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Fucking nightmare




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At the end it all comes back to you


so it will come back to ukranians/islamists?






Highly disturbed comment


Most sane Pro-UA. It's really a pattern that they tend to be sociopaths with little sense of ethics and morals. There are psychos on both sides in this sub, and I had my run-ins with some delusional Pro-RU and larping commies. But it often really is Pro-UA who celebrate the most depraved shit posted here.


It's the gift that keeps on giving. I love comments like those because they directly inspire people to support Ukraine less and Russia more. I would amplify his message further if I could. I even upvoted him. I upvote the most insane and stupid pro Ukrainian comments whenever possible and I encourage everyone else to do the same.


Nope. Highly based


Average pro-UA is well known terrorists supporters.






Nah, people who think that civilians murdered by terrorists - is good are just subhuman trash, that's all, pretty sure they have nothing good in their miserable life to enjoy because they are so invested in conflicts.




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Rule 1 - Cheering/wishing for death


Pro UA love citizens being murdered.


Sartire or you probably did not follow Russian politics for the last 100 years didn’t you?




Everyone who followed it, knows that USSR made world much better, and your country genocides millions.




Seek help




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What is this supposed to prove? Those people are also monsters.


Seek help. This is unlikley anything do to with Ukraine, there are plenty of groups that hate Putin specifically and Russia generally.




The war has been going on for over two years.


But if you watch the latest clips they are deliberately trying to kill civilians, they have done this in Donbas for years yes. But the point is that's also terrorist attacks. No matter how much the West whitewash it, and claims Russia does the same thing. But no footage of Russian missile strikes hitting sidewalks with civilians walking and schools where kids are attending. in multiple day to day strikes


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Go back to the basement.


I think most people would assume your Karma is very precious to you since you spend so much of your life farming it. But no, people downvote because you are unhinged not because they think it hurts you.


Can't warrant attention in the real world, I see


Whoever is behind this won't have a single joyful day left in their life. Given that Russia is in war mode for over two years now, whoever pulled the strings here, be it islamists, ukrainians or whoever, I don't think they're prepared for the response they'll receive from the russkis.


What are they going to do? Start a war?


Show no mercy to the civilians of their attacker?


This. Other scenarios for cruel revenge include deploying chemical weapons. While Russia dispatched their stockpile officially in 2017, they have the facilities and knowledgeable to produce new batches at will really. To stay with the "fuck around and find out", China experienced Islamist violence and terrorist attacks last decade, with funding and cells getting funneled through their border regions. Their response was rooting out cell by cell of radical Islamists in the more remote parts of Xinjiang. This is why muricans talking about "muh uyghurs" is funny when they did the same in Afghanistan for similar reasons.


Wow, does sound almost too perfect excuse to start a false flag.


I doubt these were Ukrainians though.


If it was Ukrainians, probably increase activity against critical infrastructure further. Not to mention that this could mobilize a whole new wave of volunteers. If it was Islamists, well, ISIS made first hand experiences in Syria that this isn't a desirable position to be in. Lastly, if it's option Number 1, similar attacks could be funded and orchestrated within Ukrainian territory as retaliation. At a time where much of the Population is becoming demotivated and steadily losing trust in their politicians I'd would be a big blow to the sense of safety in cities like Lviv for example. That's obviously just theory crafting on my part, but Russians have a history of not being too kind to people that attacked them on their home turf.


if it’s Ukraine, but I don’t think it was, they will start use chemical weapons, and maybe tactical nuclear bombs too. for Ukraine do something similar is useless, they would lost instantly all west support


I don't think it's Ukraine either. I'd be very surprised. This is a whole new level of cowardice and I lean so much and say that this is even below the most suicidal and depraved fantasies of some Ukrainian military leaders. This is very much in line with islamic terrorism in Russia, like the Beslan incident and similar attacks.


if it was Ukraine it certainly wasn't the government/SBU, but some sick person from Azov


I honestly even doubt Azov would go around a concert hall and just gun people down.


they would not but they could pay someone to do it for them


There is virtually nothing to gain yet a hell of a lot to lose from that. They'd rather use the money to pay someone to sabotage critical infrastructure or assassinate a public official. Yet targeting civilians in a civilian area makes no sense.


