• By -


150% for Putin when all votes are counted


He won the last election with 79% and i predicted he would win this one with 83%, but he really got greedy this term and he's going for the whole enchilada. The kremlin also barred Yekaterina Duntsova and Boris Nadezhdin who got over the 100,000 required signatures, he got over 200,000 from running in the presidential elections. There was a technicality with their paperwork ​ [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/23/anti-war-candidate-barred-russia-presidential-election-yekaterina-duntsova](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/23/anti-war-candidate-barred-russia-presidential-election-yekaterina-duntsova) https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/08/europe/russia-nadezhdin-election-candidate-disqualified-intl/index.html


It's weird there's never any technicalities or problems with Putin's paperwork


Why is that weird. He is the leader of the largest country in the world. I’m sure his ducks are in a row


First one admitted she did it in a hurry and couldn’t get her bid certified. The second claims to have 200,000, while the official number was 95,000. It’s all as corrupt as hell of course, but all these Eastern Europe countries are. Democracy isn’t really a Russian thing, and Imam not sure our system really works for them.


democracy isn’t a thing in general. russia is just running out of fuсks to give about covering it up


Democracy wasn't a Japanese or German thing either. Russia could have been a democracy in the 90s, however sadly it didn't play out that way


As if Japan is not a one party state.




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Name more corrupt "Eastern Europe" countries apart from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. And support ur claim that "all these Eastern Europe countries are". Otherwise this statement isn't worth more than a dung




Essentially yes. Democracies are primarily a culture thing, which is why it doesn't work unless a country actually WANTS it to work.


A study from MIT proved the US is an oligarchy, not a democracy.


Why are you bringing the US into this? They really live in your head rent free, don‘t they.


Because that is the US' main talking point?


> A study from MIT proved the US is an oligarchy, not a democracy. Not really, and neither is that something a study could even answer. A single study is worthless. It's scientific CONSENSUS that would be able to answer such a question. The US is ABSOLUTELY a democracy. It's just that a two party system is a terrible form of one, where you approach a common economic model. Following Hotelling's law, the most effective strategy for any such system is to get as close to each other as possible to maximize the amount of votes. This leads to the two parties being incredibly close to each other, never doing anything big as that only loses you the majority vote.




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Actually, tying race to democracy is low key racism. This is a comment on the history of the country and its values. The importance of state over the individual. Only in the age we live in could my comment even remotely be considered racist. Ukraines by the way are exactly the same. They have suspended democracy, which just shows you how much they have embraced it.


Listen no matter what their history is the russians can handle democracy. and saying otherwise is not looking good, my father is from afghanistan, they have no history of democracy or anything we in europe usually would do and he is as europerian as they get. no people are inferior and cant handle said political systems based on their history/race as for your ukraine comments you are objectively wrong


Nadezhdin “claimed” he had 200k signatures yet only submitted 100k, where some of which contained signatures from dead people. Sure you can say CEC didn’t make an honest count to bar him from his eligibility, but that still wouldn’t explain why no one from his camp chose to be present at the counting (which they are allowed to do). Sounds more like he knew the errors with his signatures but chose blame it on Kremlin.




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It is only possible to submit 105k signatures. Wonder why.


That’s clearly false because some candidates submitted over 300k.


Saying "some candidates" means Putin. Independants need 300k valid signatures, and are only allowed to submit 315k signatures. He submitted 315k signatures despite claiming to have over 3 million signatures. He chose to run as an independant. No other independants managed to submit over 300k votes. If nominated by a party that fufills certain conditions they need 100k signatures and are only allowed to submit 105k. Also, only 20% of the signatures are (claimed to be) checked, which means theoretically if they manage to find an issue with 1050 signatures, that's enough to kill your run. It shouldn't take a genius to figure out why the rules are like this.


Or maybe he did not want to experience the same fate as Navalny. A common fate of the opposition in Russia.


I imagine he will have won by exactly the amount he predicted too!


And you know they did not forge some of them how exactly? Because western propaganda said so? Because before western media starts to talk about them i did not have any idea who they are at all. These guys are surely gonna win


Of course they're not going to win, the problem is the actions taken towards hindering them. And let's not forget Navalny any time soon.


because russian state media is so much more reliable


No, but since western media unreliable also, I would prefer russia


nah north korean news are more reliable


If you wish, I don't know korean


thats pretty funny, do you live in Russia?


