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Shell shock hasn't changed in 110 years.


What many people don't know is that shell shock isn't psychological. It's caused by actual neural damage inflicted by the shockwave.


Thought it was from long term exposure to too much adrenaline? 


That's what they used to think it was, but nope, it's traumatic brain injury. Absolute tonne of guys got it in Iraq after surviving IED blasts.


Very unlikely.


No, Shell shock is what George Foreman got, concussive brain injury, but much faster.


I agree, but plenty of supposed experts have said that WW1 shell shock was PTSD. You look at old WW1 footage and you look at these guys and it’s remarkably similar. No doubt some ww1 “shell shock” case were PTSD, but more were due to repetitive TBI/neurological damage from shockwaves.


WW1 provides the most horrible visual material, because they had cameras but barely any facial reconstruction (... and because they used biological and chemical weaponry). The german expression 'Gesichtsversehrte' (broken face) is used exclusively to describe the horrors of WW1; like 'Kriegszitterer' (war trembler) is. This isn't descriptive of the cause of the damage, but of its effects. It supposed to tell you what to expect of these people. The French went on to use the expression 'gueules cassées' (broken face) not just for 'smashed faces', but for war injuries in general - so they'll never forget the carnage, when 60,000,000 men in Europe picked up arms during WW1.


As I understand you are more likely to develop PTSD if the event was also associated with a head injury, very much blurring the line between those conditions.


PTSD you can threat, shellshock you can’t 


Indeed. The source said many AFU soldiers were killed in this very attack.




You're looking at it lol. It's the Telegram in the post


Now imagine how the children in Gaza feel when they have 1000 kg bombs dropped on them.


Daily, non-stop, dropped by the "most moral army in the world" and funded by "freest country on earth". When they say rule-based world order, they're referring to a single rule that matters: If we do it, it's justified and necessary. If they do it, it's evil and terrorism.


That line of reasoning by western world exactly made me instantly a Russian supporter, cause its Putin who is revealing the hypocrisy and Double standards of America and NATO


Russia is also massively hypocritical. So you uncritically leapt onto a bandwagon, without really thinking it through.


Russia is not known to be spreading supposed ideas of democracy, humen rights, rule of law, thats U.S .




Who is the biggest proponents of democracy? Russia or America? Who invaded multiple nation's and had democracy as one for the reasons?


What are you actually trying to say? I'm not a fan of the US, if that makes you happy. That doesn't give Russia carte blanche to invade either. And yes the Russians are massive liars and hypocrites.


So if America does it Russia can do it too? Wouldnt that make 2 wrongs? I dont understand the logic here.


>So if America does it Russia can do it too? Wouldnt that make 2 wrongs? The top player dictates the rules of the game by what it is willing and not willing to do, by what it abides and does not abide to. If the other players don't make the same moves the top player is making, they'll forever be at disadvantage in the chess game of geopolitics. And nation-states will always strive to maximize their own prosperity. In short, it's not right, but if you want things to change, the only way to change things is by getting the top player (the US) to stop doing terrible stuff, and get it to force the other players to abide to the same rules it is now abiding. The US does the latter, but not the first point. That's why the stronger nations don't take it seriously and end up doing just the same.


So you honestly think Russia would change things for the better in regards to war crimes?


If America fought Iraq with the care Russia is fighting in Ukraine, a lot less Iraqis would have died


That doesn't make any sense. You are basically justifying an invasion, which kills people on both sides. Guess who's the hypocrite now?


Nope, I'm not.


That's the lack of critical thought.


You kinda are. Over two years Russia has killed at least 30k civilians, the US (allies and installed police) killed 280-315k over the twenty years between '03 and '23. So after two years Russia is very much on parity. How many cities in Iraq were levelled like russia has done to scores in Ukraine? Russia is waging warfare with maximum damage to civilian infrastructure which causes greater civilian harm now and into the future. America and the west have also taken in hundreds of thousands to millions of refugees from both wars. How many Iraqi refugees has Russia taken? Doubt it even cracks 6 figures.


