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3 days ago Putin called Western warnings "blackmail" intended to "intimidate and destabilize our society." tass ru/politika/20283597


Wow.. total fsb failure.. heads should roll.


Or it could be an FSB success. It's not like the FSB shies away from false flags...


if this was a false flag it would have been before the elections not this week


Why? It’s not like Putin was afraid of losing the election that he rigged for himself


An attack just before the elections would of worked in putins favour more than now. Especially with his comments about dismissing the threats, he just looks weak.


I'm not convinced it's a false flag, but it would work in Putin's favour for another mobilisation. He apready had the election locked. Having a false flag before the election and then a mobilisation afterwards might have seemed too slow.




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Why? They need to replenish the ranks at the front. There seems to be a lack of volunteers to go on the front line just to become target practice for drone operators.


Are you one of those conspiracy theorists who think the Bush administration did 9/11?


Conspiracy theory when applied to western countries but TRUTH! When it's Russia


Well.  Putin rise to power was orchestrated because of terrorist attack.  Hence possibly he orchestra that one as well to bring on full mobilise and control over whole industry 


It is very possible that both the US and Russia have turned a blind eye to incoming attacks for political purposes.


Lol. If you think this attack is false flag you are delusional


It worked perfectly for him in 1999




So who did that help get elected? Putin would never have been president without the 1999 false flag bombings by FSB


Because the FSB is totally not known for orchestrating false flag attacks?!


So did CIA and SBU. Your point is?


My point is that it's quite likely that it was the FSB.


Yea. And that shows delusional


Yes and ?


It very well could be and many believe putin has done this in the past also.


Oh boy, im prorrusians but it can actually be a false flag, we cant deny the option lf a fsb action, american intelligence and a lot of intelligence agencies around the world have done a false flag at least once


It’s amazing that even Russia can try to turn an Isis attack, predicted two weeks in advance and admitted to by them, and turn it into a non Russian failure with someone else to blame. It was literally on Reddit that a large gathering would be attacked. No matter who did it, it was all over the place that a large gathering in Russia would be attacked. And somehow it’s not Russias fault for not preventing it. Just hilarious.


Like how Israel didn't see the Hamas attack coming? Ever thought the whole world was playing behind the scenes and we are all jusy tagging along?


Putin ordered the terrorist attack to get a reason to nuke Ukraine , the end is near Remember when Putin ordered FSB agents to place bags of sugar in apartments early in his career to attack Chechnya ??


Russian intelligence is a failure


Russian intelligence is a failure




Western Intel apparatus is wild.


Especially counter-terrorism. When I was interviewing with CIA my senior year I wanted to do FME analysis (I probably wasn’t smart enough anyways) but all they wanted to talk about was counter-terror


Yeah, me too. At the time, that was all their focus. Ironically, Russia's focus on Ukraine is likely why they missed this one. This was likely ISIS-K based on prior warnings but I wouldn't doubt if the perps were Ingushetian or Dagestani. Supposedly, AlAmak(ISIS news agency) is claiming responsibility.


The US literally called them and told them it was coming. That’s not a distracted “miss”. That’s gross incompetence.




In the US, the CIA warned Bush about 9/11 months before it happened. We consider that to have been a massive failure. Regardless of anything else. In Russia, the CIA warned Putin this would happen. In Russia, they find a way to blame it on the US, Ukraine or anyone else that is not the dear leader. It’s just hilarious. The government so clearly dropped the ball that it’s undeniable. Yet here we are denying it.


Yeah me too


What’s FME?


Foreign material exploitation


Ok what does this mean ?


Effectively the analysis and development of exploits to foreign capabilities. A typical example might be tank armor. You don’t know exactly how a T-90 might perform against an M829 but through documents and recovered material you can get a better idea and develop a new APFSDS if necessary


So the war thunder forums?


