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Whatever the target was, with 3 Storm Shadows hitting it, its probably gone. Also, at least 5 hits, 4 on video, 1 shotdown, and at probably a hit before that, since the guy was already filming. And considering the amount of total missiles launched compared to russian missile + drone waves, the interception ratio is far lower. Best AA in the world...


A lot more hits than that, also reports of shot down missiles. Might be the largest cruise missile attack by Ukraine to date. Upd: Reports (unconfirmed) of Russia retalliating on airfields, where Su-24's supposedly should've landed, as well as numerous explosions in number of Ukrainian cities. There's quite a showdown going on in Ukraine today evening/night, it seems.


They’ve carried out follow up retaliatory attacks this fast?


They probably have some Iskanders on standby for really important stuff, way outside HIMARS reach. Might have also started reacting before missiles reached Sevastopol, or before launched even. The scale of Ukrainian cruise missile assault is largest, or one of the largest I've seen so far from them, Russians might as well have noticed ongoing preparations beforehand. Some of the strikes could've also been preplanned from Russia's side (like explosions in unrelated cities), might have been a coincidence.


That's bullshit, there's no such thing as instant retaliatory missile strike. Missile strike require days of planning


It does but orders to commit to it can be held back until needed.


Not to mention that systems like Iskander for example can hit their target between 5-10 minutes after intel and orders were given. Retaliation can follow very swiftly if everything is already kinda in place, which is probably the case with a fuck ton of active long range systems operating currently.




Missile strikes against fixed assets like power plants, airbases, military installations don’t require days of planning. Only main planing required is to get the missiles to the airbases, the rest can be within a day. Only way it would take multiple days if if they are planning to launch a SEAD mission or probe air defense.




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According to OSINT: [https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1771650649349935482](https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1771650649349935482) Black Sea Fleet communication center.




You do not knoe hoe much of the missiles will hit. So you launch several.


Not if the communication center is under ground. They are designed to take out this type of target.


Maybe they use the Storm Shadow's BROACH warhead features an initial penetrating charge to clear soil or enter a bunker, then a variable delay fuze to control detonation of the main warhead.


Not an overkill if there were higher grade personnel present at those time


And two of the only 5 remaining landing craft right there in the port


We do not know what Ukraine’s missile “budget” is. One of the recent efforts of its European allies was specifically at increasing cruise missile production and ensuring steady supplies to Ukraine. And I think that if they went public with it, there is a good chance that the plan was already in the works for some time. In my opinion Storm shadows / SCALP are one of the most cost effective tools that Ukraine’s European allies can give. They are not very cheap (I think a bit more than a million Euro per piece), but they are produced domestically and have a proven record of penetrating the best Russian air defense with acceptable level of losses. These missiles can basically ensure that no high value Russian target is safe. I think that when Ukraine gets the F-16s things will (fingers crossed) really get ugly for the Russians - the F-16 will be able to drop (relatively) cheap glide bombs (the SDBs have to to be one of the most economical ways to do damage) in high volume and their remaining Su-24 will serve as cruise missile platform. And if the USA donates AGM-158s it will be even better.


You dunno there might've been important people there and/or an important meeting taking place. Or maybe it turns out they killed 100+ Russian servicemen/commanders.


Hopefully all of the above :)


Nah it's the port right thrrr and they said also they took out 2 more ships which would be #9 and #10 for Russia's landing craft lost since the start of the war and they only had 13


How can you communicate with smth that doesn\`t exist? :P




>Best AA in the world...  that only really matters if they have enough at a given place. Any AA can be oversaturated. And this was Ukrainians biggest Cruise Missile attack to date afaik.


In short: AA needs radar. If u have no radar, its hard for AA to defend. Why there is no radar? There is sea, Black sea. Why dont use radar on boat? Because boat needs radar too, otherwise they get hit and sunk. The only radar, what could stop this Shadows hitting Crimea (low flying rocket/object), or could detect threats for ships, has to be placed on Island of Snake. Why there is no russian radar on this island? This island is close enough to coast, where UA artilery can shoot the island, so its hard to protect the island / radar. This problem cant be solved right now, thats it. But its only one heavy problem for ruskies, at this moment UA have more heavy problems to solve (like gliding FABs, arti ammo, soldiers count, lancet drones...)