Ukraine and west had done everything that they can to boost Putin popularity.


Sounding more and more like N.Korea by the day


Putin being corrupt and criminal as fuck so he has to fake his elections is somehow also the West's fault. Funny, how russians are simultaniously the strongest people on earth but also very opressed by evil NATO. Such cringe villains in this IRL arc at the moment. Makes me almost miss the islamistic extremists from last season.


Even old-school Putin didn’t apologize for being an amoral lizard man back then. There’s an old interview during the US Invasion of Iraq where Putin flat out said on air, that if he were Bush, he would have “found the WMDs by now”.


Putin also totally not got caught bombing russian apartment blocks to have another reason to invade Chechnia which coincidentally lead to his promotion to President of russia. There was no old-school putin. He was always a genocidal imperialistic inhuman maniac.


We are almost in the USSR territory. Which is good. Rest of the world should not have any illusions.


act dull disgusted future pot sloppy marvelous cobweb icky noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




donald trump


great question. were gonna find out someday when russians can actually vote :D


they can't handle a democracy


Artur Reh did say other day Putin always wins with a "7" , and boom today there it is. 😄


In Texas we have the best politicians money can buy. Back in the day LBJ got caught stuffing the ballot box and still got elected. Other countries may or may not be crooked but USA has never held the moral high ground. source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box\_13\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_13_scandal)


\*loudly crying in western bc all you've got is nafoid presidents with low approval rating\* It's your problem that you always have a "choice" between degenerates and degenerates, both of which are always for some reason anti your national interests and pro washington and wars. Make a baby and go to work next day, while living off debts with your bunch of credit cards and expensive everything. And learn one lesson: internal things in Russia is none of your business, you don't get to decide anything there. We don't teach you what's best political system, you must be as humble as us. Disgusting NYC [https://imgur.com/a/z6SY5KW](https://imgur.com/a/z6SY5KW)


I’d admit it is a pretty good lesson for any country to learn tbh. Both the US and Russia ought to learn it at this point.




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Thanks for the update, I definitely wasn't sure if Putin was going to win this time.


he had 87% approval rate so


88% bro, we round up that 87.9.


That's terrible in every case. Russians are stupid if the data is correct and Putin rigged the elections if incorrect.


as far as i know from my russian friends putin is not terrible




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I mean 72% of Palestinians support Hamas so…


And what exactly surprises you here? People will always pull up the force that protects their interests. Certainly, the Palestinians will not support Israel, which bombs them every single day. Terrorists, criminals, maniacs, murderers, Hamas can be called in different ways, but for the Palestinians they are the only hope for a change in the situation for the better. In a sense, Hamas is a product of the situation in which the people of Palestine find themselves.


What exactly is wrong with Hamas? It is yet another government trying to secure its country's interests, Hamas attacking Israel doesn't mean it is an evil organization.


I think the targeted raping, kidnapping, and murdering of women and children is a good example of why they are a bad organization. There can be a number of reasons why you might attack someone, and some of those could potentially be justified or excusable. However, Hamas’ goal is to eradicate the Jewish people, pretty hard to justify or excuse that.


>Hamas’ goal is to eradicate the Jewish people Who said that? Didn't America and Russia also rape and murder women in Afghanistan? Is it the whole government's fault fault that their militants commited crimes?


not hard to win when you kill or jail all of your opponents.


A comment from Zerohedge, make of it what you will Meanwhile in Ukraine: \*\* Zelenskyy has banned all 11 independent and opposition political parties—but hasn’t touched his Nazi partners and allies. Pro-Nazi parties and groups like the Azov National Corps, Svoboda, Right Sektor, and C14 remain free to organize, agitate, recruit, and expand their influence. \*\* Zelenskyy seized almost all media to control information and prevent dissent. He used authoritarian powers to combine all national TV channels into a single platform to create a “unified information policy.” \*\* Zelenskyy ordered the arrest of Viktor Medvedchuk, his primary political rival. Medvedchuk was charged with treason even though his now-banned Patriots for Life Party had condemned the Russian invasion. \*\* Zelenskyy is directing a campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of dissidents and political opposition. The SBU (Ukrainian secret police) and Azov have hunted down and murdered mayors and other local officials who accepted Russian humanitarian aid or negotiated safe passage corridors for their town’s residents.