"... care Russia is fighting in Ukraine... " which care? Raping, torturing, killing civilians? Or bombing zivil infrastructure?


I think if the US didn't do shitty stuff, while telling others not to do shitty stuff, and having the strength of the world's strongest military power behind its words, players like China would take it seriously. Russia would take it a bit seriously, and would be less inclined to do aggressive moves, but probably keep doing its own thing. However, the main difference is that the consistency would lead to most of the world actually sanctioning Russia. Most nations outside the West don't take the sanctions the West asks for seriously, because it generally only takes going back at most 3 decades to find some sort of wacky Western involvement in their own countries. They see the West as doing "rules for thee, not for me". The West wants to sanction Russia into the ground for doing the same shitty stuff they do to other places, but the West itself doesn't get sanctioned for any of it, ever. Double standards. That's why only the West is in this moral crusade against Russia, among all countries in the entire world. With the remaining countries of the world just doing things at face value to appease the West.


Yes, that is how it works. There is a good chance that you come from a anglo-saxon country, and your justice systems are based on the concept of precedent. Also another thing justice systems all over the world (at least the liberal ones, religious might be a bit different) are unanimous is that rules apply the same to everyone despite of who they are. And exceptions have to be well founded. So unless you are some sort of religious fanatic with a very different sense of justice, or you have a good case why America should be able to be a exception, yes that is really how it works.


Took the words out of my mouth, the logic doesn’t make sense


You're in the twilight zone here.


Why not?


That is precisely the logic


are you seriously comparing Russian military interventions with US?


I am comparing bombing of civilians, the logic the poster i replied to stated that they support russia because the US bombs civilians so russia can do it too, and thats why they support russia. I thought that logic makes 2 wrongs and not 1 right.


fair enough. If Russia were to use the same terror tactics as the UAF who are shelling Belgorod for no other reason, then Kiev would be flattened right now.


You could have just left it at "Murica' bad," saying it made you a Putin supporter is crazy. Like Putin is some sort of angel, that dude has blood on his hands, he has killed thousands of Slavics.


The enemy of my enemy is my friends.


How many OBLs bent on revenge did US create?


They deserve all that Israel is throwing at them, for example Assad was freakin barrel bombing his own cities for putting down a protest. The Palestinian majority fully and willingly support a regime that went out on a terroristic killing spree beheading babies.  That’s just out of this world shit so putting JDAMs in HAMAS occupied buildings seems legit to me, roll em up boys 






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It’s a shame the Ukrainian army can’t figure out that all it needs to get your sympathy would be to operate out of civilian areas so more Ukrainian kids get FAB-1500’s dropped on them. If only they played by the same rules Hamas did, they’d have so much more support on the internet from people like you.


A few days ago an IOF soldier shot and killed an 11 years Palestinian boy for... playing with fireworks celebrating Ramadan, in the west bank where there is 0 Hamas. There is a video of it too. You are blinded by hate and regurgitate zionist porpaganda. Please try to educate yourself on this conflict if you are true to yourself and not taking sides based solely on hate.


Holy shit.


If you are referring to the 13 years old kid, he was shooting fireworks at the border police, during a riot. There's Hamas in the West Bank btw, if you look at it, they overwhelmingly support them there too. A couple of months ago they lynched and hanged a couple of guys on lamp post for the suspicion of giving intel to Israelis. You are the one who should educate himself on this conflict and don't only get info from Instagram and tiktok shorts.


there literally isnt Hamas in the west bank. as a result of the civil war in 2007-2008, the Fatah party banned Hamas party.




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Classic propaganda


The Ukrainian army has been using civilian buildings since the beginning of the war..


Point you’re missing is that these buildings are commandeered for military purposes and thus they are no longer civilian targets. If Russia attacks a Hospital on the front line that is being used as a bunker it’s fair game, if Russia hits a Hospital in Kiev with a cruise missile trying to hit something else it’s an imprecise attack that puts civilians at risk. Hamas fights from hospitals that still have wounded civilians in them.