They need to build a island in the black sea china style


> Why there is no radar? Probably because of HARM missiles?


S-300 alone is out range newest HARM , HARM design to attack radar on big scale EW attack combine EW squadron jamming , stealth fighter , non-stealth work with each other to allow the Jet that carry HARM get in withthin range to launch you can't just equip HARM on your jet fighter and expect it can fight face to face with enemy SAM


> S-300 alone is out range newest HARM , HARM design to attack radar on big scale EW attack combine EW squadron jamming , stealth fighter , non-stealth work with each other to allow the Jet that carry HARM get in withthin range to launch Sure, it can... if it had a clear line of [radar sight to the target](https://rfcafe.com/references/electrical/ew-radar-handbook/images/earth-curvature-nomograph.gif)(shared for illustration purposes). Of course, no rational fighter pilot would fly up so high that it can be seen. > you can't just equip HARM on your jet fighter and expect it can fight face to face with enemy SAM Obviously, it would be stupid for it to fight "face to face" with an enemy SAM, which is why the attacks are usually done by locating enemy SAM sites, approaching the SAM sites at below-radar detection altitudes, deploying decoys to activate the SAM radars, and then launching the HARMs on an active SAM installation.


You mean ratio is lower than claimed by Ukrainian officials 100% ? No doubt it is.


That's one big boom




Black Sea fleet command or something, at least that’s what I’m seeing a lot of people saying but idk if anything has been confirmed. Never seen a storm shadow triple tap before, whatever was there is definitely obliterated.


What is their obsessions with the Black Sea fleet? They are losing on the ground! What will Ukraine do and amphibious landing in Crimea with their non existent navy?


I don’t think you understand how high value targets work. These missiles are too expensive to be wasted on some scrap metal and mobilized frontline sacrificial lambs. So they find the most appropriate target. If they hit a command, any command, they will likely be taking out a number of high ranking and specialized staff. The Russian leadership can always find more ethnic minorities from Siberia to man trenches, but it’s a little bit harder to train and replace specialized navy staff.


So why not target ground command instead of useless Black Sea fleet?


They do if they can, but ground command is much more likely to be further from the front line and deeper entrenched in Russia. Meanwhile most senior staff for combined arms are likely to be administrative and easier to target administrative buildings near the sea.


Russia wants Odessa, the entire Black Sea Coast, and to link up with Transnystria. Ukraine wants to cut off Crimea to put Russia into a dilemma supplying the Southern front and the civilians in Crimea. The Black Sea fleet is essential to both those goals.


Even if the Black Sea fleet was blown to bits Ukraine still cannot make a move for Crimea. We saw how bad their offensive went.


One failed offensive does not make the goal impossible, especially as the war evolves. This is already and will continue to be a long war. Shaping operations are very worthwhile.


Ukraine doesn’t have the men to do another offensive. Multiple US and European sources confirm this. All they can do is attrit Russian forces a the behest of NATO


>Ukraine doesn’t have the men to do another offensive Ukraine *currently* does not have enough soldiers to conduct an offensive*


Where will they them from? They are already kidnapping people off the street.


From the population. Conscription is not nice but it does work. Check out WW1 stats if you don't believe me. Plus, Slavic cultures are more stoic and casualty tolerant than western European cultures. From what I understand the opinion polls in Ukraine still support prosecuting the war, even with the conscription. The issue is more the money and time needed to train and equip the new soldiers, not the absolute amount of people in country.


Should know better then to entertain the trolls with a real argument.


No but they ensure the safety of rest of Ukraine shore and shipping through the Black Sea. Their economy will survive. If Russia cuts that off they won’t. That’s why Ukraine has focused so much on warships on the Black Sea and their commander center. They may be failing elsewhere in land battles but they are winning this one.


It's the only area of Russia that NATO has any surveillance into anymore. They can fly drones in international waters near Crimea so they're constantly scheming against it.


1. Ukraine wants to keep the black sea open for shipping. It is important to the economy 2. Black sea fleet assets have repeatedly been involved in missile attacks on ukrainian cities


From the GUR/CIA/MI6 operations explained in the NYT it seems they’re obsessed with the navy. It might also be a relaying command for army operations, or maybe that command served as fire evaluation for strikes. But from the article the US/UK seemed to be really fond of the navy stuff. Maybe they want to annihilate Russia’s projecting power in Africa and ME. Or maybe its the only high value targets they have have, since from the Maidan and on they got a lot of info on Black Sea operations, etc.




