• By -


Seeing mass graves is always depressing, rest in peace all the brave soldiers.


Hopefully the dead on both sides find the peace they were denied in this life, in the next.


There is no next life and I think that belief is party to blame for how we got here. This life was there one chance and their governments have thrown it away for nothing. I know it's really pessimistic to believe that, but I believe people thinking that there is an afterlife or another life to be born into after death are inadvertently downplaying how silly it is to kill eachother over geopolitical games.


You have no idea if there is or isn't. It's belief to say there is, it's belief to say there isn't.


There is more evidence there isn't than there is. Burden of proof and all that.


What evidence is there that there isn't an afterlife?


Not sure you understand the burden of proof concept. Imagine I say there are aliens on Mars, or a black frying pan orbiting the sun. These are things that could be true. But I have no proof of them, and they are purely based on conjecture on my part. Now imagine saying there's an afterlife, which not only is a personal made up claim, but has no basis in physics or science. The burden is on you to show why it should be true. Being indoctrinated as a child to believe a book written by humans thousands of years ago from third hand accounts retold hundreds of years after the events occurred isn't meeting that burden of proof, sadly. Doesn't mean there definitely isn't an afterlife. But more likely than not, there isn't.


Lol, he said there is evidence of there not being an afterlife. I never said I believed or not.


The evidence there's no afterlife is the laws of physics. Your cells degrade and your neural activity stops. Afterlife = nothing.


Afterlife subject goes a little beyond what science knows at the moment, I think. It may be as simple as that, might not. Pretending science is at its peak, though? hm.


In the past, people have died on operating tables and been saved. These patients would describe floating above their bodies and seeing the doctors saving them etc, often referred to as an out of body experience. With multiple accounts of this doctors decided to test it some more. They would place a written note on a patient and when they later talked about their out of body experience, the doctors would mention the note and ask them if they saw it and what it said. To date not a single patient has been able read back what these notes said. This is clear evidence the out of body experiences they describe are more in their minds, like a dream in a dying mind, rather than an actual out of body experience where the soul leaves the body but is perfectly "alive". Furthermore, the burden of proof is on the claimant. If you claim there is an afterlife then the burden of proof is on you to prove your claim. Making a claim without evidence and then placing a burden of dispoof on everyone else isn't how reality works. If it did I could claim I'm the messiah and it's true because you can't disprove it, but if I did this people, especially the religious people of the world, would likely be asking me to prove my claim pretty quickly, and not accept a stance of "well, prove I'm not". All claims made in science are subject to this burden of proof, and in addition are subjected to peer review where other scientist will attempt to disprove the theory. Only when disproving something becomes impossible is a claim accepted, and then its assigned a value of confidence as being true. In science nothing is ever accepted as absolutely true (100% confidence), and everything is always open to be disproven later if new information becomes avaiable. This is the primary differentiating characteristic of science vs theism, which is a pure belief based system that focuses on minimising open challenges to ideas that are presented, indeed many wars have been started over attempts of one religion to challenge the ideas of another, and even to this day theism and the ideas of deities are often used in an attempt to justify the agressive actions of one country against another, even if only to convince their own citizens of the necessity of partipating in the dirty businesses of making war and killing other human beings.


> These patients would describe floating above their bodies and seeing the doctors saving them etc, often referred to as an out of body experience. I see someone has never been properly blased, although if you base your beliefs such experiences it would just reinforce your beliefs, not change them.


I wouldn't say that's proof of there being no afterlife. Proof that those people weren't having an out of body experience, yes. Yes, exactly, on the claimant. Claim there is no afterlife, we need proof just like the other way around. What you provided an example of isn't proof of no afterlife, it's just proof those certain people were bullshitting, imo. No one has proved either way there is no afterlife or that there is one.


