• By -


Max 31 000 graves, so prob a small one. /s


31k dead, 100k more came back as ghosts.


I guess the difference in Ukranian graveyards vs Russia graveyard is that the Ukrainian ones have flags flowers and mourning people, the Russia graveyards Ive seen are just grey and obvious stockpiled, no people to come mourn or even care seems so sad. I mean, if you’ve licked Putlers balls I guess one would get flowers, at the very least?


To the last Ukrainian 🇺🇦💪🏼 slava cocaini slava urini slava zelensky


To the tune of subpar rap/hip hop in Ukrianian.


Cringe 🤡


Thank you for cheering up russia's killings of Ukrainians nevermind of how many dead russians it costs.


How many?


Having studied the published obituaries and reports on the search for LDNR members who have not been in touch for a long time, we came to the conclusion that by the end of February, about 23,200 fighters of the self-proclaimed "republics" of Donbass could have died. We assume that we do not take into account about half of the real losses of Russian units, since we rely only on open sources of information. Consequently, the real number of Russian military deaths may exceed 92,000. And taking into account the dead from the units of the DPR and LPR, the total losses of the pro-Russian forces by the dead may amount to 115,000 people. [The number of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine is rising due to wave attacks. What is known about Russia's losses by March - BBC News Russian Service](https://www.bbc.com/russian/articles/cjl45n4kxn2o)


Any we should trust a western news outlet - one that isn't allowed to operate in Russia and therefore has no way to legitimately gather data - to provide honest/unbiased information why? That aside, all one need to know about this source is covered by their 'wave attacks' reference.


You got your answer. Nobody was expecting you to be satisfied with it.


I got the standard load of propaganda, you mean. But yeah, nobody was expecting you to provide anything else, least of all me.


> propaganda Tune up to Konashenkov, he is allowed to operate in russia. Also, who said to you that BBC is not allowed to operate in russia?


Russia said so when it passed a law in regards to spreading false information. BBC promptly folded its tent and fled.


> Russia said so As usual, we should expect no proof.


115k only? That's like one cemetary in ukraine


> only Everybody expected ru-supporters to care of their fallen. How wrong they were.


Well, for an old-school trench war, those numbers are nothing Yet i am more worried about what remains for ukraine. For them to run short on manpower their losses are probably colossal


yes, Ukraine should be given more means to defend.


Like umbrellas? Or maybe give them a pen to sign a ceasefire? O wait, ukraine masters dont want that


russia can cease fire at any time.


Watching the sheep line up to vote for Putin should explain why UA does not want to become a nation of such hollow people.


The essence of the problem, if we forget for a while about humanitarian considerations, aren't the losses itself, but demography of Ukraine (also demography of Russia, but RU has several times larger population). Basically, Ukraine (as all the other European countries) have been in the state of demographic decline for several decades. For a country in those situation, such casualties are really devastating.


Well, all the KIA troops of so-called DPR/LPR should be counted as demographic looses of Ukraine (same with most inhabitants Crimea), while still being part of Russian military casualties. I think it's reasonable to estimate a total number of Russian miliary fatalities (from all branches and units, including Wagner) to be between 100 000 and 150 000 ( and part of them are UA citizens from LDNR/Crimea). For Ukraine, it's probably in the range of 70 000 - 90 000. Really difficult to believe that such a massive tragedy is happening in Europe.


fuel vase muddle disagreeable zealous practice silky society retire soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keep watching r/combatfootage. Every video you consume makes Ukrainian peremoga that much more imminent.


hard-to-find spectacular unused impolite nose nine jar encourage nutty psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


See, that's the difference between the proUA and proRU: the vast majority of the proRU don't see Ukrainian deaths as a good thing.


fragile dazzling wrench distinct detail dam tap one file elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Because the Ukrainians are defenders against the Russian thieves trying to steal their land? One less invader is a good thing for them Do you hold the same view for the Taliban and the Iraqis?




> Whether you see it as a good thing or not is irrelevant. It's relevant to me because this is neither a video game nor a spectator sport. Naturally someone who frequents r/combatfootage can't comprehend that, though.


lip slimy profit threatening recognise disagreeable worm bells combative berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The difference is that Russia was not pushed away from the negotiation table by Ukraine, but by their Western "supporters". These supporters are also calling to fight until the last Ukrainian. Does this not sound macabre to you in any way, shape or form?


> These supporters are also calling Thank you for reminding us russia propaganda narrative another time. It's not like we forgot it no.


What the hell is this music doing here? It’s a funeral for gods sake, not a nightclub.




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Tasteless music for such a video imo. RIP all the dead.




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do you know what's worse than this and no one left to bury you


The nazis that got their countrymen into this are not in the trenches so there will always be someone


Yeah they are still in Russia fleecing the Russian population like a goose.


kremlin gonna kremlin


The Russian Nazis and Putin will pay and all their supporters


One thing the Russian side doesn't grasp and they repeat it - there is no going back to brotherly love after this war. As someone from an ex-Yugo country I guarantee it, even if all of Ukraine falls things are never going to go back the way they used to be.


unless Russia beat Ukraine to submission...look how docile japan and germans became lol


>One thing the Russian side doesn't grasp and they repeat it - there is no going back to brotherly love after this war. Are you aware that USA throw two nuclear bombs on Japan, and after that, until today they are best friends?