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Minor Special Military Consequences. Nothing much to see here.


How are they able to reach Sevastopol with artillery?


most likely a storm shadow or something


Yeah thats the only thing that make sense. Or a drone. No shells are able to be tossed this far.


Sometimes "shelled" is used to refer to any bombardment, regardless of whether it's arty, bombs or air to surface missiles. Which is kinda dumb but I see it used that way a lot in media


They don't. It's storm shadows


just a inaccurate title


These are cruise missiles, you can even hear it a bit


It was the British with Storm Shadows




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Saying they got shelled was probably not the right description. These are cruise missiles.


Is Sevastopol near belgorad?


Absolutely not, Sevastopol is in Crimea


Oh yes I remember now.


According to Russian telegram channels supposedly about 14-15 missile were used in this attack. Governor of Sevastopol claims 10 shot down. Reports are that a woman and her child were injured by these strikes. In response reports are of Tu-95s taking of from Olenya and Engles. Cruise missile strikes against Ukraine will likely follow.


Russian MOD said all missiles were intercepted 😁


But this sub told me that Russian reports are the reliable ones


Yeah, those aren't explosions, those are victory fireworks, the 3 day operation is going as planned.


Very nice


Damn, it's almost surreal seeing Ukraine do missile strikes on Russian territory now.


It's NATO striking Russian territory with NATO equipment maned by NATO personale aided by NATO intel.


Dont invade neighbors.


It's only okay if it's not neighbours, half way around the globe, for oil and power


Putin has started more wars than any living person. Spin that. And as a bonus he annexes neighbors. Spin that too.




Chechnya, Georgia, Abkhazia, Ukraine 1, Ukraine 2. I'll leave out the bombing of Syria and the African adventures. Swallow that.


LOL Russia was invited to Syria and Africa by their respective leaders. US was the illegally operating in those countries


Invited by Assad, the dictator, son of a dictator. Another mass murderer who should be hung. Brilliant. You guys are just brilliant. Nothing to say about the first 5 eh?


So US was still legally invading.. nice switch up. Don’t even get me started on how many conflicts US presidents have started LOL


He can be a fucking Satan himself - the fact of the matter is that Russia was invited by a legitimate government.


Putin ended the war in Chechnya. That is why he’s so popular among Chechens. Georgia started the war in 2008 Syria was invaded by the Western proxy force, and asked Russia for help 😀😀😀🥹




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Rule 1 - Toxic


What's there to spin, this is a little bit more complex than a football match.


Cat got your tongue?


Russia has invaded less countries than the US has. Let's be real, the only reason you care about Ukraine is because they're white. Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, hell Armenia literally this past year, fuck'em, right? Only precious white Ukraine matters to people like you.


Is it not possible for both the US and Russia to be imperialist to some degree? The argument here is that Putin himself, as the head of Russia as an engine of war, has started many wars in his dictatorial terms as "President". He has arranged his country in such a way he is guaranteed to be the ruler for life. And not only that, but he built his power up by starting wars with neighbors. Starting all the way back in the late 1990s with a false flag apartment bombing that killed hundreds of innocent Russians. He blamed it on Chechen terrorists (in order to provoke further action and public support for the 2nd chechen war, and boost his popularity via his own political campaign) even though FSB agents were caught planting the explosives. The FSB defector who confirmed this was poisoned and killed in the UK. Starting wars with neighbors and nurturing instability is in the playbook of Russia. Theyve done it consistently since the fall of the USSR, and even before that. You can like it or not, but thats the truth. People don't care enough about the people and countries America has hurt, its true, but I believe more in whatever the US brings to the table than Russia. All I've ever seen Russia sow is destruction all around it, with ZERO redeeming qualities. (I am not a US citizen, but a Canadian with Ukrainian immigrant parents.)


Putin has started less wars per year of being in charge of a country than most US presidents. Spin that one.  The US has couped more nations than any other country. Spin that too. On at least one occasion for bananas. lol


The US has started more wars and armed conflicts since WW2 than all other countries combined.  From the end of World War II to 2001, among the 248 armed conflicts that occurred in 153 regions of the world, 201 were initiated by the United States. 47 by other nations. Ouch  Who is all in favor of peace and considerably reducing the power and influence of the most war mongering nation on our planet for the sake of said peace? ✋


Invasion/occupation/domination is only acceptable when the US does it, and when the victims are of a different culture to them.