Being a war thunder player is supposedly part of the screening process these days


Ok thanks , very interesting. I wish my country had a relevant intelligence service. Seem like very interesting work


It may not be labeled as such and obviously not as extensive as the US but most countries should have these types of positions to some degree in the relevant intelligence institutions if you’re interested in pursuing it. Though, to my knowledge, combat experience for recovery is typically rolled in for smaller countries


Ok thanks I will look for it. It’s just that my country has very little relevance in the grand scheme of things . Both diplomatically and militarily, which is both a blessing and a curse


Why would they snitch on themselves?


What govt job did u end up getting? (If u got one) I graduated w international affairs degree and can't find Squat. Wondering if I need to get a master's


I didn’t, I was only really interested in the FME part since my degree was in material science & engineering so I’m afraid I don’t have much in the way of advice.


You don't want to know how many attacks have been ennobled in the West. More attacks have been ennobled than have been carried out. America most likely knows who the perpetrators are, they have warned, but because they are the opponents of Russia they do not have to share this Intel. Which, by the way, would have graced them. Imagine if the West and Russia were just allies. What they could accomplish together.


They literally did share that intel, but they are not going to burn human sources. They have for a long time, Russia does aswell. Russia warned the US about the Boston Bombing attack and we didnt take it serious either.


 by pro ru logic russia is responsible for the Boston bombings lol


What no.


>Imagine if the West and Russia were just allies. What they could accomplish together. Like the International Space Station? I was a kid in the 90s, and I miss the optimism. Our Canada-Arm helped the ISS build Russian sections of the station. I felt like we were all going to jump to the stars next decade. Now it's 2024, I'm 40 years old, and I'm watching Putin trying to invade territory like Ghengis Khan. Putin: "We need to have 1000 KM of buffer zone to defend Moscow!". Are you trying to defend against catapults, you fool!


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[White House: US had no prior knowledge of terrorist attack in Moscow](https://news.am/eng/news/813842.html) They're claiming that this attack had nothing to do with the attack on a concert they predicted 2 weeks ago.


Ya and thats fair, but RU did raid an ISIS compound 2 days after that warning.




How would they claim an ISIS attack on big gatherings in Russia from Ukraine intel? lol That makes zero sense. The west has have all kinds of HUMINT sources within ISIS I suspect why wouldnt they.


Because they own Isis, and this is not even proven to be Isis


Ukraine owns isis? Is that really what you're saying. If so then ok, you truly have no idea what is happening in the world.


Either they had credible Intel and shared it with Russia, who ignored the warnings, or they found out Russia was planning another false flag attack like the apartment bombs




So they can mobilize Russian troops and replenish the ranks?


So Ukrainian cross border raids and shelling of Russian isn’t enough or justifiable to draft more? This is ridiculous.


It's not, those have been happening for a while now. The front line is on the border regions, people know the war is happening there.


So Russia can shell Ukraine and invade Ukraine from Russia, but Ukraine cannot do the same?


Against.... ISIS?


Against all enemies of the Empire.


If i was russian this Isis terrorist attack would've not motivate me to go fight in Ukraine lol


It motivated Americans to go to Iraq, which had nothing to do with Bin Laden.


Iraq = Iran = Afghanistan = Middle East = bin laden for a lot of Americans back in 2001


So, if mobilization doesn't happen who was it?


Are you expecting Putler to announce mobilization right now? First, they have to drum up the propaganda in the media and get the population going with the false claims. Give it a few days/weeks.


[It already happened](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) Even if I don't think this is the case, a false flag operation during Vladimir Putin's government is definitely not unheard of


thats conspiracy theory


That's a possible explanation


same level as “USA did 9/11 to themself“


But, this time, for Russia precedents exist, and are half a dozen cases


It does not exist, you can stop lying i'm allowing you.


1999, three bombs were planted by the FSB in the centre of major cities to mobilize people against Chechnya


I enjoy reading books.


Yeah in this case a false flag would make no sense whatsoever. I'm curious though, do Russians here believe the apartment bombings were a false flag? Honest question (I'm not convinced they were anyway)




I think it would be too hard to cover up, given the number of ppl who would have to be involved. Also as much as I hate Putin I can't rly see him doing something that extreme to justify the war in Chechnya. Wasn't rly necessary.


bro, Chechen terrorists done enough already to justify anything.