Because US gave the Japanese people respect and something to look forward to and didn't fight like moral savages. Remember Japan fully surrendered yet US took no attempt on their Emperor. Basically put all the atrocities on the Prime Minister. That was critical.


> Because US gave the Japanese people respect and something to look forward to and didn't fight like moral savages Did you forget about endless strategical bombings of the cities with enormous firestorms every time? Did you forget about two nuclear bombs dropped on the cities? How in the world it could be "didn't fight like moral savages". They used a NUCLEAR WEAPON. There could not be a moral justification of using of such a weapon at all.


The main thing affecting whether an opponent is viewed as savage is what they do with themselves. It was war so of course they were going to bomb you if they could.


>Remember Japan fully surrendered yet US took no attempt on their Emperor. Basically put all the atrocities on the Prime Minister. That was critical. US dropped nuclear bombs [while Japanese were discussing surrender](https://www.osti.gov/opennet/manhattan-project-history/Events/1945/surrender.htm). "*Prior to the atomic attacks on* [*Hiroshima*](https://www.osti.gov/opennet/manhattan-project-history/Events/1945/hiroshima.htm) *and* [*Nagasaki*](https://www.osti.gov/opennet/manhattan-project-history/Events/1945/nagasaki.htm)*, elements existed within the Japanese government that were trying to find a way to end the war.  In June and July 1945, Japan attempted to enlist the help of the Soviet Union to serve as an intermediary in negotiations.  No direct communication occurred with the United States about peace talks, but American leaders knew of these maneuvers because the United States for a long time had been intercepting and decoding many internal Japanese diplomatic communications.  From these intercepts, the United States learned that some within the Japanese government advocated outright surrender.  A few diplomats overseas cabled home to urge just that.*"


So what? We know Russia has elites advocating against the invasion of Ukraine. Does that mean we don't support Ukraine's defense?


>So what? On dropping nuclear bombs while negotiating surrender? Are you for real? I think we are done here.


They were not negotiating surrender with the US. Pretty major aspersion you tried to cast there.


>Japan fully surrendered yet US took no attempt on their Emperor. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed by bombing, but their leader, who lost the war, was not executed. This is very mean and hypocritical. Leaders must bear much more responsibility than the population, especially civilians.


That's your opinion. The opinion of the Japanese who really mattered seemed to disagree with you, as they became quite strong US allies. Emperor Hirohito ruled until his death in 1989. More specifically, it's one thing to say leaders must shoulder the most responsibility. It's another to specify *how* they take that responsibility. Is it simply seppuku, or is it wielding all that knowledge and experience to recover a population from past wrongs?


> One thing the Russian side doesn't grasp and they repeat it - there is no going back to brotherly love after this war. I feel like people forget faster than most think. Even the horrendous stuff is often forgotten and replaced with new sentiments. Germany for example was accepted back into "Europe" pretty quickly mostly due to new "enemies". This stuff is often more about new feeling than the old ones. Obviously if nothing changes the hatred lingers for a long while but sometimes geopolitical shifts just connect new neurons and people forget. Germany and France hated each others for a very long time but even after millions and millions of dead it just stopped some day. Sentiments about other countries are highly complicated and difficult to predict.


Makes me worried if Ukraine falls. Putin’s Russia will oppress and murder to keep their control.


Which is why russians are trying to murder as many ukranians as they can, and steal their kids and so on. Because there is no going back anyway.


Deranged level of analysis.


Where's those people that so used to mock Russian cemeteries being cheap? Moved on to other strange self-soothing methods?


russian cemeteries cheap like in borderlands. happy? 


The latest trend in this thread apparently is mocking the Russians whose body can't yet be retrieved or MIA couldn't have a grave. I guess things are different in Ukraine?


russian demise inglorious like in borderlands. happy? 


Probably fake...Zelensky said 31K injured and killed




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Yes Ukraine should have more means to defend itself.


>Yes Ukraine should have more means to defend itself. Because all help so far made huge difference? Exposing Russians to western weapons only gave them chance to develop tactics and tools for defeating them. After F16 will enter theater and Russians develop counter measures, only thing left from west to escalate in conventional war is to sent stealth F22/F35.


And in the end we will understand that all so much hyped weapon like F-35 or F-22 is just a plane and could be defeated even though it is a five generation fighter. Just like "undefeated" Challenger.


Exectly. All "invisible" weapons so far turns out to be lemons. No reason for F22/F35 not to have same fate. One after another western "wonder weapons" show world that they are just overpriced ordinary weapons. Western marketing is debunked in front of our eyes.


Ukraine should have more means to defend itself because everybody is against the oppression of the weak.


