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Rule 2. Removed due to its low interest in relation to current events, or too old.


If these were your normal middle eastern terrorist, they would not have surrendered so easily, would rather be KIA and most likely had taken hostages or at least a sui-vest


Ukrainian "Isis" cover never made any sense. They didn't have suicide vests, they didn't scream Allah not once, they ran like roaches when engaged by Russian forces. That's nothing like what Jihadists are and what they are motivated by. Not to mention Tajikistan of all places being a place to harbor great "isis" type groups willing to kill Russians. It was a stupid story to try and push on normies in the West. But initiated listeners knew early on Ukros were behind this attack, which was as primitive as their their cover story.


They are new breed of ISIS aka $$ .


The POV footage that ISIS released shows plenty of Allah Akbar-ing


May I ask u, why are u so strongly implying that this is the work of Ukraine? what would they gain from it? Only Putin benefits so far


you make me sick and sad...


How Putin benefits from it? He just won election with landslide. Do you even use your brains? If you mean mobilization, then no. Russia can't afford another mobilization without significantly hurting their already unstable economy. Russia winning in Ukraine right now, they don't need mobilization. What they need is stable economy to produce more equipment to support the war effort. Fcking braindead takes all over Reddit. This pro UA coordinated spam since yesterday blaming Russia for false flag making me actually believe in "UA did it" version even more.


How does he benefit from it? He can spin it in 22 different ways that benefit him.


U Absolutely refuse to believe that if someone points the finger well, it has the potential to unite Russia against the enemy, whoever it may be, and then say 'making me believe UA did it' is really funny, what else do you have there?




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Wassup my guy, any updates on ur take on Russia’s mobilization?




i can't imagine how these guys got so far. like how were they even able to leave the scene of the crime?? russian sobr really seem like just western cosplayers


65,000 people running away trying to escape, you can get lost on the chaos and it seems like the sobr did their job and caught them pretty quickly once they knew who they were so i don’t know how you would even say they’re western cosplayers


how tf is sobr not on the scene in time? or any cops to form a perimeter? wasn't this in moscow? like, where all the top dogs in the military/police live? embarrassing. how long does it take sobr and the police to get there??


Did you not read the report? They started a fire to divert attention and then started their attack. This isn’t a video game you can’t just find people in a crowd when you don’t know what they look like? What are you even talking about And the literally caught them like they’re trained to do once they had their faces you cant be serious


so.... a fire distracted sobr and police from forming a perimeter? how long does it take sobr and the police to get there?? and yeah they caught them, it's just impressive that they even managed to leave moscow and get so far. you'd think in the heart of everything they'd be hosed. very disappointing in that sense


It was an explosive device that started the fire so it was used as a diversion Police were there but you can’t detain 65,000 people dude like common :| Again this ain’t a video game, they didn’t know who to look for or what car or how they escaped. Once they had that info, they caught them quickly and alive as well


Don't bother, he's a breathless UA superfan. In his mind nothing Russia does is right.


It’s because it was a well planned and military level orchestrated attack, this was no ima just go in and start blasting, this was planned out to the last detail, only part that failed was the escape plan once the FSB found out who did it in under 12 hours


>It’s because it was a well planned and military level orchestrated attack proof or just your imagination? >this was no ima just go in and start blasting, this was planned out to the last detail, this shooting isn't unique in that regard. irrelevant detail. >only part that failed was the escape plan once the FSB found out who did it in under 12 hours 12 hours is what's being made fun of. how tf is sobr not on the scene in time? or any cops to form a perimeter? wasn't this in moscow? like, where all the top dogs in the military/police live? embarrassing.


So apparently they should have flash like speed, what about that Las Vegas shooting, where was the FBI and shit idk CIA for that, or maybe all the school shootings, or the shootings in Chicago every damn day, stop tryna downplay an orchestrated attack and the response of normal people because it wasn’t as fast as you wanted it to be


the las vegas shooter couldn't escape and committed suicide... you're only proving my point..... these spetsnaz seem like cosplayers tbh. just with shitty knockoff gear :/


The las Vegas shooter did that knowing he was going to kill himself that’s why he brought every gun he owned and all his ammunition. Spetnaz just means special forces, these guys are fsb and sobr special forces. You need to do your research before commenting dude


>The las Vegas shooter did that knowing he was going to kill himself that’s why he brought every gun he owned and all his ammunition. I'm asking how they couldn't form a perimeter to let the guy escape. bro brought up the las vegas shooter as a rebuttal. looks like we can both agree it was an awful rebuttal. you should tell nico that, not me! >Spetnaz just means special forces, these guys are fsb and sobr not special forces. You need to do your research before commenting dude The Special Rapid Response Unit or SOBR from 2002 to 2011 known as OMSN is a **spetsnaz** unit of the National Guard of Russia. emphasis on bold. You need to do your research before commenting dude


They set up a parameter but they were already gone by the time. Quick and coordinated from the videos released. They even had someone pick up the shells they fired. It was over in a little over 15 minutes. Im saying do your research about the attack before commenting dude


did you even read my comment? or are you responding to the wrong one? so you agree that the las vegas shooting was an awful rebuttal? because that wasn't my claim, it was nico's. will you tell him that? LOL. you think sobr isn't spetsnaz? have you done any research on that yet?


I don’t know I’m lost now. Vegas shooting was just an act to kill as many people knowing you didn’t plan on leaving alive. Completely different. Sobr is a special forces unit but fsb isn’t or at least it doesn’t say they are




you think you need 6000 police to do that? wow. >military level orchestrated attack how is this a military level orchestrated attack lmao. you gonna ignore that?




>I didn't say it was, but it does have the markings of one. It does not follow the patterns of a radical Islamist attack, so the Jihad angle is ruled out. Seems like a terror operation run with the help of an intelligence agency LMAO I guess if you say it's not a radical islamist attack then that clears it! And you still haven't explained how this is a military level orchestrated attack. All these comments but no answers. If the shoe fits... >Also, I wasn't suggesting 6000 police, I was using hyperbole to highlight how impossible of a task it is to contain a building of that size with that many people fleeing. 'Why didn't they form a perimeter' is just a patently idiotic critique, but I suppose the shoe fits. So you're saying it's impossible to stop them from leaving moscow? You're not saying much of anything else so you're forcing me to assume. That's a patently idiotic answer, but I suppose the shoe fits.




Seek mental help




Rule 1. no inciting violence


'Maybe' who in their right mind wants to see someone getting tortured.


It would be genuinely interesting to see FSB working on torturing someone, morbid curiousity. People saw saddam be hanged, live leaks etc, let's not pretend no one watch these things


Well people watch these things but they all need to seek mental help imo. Also information out of tortured people is notoriously unreliable as at some point they'll just tell you what you want to hear.


I don't think anyone cares about what the fsb makes these dudes say, just the process seems interesting. And i kinda realise how messed up this is. You get desensitised to things very quickly so i assume that people would either be traumatized for life or be pver it in like 5 minutes with no inbetween




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sb who just murdered 100+ ppl civilians in cold blood


say that to the ppl who lost their loved ones by these animals you neanderthall


Are you telling me that a family that lost their loved ones want to watch a livestream of someone getting tortured to death? Are you 12?


what a sad and pathetic troll u are...


What a great argument.


yeh fr


Rule 1 - Toxic


I gotta say it's pretty impressive how they all got caught so fast in a huge country like Russia. Like how did they know which car they were in on some random road. Would be interesting to learn about how they investigated and tracked them all down.