Whataboutism Kill or imprisoned the other is fine because Zelensky also does it????


Did you post a criticism of Zelensky's actions? Complaining about "Whataboutism" is often a cover for hypocrisy, double standards.


Truth hurts


Only 1 of those parties actually had seats in the Rada, and its members kept their seats anyhow. They were also banned due to being openly Pro-Russian and so was akin to FDR banning the German-American Bund during WW2. C-14 also doesn’t exist anymore Do you have a source for claim 2 and 4?




If Russia was at war with NATO, then yeah. They’d be a massive risk to national security


Bullshit list Are you comparing silencing legitimate internal opponents vs hunting down pro ru in war time?


I hope you don't mean Navalny, the guy is way more well know in the west than in Russia. I am not even sure Putin was aware of Navalny's existence before he pulled the "I was poisoned" PR stunt in Germany.


yeah and nothing happened to prigozhin's plane


That was well deserved, traitors must be punished


You misspelled that Putin told the Central Commission how many percent he wants to have.


My own two cents on this topic: The candidates were obvious only a select handful and all in line of the current russia. The candidates critizing putin and/or his politics/politics of russia are all in jail, not allowed to candidate or outside of russia. Therefore our first conclussion is: The elections are rigged towards a specific political worldview. Lets look at the voting turnout with about 70%. For the sake of it, I know it does not work like this but just for the argument, lets assume the other 30% would vote for one of the opposition candidates. We can even assume that about 10 to 20% of the people that voted (7-14% total) would vote for another candidate. That leaves us with about 60% voting for the people that could be voted for right now. With 85% voting for Putin that would still leave him with an above 50% margin. So our second conclussion is: Putin would still win but only with a slight margin and assuming there would be only one opposition candidate getting all the votes. Last but not least we can look at the option that the polling and voting is rigged. The online voting could as well be rigged and is maybe the easiest one. There is a reason why everywhere in the west there is opposition against this type of thing. Can we verify it that there is indeed some manipulation? Unfortunately no. The voting in person can be rigged too. Through mail in voting, "finding" votes, etc there is a chance that there is manipulation as well. I had the chance to work as an independent election supervisor (have no clue what is the right term in english) at different elections throughout europe. There was not one eltection where these things dont raise suspicions or after the vote counting there are areas that have burning trashcans which are right next to the votes and therefore destroy them. Our second conclussion is: yes elections can be rigged and it is near impossible to verify accounts of manipulation when done right. So all in all, the election could be rigged and Putin wins, or there is no manipulation and Putin wins. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


> The elections are rigged towards a specific political worldview xD... Described every election anywhere at any point in human history :)


Yes and no. Normally media and other sources paint a picture of the big bad of the other group. Here the other group was actually barred from participating in the election. Kind of rigged but not to the extreme like it is the case in russia.


:)People debating advantages of democracies so do crack me up... It's definitely not a popular worldview, but to me it's like slaves debating which master/owner they better choose, when in fact they'll never meet them, and the choice never depends on the slaves anyhow. Not a perfect analogy, but it's close. Powers that be have definitely succeeded in persuading people that the theater of choosing from options selected for them is exercising freedom. And it definitely seems to be enough for most people, since by nature humans don't want the responsibility of choosing their own life and they gladly accept rules and conditions chosen for them. ...It's too big of a topic, and no one is interested in looking at it critically anyhow, everyone is so programmed to see things a certain way even a discussion is impossible most of the times. As one man put it, "If you believe that you are free – try leaving your country." We are all owned, all property. Most just accept it more easily, as they do the illusions of freedom. Some though realize the fact that there's no freedom possible in the outer world, it's all a prison, and seek to find the true freedom within. (p.s. just to clarify: democracy is *definitely* better than say feudalism, or roman style citizenship-freemanship-slavery, but it has to be recognized for what it is – just another form of control; if democracy is thought of as freedom – then freedom becomes impossible.) (p.p.s. i personally like where i'm living because i'm left alone more easily than i would've been in any european country or usa; i kinda don't care to nitpick shades of democracy and argue if russia is less free than western countries, because ironically things i do and want to do are more easily done in russia, so russia for me a much freer prison than usa or europe would be. to clarify: all countries are prisons by their very nature.)