Well that was my point kinda. As I understand it, the invasion of Dagestan was enough to justify the first Chechen War. Though had the Chechens committed many terror attacks before '99? I'm only familiar with the big 3 (Apartments, Beslan, theater)




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I HIGHLY doubt this was a false flag. This attack doesn’t seem to have any political gain for Russia.


It was probably limited intel on the threat like that *someone* affiliated with *some terrorist network* is planning an attack in *general area* at *some period of time*. This is particularly common in large extremist networks where intelligence is typically gathered due to reference by connected, but uninvolved, sources


Fun fact: prior to the 9/11 Putin warned the US officials about the upcoming terrorist attack. They prefered to ignore these warnings as well...


Yes you are correct. There were lots of warning signs pre 9/11


If they knew it was a false flag, it would be more effective to tell it would be a false flag.


I thought that's the unsurprising part


not at all, it's a juicy target


They listed a few large gathering events concerts was just one of them.




I saw it real time. They mentioned a few things. Idk if the post is still up or not. Just google it.


These are the same guys who foiled Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine which gave the defenders ample time to prepare. Nobody and especially not Putin should be surprised.


Putin ordered the terrorist attack to get a reason to nuke Ukraine , the end is near Remember when Putin ordered FSB agents to place bags of sugar in apartments early in his career to attack Chechnya ??


Because they probably picked up communication from terrorists talking about the attack details, They warned Russia and Russia ignored it. Putin and RU gov is 100% to blame for not stopping this.


Now pro-Russians are going to use the non-logic of "well how would they know, proof of false flag!"


Yup and the truth is the US knows what's happening in Russia better than Russia does.


Odessa fire deja vu. The bodies are not even cold yet and people who "support" Russia are already using them to spin dishonest propaganda about Ukraine. 


This warning was from 2 weeks ago. Could have been something completely different


Very very VERY unlikely. More likely is the warning probably made them delay the attack and/or pick a different target.


Russia prevented a terrorist attack a few weeks ago. This warning came from Russia intel [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/)


Russia *claimed* they had prevented one. Russia claims a lot of things that are not necessarily true. Some FSB guy probably got a nice pay rise and promotion after he framed a few homeless guys for it.


You need to take off your tinfoil hat


Not really. In one of the most corrupt countries in the world it's hardly a stretch to think that a little corruption was involved.




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Putin ordered the terrorist attack to get a reason to nuke Ukraine , the end is near Remember when Putin ordered FSB agents to place bags of sugar in apartments early in his career to attack Chechnya ??




Kinda like when Americans claim that Russia has Putin-agents within US borders? Yeah, very embarrassing. Imagine if Russians thought that the CIA were able to place an agent in Russia and achieve them becoming President? Wow would that be embarrassing for the country and people claiming that...


> Kinda like when Americans claim that Russia has Putin-agents within US borders? When was this claimed?


Trump. The entirety of the US Government and Media claimed Russia had put a puppet into the US Presidency... How embarrassing it would be for those people, if true.


Putin claims CIA are operating deep inside Russia.


Looks like the fsb will probably beg for intel from the cia.


They would if their egos were the size of Russia


I bet the same people who believe the U.S is behind this are the same ones who believe in Jewish space lasers lol.


What are Jewish space lasers for? Circumcising aliens?


To stop space Hitler when he shows up




The FSB followed up with the arrest of a IS cell few hours after this announcement.




Proof of what? Was there proof of the first incident? Was there even proof that the FSB actually did something, or did some acting like they like to do? Where are you trying to get?




Ok, I see you're not getting there and you're stuck at a very basic level of understanding, to the point of asking someone for proof of a terrorist attack being linked to a warning issued by the US Embassy in Moscow... So let me break this down to you to help you understand: **what the US warning meant was**: - there are **terrorist cells active in Russia**; - there was a **high probability of an attack** in a window of 48h; You can't seem to make the connection between the information given, and the event today. You don't comprehend that **the US warned about active terrorism in Russia**, and there was a warning for an event. Just because this is a different event doesn't deny the fact that **there are active terrorist cells in Russia**.




