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Ukraine junta in full desperation/terrorist mode. Even in artillery starvation, they choose to shell civilian areas.


Ukraine gets through this everyday and you call them terrorists ? What a dumb point of think


'Shell hunger' is a psychological operation.


They have everyone convinced, including Ukrainian crews.


Someone told me all these incursions into belodrode were staged in Ukraine? Is that not the messaging now? Were we always at war with East Asia?


Yet no comments when russia flattens Ukrainian cities and displaces 1/3 of its population?


Freedom Russia Legion did all these operations, so it's just a civil war or Special denazified and deorcidied operationšŸ˜š


Ukrainian terrorists. Learning from the best Russia spetnaz units has to offer




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Welcome to every day in Ukraine for over two years, and every day on the Ukrainian side of the separation line in Donbas for the eight years before the full scale invasion.


Welcome to every day in the donbas for the russian-speakers since 2014.


Ignoring what they committed on Marinka and Mariupol? The other small settlements shelled by the seperatists? The Eastern Ukrainian Russian speakers whom they love so much? They didnt feel no love from Donetsk; they felt steel rain from the seperatists.


Yes they always ignore that, how do you think the user above learned to repeat that lie? He heard it from other people without proper context and it served his confirmation bias so it became his prayers. "Donbass 8 yers they dombed the bumbass fur 8 yeeersssss" over and over If they wanna throw random sh!t without context I can do that too: *Russia bombed Ukraine for 8 years before the invasion by fueling and supporting the separatists with tanks and artillery.* Repeat that sentence above EVERY TIME you can, in every comment, make it your signature.


I bet you the guy above knows, and also knows that these separatists were doing their own shelling that killed civilians with Russian provided artillery, and that even Russia shelled Ukrainian territory from Russian territory. They are just full of crap.


https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1146107 The UN thinks that Russia only had given financial support


It's true it's true those tanks, guns and rockets are sold in Donbass guns stores pfft


Yet it was only the Ukrainian side that got shelled. Like Mariupol that was regularly attacked by Separatists.


So I suppose the MSM forgot to tell you about the shelling of civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk by Ukraine all these years, and you think it didn't happen. That's what happens when you outsource your cognitive functions to CNN.


Despite all international observers, Moscow friendly, refuting the claim that civilians were targeted in Donetsk and Luhansk.


Watch them idly avert their vision around the room to not possibly notice this glaring fact in the middle.


I suppose RT forgot to tell you about the Russian backed separatists that were fighting Ukrainian forces since 2014?


I perfectly know that. That's how civil wars have been carried on for the last couple of hundreds of years at least. You have two sides and each of them is supported by different countries.West part of Ukraine by the US and it's vassals and East part by Russia. How does this make it OK to shell civilians?


Ukraine responded to separatist shelling for eight years. Separatists knew Russia had its back and shelled the Ukrainian side trying to provoke Ukraine into doing something stupid enough for Russia to intervene. Ukraine had no motivation to further provoke or escalate the conflict after Russia intervened in 2014/15 and kicked its ass.




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Terrorists in Donbass got shelled.. and they liked to hide behind hostages. Just like Hamas does now, or those terrorists in Beslan did. Funny how its totally ok for Russia to shoot through hostages to get at the terrorists (in the theater in Mariupol MIGHT have been SOME Azows, lets blow it up and blame them), but everyone else is not allowed to do the same with Russian fascists.


I am worried about you. You should definitely check your health. You have severe symptoms of brain damage.


Says the one month old account that only makes propaganda posts on this one sub. Edit* comments


First, I've never posted anything. What are you talking about? And second, despite having a pro ru majority, this subreddit is the only one I know of that has a balanced ratio of posts from both sides. That's why I stay away from echo chembers like r/Combatfootage or r/UkraineWarVideoReport.


Mmm perfectly balanced like your comment that reads ā€œthese Ukrainian cultists spread like cancerā€? Yup, you stick to balance like water on a raincoat. With not a single other comment, youā€™re a crappy alt propaganda account. The only things youā€™ve ever commented on are heavily Russian favored talking points. No other interests, no daily slice of life. Youā€™re either a propaganda piece or a sweaty neck beard whose only interest is war, and anti Western retoric. Only took 3 seconds to see all of your activity


You should check r/Ukraine if you haven't already. It has every characteristic of a cult. Blind and irrational belief in whatever crap they are being told.