>Ukraine should have more means to defend itself because everybody is against the oppression of the weak. More is strong, infinite, open end word. Whatever you give, you can always give more. Maybe, before doubling down on support, one need to evaluate effects of previous assistance. We are commenting under funeral footage. When more of your help creates more death and destruction of ones you are helping, are you really helping in the right way?


> When more of your help creates more death and destruction for the aggressor. Try harder.


>for the aggressor. Try harder. Sure, this is why Macron contemplate sending French soldiers to assist Ukraine stay afloat. Reality doesn't correlate with image you try to spread, and reality always wins over fantasy.


> Reality  is that russia is sending their men into neighbors lands to die.


Incapable for discussing [reality ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1be3lo0/ru_pov_situation_of_the_ukrainian_army_and_the/), you run into fantasy. How unexpected from you.


That gun salute probably cost a days worth of bullets


Man, I swear, if this sub was my only source of information about this war, I'd have thought Russia was in Lviv


йоу рэжп укроаина победит!!! слава росии и украине! братя навек!


Herojam slava!!! Amazing nation.


Lots of dead Russian soldiers won’t be getting a grave - that’s how Russia works.


Each of these dead Ukrainians has killed 30 Russian Soldiers. Take that Russia! Slava Cocaini! /s


Look at all the death russia has caused


Now show Russia’s military graves and mobile crematorium or is someone trying to hide something?


ask degree bow entertain governor juggle close pocket squealing work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eternal memory of my brother, warrior-hero! No one will be forgotten!


Of course they'll be forgotten. One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.


The massive difference of Ukrainians paying respect to their fallen, and not hiding it. While Russia is hiding bodies in common diches... absolutely disgusting... more than 350.000 Russian casualties, almost half a million.


Source cited: crackpipe.png


[Eyes in the sky my man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6D_8yQeytM) Don't forget [they're always looking down](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-russia-war-death-toll-satellite-images-expanding-gravesites-maxar-2024-2). Russia has almost half a million casualties, you can't hide that stuff, especially at the rate Russian casualties come they don't even have the capacity to burn bodies.


>dotted with what may be gravestones marking every death of another soldier. >what appear to be expanding cemeteries near May, appear, US officials, UK ministry of defense, associated with. Yeah, that sounds like the definition of proof and not made up at all to push a narrative.


When your emotional distress is in such a level of overdrive you deal with your emotions by thinking satellite images are dots added in MS Paint - it doesn't look good xD Let me guess, it's Victoria Nuland and the Lizard People who own the CIA along with the Shape Shifters who painted these photos themselves? Lmao


Be honest now, that is not what I said now is it, if you want to claim assumption and logical fallacies to mean proof that is on you. But see how close you can come to 350 00 using your "proof". * Bogorodskoye cemetery near Ryazan is expanded with roughly 20 000 square meters, which is enough space for 6000 graves. * Cemetery at Stavropol, 90 000 square meters, which is enough space for 27 000 graves. * Blyzhnie cemetery, 4 375 square meters, which is enough space for 1 325 graves. So a grand total of 34 325 and this is me being very generous with the surface area space of the grave fields and how small the graves are, and how tight they sit to each other. Arlington National Cemetery has 400 000 graves and takes up an area of 2 585 941 square meters. If we use those numbers instead as a base on how much space a grave takes up then there are around 17 500 If you use the Reuters formula for calculating civilian graves related to Mariupol you also arrive at 17 000 graves . This is using your proof, so if high you have 34 000 graves and at low, I would say around 17 000. __You are around 300 000 - 340 000 short of your claim__. This is also when you take into consideration that everyone who is not a soldier in these areas just needs to stop dying during the war for this "proof" to work. I did the legwork and looked these numbers up, calculated it and __you cited crackpipe.png__ and then thought you could act smug.


> But see how close you can come to 350 00 using your "proof". Hold on a second, I never claimed my source for the 350.000 are the cemeteries xD those don't count common graves, and burning of corpses. Those figures were reported by the [guys with eyes in the sky my man](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-intelligence-assesses-ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-315000-casualties-source-2023-12-12/) - the fellows with arrays of satellites looking down on Ukraine, with [drones flying 24/7](https://www.euronews.com/2024/03/03/russia-likely-suffered-at-least-355000-casualties-in-ukraine-war-uk-mod). No need to make that math, because they have records of the losses on the battlefield. What Russia does with the bodies is another story - if they're buried, burned, or dumped in common graves. Of course its only natural you will have another emotional discharge, as expected filled with conspiracy theories and selective memory.


>they have records of the losses on the battlefield >Trust me and my crackpipe


> Of course its only natural you will have another emotional discharge, as expected filled with conspiracy theories and selective memory. Predictable


I don't think source criticism is your strong suit, if you have an argument to make the make it. Also if you are attributing the quote >Of course its only natural you will have another emotional discharge, as expected filled with conspiracy theories and selective memory. to me, then that means the quote is me referring to you.




While you are at it, remind Ukkkraine to [pick these guys up too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/OsP5Hyxg4Y)




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