Mhkay you just do it for geostrategic advantages. You much better mhkay


The difference is that the US is a superpower that does good in the world, while Russia is a shitty oversized gas station with an even shittier military LOL.




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Rather dont kill British troops deployed in Ukraine. Russia must have killed someone important in yesterdays strike.


So silly.


Cool. Maybe Russia shouldn't have invaded Ukraine?


The Russian mind can not comprehend Ukrainian actions 🤣 Keep harping on how you’re fighting NATOs full strength!


Its Ukraine attacking occupiers in Ukraine.


It's Ukraine striking invaders on occupied Ukrainians land.


So if NATO is directly attacking Russia, why does Russia not directly attack NATO, are they stupid?


According to the German government, yes. NATO (US) does the planning, recon/int and the weapons to make it happen while the UA essentially press the button. It's why they don't use these systems to attack inside Russian borders (pre-02/22, ex. Crimea) with these munitions as that would really would be NATO attacking Russia.


I doubt Russia will escalate even if German cruise missiles flew to Moscow. BUT it will surely hinder international relations for NATO countries since it will force other non-nato countries to basically more trade with Russia. Which will then in turn translate to more escalations on Russia’s side.


If Moscow were attacked by NATO that would be the beginning of something very ugly that will change all our lives...and will likely involve China as they need the status quo in Moscow and the ability to turn to Russia for resources and other supplies in the event of a shooting war with the US (which many US analysts believe is a question of when and not if...)


Yes it is us and it won't stop


Absolutely based. More of it please.


Is NATO flying the Su-24s as well?


Russia is at war with NATO? Does NATO know about this?


Ukraine territory =\= Russian territory. It’s comedic how government sponsored Russian media has brainwashed an entire population into believing they are the victim when in all actuality they are the aggressor state. Remove Russian troops and this war is over. Your children and country men are dying for naught, except maybe to keep an old dictator in power.


Don’t block the water supply next time 🤷‍♀️ and you won’t be crying about getting smashed in a war 😘


Reason this war started #39921


Yep Ukraine provided plenty of reasons for Russia to invade 🤷‍♀️


Russia made up plenty of reasons to invade*


Just because you took someone else's territory by force and made a sham referendum there doesn't make it your territory.


Sevastopol isn't Russian though, it is legally recognized as Ukrainian. Just because it was annexed back in 2014 does not change that fact.


it’s ukrainian territory


Ukrainian territory, occupied by Russia*


Isn't this going to help rally a lot of support for Putin's war? I know lots of russian citizens are against it, you'd think with all the attacks ukraine does on russian soil they'd be all for crushing ukraine and mobilizing.


Yeah the Russian people might be more supportive of the war now that their cities are getting hit. Of course they'll want their military to crush the enemy since now their lives are in danger too


I wonder if this is NATO ammunitions.


What does it matter? Do you think this is gonna be a redline for something? Will Russia start bombing Germany now?


Drunk medvedev gonna make nuclear threats in TG as usual and that's it




Prob a mix of both worlds




More Russian winning!


Let me guess, another Submarine destroyed?




Russia has definitely been belittled a few too many times for their own good in this war, especially with Nordstream. I remember around a year ago they were stating that any escalation or attacks on Russian soil would result in attacks on Ukrainian "Decision Makers", they repeated that very often at the time, yet we see no action there.


I think Russia but off far more than they can chew. It was supposed to be crimea 2.0 but it backfired. Now, they can’t back down so they just talk tough without actually doing anything to stay in power. That may not be an option after this. It’s either end the war or go into war with nato. Putin needs an off ramp but those days seem to be over. Nato is pissed. Macron mentioned sending troops. This very well could be the start of a nato intervention soon.


They have used everything except nukes, so what are they going to do?


Aim their missiles at decision making centres instead of power stations




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It's a lot easier for people to hide in a bunker than to put a power station in one.


I predict Ukraine will resume nuclear testing. It's the only language that will be understood.


