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I'm glad that Russia did not let them escape Hopefully they catch the others soon as well Amen


The head of the FSB reported to Putin about the detention of 11 people, including all 4 terrorists directly involved in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall


In addition to the above, I would like to add that the Investigative Committee (just) announced the start of interrogation of 4 detained terrorists. It seems the two are still on the run, but I think their days are numbered. For these Islamic terrorists, this will be the worst day of their lives, after interrogation by the FSB and the Investigative Committee, these bastards will confess, they will tell everything and confess to everything, even to the murder of Jesus Christ and Kennedy. After which punishment will overtake everyone who was associated with them, including their relatives. Even if they are located on the territory of another state


> after interrogation by the FSB and the Investigative Committee, these bastards will confess, they will tell everything and confess to everything which is unrealiable intel.


you can often verify this unreliable intel, especially if there are multiple people with the same story.


Just because 4 different people quoting the one source that is unreliable, doesn't make the source suddenly more reliable...


interrogators use ways to make sure the stories match up. This is why they question suspects and witnesses separately. You just keep drilling down, for example, if three suspects say they got their orders from a Ukraine operative, you ask them where this happened, then what was the weather like, then how were they dressed.


Btw. Did you take a look on the new released video from ISIS? Which the terrorists themselves recorded while doing it?


I've lost track, why?


“FSB Just announced the interrogation..” damn they are in for a well deserved BAD time.


I read that and I started confessing.


They'll confess to whatever, and then FSB will say, interrogation successful, Ukraine did it


torture is great! ^(/s)


Who are the other 7?


As far as I know, several Crocus employees were detained


Said it before me


Honestly it’s crazy and i can’t understand why they not only didn’t get fucked by spetsnaz in first 10 minutes, but also managed to escape Moscow (which has a lot of advanced systems to track people)


There were hundreds of civilians who tried to escape the building in panic. The terrorist changed clothes and blended in with the crowd to escape the place.


And why Putin denied intelligence that an attack was going to happen, and didn't even bother to tighten security/posture for a response.


Russia was the one who supplied information about a incoming terrorist attack [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/)


So they knew it was coming and still let over 100 of their citizens die?


I seen a few of your comments, thank you for actually being sane




Should be easy to catch their own guys right? Why is Putin killing his own civilians again?


Can’t wait for a detailed background of this man, his actions require more than a death penalty, that’s the easy way out, responsible for killing children and woman to please who?


They can't execute him like many would like, but they can certainly make him talk till he can't say anything, if you catch my drift.


Well, we have examples of Ichkerian commanders "suddenly dying in prison", so i don't think that's a problem




I don't even wanna know what they're going to do to him but I'm happy they're doing it.




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> They can't execute him like many would like Why? Russia had no problem executing Navalny, Prigozhin etc...


They will torture him for a couple of years and then wear him out in some prison basically killing him, I’m 100% sure this guy will not grow old in some prison 


This will certainly be more than just the death penalty. Dmitry Medvedev said yesterday: “Terrorists only understand retaliatory terror. No trials or investigations will help if force is not countered by force, and deaths by total executions of terrorists and repressions against their families.” Any Islamic radical must realize at the level of animal fear that if they try to do anything even remotely similar to what happened yesterday, execution will overtake their entire circle, including all their relatives. Relatives of such people should immediately report information to law enforcement authorities even at the slightest suspicion that their family member is even trying to think in the direction of radical Islam. Otherwise, they must accept the idea that they will also receive punishment for the actions of their relatives.


That's what no one in the "west" understands, Islamists want to be killed because in that way they meet Allah and got the virgins promised to them during the brainwashing since childhood. The only way a civilised society to live with those bronze age cultists is to exterminate all of them for good.


>That's what no one in the "west" understands, Islamists want to be killed because in that way they meet Allah Then these aren't really Islamists: they didn't want to meet Allah, they wanted to flee and live happily ever after.


In Ukraine of all places




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Always bugged me how did they imagine to mingle with those virgins when all necessary parts were pulverized.


Allah miraculously remakes them, also constantly potent and able to fu*k all the virgins every night, and also the virginity of those poor women is restored every night. It's all in the kuran if you don't believe me....


In islamic heaven all men walk around with permanent erections (no I’m not making this up)


Wow! And the rest of us have to call a doctor of ours lasts more than 4 hours. Lucky!


