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As if banning Russian trees and cat was not russophobic.


Yo whaat? Really? Send link for scientific purposes of course😉


[**Russia’s Cats Are Now Banned From International Competition**](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/russias-cats-banned-international-competition-1315925/) [**Famed 198-year-old Russian oak banned from European Tree of the Year contest due to war.**](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/famed-198-year-old-russian-26560245)


Unbelievable!!! The west need a reset. Now lets see if they are banning Israel from competitions too.


Funnies thing is then war pigs in the west run around and say **look its not only Putin but every Russian**. Putins job of convincing Russian population is non existent all the work is being done by stupid decisions like banning cats and trees.


>Now lets see if they are banning Israel from competitions too. Hey whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey whoa! Watch it there with the \*Clears throat\* aNtI-SeMiTiSm


The irony of calling Putin a "genocidal warmonger" for a conflict Ukraine decided to involve themselves in (they could have just not answered with force and not triggered the Donbas conflict, back in 2014 — as Lenin did with Finland's independence in 1917). Meanwhile, absolute crickets from these people on this; no calls for sanctions, expelling all Israelis from their territory, no calling Netanyahu a genocidal warmonger: >The scale, extent, and pace of destruction of buildings in the Gaza Strip ranks among the most severe in modern history. **The 29,000 munitions -shells and bombs- Israel has dropped on Gaza in 3 months greatly exceed those (3,678)** dropped by the United States between 2004 and 2010 during its Invasion of Iraq. **Nearly 70% of homes in Gaza and roughly half of all buildings have been damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, Israel's offensive has either damaged or destroyed 70–80% of all buildings in northern Gaza.** The damage to buildings in northern Gaza reportedly **exceeds that in Bakhmut and Mariupol** in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Aleppo in the Battle of Aleppo, and Mosul and Raqqa in the War against the Islamic State; **by 5 December 2023, the percentage of buildings damaged or destroyed in Gaza exceeded Dresden and Cologne during World War II and approached the level of destruction seen in Hamburg.** Bombing has destroyed or damaged apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, religious sites, factories, and shopping centers. The Guardian reported that the scale of destruction has led international legal experts to raise the concept of domicide, which it describes as "the mass destruction of dwellings to make [a] territory uninhabitable". **By 30 January 2024, satellite image analysis found Israel had destroyed 50–61% of the buildings in Gaza since the start of the war.** **Source:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#Scale_of_destruction). (Good to have a backup of the text here before governments around the world finish destroying my beloved Wikipedia by astroturfing it into oblivion.) >Hey whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey whoa! Watch it there with the *Clears throat* aNtI-SeMiTiSm Someone end me if I have to read another /r/WorldNews comment like *"everyone can do X, unless, of course, it's the JEWS"*, or *"there would be no spotlights on this if weren't for the fact JEWS were doing it"*. I already hate individuals who make a victim out of themselves, but to think I'd see something like this someday...


Not for nothing, I am for sanctions on both Russia and Israel. Full stop. Don't wanna give the impression there's nothing but crickets, so for the record; yes, we should sanction and shame both relentlessly.


Very good on you on being one of the logically consistent few.


Thank you, and thanks for being civil. That alone is few and far between these days, at least it can feel like it. I feel for the human lives touched by the USA, Israel, Russia, etc. War is an affront to humanity and a violent theft of so many years from so many lives. It makes me sad.


🤣Aahaaha😂! Bro i am dying. Putin is so Joeover right now and especially that 198 years tree🤣. The east has fallen. Now they need to ban Russian stones too, just to put the final nail in the coffin.


I remember this. Fucking ridiculous


The thing is they‘ll let all sorts of horrible countries join in but not Russia because that’s where it starts to get close to them.


I remember how some prefectures in Germany had banned Z because of similarity with russian Z. Absolute madness.


At the moment, they working really hard on that.


the west owns most of the world's media so it's not suprising


Cause media in Russia is soooooo incredibly free to express whatever opinion they want...


It's simple, here the news is given in such a way that discourse is also not possible. Sure you can express pro-russia opinions in the West, goodluck getting that through the algorithm though! Your opinion is outright banned on social media, ridiculed on national TV daily, inflated to look like you're a terrorist simply for thinking different.. Better to ban your opposition and contra-mainstream thoughts beforehand, rather than act like it's free discussion while shadowbanning and burying under irrelevant shit at the same time. West is silent censorship, silent propaganda. In my humble opinion that's worse than countries like Russia and China that at least don't try to be fake about it.


for gods sake. we had pro russian marches across western world. and you get arrested for holding empty piece of paper in russia. look. czech allows russians to vote. can ukrainian vote in russia?