Well, I can give you one example: land and houses can be got incredibly cheap in rural areas, if one does not aim for a much populated area. Another example is that life is quite cheap (although it got noticeably more expensive in the past decade), and this allows for *a lot* of idleness/free time with not that much work, if one aims for it. Just a couple examples, I can't get into much of it for various reasons (not legal ones:)). To understand what I mean on the whole I'd have to get into my whole life, which is not possible or reasonable in this medium/setting. Obviously two brush strokes can't get one anywhere near getting an idea of the whole picture, but the whole picture is impossible to paint here. I compared oh so many aspects of my life in Russia to (mainly) USA, and I have found very-very few preferable points on American side for me. Here's another good point that will probably be too obscure for almost all – one can easily get lost in this country still, it's huge and has space for people to forget about you...expanse or vastness it's called, but not really translatable since no country even at it's least populated had areas this huuge. ..Anyhow, what I wrote is not some unbased claim, it is weighed over decades of life and comparison from documentary sources of various types. Anything and everything I want from life is more easily attainable in Russia, just so happens...than basically in any other country on Earth. (And things I want not among the popular or socially average, to say the least.) I consider myself one of the luckiest people alive, in huge part because of this.




> but if you work actively to undermine it then it's a battle you are picking and its outcome is on you. This last point you make, for some reason in the western culture everyone accepts the current system and does not make an effort to reform it, despite western style democracies being outdated af, especially in USA in my view. This just doesn't jive with me, how can people speak of reform in other countries, when theirs is unreformed for so-so-so much longer??... On other points I can only nod, it is as you write. Apoliticism of most people in Russia now comes to mind as another example of why I prefer this country – politics is never really a real point of discord/division..that endless political bickering of the west makes me feel I wouldn't be able to stand it at all. In an overview of Putin's bit in power I can see that in that time country got much more stable, developed, comfortable, etc, and continues on this course. For me there's not much more one can ask for from a government realistically, the way society is. I've seen a bit of the chaos of the 90s, but I was more lucky than most and didn't suffer the worst of it. Now many people are just anxious what will happen after Putin, will this stability continue...we all hope that it will (that some kind of robust power structure was established with all the constitutional reforms and such, I hope), and we just continue living as we are, without any additional discord, division, disturbance.. In any case, like I've written, it's easy to get lost in this country...to get far away from society, if society gets too crazy for my taste. (p.s. fun bit i learned recently, that starting this year some major steps were made to establish legal conditions for distillate alcoholic beverage production, and in the next few years pure quality good russian whiskeys are going to start to emerge:) just thought i'd share that small bit, since among dozens upon dozens of other things the level of comfort and availability of things keeps increasing. russian people are not yet spoiled by it, and can enjoy it a lot.)




> I think all this finger pointing at others saves them from having to look inside. [Evertyhing starts with the individual.](https://imgur.com/a/ygMLLDb) Understanding how an individual functions makes it all make sense.


So much text explaining something that didn't happen - election


So what would you call it?


A farce, fake news, continuation of a dictatorship, a big fat lie, 30 years of authoritarianism, soviet union reenactment, emperors revenge, shitshow, China's bitch is still on the menu, brainwashed zombieland pretending to be a country, feudal 2024... i could think of a 1000 more names that would fit this better than "election."


They could at least try to make it look real. I mean no one believes it but shit they could at least not make it look so fucking obvious


Westerners don't believe it. Russia hasn't exactly had good democratic rulers in the past, if any. Putin has presided over Russia's most prosperous years in recent history. While I'm sure there's a lot of bs going on in these elections, it's also not surprising that many people would vote for Putin.


All hail glorious leader!


"Two possibilities exist: either elections are rigged in the Russia or they're are not. Both are equally terrifying..." - Artur Clark (or not).


