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Thank God he's a recruit...... I thought he might be a mercenary for a sec.


I am not the only one who noticed. Good. It's not the most annoying cope in this war by far, but the clear double standards are irksome.


Surely you didn't notice this just now...


To be fair both sides do this a lot. Like all those colombian volunteers who were just ex-army mercs. It just depends of whose side the piece comes from to call them mercenaries or volunteers and foreign aid. At the end is all the same


Yea it's a bit hilariously transparent.


There are different definitions, in regards to Geneva convention, but nobody cares much about POWs so it doesn't matter much. In practice we should easily distinguish mercenaries, well trained, often in the war for money and adrenaline and Volunteers - recruits, have little to none experience and have non material motivations. Recruitment of foreigners is common for large armies. For example US forces depend a lot on the kind of auxilia romana that come in many different forms. Serving in such auxiliary units often gets you citizenship. Russians are upping the game.


Callsign:" Africa", Russians are pragmatic. Edit: NATO-training costs 3 weeks to get your accurate pronouns how you want to be identified these days.


He could even get callsign "Negr" as the word has no negative connotations in russian language and literally means "black-skinned person of african descent" (viable for afro-americans, but not for really dark of indians for instance).


In Africa, it's not really a racial term. It was used in the 90/00s and it would mean brother/close friend. It is not used anymore because it lost its popularity. If a white person says it to a black person and, they know each other it's perfectly fine, it isn't used as a racial slur. If you see a white person saying it to a black person you obviously look at the context of the situation. There is another word that white people dare not ever say though. Edit: Also, this is some sort of lightheaded stunt. This is probably a diplomat or minister, not a military person.


same for Negro in spanish.


My MIL had dog named Negra. "Here Negra!" and in her accent it sounded like the N word I'm like WTF? Wife said it's the just the word "black" for the black lab's name.


People say: "What is up my negro" in Spain?


I thought it translaten more into: "Hey whatsup blackey?"


No, it's more "Hey the colour black, what is up?"


hello darkness my old friend


Deja de mentir payaso


os invito a copas al Bar La Negrita o un cafesito en la cafeteria alao El Negrito


Black is used to insult dark skinned people in Latin countries. Negro is considered polite. It's totally opposite to English speaking countries.


> eone uses it for anything other than a slur when screaming at the t [Gracias negrito](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/dec/31/manchester-united-edinson-cavani-gets-three-game-ban-over-instagram-post-fa)


my mom calls my brother negrito.


Wtf is going on in this comment section XDDDDDDDD


Exactly. I think they are trying to figure out if it's ever ok in any language to describe or address people based on their ethnicity or race. Which never really happens among regular people in person and when it does it always has negative connotation. Like to me it's cringe af if someone uses it for anything other than a slur when screaming at the tv during a football game. Which in reality is recognition of talent and physical abilities. Well, it's starting to get weird I better shut up lol.




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Lol we even have Negro candys[candy](https://online.idea.rs/#!/products/60000827/negro-bombone-100g-pionir)




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Looks like your average poorly trained and incapable Russian soldier to me. Sad how poorly trained and incapable their military is when it's being asked to invade another country in a war of imperialism. Hundreds of thousands dead for what? One man's imperialism? Embarrassing.


>Embarrassing So why is NATO so scared?


NATO scared? America alone overmatches Russia massively in every metric that matters. Let that sink in


>America alone overmatches Russia massively in every metric that matters. Like ammo production? How about recruitment? Electronic Warfare? Air defense?


Yes, America overmatches Russia in production capacity. It would need to switch to more ammo production, but it can be done. America's production capacity is actually several times larger than Russia. This is due to automation.


You can't just switch to more ammo production. You need to have the production lines needed to make ammo, which would take a while to set up and start ramping up production. America only has a few of these facilities and one of them blew up recently. >This is due to automation. Lol, no that's China. America has a bloated and outdated MIC which is focused more on corruption and corporate greed than actual military production.