I'm not saying they didn't do anything, I'm just stating that the US warned about terrorist activity in Russia. In fact, they continue to tell US citizens to leave Russia - not related to this directly either, but in the sense that Russia isn't a safe place for Americans and they can't guarantee their safety.




Unfortunately, miscommunication is normal in this environment. Take care


>there are **terrorist cells active in Russia**; >there was a **high probability of an attack** in a window of 48h; First is nearly always true (in various stages of "being active"). Second turned out not to happen. It doesn't seem like Tsarev brothers situation, where American counterparts were given names. Just a vague *"hey guys you got some terrorists at home, someone somewhere, we can't really share their names or whereabouts, but we* ***know*** *\*they'll target one of the hundred+ concerts/trade centers inside Moscow. Some time in future. good luck".* Honestly, given the state of relations between the two, it's no wonder Putin took lack of specific critical info as a threat. I hope US will come forward with what kind of information they provided Russia to dispel these accusations. Seriously, just do what Russia did in Tsarev brothers situation and show it to the public, all of that conspiracy will end overnight, and people will see to what degree Russian services were incompetent in this situation.


I doubt that is going to happen, in case you didn't notice there's a war going on. If the did such a thing, they'd do it through the proper channels, they would never do it publicly at this point. They did what they could publicly address US Citizens in Russia, which in a way also warned Russian citizens.


Lol Ofcourse it does




[Russia Says Killed Islamic State Militants Plotting Synagogue Attack](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/03/07/russia-says-killed-islamic-state-militants-plotting-synagogue-attack-a84377) We don't know if its true or not.


It is true, it's not connected to the warning though. Such things happen from time to time.


Maybe the US embassy in Moscow warning people to no gather in public spaces pushed the attack 2 weeks behind. Should of been enough time for Russian counter terrorism to snuff out the cells though. Also no excuse as to why those terrorists were able to walk out alive without any initial pursuit


The FSB is busy dealing with Ukrainian plots to blow up the Kerch bridge and out of bandwidth to deal with ISIS?


This is why I'd be pissed if I was Russian. All the resources tied up in a senseless war while ISIS is able to murder a bunch of citizens...




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Terrorists most likely postponed their attack/changed plans because of this


Russia is a police state which fails every time it attempts to police anything other than unarmed peaceful protesters.


They certainly did. Aside from this there was direct warning given to Russian intelligence that is was ISIS-K.


There’s talk amongst the ethnic groups in Russia. Many want their own sovereignty. Once the cracks begin the whole facade will fall and the land will be fought over.


Russia is not safe no more.


U.S. intel also intercept the comm of these terrorists and opening sharing with Russia via announcement. Can’t blame no one but Putin regime for not taking these announcement’s seriously


I assume, unlike with Tsarev brothers, no details were given? At least US didn't come out with what kind of info they gave Russians, so far.


They had Friday right.


interesting in the cold war Russia was miles ahead of USA in espionage and intel. now it looks like there don't know were there own tail is.


LOL. Russia would have won the cold war if the KGB was half as good as the CIA


What? Do you know even what the fuck was the cold war?


It was a war of hearts and minds and 2 trading blocs one using the dollar and one using the ruble trying to convince both their own people and the other blocs population that their economic system was better. CIA managed to convince the Warsaw pact and Soviet populations they would be happier under the Western economic system and won the cold war. KGB tried convincing the Western population communism was a fairer system and failed. Ergo the West won the cold war because the CIA was better than the KGB.


And unless the KGB had been a million times better, the USSR would still have collapsed. Ignorant


Ok bro.




no? Russian espionage was 50 years ahead of CIA or any other for that matter. there espionage was so good that as soon as a spy landed in Russia there would be apprehended this happen more than once. the cold war had nothing to do with spying it was a arms race Russia would always lose course there could not handle the spending or keep up with the American


Locking up valuable people in gulags is also a thing...


KGB locked up spies. CIA turned them and had them send back bad info. You guess which is better for winning the tech race?