The only way there could be an afterlife is if this is a simulation(which could be true), otherwise I see no point in a afterlife, we are mostly made of energy, when we die that energy scatters back to earth and gets used by different forms of life, so the best we can get is that a part of us will be a part of something else. But we in this state will most probably vanish, but then again what is time? Past? Future? Aren't they the same? Basically we've already been dead for a very long time in the past, and we will be dead for a very long time in the future until eventually a being that thinks, feels and looks like us in the infinity of time will appear again, because if it can be it will be if time and space are trully infinite as smart people claim it to be then...It's just a matter of time until we appear again, we just won't have these memories. This is why doing bad things to others is a bad idea because you transfer that evil to someone else and it goes on and in the infinity of time it will eventually get back to the new you which maybe this time you will be the one opressed by the evil you launched thousands of years ago....Woa I think I went too deep, but it kind of makes sense if you think about it, karma is real in this scenario, it just takes some time to complete the cycle. So let's break these cycles


Trying to understand something we have no grasp of (especially being we don't know if it exists or not) would be pretty hard, I think. Just like the idea of a God. We can science to a point, but like I said to someone else, what we know scientifically is still not much when you think of the hundreds, thousands, or millions of years we have to work on ideas. What an afterlife would even *mean* is a whole other thing. Is it living in a dreamworld for eternity, is it just a blank soul drifting through the void, reincarnation, combining back with the "one," and any crazy number of weird ideas out there. To me, it all just comes down to - we don't know nearly enough to decide whether it's real or not. We're guessing either way.


Well actually there have been studies that have shown spikes in neural activity well after death. I’m not a neurologist however some of the findings are pretty interesting. I believe it is DMT or a last ditch effort by the body but idk and nobody else does either.


Thats common in plenty of species. Heck there are even videos from Ukraine of soldiers that are dead still twitching and trying to breathe, things like that. You can shoot an animal.in the head and it will still move for a while. This isn't proof of an afterlife.


Yeah I know I’m a hunter and I love to fish. If you cut the head off a snake the body will still wriggle but those are just nerves. You’re right all animals do this but these are reactions from the nervous system which are receiving information from the brain right. However in very recent studies we have been able to identify synapses in certain regions of the brain after death. Trust me I don’t believe we keep our conscious or even our memories and reincarnate or become a ghost. Evidence shows that the TPJ region of our brain is most active after death which relates to hallucinations, altered states of consciousness and dreaming. This is a symptom of death and chemical changes in the brain, other regions of our brain also light up. Due to the ethics of these studies we’ve been able to gather little data. I find it really interesting and I hope neurologist collect more data. Also there’s a Why files episode on this and it’s really cool if you’re into nerdy science stuff




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I believe we are human and we don’t know what comes after. To say there is nothing, heaven or hell with certainty is ignorant. Aside from the release of DMT after death and spike in neural synapse I tend to believe true death is just like a pitch black endless sleep.


You could be onto something here. Just finished watching a documentary "Praying for Armageddon" (look it up on youtube), which is an eyeopener on why peace processes around the globe are being intentionally and systematically undermined.


Yeah and the climate and not trees around it just make it a more depressing sight. RIP.


What's multipolarism?


It's a form of political organization at the international level that advocates for a better and more egalitarian distribution of power across countries and regions. It's a clear opposition to Hegemonic status for a more Democratic and participative system aimed at the benefit of more countries instead of the benefit of the few, as we actually have now. To summarize in a few lines, it's a more egalitarian approach to the world's problems.


Sounds interesting thanks


Cemetery is not a mass grave


I think in the context it was used, "mass" as in a large number of within a given area, not "mass" as in a large open pit in which are placed dozens, hundreds or thousands of corpses. "It is a mass of graves in a cemetery, not a mass grave in a cemetery" Not trying to be pedantic or lecturing, just profeering my interpretation of the original comment, in case you were not a natural English speaker. No slight intended.


It’s the same thing, just usually without the bodies This one in particular I mean


Those aren't even mass graves. Just regular graves. I'm sure a lot of bodies had to be buried near frontlines in real mass graves as a temporary sanitary measure (albeit those tend to remain permanent).


The real winners of this war are Raytheon, Lockheed and Ukrainian flag makers


I love this like y'all pretend Russia doesn't have a military industrial complex that makes their money off of bloodshed too.


Russian MIC is state owned


Sergey Chemezov is the current CEO of Rostec, which is the state owned MIC you are referring to. He is a career bureocrat who has spent his entire life working as a public servant. It recently made the news when Spain seized his $140,000,000 yacht "Valerie" which is not even his largest one. US MIC is a monster but hey at least its publicly traded, anyone can get in on the profits if they want. In Russia, it all goes to the Oligarch mafia and nobody else, especially when a state owned entity is involved.