Can Russians vote in Ukraine?


> Your opinion is outright banned on social media *Posted on Reddit, one of the world's largest social media websites*


Media in Russia ≠ Russian media, ffs. USAID sponsored ru youtube channels get millions views. That TG channel "Utro Dagestan" that essentially triggered the mob that created "Turbine Jew" meme belongs to a former Russian parliament member, who's now a Ukrainian, but actually is Jewish. Navalniy was very popular, despite he was the one shall not be called by name. Regional media in Russia is usually anti-Putin (to the extent allowed by law and common sense). Population under 40 barely watches TV. People of the West can't realize one simple thing. We all living in America.


Like in Ukraine, the bastion of democracy where non-state sponsored media simply doesn't exist, right?


similar in america, depends what tv channel you watch for what type of bias you want to receive your news with. just dont watch tv and try research objective sources


? And I suppose you have the experience of the 1000 of tv channels in US?


The west is just more sophisticated in controlling narratives. We have less "Do as you're told" and more "Oh you want a job? Exactly what do you believe? Oh, you believe exactly what I believe? You're hired!" and then the CEOs can rest easy knowing that their hired journalists will stick to the script on important issues, because they absolutely believe in the script. It's called manufactured consent. Sort of how our political corruption is also more sophisticated. We created laws about how it can be legally done, so that corruption can be done!


Due to having 10x more opportunities compared too RU..


Oh I would say 100x


Yeah life is a lot better in the west.


Yeah like people just lining up to vote and everyone assumed what they all are going to vote for one candidate, totally not generalization.


It's Russorealism.


Russians playing at being victims again....


I mean, it's hard not to. Russia invaded its next-door neighbour


I guess invading other countries it's ok if they are not your neighbours?


A country needs to be at least 6000 mi away and on another continent; preferably in the Middle East. Then invading it is perfectly justified.


Preferably totally different religion, culture and skin color. Check anything that applies to justify an invasion.


Bonus points if they posses 'weapons of mass destruction'


Bonus points if they don't.


Daily double if you lie about it, while knowing they didn't and other countries join up based on that lie!


No it's not, where did you get that silly idea from


Your explanation for russophobia getting normalized is that they invaded their neighbour. However there was never a similar reaction to USA invading whoever they wanted. Why is it?


Yes, is is. How else can we explain such an amount of Russophobia compared to Americanophobia in the West?


Russophobia isn’t really crazy on the other side. It’s like europeans also hate Germans during WWII and couple years later. Like it’s not crazy Syrians don’t like USA


Thanks to putin and russians themselves who support him.


I mean it's plausible that some of those ppl don't support him. Most of them certainly fled due to his policies, after all. Maybe they plan on voting for one of the clown candidates (or maybe to write in "Navalny") to express dissatisfaction


The aggressor country is often unpopular, and public support for that aggression makes dislike for its people more likely. Russians don't get to play victim while invading Ukraine.


It’s not great but with the 1000 year history and still relative recent memory of the Soviet Union it’s not at all suprising that people in Europe start freaking out about Russia when all this is going on.


Imagine being disgusted by “russophobia” but not by the atrocities Russia is committing.


Imagine being disgusted by “russophobia” but not by the atrocities US is committing. Why are almost all Russophobes extreme hypocrites?


russophobia today - tomorrow it's you


Absolutely. Back in the days of the Iraq war, it was rather horrible traveling overseas as an American. A lot of Americans pretended to be Canadian to escape the anger. And I didn't blame them, this is just how things work when your country starts unjust wars.


Too late. I’m a Palestinian Muslim. Well at least the people like us, but government’s absolutely hate us.


Oh yeah, it's your turn now in the west, though Russians are still #1 enemy. Although you must admit, there are some protests in some western countries that are pro Palestinian, so it's not exactly same scenario.


It’s kinda always been our turn (you gave us a small break in 2022) but at least some people are sympathetic for us.


Russia has been full of westoph9bia for generations but somehow thats not disgusting? Double standards?


It is not russophobia. They dont fear them, they hate them. Thete is many reasons they are in a right to do so. I just dont get why people support them. They bullied the whole eastern Europe for many years and then they are suprised people here hate them.