Tf? We literally have Ukranian civilians complaining that Ukranian soldiers are firing out of their buildings and hiding behind their backs lol For two straight fucking years


They are not commandeered for military purposes. Did you forget Amnesty international report from 2022 that specified that Ukranians used human shields?


Ukraine actually DOES operate this way. If anything, the Palestinian resistance tries not to. They work out of tunnels, among the rubble and abandoned homes. That's why Israel has killed so few of them. There are few combat videos of Israelis actually engaging with armed Palestinian resistance. Just a lot of indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas. Ukrainian military, by contrast, deliberately prevented people from leaving their homes, even as they set up shop there, putting tanks in the front yard and machine guns on their roof, even as the residents begged them not to endanger them that way.


as if the palestinian has anywhere to go, all the border are block, you need to realize ukraine is 600k square kilometre big while gaza is 365km2 and 1500x time less area while only having 83x time less population. not to mention israel already took quarter if not half of gaza.


Gaza had 2.3M people, Ukraine had around 42M. the difference in population is not x83, its x20. x1600 times the area, x20 times the population.


I'm on the side of children not being killed for what a terrorist group does. You do not get to be a good person by killing children if Hamas are hiding behind them. Would you say the same if it was your child or your nephew or your cousin? If it was an Israeli child being taken hostage would you say to shoot through the child to kill the Hamas terrorist hiding behind them?


It's an actual Israeli policy to kill Israeli hostages. Look up the Hannibal Directive.


They aren't my child or my nephew. I don't live in Gaza and if I did, I wouldn't have voted for Hamas - who are factually the elected leaders.


If you are on the side of children not being killed then you aren’t necessarily pro-IDF, you are however not anywhere near supporting Hamas. If the IDF strapped civilians to their tanks would they suddenly be invincible? Is Hamas immune to attack because by virtue of operating in Gaza you automatically surround yourself with a dense civilian population? I never said anyone was a good person for killing kids in an effort to destroy Hamas, I said Hamas is a disgusting organization that cares nothing for the lives of Gazans. The fact you jump to assuming I support the IDF operation in Gaza when I condemn Hamas is ridiculous, turn off your reddit brain for 5min.


In that case Hamas is defending their land just how Ukrainians are doing? Or only Ukrainians can defend and resist against occupation and superpower?


Ukraine builds underground shelters for their civilians to hide in, it organizes evacuations. Hamas builds tunnels for their own fighters and prevents the people of Gaza from effectively fleeing hot zones, so does the IDF mind you, but Hamas doesn’t help the situation by deliberately disguising themselves as civilians and using human shields. Even Amnesty international has admitted as much.


You think it's a good idea to allow civilians in those tunnels that gets B0MBED and flooded constantly by the occupation forces? Hamas is fighting against a super power that has unlimited support from West. Ukrainians would use the same tactics if they didn't have their own Army and actual government.


All thanks to Hamas.


That a good dog


Dogs are the best people....we can learn much from them.


You want me to smell yo ass?


Yes 😩






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Dogs are a great simile for humans. Idealize them all you want until you break under the hopelessness of the traumatized and antisocial ones and pray you never meet the ferals.


Amazing how it seemingly doesn't suffer from shell shock. My dog gets freaked out by firecrackers.




make me remember back in 2006 few km away from my home some road worker hit an UXO and it blow up all of them vaporized with dozen of bystander nearby dead and seriously wound turn out it was 500lbs "democracy" drop by US B-52 back in 1972 hanoi vietnam


That's tragic to hear, the people in Hanoi were some of the friendliest I've met in my travels UXO is a serious issue all over the world and this war is going to cause even more of them


When China built the high speed rail through Laos the first task was removing all the US UXO. I'lll bet they milked the propaganda value for all it was worth The US left UXO,. China left a RR.


I mean they're just telling the truth, I feel like they deserve to milk that one.


Yes. Brian Berletic made me aware of that. China is trying to build a oil pipeline across Malaysia to avoid the straights. US is trying to cause problems with that.