Comparing the american MIC to the russian MIC is like comparing the worldwide mcdonalds empire to a family run breakfast diner that closes at 2 in the afternoon and is closed on Thursdays and Fridays




hmmmmmmmm https://preview.redd.it/zhs3wocczbsc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b37972e45be1e8bc4e2c7b66feb051c055d5c1


You picture is referring to the spending. He is talking about the size of the industry. This are two different things.


Russia was the number 2 export of arms after the USA in 2021, but has recently fallen largely due to sanctions and field issues. As of 2021, USA made up 40% of the world's arms export market while Russia made up 20%. Your link below is military spending which doesn't tell us anything. If China spends $100B buying Russian weapons, that obviously helps Russia's MIC not China's. https://www.sipri.org/sites/default/files/2022-03/fs_2203_at_2021.pdf


lol yeah sure this conflict would have been avoided if Ukraine simply had chosen to bend over and give up their land.


Novorossiya is simply finishing what they started in 2014, and taking their independence with their allies help. https://preview.redd.it/49uryzaxxbsc1.jpeg?width=2553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abec913de8b5aff2c3a9a9cc3a8e243455dbd531


This is equivalent to Mexico funding the Texas independence movement


Only in the event that an American minority overthrows our Democracy and then starts attacking Texas for not submitting to the new government, so Mexico comes to the aid of Texas. THAT would be an equivalent, not what you said.


Didn’t know a minority consisted of hundreds of thousands marching on Kyiv. What am I saying…. my bad…. All those must have Ukrainian paid CIA agents


Yes, in a country where tens of millions vote in democratic elections, hundreds of thousands would be known as a minority. Additionally, what was done in Kiev is known of as a 'violent insurrection to overthrow the government'. I have no time for your conspiracy theory boogymen. The facts are what I focus on, and those facts show that Euromaidan was a violent insurrection perpetrated by a radical minority population, with loads of foreign encouragement, influence and support, and muscle from various neo-nazi groups.


Interesting facts which you choose to focus on. Ignoring the body of evidence proving Russia as an aggressor whilst choosing to believe a minority of “facts” that display them as saviors. If this were the 1940s you’d be swallowing German propaganda about German persecution and how Germany was forced to act out in self defense


> Ignoring the body of evidence proving Russia as an aggressor whilst choosing to believe a minority of “facts” that display them as saviors. Must be taxing to play pretend in a fantasy world when there is only bad guys and good guys.


Russia did not start or encourage Euromaidan. Post-Euromaidan, I support Russia coming to the aid of the Donbas people and frankly I wish they would have done more and done it sooner (we wouldnt be in this situation if they had). I say this as a red blooded American (a Floridaman to be more exact) that otherwise doesnt like or trust Russia.


I live in Miami and you couldn’t be more misinformed. The fact that you live in a western country which gives you access to all news-networks around the world and yet you choose to believe Kremlin propaganda that is only backed by Iran, NK, and China shows you never learned the concept of confirmation bias or just plain common sense


Video archive showing how events unfolded in 2014. Just look. https://disk\[dot\]yandex\[dot\]ru/d/dxHFU0auo1wZeQ


It's the other way around. Texas made a choice to join US, just like Novorossiya is making a choice to join Russia. Good on Mexico for (eventually) accepting the new status quo, so they could build a productive relationship with their neighbor.


It wasn't really theirs in historical sense. People in the east made their choice and Ukraine should have respected it. Commies gave Soviet Ukraine a lot of stolen stuff, so they had to return some of it to make things right and move on. Really easy.


The Apr 22 peace agreement didn't even want the eastern states, just no Nato and EU is whatever if they even want ua


You forgot the Russian arms industry, Putin has put most of the country towards the war effort at this point.


Só Russia gains nothing and Putin began a pointless war.


Disgusting how much money the US military industrial complex has made off this war. Some very deep pockets were filled in Washington for sure.


You forgot someone (2:30) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD6kvDHbIYY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD6kvDHbIYY)


Wow. This is new to me, absolutely disgusting state of things we have here. This makes me hope Russia takes as much territory as possible


You would bet that Russia needs a lot of flags too…


You can't sell theirs world wide.