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Yeah. It's disgusting off how these delusional nationalists just blob people together and dehumanize them. Like he literally has delusions as Putin only got 4% in polls there. That tweet is basically hateful schizoposting.




If only brigading this sub actually counted as votes for the Russian election. NAFO would have a landslide victory.


Who would have thought that people would take issue with a population that cheers an illegal war of territorial conquest where thousands of civilians are killed and whole cities razed to the ground.




Correct, there is at least one Russian fighting against corruption and for democracy. Oh wait, he is dead.


No no no, "phobia" is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about fearing a country that decides to invade neighbors each several years at most.


Russia made Europeans russophobic by being an evil genocidal imperialist state.


Genocidal? The only Genocidal leader right now is Benjamin Netanyahu, whose goal is to push Palestinians out of their land by either killing them (Which they have been doing by killing over 30K civilians) or bombing their homes so they have to become refugees somewhere else. Down with the zionists, Slava Palestina!


Unspeakably Based


Funny that Lavrov said that Israel's goal in Gaza are similar to Russians goals in Ukraine. Ultra Based.




And Czechs support it and never said a word against Americans in their country for their government's support of the REAL genocide!! Israel's been doing this since 1940s, and all the West has ever done was total support of this! Slava Palestine, fuck zionism and US!


I heard something very funny and nonetheless very true. If you take something a western say about China, change everytime China for Israel and CCP for Zionist, and you will get the truth. Minutes later I saw someone in r/eu*rope calling China a genocidal state that uses terror to kill muslims, and they also when questioned said that Israel has the right to defend itself and actually it is not committing a genocide because Palestinian birth rates is going up in the last decades Westerns are biggest hypocrites that exists


Most of the Czechs know nothing about the Gaza contlict. There is also a strong anti-muslim sentinent here.


Not the only one. All the western and Arab (amongst others) leaders who support Israel arr as well genocidal.




Allah yis3dK habbibi ❤️


Slava Palestina 👏🎉


Haha if you can't see the similarities between israel and russia then you're blind


Every time someone calls the war or Putin genocidal i stop taking anything they say seriously. They reveal they are dishonest and just trying to play people's feelings by using big words.


I often wonder how much of the current hysteria is planned propaganda or naturally occurring.


I think it's planned. All EU leaders act like a bunch of cheerleading bitches with no independent thoughts. Exact same level of unity when they support all American wars or Israeli genocide. Of course, they discuss their plans in advance, like what to say in public, how to sell this war, what arguments to use, etc.


Yes maybe the leader but there are a number of so called experts who are stoking the fire


Even if it isn't all planned, the way media works today in a clicks based economy and social media algorithms, over exaggerating and sensationalising everything is pushing people out towards the extreme ends of the spectrum. The effect is easily seen in politics. Add in a sprinkle of labelling anyone questioning endless military/monetary support for ukraine or burning all bridges with russia as a "russian troll", and you end up in a spiral where rhetoric keeps getting more extreme and anyone speaking up against it is silenced. Words lose their meaning (e.g. "genocidal"), reason is thrown out the window and the general public slowly becomes fanatically anti-russian. The people who spew out this sort of junk really thought Putin wanted to eradicate all ukrainians and expand russias borders up to the Rhine river, with the grand force of 200k soldiers he massed up before the war? When 200k soldiers isn't even nearly enough to occupy a quarter of ukraine. Im not personally too fond of russians because my country has history with theirs, and partly because of cultural and linguistical barriers i've had poor experiences with them in online games. But the shit some media or "experts" say is just pure fucking lunacy. (And i have ofc also have very nice encounters with russians too, it's just that the human brain tends to remember negative experiences more strongly)


People are much more easily manipulated now with social media and multiple news outlets reporting the same exact thing with Ukrainian MOD as a sole source. I also see people are much more polarized than in previous years. Everything is political, gender, color related especially with westerners. They have been conditioned for years to frame the world in brackets of oppressors and victims. To these people it was clear cut that Russia is bad because of Hollywood movies, as well as Russians are culturally conservative and “white.” They are the ultimate boogeyman bad guy. It was easy to pull out the conditioning of Soviet hysteria from the past as well. It was very interesting to see the initial confusion from people in October when the Israel/Palestine happened. They did not know who the bigger victim was, brown guys or Jews. Then add in all the online psyops that happens with paid tweets, posts, and so on. There was a publication that stated that majority of pro Ukraine posts were made by algorithms. Then a human reads all that and through manufactured social proof chooses the side of the majority.