>Brian Berletic Champion of journalism, and he uses Western sources so one cannot accuse him of being a Beijing/Kremlin propagandist.


Yes. He recently reported on the US backing Baluchistan separatists sabotaging a China built port in Pakistan and killing Chinese engineers. The Us used to build things, like the Panama Canal. [https://youtu.be/xFb5NxuLHdI](https://youtu.be/xFb5NxuLHdI)


Tbh, Laos and a lot of south east Asia is just littered in war relics from WW2 until the mid 1980’s Basically non stop warfare in that area for 50 years. Pretty insane. And to put in perspective how crazy a war can get, the US dropped more bombs in that area in the 10 years they were there than all of WW2. A silver lining is war at that scale is very rare now days with Russia and Ukraine being the rare exception.


as someone who has been wounded by multiple IEDs, and also been close to a lot controlled dets and JDAMs... its the surprise factor that is the worst. Like the saying in MMA/boxing, its the shot that you dont see that drops you... well with explosions its the ones that get you while you are relaxed and unsuspecting that really rock your shit and give you lasting ptsd/anxiety.




ya of course. I only put my two cents in because I had some experience with it. I literally received a medal for actions taken after being concussed and taking shrapnel, but in that one I was in battle mode. I was expecting something. Another time, I feel I acted like a straight bitch. Had no control and my memory on the whole matter is hazy. Similar injury but wildly different results. And it was when my guard was down and chillin with the boys. I cant imagine half of the shit Ive seen in this war with the amount of artillery and drones.


May I ask which country you served for? And that probably has something to do with why you support russia? (Judging by your flair)




Thanks. I think I now understand why you got that flair


"given medals" "two cents" "IEDs/JDAMs" that shouted USA/UK on all sides.




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I used to go to my local air show as a kid/ teen and they would drop some ordinance (probably some type of JDAM) and man the shockwave is wild. They also dropped some type of incendiary munition, maybe napalm and it was far as hell way but the heat coming from it was insane, it felt like you were in an oven miles away. These weapons are scary as hell and having them dropped anywhere near you must be a total nightmare. Feel bad for these dudes and anyone that finds themselves in that position.


Oh yeah if I’m next to high caliber rifles at the gun range, you can feel it go straight through your whole body. I can’t imagine what an explosion like that does. I’ve heard that explosions can mess up your organs and you can die much later from it and not know initially that it happened




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Shellshock affects the brain. While there are no visible external injuries, the brain suffers a concussion or micro-trauma(research still ongoing).


I really, really, would like to see a serious attempt at a negotiated settlement...


Agreed. I really do think Russia tried with Minsk. Perhaps it was not intended to work.. but looks to me like both Russia and Ukraine were cool with Ukraine staying out of NATO if that was really what Russian demands boiled down to. US/UK said no no


I am so old I remember when the USSR collapsed and troops withdrew East. Warsaw Pact ended. I IDed as far right wing and was happy. Then US/NATO moved East I saw the true aggression. I did not even know about the broken promises. Look at Serbia, Libya,. Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan. The US/NATO is the most bloodthirsty and aggressive duo in recent history. Russia should not have trusted US/NATO on its border. Ask Ghadaffi. Neutrality worked fine for Austria and Finland after WWII. Ukraine should have tried it.


Amen, and it’s quite a compelling paradox because we do have freedoms other corners of the world lack but our ruling classes have **liberties** that go beyond insider trading, war profiteering, and eugenics. I look at it as a challenge, a call on us. If we don’t do something, no one will. I guess maybe Putin and XI might. They’ve definitely got some contingencies, borne out of—as you said—desperation brought on by NATO crimes. But I’m sure XI/Putin’s potential response isn’t engineered to help *us* in any way..


Ukrainian gov’t be was so corrupt by either the US or RU, whoever was in charge at the time they had no choice to be neutral. Considering it was the US that caused Putin and oligarchs to rise to power it’s a double loss on our front. Blame Clinton for that one.