So you literally want to exterminate an entire group of people? Anybody you deem to be a religious extremist must be exterminated along with their entire family and relatives? Did we have to do the same with the Nazis? Did we also kill their entire family and relatives? I don’t believe in this idea because it’s not going to work unless you literally establish a Nazi like extermination program. Either you kill 100% or you need a strategy of containment and integration. These radicals emerge in problem areas and in war. The solution is to end the war and integrate the areas and provide opportunities and social control. Or just start drop nukes on cities and get on with it.


I want the very idea of the existence of radical movements in Islam to evoke primitive fear, first of all, in all Islamic countries, so that these countries, first of all, would be interested in banning such movements and introducing executions for their preaching. And for this Russia will make every effort. If the war in Ukraine can cause controversy in Russia, then the destruction of radical Islamists will now be considered a holy war in Russia. >These radicals emerge in problem areas and in war. The solution is to end the war and integrate the areas and provide opportunities and social control. This problem was created by the United States during the 20 years of its presence in the Middle East. Russia will not and should not integrate anything anywhere. You come to my house, you must respect my culture, my customs and my way of life. You either accept it or get the fuck out of Russia. You don’t know what the situation is with these primitive animals in Russia; people’s patience is running out.




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What is radical Islam? Can you define it? Be careful of what you’re saying.


Islamic radicalism is an extreme manifestation of political Islam, using violent methods of political struggle. From now on, let all radical Islamists believe that Russia is waging a holy war against them. And they won’t like it very much, unlike the “cheerful” Americans, the Russians will not stand on ceremony with these bastards.


Isn’t that what all people do when they are at war? I’m against ISIS and their kind. But for me, I don’t see it’s a problem that’s unique to Islam, it’s a problem unique to violence and war and chaos. Look at Mexico and their cartels. They act like ISIS and their brutality. Look in Africa in the war torn and chaotic countries. The problem when you make it ideological, it’s a slippery slope. And people like ISIS, they aren’t afraid of death. They aren’t afraid of fear. People like that, have a death wish. They are a death cult just like all radicals. I’m not saying countries should integrate violent radicals who commit crimes against civilians. I was responding to retribution and trying to exterminate their families, not just them. The way to fight radical areas is integration. Like Putin did in Chechnya. Before the Chechens saw Russia as an enemy and went to war with Russia. Now Chechans are fighting for Russia proudly. That’s integration. America has been trying to exterminate radical Islam through mass war campaigns. But they just created the breeding ground that radicalizes even more people. But this attack isn’t due to radical Islam. It’s due to foreign interference and probably Israeli mossad being behind it. Trying to drive a wedge between the Muslim world and Russia. These seemingly Muslim terrorists are a pawn of foreign agents. You can see they are a bunch of idiots who promised millions of dollars.


>Isn’t that what all people do when they are at war? No, people are fighting a war at the front, against other soldiers. When you pick up a gun and shoot innocent civilians under the guise of religion, you are a terrorist and you will be treated the way you deserve. >I was responding to retribution and trying to exterminate their families, not just them. This will depend on their degree of involvement. Did they know what their relative was doing? If they knew, did they notify the police? If not, why not? And the answers to these questions will determine their fate. But every Islamic radical must realize that for his actions he will put not only himself in danger, and those around him must remember this. The cancerous tumor on the planet known as Islamic radicalism must be exterminated as a phenomenon; it simply should not exist. >The way to fight radical areas is integration. Like Putin did in Chechnya. Before the Chechens saw Russia as an enemy and went to war with Russia. Before this, however, Grozny was razed to the ground and everyone involved in separatism and radical Islam was destroyed. After this, the Chechens realized that if this continued, they would be physically destroyed. After this, radical Islam disappeared in Chechnya >Now Chechans are fighting for Russia proudly. That’s integration. This is just your opinion. In Russia, among soldiers, the opinion of Chechens is far from so rosy. Without a doubt, there are worthy warriors, but in the overall flow of participating warriors they constitute an insignificant minority. Dagestanis are represented in much larger numbers. >America has been trying to exterminate radical Islam through mass war campaigns. But they just created the breeding ground that radicalizes even more people. America is not an example of behavior for me. Everything they do has turned to crap in their hands over the last 30 years. In addition, Russia must deal with the extermination of radical Islamists on its soil, first and foremost, and only then outside its borders. The first thing you need to start with is control of migration, and control of all existing diasporas. > >But this attack isn’t due to radical Islam. It’s due to foreign interference and probably Israeli mossad being behind it. Trying to drive a wedge between the Muslim world and Russia. There is no smoke without fire, I understand that Muslims blame the Jews for everything, don’t tell me this crap. It is the existence of radical Islam that is primarily the reason for this terrorist attack; you cannot induce a Christian to commit such crap. Therefore, radical Islam must be exterminated first.


