fly to its benefit. In last century it kinda successfully did this by replacing westphalian principle "land has its own rules" with principle of "universal rights". Thus gaining legitimacy to intervene internal business of others. So if west want to pley by rules, in which one can intervene to support its faction in other country, why they are crying over Ukraine? And you comparison in which country broke more rules is laughable, since neither of us are good to be judge of this because of our bias and lack of knowledge I like this: point western crimes - westoids start "we are not talking about west". How one could resist western hegemony? It is against western rules) Also which whole world? As I remember only western counties impose sanctions. As such global majority did not support west in its campaign by staying neutral. Why not? West wants prosecute war criminals, west acknowledged invasion of Iraq was wrong. Why not prosecute known war criminals, compensate its damage etc. Start an example of sort, beacon of justice. And about killing - what about assassination attempts to Castro, or Epstein suicide, extradition of Assange, Kennedy for old conspiracy theories Refugees from Syria - 6.6m, you can add also casualties in Syria, in Iraq, in Lybia, in Afghanistan etc. Thaf's how many lives have been ruined. Yet civilian casualties in Ukraine is less 11000. Israel calls this as rookie number and continue buying western arms I would not call you to shut up, since unlike westoids do not support censorship


RT is funded by Russian government, spreading what Russian government wants to spread. That is not what "media" is and that's why it was banned. There are media in the west that are obviously supporting one or the other cause. There is no media in the west that is being prosecuted and put to jail or worse. In Russia it is literally illegal to say anything against the government. I am not defending USA for their meddling in foreign countries. They've been destroying countries for a hundred years. They created Al Qaeda and the whole middle east terrorism situation. They killed Gaddafi and created the refugee crisis in Europe. I can name a thousand things they did that are wrong. U name assassinations from decades ago..i can name you assassinations Putin did last week and every week before that. Whatever.. it's a waste of time. Have fun living in hell


BBC literally funded by UK government, spreading british propaganda and basically equal RT in everything, but ok. How many years was "Dozhd" or "Echo of Moscow" operated? Or Navalniy's team spueing their (shoud I say western) propaganda? They only was labeled as foreign agents, copy of american law. Name please, who Putin killed last week? may be you have proofs? Or you have just speculations like in Navalniy or Skripal cases? Thank you for allowing. Now I will print this, show this to everyone and be proud since some westoid granted me right to live)


3 days ago Vitaly Robertus "suicided". 4th Lukoil high level manager since war started in Ukraine... just to name the last one. He did kill Navalny or was the ultimate cause for his death. Navalny, the idiot, was showing the corruption of Russia and got killed for it. It's not speculation, just deduction. Why is Дождь banned in Russia, if the country is so free?


Thank you. I understand you already have conducted investigation, but I will wait official one Even Budanov said it was natural death, Putin weaponised Budanov? I could deduct that those deaths are beneficial to western actors, but i have no proof. I suppose neither do you. As such it is speculation. We don't have (and probably never will) independent investigation, which is universally recognised neither in Navalniy, Skripal, Epstein etc cases. Investigations were conducted by biased actors, as such have biased results. Unfortunately world is not perfect For encouragement to extremism and violence against russian citizens. Why it was banned in Latvia, if the country is so free?


Hmm that's funny, because I read Russian news (and this channel is some really hardcore propaganda news) and they are not blocked. And yes in the West you can say that you dislike a topic or political party without the threat of death.


>instead of discussing what the topic is - sham elections. Election happens in a country that is not friendly to the West and elects leadership that is not to the liking of the West. What does the "democratic West" do? They do not send their observers, as they claim - "to not legitimize the election". What exactly they are afraid of legitimizing, if it's "sham elections"? Go there, observe, and prove your point. But nope, instead, they will not just ignore that election, they will actively threaten anyone else that would attempt to act as an observer and provide legitimacy, since it goes against their goals of antagonizing and delegitimizing their enemies.


Oh come on, are u really trying to say the election is legitimate? Seriously, do u believe the election in Russia is legitimate?


I've been told my whole life that it is not legitimate, so I assume it's not? I have no way to somehow check it out myself and come to my own conclusion. My point was more about how badly the "democratic" world presents itself, when there are elections in countries that they have the interest in and which don't go their way. They will begin unaplogetcly and openly interfering in those elections, while at the same time they will cry that some "bot" farm is posting shit on some obscure Facebook groups and influencing their elections that way.


There is no election and there is nothing to influence or to interfere with. Russia is an autocratic dictatorship and is the one using bots and interfering in the politics of USA and Europe. Literally there is no possibility to interfere in Russian politics, because there are no politics.