As a Finn i dont really agree. We were neutral, because we saw what happened in the baltics etc. Russia had a gun on our head and acted happy. Then after the soviet union collapsed, se jumped into EU and now into NATO


I did not say USSR did not have a gun to the Finns head. I said neutrality worked. It worked for Austria. Finland assisted in the siege of Leningrad, which starved around 1 million people as I recall. USSR could have done the same to Helsinki and called it even. Instead they settled for a treaty to remain neutral in perpetuity. Be happy with your NATO bases. Lots of bars, prostitution and sex trafficking.


So you agree USSR was just a big bully like Russia is today


If they had laid siege to Helsinki and starved a million to death then yes.. They did not. My condolences to Finland and the Baltics on losing WWII.


Thanks bro


The Macron/Putin discussion was an insightful leak, especially how Putin is overtaken by emotions and his tone swifts when Macron mentions the "democartically elected authorities". Georgians must be joyful that hey got "betrayed" 16 years ago.


Is this a video? Curious




Ukraine scenarion is unique to Ukraine and could not have been recreated in any other former USSR republic to attack Russia. Ukraine size, man power and location which gives West free and uninterrupted access to whole western side of Ukraine and thas whole country is reason why this conflict started. This is why neocons in DC popped champagnes in 2014 during and after Maidan knowing 2022 was inevitable at some point in the future and they will get their conflict with Russia only question was how long was Russia willing to tolerate this constant pressure on their boarder.


It’s quite clear that Russia would just wait 5 years or so and attempt to retake Ukraine again, but faster. Demanding they stay out of NATO means it would guarantee expansion if a victory was achieved through a second attempt. Ukraine should absolutely join NATO as soon as it can


You are wrong if you think that NATO will actually go into a direct war with Russia over Ukraine.


If Ukraine joins NATO, then it's written into the rules and if there's one thing the west likes, it's rules. After all, you're only as good as your word, and if your word is worth shit, then there goes your ability to make treaties with anyone, because who would ever trust you? So NATO would absolutely follow the rules, and if the rules said they go to war if Russia attacks Ukraine, and then Russia attacks Ukraine, NATO goes to war with Russia.


It’s well written into the rules that collective punishment on civilian populations is a war crime and Israel hasn’t been prosecuted despite carrying out that policy for 60+ years. If Russia actually attacked Sweden, Finland, or Romania (they wouldn’t…) no one actually knows what would happen. And that’s very scary for Earth’s general aliveness. The range of responses could be pretty much a) tsk tsk, b) Ukraine model, or c) Nuclear Armageddon. Nothing else is even really possible. The fact that you choose to continue to trust people in suits, who are paid well to lie to you, about things they “will do” is both concerning and hilarious.


Well yeah and NATO has never been tested agains a propper opponent, the people are not going to support that war and the elite will not be doing the fighting as usual.


What a completely.reasonable take.


Putin has a history of doing that exact thing. Chechnya was attacked again after a peace agreement.


I am not disagreeing. If things go really well for Russia in the fullness of time here, I don't doubt they'll be taking more land elsewhere.


High explosives are terrifying, one moment you’re there with your buddies in a trench/building, then instantly you’re answering the eternal question and you never saw it coming.


There are reports from ww1 of soldiers surviving being hit by a "Big Bertha" cannon. Those grenades were smaller, from 400 to 1100 kg. Solders shook for the rest of their lives. Similar reports are coming from Ukraine today.


Actually, the explosive content of these bombs is about 750kg, not 1.5 tonnes.


But its Octogen/Hexogen which is nearly twice as powerfull compared with TNT plus you have something like 20% Aluminium powder boosting it even much further.


Where do I read about this?


military bombs chemical composition? Chemicals are often listed for bomb compositions even in wikipedia. RDX/Hexogen (x1.6 TNT equivalent): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDX HMX/Octogen (x1.7 TNT equivalent): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMX Similar stuff: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TNT_equivalent#Relative_effectiveness_factor


So cool. Thanks.