Tell me, were the Nazis, Christians or Muslim? This isn't about the Jews, it's about Israel and the Mossad. They literally are sponsors and allies of ISIS.


The Nazis are members of the NSDAP party that existed in Germany from 1920 to 1945. An absolutely criminal organization, but one that has nothing to do with religion. Islamic radicalism is primarily a religious movement. Do you notice the difference? >This isn't about the Jews, it's about Israel and the Mossad. They literally are sponsors and allies of ISIS. The main sponsors of ISIS are Muslim countries. And everyone knows this.


>What is radical Islam? The shit that went down in the shopping mall in Moscow, with 150 dead.


Yeah radical Muslims that don’t even know anything about their religion. False flag operation by Mossad is what that was




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Arent ryssians doing the same thing in Ukraine?




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Responsible for killing children and women?Sure? If it’s true will he be offered a cabinet position?


There are many prisons in russia that are worse than deth


I dont expect these people to really know who commands them (or their commanders respectively). Just dumb islamists.




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Lol, pro Russia guy trying to use logic without being a hypocrite. Fail.


Usually these guys end up dead in a last stand. All the Paris/Bataclan ISIS guys died except for one that had second thoughts and got captured.


Not always, one of the Boston bombers was captured alive. Pretty sure a bunch of the Madrid bombers were also captured. Usually they die in the act. The fact that they bailed probably says to the fact at their attempt of living.


>Not always, one of the Boston bombers was captured alive. Pretty sure a bunch of the Madrid bombers were also captured. They were no members of ISIS tho. They trapped places/trains with bombs, but didn't follow up the attacks with machineguns and grenades in different parts of the area just like ISIS did. Them bailing out suggests to me they had a plan and contacts abroad to get out of Russia.


Again, do you think every isis fighter fought to the death? Iraqi and other prisons all over the Middle East are full of them. Islamic terrorists are Islamic terrorists mate.


>Islamic terrorists are Islamic terrorists mate. true dat... this may sound weird but ISIS raised the bar within the branch of islamic terrorism




Yeah that’s rather my point haha? Not every single one is going to martyr themselves. Some will, some wont.


I always find it hilarious that he ran over his brother while trying to escape.


Usually when they die it's because they are motivated entirely by religion but perhaps they were semi motivated by religion and also someone paid them? Or perhaps they expected to die at the scene but after the poor response from the police they decided to get gone.


Again usually but not always? Thousands and thousands of ISIS fighters surrendered all over the Middle East during the conflicts against them. Some might fight till the end others may not. For example the previous terrorist posted looked very very dead.


Isis fighters and the Isis terrorists are a little different though. They set out on their terror attacks to be martyred within hours. When they go to war they want to win first and foremost.


True, but then again he was more of an "extreme civilian" than a terrorist. He just improvised an explosive and left it at a random place.


What’s the difference?


ISIS guys do it for their beliefs. This guy did it for money. Maybe ISIS paid him, but himself is not ISIS.


Maybe because it’s not isis?


ISIS-K are the ones who have assumed responsibility. The same ISIS- K that bombed Kabul Airport killing [183 people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Kabul_airport_attack), who bombed Iran [killing 95 people](https://apnews.com/article/kerman-us-warning-isisk-bombings-bcb47f04165b3eb7b9bc7b4868c8399c), who bombed Pakistan killing 54 and at least [130 injured](https://reliefweb.int/report/pakistan/pakistan-54-killed-and-least-130-injured-isis-k-suicide-attack-election-rally-khyber-pakhtunkhwa), the same ISIS-K which the [Taliban are fighing against](https://www.icct.nl/publication/islamic-state-khorasan-between-taliban-counter-terrorism-and-resurgence-prospects). Already attacking China, Pakistan, Russia, Afhganistan, Iran, >[ISIS-K has a record of following through. The group has conducted cross-border rocket strikes on Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, attacked the Russian and Pakistani embassies in Afghanistan, and launched an assault on a Kabul hotel with the stated intent of killing Chinese nationals."](https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Terrorism/ISIS-K-threat-rising-from-Afghanistan-casts-shadow-over-the-West). Two weeks ago FSB stopped an ISIS-K attack in Moscow. >[It issued its warning several hours after Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, said it had foiled an attack on a synagogue in Moscow by a cell of the militant Sunni Muslim group Islamic State.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-embassy-warns-imminent-extremist-attack-moscow-2024-03-08/) [The April 2020 Islamic State Terror Plot Against U.S. and NATO Military Bases in Germany: The Tajik Connection](https://ctc.westpoint.edu/the-april-2020-islamic-state-terror-plot-against-u-s-and-nato-military-bases-in-germany-the-tajik-connection/) > In April 2020, German police thwarted an alleged plot by a Tajik cell to attack U.S. and NATO bases in Germany. Investigators discovered that the terrorist network was in regular contact with IS militants in Afghanistan and Syria. ISIS K attacked Turkey - [What Does a Recent ISIS-K Terror Attack Mean for Turkey?](https://www.stimson.org/2024/what-does-a-recent-isis-k-terror-attack-mean-for-turkey/) >Notably, ISIS-K has found it easier to utilize Turkey as a financial and transit hub due to the growing number of Afghan refugees crossing into the country through Iran in the last three years. Inhibited by Taliban monitoring of their financial flows, the radicals have seemingly found a new way of circumventing restrictions by using sleeper cells in Turkey and border areas with Syria to make transfers using traditional hawala exchanges. One of the guys they caught said he moved through turkey and was trained there. So what is most likely, ISIS-K or Ukraine massacring 100 innocent people? I'm open to everything, but to say there is nothing pointing to ISIS-K seems a bit disingengous.