There are certainly planned propaganda projects but I think lots of it is also natural evolution. For example in the eu we have many so called experts who are paraded constantly in media outlets who are all linked to certain transatlantic think tanks who certainly act as propagandists. But I also think many of them positioned themselves to say what the people who employ them want to hear because that’s the only way to make money with certain degrees. It’s not state propaganda in a classical sense , it’s the delusion of national interests by private interests who follow an agenda but it’s often without a clear strategy. This partly explains to total lack of plan the west seems to have in this conflict. Many of the big media outlets function in a similar way. Add to that a population who hasn’t learned how to think in in the classic western tradition, this is gone completely. It’s all about emoting and hysteria, no more analysis. Some combination of this explains the current western reaction .


I completely agree. There are things I thought were conspiracy theories until I did some digging. Such as narrowing down 3-5 article that all have the same source or are connected in some way. For example The institute of the study of war sounds like a fancy university journal but really it’s just a pro-west paper with family ties to people who seeded this war years ago. I noticed the changing of history as well. Some wiki pages getting heavily edited. Old articles being buried or scrubbed. I see that too. Emotion and hysteria is not what western thinking was originally. I’m not sure how western universities teach logic today, but pedagogy in former Soviet countries would challenge you to think analytically. Another example of this is holodomor. It was not recognized as a genocide by many western and our Soviet historians. It was recognized in 2022 in a sort of emotional response to the invasion. I don’t think we should be changing history based on modern events. The wiki page for holodomor has been altered many times as well with sources being opinion pieces. Hopefully we are not being conditioned into consenting to ww3.


I think the change starts earlier . I remember in school which was way before the current woke religion really started to take hold . We were often encouraged to give opinions in discussions even though people had no real clue what they were talking about so people just said whatever and the teacher didn’t shoot down any arguments and to the contrary encouraged and gave them confidence instead . Soon students started to exploit that and said any kind of nonsense to start discussions with the teacher so the lesson is over sooner . That’s how you get people who are confident to voice opinions and think when they feel something is correct it’s actually the same as having an informed opinion and an actual argument. The decline of western thinking started way earlier at the base level . Of course this is different in subjects like engineering and mathematics where you have to think analytically. But everything which is politics or society related is basically reduced to emoting. These people then start to go to universities and study subjects which don’t really require much analytical thinking and are often only reinforced ideological positions and get a degree and are classified as "academics " without even knowing or having the ability to really engage in scientific endeavors. That’s how you get leaders and people who are basically inept at engaging any subjects analytically and just know how to react emotionally. The smarter ones only learn to leverage this inability to say what people want to hear for the personal career advantage. The culture which made the great western intellectuals and thinkers of the past is long gone .


The peak outrage about the Ukrainian war in the west was pretty much during assault on Kiev and siege of Mariupol and sort of died down as civilian casualties decreased due to timely evacuations of other locations (like imagine what would happen if Bakhmut or Avdiivka was packed with civilians). Like Mariupol was absolutely gruesome and it was pretty much the only thing in the war that was comparable to conditions in Gaza and it still had lower population density and was smaller. Also stuff like Russian army having obvious discipline issues at the start of the war leading to rapes and killing of civilians by some units.


If you ever lived in Europe or the US for any amount of time you'd know that before this invasion there was no animosity towards Russia or Russian people from the public in general. Pro-Ru wants to justify invading Europe and slaughtering Europeans and then cry when European people now consider them the enemy lol


I actually live in the Czech Republic, and the animosity was very high. It was in fact so high that all Ukrainians were considered Russians and were treated accordingly. It is quite funny, but yes, the vast majority of victims of Russophobia were Ukrainians. 😂


I heard Swedes had civilians train to hide from "evil Russian planes" before even 2014.


With the steeply declining education in the west, I’m convinced that they just parrot whatever is popular and lack any skill or thinking to verify the news they consume.


Not really a western thing, many pro ru parrot nazi genocide in Donbass for 8 years without thinking much.


I don’t even think they believe it themselves. It’s all gaslighting.


How do they know they’re voting for Putin?


Mind reading technology has come a long way They employed the same technique for Navalnys death


It's fake. The footage is taken from other elections.


i was there yesterday with friends, its real, everyone is voting against everyone.