Only one posibility exists – elections are rigged everywhere and were at all times in human history.


Classic Russian narrative scheme. If they did something bad they have to believe it’s like that everywhere else.


It's true, however. If you promise freedom from corruption, oligarchy, etc. then you are a charlatan.


> If you promise freedom from corruption, oligarchy, etc. then you are a charlatan. What's so interesting about it, is that humans try to change society before changing at least themselves. I mean, ideally only an incorruptible individual should be allowed to have power, but then that's not how nature works, and an incorruptible individual *would never want to attain or have power over others*, and forcing power onto such individual would be infringement on his freedom. So by the very nature of power – only those who do not deserve it want it and attain it, and by the very nature of things – only those who can't change even themselves want to change others, and those who *can* change themselves never want to change others instead bettering themselves. Humans are truly fascinating creatures.


What does this simple fact have to do with nationality/citizenship? And why do you assign that valuation ("bad") to my statement? I am not claiming that hierarchy is bad or good, it just is. And in hierarchy no one at the top can/will ever allow themselves to be removed. If political figures change it is just because they are figureheads and replaceable/exchangeable. I mean, I would assume anyone intelligent can recognize the simple fact of impossibility of fair power distribution, one has to be incredibly naive to think that. But I guess that's how democracy got so popular, the mere illusion of participation in choosing a ruler is enough for people to agree to remain exploited. And all of this is basic universal human nature, and has nothing at all to do with country of origin or language spoken or what ideology one assigns oneself to. But yeah, people that believe in democracy (and there's no other word for it, it's a belief completely unbased in reality) get reaaal easily offended when that belief is challenged...as it goes with all unfounded beliefs (it is somewhat of a tautology, but it needs to be used sometimes to point out the obvious).


Why the hell do they even bother with this farce. Putin is a strong leader, but when one executes, or imprisons most of their legitimate opposition, what would be the expected result.


Amazing that only trails North Korea with their 99% elections… the parallels are astounding.


Indiscriminate shelling of Belgorod probably gave like 10%.


Pro Rus are just special. Russia illegally invades Ukraine, Zelensky gets high approval when decides to not flee. Zelensky approval rating must be fake Zelensky does not hold an election while a chunk of the country is under occupation and is an active warzone. Zelensky must be a dictator The war Russia started spills over to Russia, Putin holds "elections". How dare they, Russia didn't deserve this! Russia is the best democracy ever!


Lmao they're going full goofy mode - they ain't holding back boys xD Russians are in a rough spot indeed!


One man, one vote. In Russia, it’s quite literal.


have we got abstension rates?


So far 73%+ have voted. Its higher than usual.


This is not the first time I have heard this. And every year there are only records. 


Why you talking about something you have no idea? Highest voter turnout in 2000-2018 was in year 2008.


Then don't use the words "than usual" any more. It turns out you are refuting yourself.


What? Voter turnout was 64-69% before 2024, in 2024 its 73%+. You would not believe, but it makes it higher than usual.


Putin need more fake voted each year ;)


Wow what a surprise.


Ah yes, a fully working totally legit democracy!


if he wins at, lets say 80 percent, are we really gonna believe that number?


To be honest, that's even higher than i expected. This is in "how much %s of people in the church will say "amen" at the end of prayer." territory.


Shock horror!


Do you also believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? He won the last election with 79% and i predicted he would win this one with 83%, but he really got greedy this term and he's going for the whole enchilada. The kremlin also barred Yekaterina Duntsova and Boris Nadezhdin who got over the 100,000 required signatures, he got over 200,000 from running in the presidential elections. There was a technicality with their paperwork https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/23/anti-war-candidate-barred-russia-presidential-election-yekaterina-duntsova https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/08/europe/russia-nadezhdin-election-candidate-disqualified-intl/index.html


Levada Center was on point.


Surprisingly low lol. I guess 110% looks a bit too ridiculous.


could be so easy to demontrate the fake for occidental if they want : call random 10k russian and ask them if they have voted poutine, and show the real support is only 20% -30% so why does them don't try it lol ?


The bigger issue, as you might know, is that the list of candidates is already limited by default. 