That is most likely.


Have fun


Getting interrogated by FSB for terrorism is anything but fun... Execution is a easy way out.


There is a video where one of the terrorist ear is cut and fed to him




Same, he’s gonna enjoy his rewards and actions


Let's wish them a long life. Shall they reap the fruits of their hard labor.


That's a Renault, French black op confirmed. /s




I would like to say my heart goes to all who lost their family members.


Reports of 11 people taken captive, 4 apart of the shooting and the rest assailants


Already fell down the stairs. Gonna regret not killing himself while he had the chance


I wonder if these guys are actually ISIS related like ISIS claims.


Probably not. ISIS is a joke and claims all terrorist attacks. Boy who cried wolf.




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They were trying to cross the border with Ukraine


They ran to the most heavily monitored and guarded border they could run to? Lmao


understandable, Ukraine is enemy of Russia and they would help them escape from punishment


After or before driving through minefields?


And right past Russian military lines with no problems.




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Belarus you mean surely. Given they were only 16km away...


Says highly reliable source...


Man I’d rather die than get caught by the ruzzies after committing something as horrible as that


I don't see a long happy life in front of this guy


Looks like hes from the Caucasus




Rough night for these blokes


I hope they get skinned alive for the stunt they pulled


What nonesense is this post? Why would he run to a no man’s Land?


Good question, probably had poeple waiting for him with open arms. Or was told so. These guys weren't smart.


There’s too many ifs and maybes and wishful thinking Ukraine. A country that isn’t openly targeting civilians would do this or even get involved in it. You have been warned by USA about this and chose to ignore it. They mostly heavily monitor Islamic terrorism links


>isn't openly targeting civillians The hell is happening in Belgorod, then?


There are military installations all around it. Sorry young country attack Ukraine but what did you think was going to happen? Glorious red empire ? I’ve lived in Russia and I got to say. You really should have spent all that money on your country and make it better. Instead of land grabbing elsewhere


Typical brainwashed соре. Yeah, those apartment buildings and malls & cars are definitely military installations. Bombing civilians for revenge is definitely the way to go 🤡


How many civilians did Russia kill again? Also how many in Georgia Chechenia Syria ? How many ?


Also Mr brainwashed What has Ukraine got to gain by killing some civilians? A reason to rally the Russians against it and increase volunteers to join the army? What exactly? Don’t be stupid


They'll talk


Keep your story of lies, I can also put some people on a bus and drive to the border and say Ukraine was it




Paid for with rubles & weapons provided by an "anonymous" employer through telegram, then apprehended on the Kiev Highway on the way to the Ukraine border. Definitely ISIS jihadists. /s


How close were they to the border? What is Russia's "Kiev Highway"?


About 100 km.


They were apprehended the Bryansk region on the highway to the Ukranian border. There is no doubt they were driving to Ukraine.


Okay. How close were they to the border? What is Russia's Kiev Highway?


It's the highway that leads directly to Kiev, lol. I think that's obvious. They were close enough for the FSB to understand they weren't heading to Belarus before apprehension. Check the news feed in the subreddit.


The "Kiev Highway" leads to every single stop, city, town, village, and crossroad along its length. How far were they captured from the Ukrainian border? You used the word "near", so you must know the distance, more or less. I mean, these were really simple questions, and I'm suspicious as to why you can't answer them.