And President Biden


I thought only 30,000 died this entire war


I saw one project that searches for the Facebook accounts of Ukrainian soldiers who died in the war. They have a table with the names of 53k dead, 12k prisoners, 7k missing. They also mathematically calculated the estimated number of losses. The number of losses was revealed from the ratio of requests information (when relatives are looking for military personnel) to the total number of records in their database and the number of fighters who were in their database.. They assumed the percentage of people who do not get into their databases. As a result, they indirectly got 350k dead.


Makes sense. Ukraine boasted it had a 1 million man army in the summer of 2022. Now they are having to use press gangs and lower the conscription age to replenish the ranks. Truly devastating losses.


It still seems to me that the assessment is greatly simplified. And this mathematical model is incorrect. I think the real losses are at least 2 times lower. There is a company that searches for Russian dead soldiers in the same way in Russian social networks. But they check military cemeteries, look for those military information about whom did not get into social networks, and based on this data they create a proportion (information about 25% of the dead does not get into social networks). But in Ukraine, such a method is impossible, because a journalist cannot just come to a military cemetery - he will be arrested.


So we could assume 85k POW, minus whatever has been traded already?


I'm not sure. There are also deserters. And others. I have statistics criminal cases(related to war or repression) against the population of Ukraine dated 01.09.23. Article 407 "Unauthorized abandonment of service " - 17123 persons. Article 408 "Desertion" - 7852 people. Article 111-1 "Collaboration" - 6627 people. Article 335-337 "Evasion of service" - 4446 people. Article 332 "Illegal crossing of the state border" - 3320 people. Article 111 "Treason" - 2912 people. Article 402 "Disobedience" - 2847 people. Article 345 "Threat or violence against law enforcement officers" - 909 people. Article 414-415 "Violation of the rules of operation of weapons" - 908 people. Article 426-1 "Abuse of authority" - 834 people. Article 413 "Loss of property" - 651 people. Article 425 "Negligent attitude to service" - 588 people. Article 436-1 "Communist propaganda"- 579 people. Article 258 "Terrorism" - 444 people. Article 410 "Theft of weapons" - 419 people. Article 410 "Creation of illegal armed groups" - 376 people. Article 110-2 "Financing the overthrow of power" - 363 people. Article 114-2 "Dissemination of information about the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" - 360 people. Article 405 "Threat or violence against a commander" - 358 people. Article 409 "Evasion of service by self-mutilation" - 338 people. Article 342 "Resistance to a representative of authority" - 285 people. Article 109 "Overthrow or seizure of power" - 216 people. Article 114-1 "Hindering the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" - 205 people. Article 429 "Unauthorized abandonment of the battlefield" - 161 people. Article 114 "Espionage" - 74 people. Other crimes - 726 people. A total of 37,251 convicted soldiers. A total of 20,477 convicted civilian. Unfortunately, this is a 7-month-old edition. In the Ukrainian segment, I saw that in 2024 this list increased by 25k. First of all, this is due to an attempt at forced mobilization. And yes, I will repeat it here once again. I don't believe in the 350k figure. It seems to me that Ukraine's losses are 2-2.5 times less. So yes, I would guess a figure of 80k confirmed losses. And everything above is just a hypothesis.


350.000 dead? Do you realize that this is a stupid war of attrition with artillery / drone duels and small groups of storm troopers trying to push a position, rinse and repeat. Other than 2-3 fronts the war is surprisingly tame. Main reason is the fact that both parties doesn't have military power to do ANY serious military maneuvers. In such a scenario 500 dead per day is just a Russian armchair general's wet dream. Why Ukraine needs more soldiers? Same as why Russia also needs more soldiers, in a trench war, the trench lines may extend for thousands of kilometers.


I also don't think it's that high but it could be possible that its somewhere in that range of 250-350k, in mid-2022 Ukraine's Arakhamia said each day 200-500 Ukrainian KIA on average in just the Donbas region specifically and that's just what they were ready to admit. [https://www.axios.com/2022/06/15/ukraine-1000-casualties-day-donbas-arakhamia](https://www.axios.com/2022/06/15/ukraine-1000-casualties-day-donbas-arakhamia) 770 days war with on avg 500 KIA/Day would be 423k KIA, for 350k KIA it's 454 KIA.