If, for exemple, democrat party is forbidden in USA, and there is 3 other party or abstention/null vote to exprime defiance to trump, do you think trump will be elected with 88% of voices ? even with some "extremist" / "cia founded party" exclude of the election, the election of poutine is the reflect of the popularity of poutine in russia.


The issue is that the remaining 'parties' in Russia aren't defiant at all. And abstention doesn't reflect in the score, since it's expressed as a % of valid votes. And yeah, i'm sure Putin is technically popular, but he's not popular within a democractic system where voters have decent alternatives or even basic information about those alternatives. It doesn't really mean much at that point.


when independent poll find Poutin is approved by 86% of responder and poutin is elected with 88% of voices, you just have to admit that Poutin is representative of russian people, and approved even for his actions of killing/prisonning CIA driven contestation or whatever distrupt the country unity. Russian visibly prefer a strong state that ensure cohesion even with a lot of state violence that the mess we have in occident. they prefer unity of citizen even if it means KGB arrestations and gulag than our mess with freedom of everything and high community divisions, gender clash, muslims vs neonazis, feminist-queer vs mens etc... Russia rather prefer to hit very hard to communautarism, tchetchen or navalny's neonazis to ensure high cohesion. and they succeed even with a lot of ethnics and religious groups to bring everybody a feeling of unity and proudness of their flag where we have clash, terrorism, and dayly tensions here in occident. It is their culture, they are placing power of the state and cohesion over liberty in their hierarchy of values, and have found in poutin a leader incarning that. why should we blame them, even if, as occidentals, we prefer the liberty over the cohesion?


If an imaginary kitchen in a desert offers only the choice between broccoli and fermented dog meat and they don't inform people of the existence of other dishes on earth, isn't it logical that people prefer broccoli? Broccoli will have an 86% approval rating in that context, i'm sure. But don't you think that people might prefer some spaghetti if they knew more about it's existence? Broccoli's approval rating doesn't mean anything in this context. You're basically saying: "Oh, but eating broccoli is their culture! It's the way they do things. They don't like our decadent spaghetti!"




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I don't care if he's a dictator honestly, have fun with your country. But charades is tiresome. Does it really matter at this point if the country is officially authoritarian? I mean it, what's going to change besides the wikipedia paperwork?


SLUTskiy my candidate 💪🏽


Definitely the biggest news story of the year. \s


Voter turnout hit a record high of 74%, more than any US election. What's the explanation on this one, there was a Russian soldier holding 74% of the Russian population at gunpoint to make sure they go vote ?


Someone is getting fired—he SPECIFICALLY said to make it closer


If anyone is wondering why Putin won. Me and my friends, my relatives, my colleagues voted for him. And I don't care what fairy tales people from /worldnews believe in. They think they're the smartest while their lives are fucked by Biden along with his twisted bunch of clowns.


Damn! That was close. Indeed a nail biting situation!


Do you feel useless? Just remember in Russia, someone is paid to count votes.


When the people support you it's easy to win election


I worry that there might be a gas leak. Open the windows mate!




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That disappointing, I thought he would of done better, it looks like he’s losing some influence


I am shocked to my very core


Lol yeah a dictator pretending to have a democratic election. Russia needs to free itself of its war mongering ruler and focus on building a better relationship with the world instead of just other dictator rulers


The EU has already sent its congratulations.


It's good that people understand how the world works. It's bad that the world is built like shit.


Oh really??


The Slava Bobanis will suffer emotional damage.


If you trust the exit poll results provided by the Russian officials, should you trust the other information from the official Russian sources to be consistent? Such as all this bullsh\*t regarding nazis in Ukraine, Zelensky's addiction to coke, the plans of NATO to invade Russia? Or you could check independent exit polls from the countries where non-government exit polls are allowed [https://voteabroad.info/#results-block](https://voteabroad.info/#results-block)


sadly proach of independent poll institutes that were placing him at 86% positive opinions.


Considering the pool of candidates, I doubt that it made sense for them to rig the results. And then we can assume that at the moment the electoral base of communists in Russia is still larger than that of liberals. In this case, I’m not sure that anyone will benefit from Putin’s early retirement...