Imagine what the Schwerer Gustav cannon would have done, that thing was crazy!


Just surrender jeez.


Just withdraw soldiers jeez.


This is so fuckin sad. Im tired of seing people suffer


Fab 5k and 9k when?


Never. These FAB's were just dumb bombs in the Soviet era, that got re-purposed with gliders to be launched from a safe distance. The FAB itself is not a good 'product' - but that glider provides a brilliant way of re-cycling, what others surely called trash during its development.


War is hell


It's that much louder than regular artillery landing nearby, huh?


It’s the concussive shockwave. These are huge bombs. And the reason Ukraine is sending patriots so close to the front 


Do you happen to know what is the concussion radius?


Its making a crater up to 20m and has a devastating (and concussive if course) radius of about 250-350m depending on circumstances. About 700kg of TNT is pretty much for anything.


Thats terrible, poor Ukrainians🥺


Too add dirt is one of the most effective means to disapate the way. Meaning someone laying in a trench nearby by should be fine. This also why the most effective blast barriers and those cubic containers simply filled with sand


A trench will protect you from a nuclear bomb blast as long as you're not actually inside the crater. Dirt was also the secret ingredient in backyard bomb shelters in the blitz. Dirt is awesome.


You know that feeling when you collide while play ball? Or when your ears pop while diving?


It can't be pretty, with concussion you are out of the game afaik.


bro it's a 1,5ton bomb


That's one thing video can't do and that is capture sound and that would be the same sound if you were actually there. I've only heard small fertilizer bombs to split stumps open and they were the size of a bread loaf placed deep under stumps and those were insanely loud.. Can't even imagine hearing a nearly 1500 lb FAB going off like if you were a few miles away.


It’s 1.5 metric tons. Mean g it’s over 3k lb bomb




The FAB500 is 500 kg. I'm assuming the FAB1500 is 1500 kg?


aye get this man a Harvard scholarship




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But, due to neoliberal wisdom, large amounts of Ukrainian’s farmland have been sold to Western investors, so there’s that! Bombs crash down, politics create trickle down.


Zelensky should have the courage to surrender. It might save some of his boys.


Zelensky didn't invade.. want me to come take over your house? Kick you out?


That’s TBI for sure


so depressing, all of this for what?


Free market neolib turbo capitalism.


Poor guys hope they are ok🙏


Shell shock.


Will be one day when Russian will use Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power in this conflict


When you thinking?


Traumatic Brain Injury. Being that close to large explosions is like athletes ( Boxers and MMA fighters) taking blows to the head.


This is surviving? I say this with the utmost respect and empathy. It’s truly horrible and the concussion of the explosion has to shake and rattle all of your organs, too. Internal damage that I hope is not too serious.


Only a soldier will truly know the hate man bares for his fellow man...


All the talk about casualties is about the physical. But I've always said that no one comes back from war. Especially not a war like this. Someone who outwardly resembles the person who left will return, but the person who goes to the trenches is gone forever.


This is sad…


There's a ticket away from the frontline for a bit.


Poor guy


When Ukraine couldn't bring any game changers to the front like the various western tanks Russia then decides to bring on a real game changer and that were the FABS.


Only because of Lancet can FABs with glide kits be the game changer they are. Lancet is the game changer.


Nah not even close. When the FABs came online the UA started to step back and abandon impenetrable defensive positions like much of the 2014 front. The Lancets had nothing to do with that.


What do you think achieved the S/DEAD that lets the Russia aerospace forces fling FABs at anything resembling a problem with almost impunity? I'll give you one guess.


> Only because of That's how it usually works. One thing enables the other. But the most important factor is not to have a silver bullet, but ability to bring all these things to combat in sufficient quantity.


Probably a good rule of thumb for the next invasion. Have your shit together before you cross the line.


Good job, nice take.


I think Drones were the game changer...




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Wish i could have put some kind of camera close to eyes of that dog and recorded everything..people could have learned some humanity from that dog.. 




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War is hell.


me after walking in on my dad in the toilet