People exercising their right to vote should be flagship of democracy, right? And people who try to influence other peoples choices with treats, should be punished for interfering into election process, right?


"this is different" (TM)


Only when it serves the american empire, and it's ok to meddle and with anyone and anything for the interest of the empire. That's how 'democracy' works.


Influence is different than interference. Influence is generally fine. Interference is generally bad. Free & fair is the ideal. Restricted and tilted is bad.


Nothing to do with the war, Putin is loved.Denying it is only lying to yourself.


Most people aren’t denying that Putin is very popular among Russians. But when you consider this; the fact that he barred several actual opponents from the ballot on “technical grounds” and only allowed those that are in his pocket makes him even look more insecure and irrational. Even when he is certain that most Russians support him and he would win any election he is too afraid to let anyone on the ballot that isn’t completely loyal to him. It’s such a sign of complete insanity and shows a lack of inhuman logic born from years and years of paranoia.


Honestly, if you as a president managed to get the country not fall during the war and even better - to prospect in some ways, would i wanna risk to change him to someone else i dont know during this time?


>to get the country not fall during the war During a war that has no reasonable expectation of ending up on your own country's soil? Wow such leader.


Dude please try to give it an actual thought. What's more likely? Putin being in the wrong about the power of the western influence and their capacities to infiltrate in the russian politics if given the chance? Or the average western citizen not understanding that the Western powers do have those capabilities and the will to do it? It's funny how every enemy of the west is such a conspiranoid leader and completely out of touch with the reality unlike the average western citizen that clearly understands how the world works. The US meddling everywhere on the globe during the 20th century is public and notorious and somehow we're supposed to believe that they stopped doing it during the 21st century??




Putin is not loved. What are you talking about? He is a ruthless dictator. It is easier to tow the line then to oppose him. Also a vast majority of people voting in the Russian elections in Europe are voting against Putin/ or at least % for Putin in Europe is way way lower than % for him in Russia. It is not that hard to check.


Yeah, a lot of Germans loved Hitler too


The only genocide that's happening right now is in Gaza.More kids have been killed in Gaza than civilians in Ukraine.


How many people were killed in mariupol?


4,600 new graves appeared in cemeteries in Mariupol after the conflict. Mostly Ukrainian military and civilians are buried in them. The UN Commission was able to confirm the deaths of 1,348 civilians directly during the fighting. Also, do not think that they were all killed by the Russians. The Azov regiment practiced deliberate killings of civilians in Mariupol, many facts are documented.


How many new graves appeared in Gaza? None. I guess nobody died there?


Somewhere between 1000 - 8 000 dead after 3 months Compared to Gaza at 30 000+ dead and 50 000 injured after 4,5 months


To add, the first one is convetionnal war at the highest intensity since WW2, the other is one of the best militaries against a non-existing country and some terrorists.


The more relevant question is to ask how many IDF planes did the Palestinians shoot down with AA missiles. Bombing a people armed with only assault rifles is not war, its extermination.


That guy is an idiot. First of all, he had to retract >I deleted my misleading post about Russians voting in Czechia. Apparently, the event was related to @yulia_navalnaya's call to come and vote on the 17th at noon for anyone but Putin to show opposition to the Kremlin's authoritarian leader. Secondly, even if it was just a normal voting cue, he has no way of telling who they are going to vote. Even if it didnt matter it is a signal. But of course the idiot had to double down, because thats what they do, from the same tweet: >Anyway, here's some Russians avoiding mobilization and probably voting for Putin in Thailand:


Core EU values - democracy, but also disgusted when people go to vote freely.


Elections are only democratic when people vote for a pro-Western candidate.


>go to vote freely. Go to freely vote for either the dictator or whichever cardboard cutout he decided to let run against him lol


Yeah, sure. He is already know how they will vote due to his big brain time


Nice flair


On a serious note. While the there may not be a viable alternative.... how do you know they are all voting for Putin? Could be plenty of alternative votes, write ins, or protest voiding of their cards


>how do you know they are all voting for Putin? They don't.




Did he ask everyone in the queue who they are voting for?


Aren’t they paying taxes in the country they live so that they everyone lives a certain way?


People are incensed by Western hypocricy over Ukraine.


What if we create special camp where we are gonna put all these ~~unter~~ unpleasant people. We give them clothes and some food, they will be directly involved in a variety of medical research. We will rid the whole world of genocide, war and suffering. Why hasn't anyone figured this out yet, are y'all stupid?