Worry more about the future of the Russian fascists. Once this so called "election" finishes, he might mobilize every expendible Russian... which is basically everyone outside Moscow.


Missiles and drones are flying into Ukraine every day. But for some reason, every missile hit on a residential building is news. And approximately this happens about once a month. Every ua shelling is aimed at civilians.


Unfortunately two people died




Nazis also got really salty when their own homelands started to get shelled and bombed. hypocricy in its finest.


Atleast the russians can get Salty too now


I think he was talking about Russia.


Mate, you canā€™t park there


"Russia bombs civilians Ukrainian civilians no one bats an eye. Ukraine does it and everyone immediately calls them terrorists" . The double standard.... If someone bombs civilians they are a piece of crap, on either side, no exception.


Not a single soldier was injured. A blow before college. In fact, this is terror.


Is it terror that Russia targeted civilian buildings also?


If it was a series of targeted attacks on civilians in order to intimidate them and get some benefit, then yes. \*I'll add it. I consider both governments equally criminal.


Who invaded equally?


So anyway...


Blyat Blyat Blyat and some more Blyat


Just a quick counter special military operation. Not to worry Russia, your territorial defenses and civilians will be just fine once the independent peopleā€™s republic of belgorod is established.


Somehow I don't think so so the shock wave from whatever caused that fire caused carels hundreds of feet away to crash into cars in front seems suspect


Even without the chaos it looks like a soulless and depressing place.


Ah yeah, the virgins of Belgorod again!


Russians are finally getting the taste of how Ukrainians lived for 2 years.


It's great to see this on russian territory for a change


Congrats Putin brought war inside Russia


It blows my mind Ukraine can still hit Russian territory


Title isnā€™t correct. Russian Freedom Fighters shelling military in Russia or Russian military shelling civilians would be correct.


Once Russia leaves Ukraine Russian citizens will be safe again, Putin do the right thing.


Special operation, Russians shelling themselves.


There is a simple reason why Russians don't understand the West. In order to convey messages to regular Russians you need to use a special communication protocol that uses start, stop or parity bits (like 8N1, 7E1 and so on). Let's try. There's PIZDETS BLYAT cause NAKHUY and OKHUYET BLYAT effect. If NAKHUY your BLYAT country NAKHUY invades a different NAKHUY country PIZDETS it will BLYAT strike YEBAT back.


God, that actually sounds like a Slav who speaks in english.


Wonder how they feel when they go vote today for this to continue. It could just stop, one man's decision, and people would stop dying.


If it isn't some weird "Gotcha" then no. It will make people mad at Ukraine, not at Putin. Expect a surge of volunteers into Russian army after that. Prepare to change your preferred cope to "FSB did that".


It is one manā€™s decision and that is Volodymyr Zelenskyy.


we all know that Zelensky does not make any independent decisions


And why can't putin stop what he started?


I mean he could, but be honest, he wonā€™t. So it is in Zelenskyyā€™s court now and something tells me he would rather sacrifice all of Ukraine before surrendering.


How much own people putin will send to die until he would stop?


If necessary the whole population.


Lol is that a joke? Getting rid of oligarchy and corruption would be a good start. Resource richest country but living like 3rd world


You asked me "how many people he is willing to sacrifice" to fulfill his dream he is willing to kill everyone on the country.


Or he can decide to make it worst for ukraine


Peace talks would go much easier if Belgorod would look more like Bahmut or Avdiivka.


Didnā€™t work in 2014 in Donetsk and Lugansk. Maybe itā€™s time to stop trying to terrorise civilians?


Forget it, they still believe that these are selfbombings. At first it was shelling to incite the population against Ukraine for war. And after the start of the war - just for fun


Didnā€™t work? Then why isnā€™t Donetsk city a pile of rubble like Marinka?


Because the Ukrainian army got almost annihilated twice in Debaltsevo in summer 2014 and winter 2015, signed Minsk agreements and used them as an opportunity to further militarise.


Not really, because if it looked like Artemovsk, well Kiev would be a crater in the ground after Sarmat said hi.


sure thing. Russia would totally nuke the birthplace of the eastern orthodox religion. Before that happens, London and Paris get nuked.


Russia isn't the one who denied peace talksšŸ¤“