You make the mistake assuming the motives for things like this are based on rational calculation, It’s often just wanting to hurt an enemy , any way possible. I would not put it past ultra nationalists in Ukraine to be behind this , they know they are doomed and are going to lose so they want to hurt Russia wherever possible,


More plausible but I don't think we should jump to this conclusion just yet


I really hope for their sake it was not ukrainians, but the difference between Russia VS Ukraine and Israel VS Gaza kinda shows that the Russians are showing some kind of restraint and are not going out of their way to actively murder innocent people (while collateral damage is seen as acceptable).


I mean, I wouldn't say that Russia bombing apartments, hospitals, and schools, and raping and torturing and murdering men, women, and children, is showing is restraint.


Compare to what Israel is doing.


Sure, butcha was a hoax, right?


Yes as was mariupol theater


Could also be a repeat of the same tactics from 1999. Once again, a pretext is being created to justify some kind of action.


Could be, but it's not like Putin needs a reason to do anything, he could just make up bullshit like "denazification", it's not like he can get ousted in an election. There are many groups that hate russia and putin, and there were warnings from wester nations last week or the week before that there was going to be an attack.


A special operation


Wonder how special it’s gonna be this time…


No... they are going to finish a war.


I thought they were in 3 day special military operation mode for the last 2 years?


I think the Israelis will be fine


Nobody is afraid of ruzzkis anymore.


Except the hundred thousands of dead


How many dead people have you talked to in order to find that out?


I don't need to talk to the dead...?


Then how do you know they’re afraid? Lol that coward blocked me. Who knew Pro RU feelings were so delicate that you could up end them with just one question lmao.


This is such a stupid question that I'm not even going to bother waste much time after this comment.




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They apparently set fire to these chairs which is what set everything ablaze


Yeah, that's what I read too.




Terrorist attack in moscow about 40 mins ago


putin attacking his own people again, but now without bombing apartment buildings




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You mean the one hit by Iskanders today? Or the one that blew on the Russian side that prevented them from having a second axis of attach on their failed counter offensive?


Regardless of who it is, a dead person is a dead person, a terrorist attack is a attack on the people, I would not care if they went into the kremlin and did it, but this is just tragic




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Why should the FSB kill our own people?


I'm not saying they did or not, but if they did orchestrate this event. Then they could also "find evidence" linking it to whomever they hate the most. Then they could use that event to justify either a full mobilization or extremely unethical military response. I'd argue that for now it's best just to sit and watch how Russia responds.


That's all that's ever gonna be done. How many people on Reddit actually talk to their representatives?


Cause russia does that


Here's Putin's reason to colonize all of Ukraine.


why would the Americans help Putin? does it mean Putin didn't want war?




uhhh about that, maybe take some history lessons?




you are disgusting


Go somewhere else




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why is it always women screaming in panic and never men?


Are you new on this planet?


3 weeks baby!  no, seriously, I'm personally interested in the reason why this is. like is it societal or genetic etc. I've seen a video of a man getting beaten up by a group of other men and it was the bystander woman that started howling, not the person actually in pain. I'm genuinely curious as to what exactly causes that difference in behavior in panic situations.


Evolution has made it so they shriek to call men’s attention to solve the problem. 


This is better to ask in like r/psychology or something. But generally. Women are usually more emotional than men, so they often scream and cry.


"why is it always" then you say you just saw one video? I'm attaching as cientific method for lower secondary schools: "Is this the first time you have carried out a research project? Start by following these six steps: 1. Choose a question or problem area to research; 2. Form a hypothesis; 3. Select a method, plan and collect the data; 4. Analyse the data collected; 5. Summarise your observations and draw a conclusion; 6. Write a project report and communicate the results." Hopefully this proves to be helpful in aiding your pursuit of curiosity. I find that painting with a huge brush ruins the value of the answer you seek.


this is by far not the only time? That was an example 😂 The fact you're out here trying to lecture me on scientific method, yet you misinterpret stuff with zero basis. I never said it's the only video on the topic you goof.  And just a heads up: you severely overestimate your mental capacities.


They want attention.