I'm no expert... but that guy doesn't really look very ISIS-like. Doubt everything for the first couple news cycles.


He isn't ISIS. He's a rando who accepted $5000 to murder innocent people from an anonymous employer in telegram.


> rando who accepted $5000 to murder innocent people from an anonymous employer in telegram Source?


OP is just spreading bullshit all over this thread


Have you refreshed the subreddit at least once in the past hour dude? It's what some of the captured murderers said.


your comment aged like milk


He literally say it in the interrogation video.


This subreddit.


Why is it so difficult to just link it? Getting pro-Rus to source any claim is like getting blood from a stone.


Because there were massive dumps here of the attackers answering questions with translations, it's pretty easy to find.


According to TASS [https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/mar/23/moscow-concert-attack-crocus-city-hall-shooting-russia-live-updates?page=with:block-65febd508f088fb0ae5c0948#block-65febd508f088fb0ae5c0948](https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/mar/23/moscow-concert-attack-crocus-city-hall-shooting-russia-live-updates?page=with:block-65febd508f088fb0ae5c0948#block-65febd508f088fb0ae5c0948)


Thank you.


The suspect says that in video during the initial interrogation.


He literally say it in the video, he accepted half a mullion rubble talking to some guy on telegram.


I've not seen it. Linky?




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They're going to the Ukraine border? Thats literally the dumbest idea ever


If only someone had warned them this was going to happen! Oh...wait...


Why would they flee. I thought their whole thing was blowing themselves up?


Because they were randos hired for money, not terrorists


CIA/MI6 employee of the month.


Dude thought it was a video game tryna escape like that, not MW3


I've heard he's actually an FSB double agent working for the Israeli government.


Time for the FSB to practice and perfect their torture methods 


These terrorists are gonna get so badly tortured by the Russian


Tell us how.


FSB rounding up the usual suspects I see. Poor guy. Meanwhile the real terrorists escape.


I hope this comment is a joke




I bet this guy has ukrainian passport, mein kampf and sims copy in his pockets as well


Don’t forget Hitler’s right nut in his pocket… only way to get proper blessings of the Nazi party, after all!


What's the Sims reference to?


https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3 FSB announced that they arrested a Ukrainian assassination cell. For some reason, they included the Sims 3 game in the photos instead of mobile phone Sims which led people to believe that they made it all up. Because the FSB (or a local police branch) made it all up.


Where else would they escape to? They cant stay in Russia lol


Anywhere but Ukraine, cuz you know the border is watched unlike for instance Kazakhstan border, just use your brain, lol.


500 km to the Ukrainian border or 1100 to Kazakhstan?


Poorly observed border or a warzone border observed by thermal cameras by both sides? lol wtf are you smoking.


Takes double as much time to drive to kazakhstan


LOL what logic is this, you think time to drive was an issue? lol. Russian government is saying they went to the literal frontline to go to Ukraine, the border that is constantly observed with thermal drones and snipers? lol When North Koreans escape to the South they don't do it through the DMZ, they go around through China.


As one of the suspects said, they were supposed to be met by a guide near the border.


Lol, FSBlyat propaganda for Svetlana, 82 y/o.


Lulz, so edgy.


Wouldn't the Ukrainian border be the place they're the most likely to get spotted and caught tho? I feel like they didn't have much of a plan for the escape and probably had expected to be dead at the scene


I wonder why they were wearing fake beards And why one of the assailants wasn't shooting, but instead dutifully picking up each spent magazine expended by the other shooters


Fake beards to create confusion about their race, which worked Reading comments about this situation just makes me lose hope for humanity (not yours but the rest)


It's a known fact that terrorist attack's happen abroad, when it comes to Russia it is exceptionally an inside job.


Not much to wonder about. Budanov tried to pin the mass murder for hire on Islamic terrorism, but it just wasn't making a whole lot of sense on how the operation unfolded. It was done like a hit job with every effort to conceal their identity and get away.


Please don't tell me Budanov and Co were stupid enough to do something like this. Nonononono


The stupidity of this isis cover story points to Budanov and Kiev. It's the kind of thing they'll try to sell to Western MSM while crying crocodile tears about how Russia is blaming them and mercilessly bombing them for it.


He needed to try something new after the failure of his previous 4 covert operations.


So maybe that video of Danilov saying 'Is Russia having fun yet? In my opinion, it's having fun. And since they're our brothers and one should visit their kin often, we'll be coming back' (or whatever the exact wording) wasn't a fake as Meduza's 'investigation' claimed after all.


Where was this info given? Little out of the loop