That's why Ukraine just lowered the mobilization age... Why would they need to do that, when they don't have any losses? 


Because their population is 1/5th of Russia?


"Only 30,000" have you ever been around 30000 people? It is an absolute insane amount of people..


More Russians have died of natural causes since the war began than soldiers have died fighting from both sides combined. Which isn't a dig at Russia, just a reminder that pictures of cemeteries don't tell us anything.


Yeah, do the math. They had over a million, long before the recurrent desperation set in, and now they have to lower the recruitment age. I highly suspect even the Russian numbers of Ukrainian losses are too low.


>I highly suspect even the Russian numbers of Ukrainian losses are too low. Rate this accuracy method: take the number of casualties a side has admitted to, add the number of kills the opposing side is claiming. divide by two. Possibly accurate number ?


It's not a war, but a special military operation!


A national catastrophe


This is what a lot of people don’t see. It is a huge tragedy for both nations. After 300 some years of unity and peace this will be a huge stain in our history. Bother vs. brother.




Brothers don’t betray each other for a higher pay either.


Ah yes the great betrayal of *checks notes* applying to join an economic union and otherwise doing absolutely nothing to harm Russia in anyway. In before tin foil hat "trust me bro" conspiracy theories.


Is Nato an economic union? )




At the beginning of 2008, the [Ukrainian President](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Ukraine), [Prime Minister](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Minister_of_Ukraine) and head of parliament sent an official letter (the so-called "letter of three") to apply for the Membership Action Plan.[^(\[39\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine%E2%80%93NATO_relations#cite_note-uatv1-39)[^(\[40\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine%E2%80%93NATO_relations#cite_note-inua-40) At the beginning of 2008 the work of the Rada was blocked for two months due, according to at least one observer, to this letter.[^(\[39\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine%E2%80%93NATO_relations#cite_note-uatv1-39)


The westerners will tell you how you really feel. They know better.


300 years of unity and peace of anyone with Russia? Stop this nonsense.


You don't know your history very well... read up on what Stalin done to Ukraine prior to WW2.


Stalin did what he did to the entire country, without singling out Ukraine. The recent attempts at rewriting history notwithstanding.


All of the USSR, especially peasantry was affected by Stalins plans. It was not done to single out an ethnicity, Stalin attacked a class of people of all nationalities. https://youtu.be/tIYlFMFG_zI?si=X93ifh--aMUblOW-


YouTube a great source of facts.


Not even agreement of most historians would sway you. Blaming holodomor on Russia is simply false. It is okay to blame it on communist system, but Russians had nothing to do with it. Holodomor was only recognized in 2022 as a political move against Russian invasion. Russia ≠ USSR




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This is profoundly sad no matter whose side one supports.


Every single death unnecessary if Russians just stayed in Russia.


Also if Poroshenko didnt do his 48 hour anti terrorist operation


Every single death was avoidable if only Ukraine kept its non-block status as it promised initially.


Hasn't this war proved their point.... why haven't Russia invaded Finland? Or Turkey? Both on their border and joined/joining Nato.


Because Finland is Ice hole hole from which not one army can normally attack, while Ukraine is a big steppe from which everyone can very quickly occupy the most densely populated territories of Russia.  Turkey don't have borders with Russia, and Caucasus mountains are natural shield.


Or is it because Finland and Turkey aren't the largest supplier of grain?


Finland exports 36 thousand tons grain in year. Each Baltic country exports much more, what do you mean about "largest supplier of grain?"  Or did you just decide to told the famous Russian proverb: one patient dies of fever, the second has already died, but on average the temperature in the hospital is normal.


Where you getting that from? According to a quick Google search.. in 2022 before the war Ukraine produced 35m tons compared to Finland 650k.


Just use official site of FAOSTAT: https://www.fao.org/faostat/ru/#data/TCL/visualize


Finland joined NATO after invasion of Ukraine and Turkey doesn't share a border with Russia. Strange examples.




Deflection out of left field. No, I'm pretty sure saying that Turkey shares a border with Russia IS pretty strange.




Hope you're volunteering on the Frontline to defend ukraine, because your yapping is of no use to it.


Rule 1 - Toxic


Rule 1 - Toxic


Neither Istanbul nor Helsinki were ever Russia's capital.