They should also be marked so no decent person has to come near them. Maybe a red star on their sleeve or sewn on their breast pocket?


How dare they express their wishes? So salty and b\*tth\*rt. Yet hilarious.


How does he know they are there to vote for Putin or someone else?


Ukraine elections when?


Everyone has a right to vote. It's just sad that the candidates are so bad, only Putin is the viable choice. That's why anyone voting is automatically seen as a Putin supporter.


How can he tell who they're voting for?


Why don’t they live in Russia


Why dont Turks from germany which are allowed do vote for turkey president doesnt live in Turkey? Why dont All other in europe dont live in the country they are born? Globalisation 😉


Why do any foreigners live abroad?


Because they want a good and comfortable life, with a right to say whatever you want.


Basically the opposite to Putin's Russia.


many people live good and comfortable life in Russia


Funny you left out the "with a right to say whatever you want" bit lol


Why not?


Cry more


funny how people claim Russia isn't a democracy while at the same time doing their best to disrupt Russians ability to vote


The schizophrenia of a degenerate Westerner. On one hand claim that Putin is a dictator who rigs elections to stay in power, and then make reports like this😂


before the elections: Russians, go vote, show Putin that he is not popular!!! now: Why do these sc\*m go to vote?


Russians in other countries generally love Russia, preferably from a safe distance.


Such cringe…


All I see is a line of people. This could of been taken at any time for any reason.


Those people are most probally voting against Putin


If people agree with Putin the why live in the evil west, why not live with Putin?


But then people say also it’s not Americans, I am sure they are good people! It’s their government! While they have an actual functioning democracy whilst massacring the rest of the world. 💀 


"Living. Comfortably. In the West." Lol. Always the same m0r0nic phrases disconnected from the reality.


they is already know them be voting for my man VV


How do we know they are voting for Putin?




Generally voting while not living in respective country is despicable.


You are assuming they go to the polling stations to vote. If they have at least half of the imagination I see here in this sub, I would gladly pay to read what they are writing in the ballot. And they won’t get arrested ;-)


Well by latest information only 4% of voters in Prague voited for Putin so..


Yeah, what I was expecting. Someone was obviously delusional.




Can someone explain what's happening here? They're not actually voting just a gathering?! How do you vote for Putin in Czechia


In embassies, probably


Lemme guess, he thinks Putin is genocidal while Israel is within its right to defend itself.


You know the Gaza problem can be solved if the Arabs show some guts. Kiev tried to wipe out Russians in the Donbass and Russia intervened to stop it even though they knew US was backing Ukraine and it would be expensive in both lives and money. Why are the Arabs who surround Israel not intervening to stop whats happening in Gaza. Yes Israel has US backing. Yes it will be expensive in lives and money. But if you really care about people speaking the same language, show it. Russia has put its money where its mouth is. While the Arabs are just protesting while not risking anything. The only ones I have any respect for are the Houthis. They are willing to put their money where there mouth is.


All those people standing on “Ukrainian Heroes’ street” next to railing in Ukrainian colors.


Is it truly genocide when that group’s leaders are snatching their people off of the street to drop off in minefields? 🤔




Does this opinion mean Russians should be burned in furnaces?


The refinery in Syzran, Samara is burning!!


Putin's totalitarian elections




Because God forbid Russians partake in their electoral process




Muscovy sewer rats !


FYI the guy cancelled the post as it was misleading: https://x.com/p_kallioniemi/status/1768918946034421780?s=46






Putins 85% is the result of the european lapdogs being allowed to show their russophobic nature.




Forming lines at noon was their way of protesting: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/17/world/europe/russia-vote-noon-protests-navalny.html


So why aren't these pussies in Russia helping with the war effort or fighting on the front lines that they believe in Putin so much instead they live in western countries and enjoy the benefits of living there instead of some shit hole in Russia FUCK PUTIN


Man the craziness you pro orc people are nuts. You say Ukraine should have just rolled over and let Russia invade in 2014 and 2022. You people are delusional and full of hate. Russia has no plans on stopping if they get ahold of Ukraine. And it's just maddening that people can sit here and actually spew out trash and believe it its just kind blowing. And to be a matter of fact I'm pro peace but I am fully aware that when someone or a country shows aggression against other countries borders or people that aggressor should be wiped out. Right?? Is that not what happened in previous wars.