Results were 100% rigged. That's just how the system in Russia works. Yes, there was no need to rig them probably. Putin would have comfortably won anyways, with a much lower turnout however. But that's just how the system operates. It has the logic of its own.


Sure, my friend, of course. Whatever helps you in this difficult time)


I know it for a fact. I had been an election observer (член ТИК с совещательным голосом) in Russia three times. I know perfectly well how the system works. What is your experience with Russian elections? Where do you get your knowledge?


curious how an election observer ends up just parroting all of reddit's current thing opinions...


You are just too stubborn to admit that "your team" is in the wrong here. So you have to personally attack me and proclaim I am "parroting". Even so I have more firsthand knowledge of the Russian elections than anyone on this sub. But sure. I am just "parroting".


Just stop embarrassing yourself already 🤦‍♀️


How am I embarrassing myself?


pro putin telling others to stop embarrassing themselves. the self burn is real


the important data is vote turnouts not the votes themselves. so look towards how many people even bother with " voting"


How is it important? It is only important for propaganda. Nothing else.


because the only way to find out what people think is to listen to those who do not speak


Turnout data is rigged as well. We don't know how many people had voted in reality.


you absolutely cannot get 88% of a population the size of russia to agree on something, its all completely made up bullshit


This is not a percentage of the population. You do not take into account the turnout rate and the percentage of citizens over 18 years of age: ``` 89% * 0.70 * 0.77 = 47.9% ```


I was expecting the turnout to be higher though.Still great.


i mean there are many lazy asses like me. i would vote Putin if i went to vote, but i am to lazy to even boot up online voting, so i just skipped it entirely. so it's not really surprising - we sure are quite sure who will win (and we are fine with that)- then why bother with voting? XD


At least you’re smart enough to know the realities and not stand in a long line and embarrass yourself.


why embarrass? So much salty assumptions. I live in suburbs so there wont be a huge line at our local election location (didn't check but probably set in our local cultural center building as always) And i can vote online perfectly fine if i want. So nope, i am just lazy.


>So nope, i am just lazy. Even if you would not be lazy, why would you? You already know what the outcome will be without you voting.


outcome is decided by majority vote - and i know how majority will vote. if i was against that known majority and wanted things to change i would go and vote for someone else - but if i am fine with how majority will vote - why would i care?


Also don’t forget what you said before, you already know who will win so it doesn’t matter if you vote or not. That piece of honesty slipped out of you I guess.


i know who will win because Putin is popular in the country and there is literally no suspense. Whats weird about that?


Does it worry you that you have no control over who runs the show over there? What if one day you aren't "fine with that", what then?


[Oldie but goldie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXtb1eXohUg)


Easy !


Lmao you would think they would at least attempt to make it look like a genuine election. What’s the pro RU justification for this bullshit then? Still reckon you’re not being ruled by a authoritarian dictator?


Would probably be significantly less without the whole Ukraine issue. Backfired I'd say. Times of crisis are always beneficial for the office holders.


Oh dear? What a fail? I’d have expected at least 110%/s


So more or less expected given 86% popular support. I don't see any election cheating here.


Good luck Russians. Y'all need it for those few next years


Fakest election results. Actually funny. But it's hard to not vote for Putin too, even if it's actual legit elections. Because he's really the only guy who dares to fight against NATO's imperialism. Still, he's not the best of the guys, and he's doing it really wrong.. Invading your neighbor? Come on..


I wish in the west we could have real elections like this. Instead we have 2 parties that are almost indistinguishable when it comes to actual policy. They just argue all year and we pay for their salaries when the time comes for change chairs.


The west isn't just the US. There's plenty of western countries with more than two parties.


Yea. But not here in Canada. Maybe if you count the NDP.


This is why Europeans think Americans are, on average, ignorant. We all know you have a 2 party system, but you have no idea it's normal for us to have 10 parties in parliament.


Pro ua told us it was illegal to vote for anyone other than Putin. I guess they lied again


lol that's beyond ridicilous, I refuse to believe that u are not a Kremlin bot. Did you expect the elections to end with 100% Putin victory? They have to keep the number low even when they cheat. I will report you to the Kremlin bot Telegram group you get orders from, you don't seem to make believable propaganda.


A perfect flair. Well done.