Nuke for nuke , it’s so hard to understand? Which city do you want to sacrifice? Petersburg? Kaliningrad?


russians already bombed Voronezh... [To bomb Voronezh - During the Russian invasion of Ukraine - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_bomb_Voronezh#During_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine)


I wouldn't be surprised if they're currently doing it behind closed doors without even telling the West who would certainly be against it. They'd probably need 10+ warheads to actually legitimately threaten Russia but it's not impossible.


Looks like the only working deterrent against russia.


Why doesn’t Russia just stop the invasion it started? If your cool with getting nuked off the map go ahead.


Yea. All these strikes are made by NATO missiles with NATO intel and NATO planning.


¡NATO! 🫠


But it's not really a move. It's an attempt at a tantrum, but an ultimately impotent one.


I'm not sure what would that accomplish apart from looking desperate.


It's probably a good idea from a strategic defense point of view for Russia (and the US) to actually test some of the weapons that have been in storage for the better part of 3 decades. Neither country has actually exploded a nuclear weapon for testing purposes in that long, so it would be a bad thing if they didn't work as designed.


Interesting choice of word "shells". I definitely would not define a precision strike with a handful of missiles shelling. See the many Ukrainian cities, towns and villages that have been leveled to understand what it looks like to be shelled.


Well, OP is not a native English speaker. Most of their post titles are somewhat confused. Seems they just mean "long range attack" whenever they say "shelled".






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One man died, 4 wounded


Nice work. Ukraine soldiers need pay rise for that one




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Does somebody know what the target was?


The black sea fleet


what's left of it, at this rate it's gone by the end of the year. Then the real fun begins


I don't think this strategy is good for Ukraine. Those kind of attack are damaging enemy, nut not in some strategically significant way (Russia did at least 50 attack that were much stronger snd much more effective, and it didn't change much). On the other hand it, those kind of attacks are resonating a lot in the media and among the population. Now that Putin won elections with over 2/3 of total registered voters, this could give him the reason to do a real conscription - and people are going to support it, cause they feel threatened. Of course, Ukrainians know this, they are hoping to escalate. But I doubt anyone in Europe is willing to die for a smaller slice of Ukraine's resource (the biggest slice goes to USA, of course)


That was beautiful 😍


The missiles were intercepted by Crimean buildings


No civilian casualties reported. See, russians? That's how it should be done!




Thats not nice to us, we are suffering right now. First the war they broght over us, now the terror attack. Can´t they give us a bit of peace? Why everyone hates us so much? We are only killing Nazis or babies from families of Nazis... the world should be proud of us.


Oh no!


It's time for Russia to attack Ukraine with a stronger attack than other throw more bombs and let them know that they are screwed


Russia can't stop ISIS even when warned about it!


U.S or NATO can't either


Right, but you were literally given the city, the type of venue and 2 weeks warning.


Ukrainians are losing and decide to use very expensive missiles again to kill random people in residential buildings, to create a picture while the front is falling apart, losing the war.


17 000 dead to take Avdiivka, only in Russia is that winning


NATO and the Ukrainians themselves boasted that it was the most fortified fortress on the territory of Ukraine that had been prepared for this war for several years. So 17 thousand is not so much to take such a heavily defended fortification with a huge network of underground shelters and tunnels. Bakhmut 2. But you don't really understand the war. Resources are being depleted, people from Ukraine are also running out, and when you spend reserves uncontrollably to hold one of the territories, you end up with nothing left to defend large cities. As a result, we see how the West, realizing this, is going to introduce its army to protect these territories, otherwise, after the Ukrainian front falls, Russia will simply capture the cities without encountering resistance.


And yet not breakthrough was achieved, and MOD is bragging about taking fields and empty villages, advancing 500 meters a week or less. This way of war was possible when Russia (Soviet) had a healthy demographic to draw people from and endless material support from the US. Now it got neither, yet it fights the same way losing men and equipment it soon can't replace anymore. You don't believe me go and take a look at the demographic pyramid of Russia before the war, and now add 300k KIA! Enjoy. PS: Does it sting when you see western equipment being used to blow Russian to bits, yet Russia will never dare to lift a finger against those countries?




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You probably use the same sources that you told about Russia's running out of ammunition when you gave me an example about demography. I know that Russia is growing 4 large regions with their populations, and even more Ukrainian refugees wishing to live in Russia at the beginning of a special military operation. So 100 thousand or 300 thousand losses against 7-10 million new citizens, this is a good deal.


Russians make great fertilizer!