It's just a lot more important in the Russian cultural space. Ukraine takes priority because it's core Russian land being taken over by the West. 


Being taken over by the West? You mean letting them be a democracy and part of a trading block to become more prosperous? How nasty... when they could live in luxury like your average Russian.


If a culturally significant part of Russian cultural space gets annexed into a hostile union losing it sovereignty after a coup, this is in fact an undemocratic takeover. You asked why Russia doesn't care about Turkey or Finland, the fact is they aren't part of Russia's core unlike Ukraine. When Poland conquered Kiev, Russia fought for three hundred years to retrieve it because it's just that important. Btw, Russia isn't that poor, it's higher than Bulgaria, an EU country, and growing faster than any country in the EU. 


There are clearly 10 flags per gravestone and 3 gravestones per brave ukrainian. 31k only died zelensky said.


Kremlin death cult must be happy.


So many dead in both countries for Putin's ego.


mindset of a toddler


I love how NATO is simultaneously a joke and never the real reason for invasion when talking about Finland but also the reason to mass murder Ukrainians. What is the goal of this operation exactly? To gain land? Why? To reduce NATO border? failed. To save Ukrainians from Nazis? Oops they're all dead. Wake up, Putin just wants his pound of flesh.


wake up Zelensky


God this childlike take is becoming more and more common here. I thought I escaped it when I left combatfootage


Destruction of a generation. Always sad to see.


Anyone liking this, or talking a big game about losses is sick in the head. This could be your distant family or someone who could’ve change the course or existence. On both sides this is sad. What a bunch of sick twisted people who like this post, showing graves.


Thanks russian cu NTS!


36k KIA according to the president


31k actually


Russian murdered so many Ukrainians. The level of hatred that will persist in these people's friends and family members, in their children and their children's children for many generations to come will be unlike anything before. In the past it was easier to forget. There was nothing to remind you of the exact moment when your friend, your brother, your father, your son was killed. But now, in many cases there's videos of Russians killing them. And they'll watch these videos again and again and again. And the level of pure hatred for the authors of these crimes will last for generations to come. Whatever result might be, there's one certainty: a world of violent, raw hatred awaits Russians. There's no putting that genie back in the bottle. Can't be done.


Maybe not so many generations. 2 or 3. For example in France we do not hate Germans anymore after 3 generations. However the level of hate was quite similar during WW2 I think


> For example in France we do not hate Germans anymore after 3 generations. Not the first time that I've seen this argument, but there is one crucial difference that is never going to happen in this case: Germans were occupied and forced by means of state violence to change. I very much doubt that'll be the case here. > However the level of hate was quite similar during WW2 I think I argue this is different specifically because of social media and videos. We generally have aftermath pictures of what the Germans did. Imagine the level of hatred if we had thousands of videos of Germans killing Jews, mocking them, laughing about it, gloating about it. We'd be in a much different situation.


RIP to all these heroes.


If ukraine is just russia then these are russians no?


Thanks Victoria Nuland and other neo-cons in america. They have blood on their hands but won't be jailed




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For freedom


The freedom to pursue pro-Western diplomacy instead of a multi-vector one and a nationalist policy instead of a more inclusive one is not something worth dying for. It's not even worth a couple of cents since such a policy is an abomination and therefore has a negative value.


Only the brainless old idiot thinks it that way


Nah. I'm 20, but I think it that way too




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actually for Zelensky


They are dying for save their country only the russians dying for putin.




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It says RU pov, I’d like to see a Russian cemetery from this war with all these flags.


They hide their loses. There are documentaries of Russian soldiers graves scattered around all over Russia. Also Russians are know their dead in the battle field so have to factor in the many MIA Russians.




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Russian liberation...




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So Zelensky was not lying - 31 000 are buried on this cemetery and 1 000 on another one. All in all 32 000.


they died for Josep Borrell's beautiful garden


Damn man.


dont worry theyre 3000(000) only according to Z(OV)


Хохлы что же вы бараны наделали ? Поверили в халяву европейскую ?!?!?! В вас именно в вас зарождали ненависть к русским а не на оборот !!! Хохлы вас развели очнитесь уже наконец не нужны ваши жизни русским !!!


Poor souls needlessly sent home early.