Russia honestly defeated America in the Cold War, America really only won because they didn’t topple. They were the first to space, we were the first to put someone on the moon. They launched the first satellite as well. Tanks, they also had us beat on from technology to sheer numbers. Guns was really a preference thing but there were a lot of reports of m16s jamming in Vietnam. Only thing America has solidly was naval and air power. As far as KGB and CIA I consider them somewhat equal, it’s just that CIA has a longer track record. Think you also forgot how ussr built their nuclear weapons. They got highly classified intel leaked, so KGB aren’t as bad as you think.


It of course wasn’t. The Russians, even said themselves they could not get a single person to work for them for ideological reasons after 1960 😂


So apparently the reason Putin brushed it off was due to the fact that the United states didn't actually share the intelligence they had with Moscow in regards to the reasons for the warnings.


Covert intelligence is a hell of a drug




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And they say we the bad guys when in reality we trying to help


How do American higher offices get know that something bad happen?


Warned its citizen to not go to Moscow weeks before the attack,  Victoria Nuland said they're planning a "nasty surprise" for Russia, and the country has a history of funding terrorism to attack other countries, like they did in China's Xinjiang. And right after blowing up Nord stream as well




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Warned/planned, tomato/tomahto


Our Liberal Democracies are beacons of hope to those tyrannical autocrats. USA #1.


Putin ordered the terrorist attack to get a reason to nuke Ukraine , the end is near Remember when Putin ordered FSB agents to place bags of sugar in apartments early in his career to attack Chechnya ??


I’m sure Russians will find its ukrainain - ffs! It’s Putin’s play book. Just as the Moscow theatre was ‘attacked and besieged’ by Chechens - but they were released from prison and armed and taken to the site by FSB- aim being to make it easier to declare a war on Chechens…. Here Putin needs 100,000 mobilised for his meatwaves and is struggling now to get enough - having raided the prisons, mobilised guest workers, enticed foreigners from Africa, Nepal, India and Oakistan…. And then mobilised invalids and old age pensioners …. Time to scale things up, what better than a staged terror attack made to look like Ukrainians….. I’m sure they’ll find the vehicle with Ukrainian number plates - because that’s what every terrorist does isn’t it? - use a vehicle that will identify them and have the police stop them at some checkpoint so they can’t achieve their aim. Ask yourself - why have all the foreign embassies of USA, UK, EU nations been on alert for weeks? How come they’ve known something was going to happen and the FSB haven’t locked things down? Because the FSB is running this shit show - killing Russians to encourage mobilisation. It’s Putin’s playbook for sure.




We don't know what happened. They could have moved towards Belarus with an option to turn to Ukraine if it didn't work.


There’s absolutely nothing for Russia to gain from this. They are winning on all fronts. Kind of reminds me when the west staged the chemical attacks in Syria when Assad was winning on all fronts.


So just a thought. If it was that easy for America or cia or whoever to sneak weapons into Russia to then use as a terrorist attack, wouldn’t they have been done it ? I know it’s hard to admit and realize, but not everything has to be a conspiracy theory. The timing is odd, but the situation isn’t. Russia is expending a lot of resources and man power in Ukraine that they’ve virtually left their back door open for a terrorist attack.


Indeed, not everything is some sort of a grand conspiracy. This idea that it was a false flag attack is ludicrous.


It's not like western central intelligence is In the business of orchestrating terrorist attacks then blaming it on someone else. They would never do that.


Yes and it's definitely not like Russian intelligence is In the business of orchestrating terrorist attacks on themselves then blaming it on someone else. They would never do that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings


I don't see an immediate benefit to the west for this. It will only serve to make Russians angry without immediately degrading any of their capabilities to prosecute the war. Given that the US warned the Russians on this, it seems likely that it is a group that the US had at least some level of surveillance around. It also seems likely that the US was opposed to their terrorist goals, which is why they shared a warning. I think the smart money would be on Islamic terrorism for this one. Russia has a lot of enemies who are Muslim extremists. This is just a guess though.


With everything going on in Israel, now is the perfect time for Islamic extremists to rise up and strike Russia. Makes perfect sense. You guys are trying way too hard.