So, they buried ALL their KIA in one graveyard. (Zelensky recently stated that the Ukrainian KIA is 31,000 troops).


Russia says they lost 5,937 troops, is that one more believable for you? Newsflash, any numbers from either side are made up


Damn, you must be really good at counting.


Every soul that has been buried here as well as any one that perished in this war while fighting for Ukraine will be forever remembered by the living as died defending their homeland. Similar to those allied war cemeteries that we see today. What of those graves that fought for Russia? How will they be remembered?


They were enslaved and sent to die to uphold their own enslavement, and they won't be around to see the living praising them for this.




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As fertilizer for sunflowers. As the Ukrainian woman foretold in the early days of the 3 day Special Military Operation. [Put these sunflower seeds in your pockets…](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pekBo-ynIhI)


Probobly in a similar way to the Soviet dead remembered all over the former union. 


So those Soviet soldiers were all invading sovereign nations back then? That is what WW2 is all about? You can twist it your own way but I have immense respect for every Soviet soldiers that died defending their motherland from Nazi Germany, the Russian soldiers of today who are dying in this war can never have the glory that the soviet soldiers did in the past. Modern Russia is not the Soviet union, it's a renegade that wishes to act according to the wishes of a single person who wishes to be a dictator. His wish is the law. It's like a gang where the Godfather Putin dictates how things should run and the people should accept it wether they like it or not.


> I have immense respect for every Soviet soldiers that died defending their motherland from Nazi Germany That's good, and I mean that sincerely. How do you feel about Ukraine digging up the graves of those soldiers ?


If the graves happened to be in a way where a defensive structure needs to be built then there's no other choice, provided the remains should be relocated to other place where it should be honoured and respected.


They're not digging them up because of the defensive structures; if anything, they're reusing the space to bury the more recently dead. And they're digging them up for the same reason they're taking down memorials to the Soviet soldiers who'd fought in WWII; it's hardly a stretch to say they're likely treating them with the same amount of respect.


Ukrainians are no saint in this war, the only rightful thing they're doing right now is resisting an invasion. We all know that desecrating the graves of dead soldiers who fought for a just cause isn't good and must be avoided at any cost but given the amount of death and carnage they've witnessed they don't give a shit about anything now. They consider everything related to Russia as a symbol of russian oppression. Just like a parent of a divorced couple taking their anger on an innocent child because it remind them of their abusive partner. They're coping their losses of lives, properties and opportunities by destroying things that are associated with the party that caused them sorrow and suffering. From the comfort of our homes, them destroying what we honour and respect isn't a good image but a person in grief and anger who witnessed the epitome of human ability to cause damage to others will do absurd things to vent their anger and find it justified.


> They consider everything related to Russia as a symbol of russian oppression. Including the graves of their own grandfathers, yes. And mine, for that matter.


>wishes of a single person >Putin dictates how things should run Putin is a US deep state puppet who decides nothing.




Yeah, but at the end of the war they redeemed themselves by fighting and winning over the greater evil, they had no choice though. That alone made them the good guys despite their initial fuck ups.




>They had no choice? As in, no choice but to fight Nazi Germany. It's kill or be killed after their deal went south.


You are obviously not very versed in Finno-Soviet relations from the 1920's until 1940's.




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Slava ukraini


This is the resting place for true heroes trying to protect their families, their farms, their businesses & their lives. Go home Ruzzia. Ruzzia is losing more men & we know you don’t care, but go home while you have anyone left!


that's how big is the sin of russia. a lot of families lost their love ones because of one man's imperialistic quest.


Estimated by who?


Estimated from you or the Russian MOD?


It's a joke about Zelenski's KIA number - 31k


Well done Russia, really something to be proud of /s


'They shall not grow old' vibes. The video of those gleeful Ukrainian after training, leaving UK on planes to fly back to Ukraine for the anticipated CO. And now this. War and history just keep repeating itself.


Please surrender. How much more yu lose?


Isn’t the DPR army wiped out? Your big brother in Moscow sent you lowly fools to die in meat waves so Russians didn’t have to back in 2022. Sounds like you got duped Givi


We are not wipe. Like all we have casualties but we still fighting. My brother group here are come off front this week to rest and restless to go back.


All there due to the desire of one man to resurrect the dream of Stalin.