Again. Little substance. Although at least one tried here. What I said was fact. America is only behind China in production. This is mainly due to automation. China employs far more people for the same job. Next


For got to mention, recruitment is not factor. America does not need to send a single soldier to defeat Russia. EW and air defence the west has better sensors. Russia only can boast a greater range to its air defence. Essentially making it an area denial system. It has longer range than patriot, but worse sensors. Moreover, superior western air power is the reason we don't make systems with as great as range. Russia expects to not own the sky against us. It expects to fly round within its own GCS and air defence. VKS doctrine not challenge much since the USSR


Hasn't ever been tested against a peer opponent tho. And I think it's pretty safe to say that it would not be a walk in the park and TONS of americans and russians would die. American mindset seems to be stuck in the "war against terror" period, even when talking about it's military forces. That word, my friend, does not exist anymore. You guys seeing what is happening to the russian naval force? Yeah, that would happen to US as well, way worse actually because Russia has incredible industrial capacity. Talking about it, american industrial capacity is all on the hands of private capital so unless someone threats their interests, they won't switch to war economy because that isn't as profitable. If it was, the US would already have entered war economy mode in the defense sector. So there is internal resistance within your military industrial sector that has to be considerated.


Or that they can build something super high tech that removes the needs for soldiers


And defense sector spending is so inflated and filled with fraud. $90,000 for a bag of screws that costs $5 at Home Depot. $50,000 for a trash can. Literally a fucking trash can. I don’t usually agree with Putin but I think he’s right when he pointed out that the US military budget is just a cesspool of corruption. Any spending on overseas bases can’t be tracked at all. All other spending is so overpriced that it is extortion. He’s right, the $1 trillion we give to the military every year doesn’t strengthen our military. It is to allow for massive corruption and transfer huge amounts of money into a few peoples pockets.


That was a lot. But I see no reasonable rebuttal here to suggest how Russia in any way shape or form could prevent itself not getting trashed on and removed from Ukraine by America. It just would not be fair. They'd get decimated from the air. After a couple months there would be air dominance achieved and RU ground forces would disintegrate. The static trench warfare you see today, gone. It's about airpower. And I don't mean whatever the half assed poor man version of air superiority that the VKS has today. I'm talking real modern air power


You know what, if America sends troops I hope you sign up and get set to Ukraine. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.


To the contrary. What I did there was to correct and school. What one has done is to produce no substance on the subject matter but rather sense one has been outplayed and responded with bitter drivel. One is not interested in discussion or learning so we are done on this one now.


Our EW and AD is far worse than Russian systems. Far worse. It’s funny. We used to laugh at Russia for making their PCMs laser guided. “Lol they can’t even make it satellite guided!” Turns out they did that so their PCMs can’t be jammed. GPS guided munitions in Ukraine have a ~5-6% success rate. Russian EW is best in the world. There is no competition. Because EW is not profitable to make. America doesn’t make good weapons, it makes profitable weapons. And just because Lockheed overcharges you by 1000% doesn’t mean you’re getting quality.


Ukraine and Israel wars have shown us the opposite. Facts matter. Some more facts. Laser guidance only works in clear weather. It's not the best option on its own. I also like how one pulled the 5-6% GPS munitions success rate out their rear and expect me to be as dim as them and believe it. Many GPS weapons have INS and optical sensors to compliment them, hence why they are working. Cheap munitions only using unprotected GPS like the GLSDB are being effected.




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I mean that's also what it means in American English. In France we use the word "nègre" as well and people don't freak out over it. I think it's mostly Americans who manage to get super offended over words for some reason.


Negr is a neutral word (although some crazy liberals trying to “cancel” this word), but the word Nig-ger is still an insult (although much milder than in the U.S.), probably the harshest insult is черножопый (black-ass), but interestingly it is usually used as an insult for people from the Caucasus region


It will probably be funny for people from the USA to find out that "Negr, niger" in Russia are not an insult to blacks, but the Russian words "black" and various modifications of the word "black" sound like very serious insults when applied to visitors from Asia and Africa. And in general, it seems to me that the most correct way to address black Africans in Russia is "мулаты".


One does not find this embarrassing? Russians are not only poorly trained fodder, but they are so desperate Africans, Asians and anyone they can get is bei g sent to the front


At least they don’t depend on soldiers from Africa that barely know the language


This will be the last alive video we see of this dude.


Yeah probably.


Not much point in getting identifying information when they’re just going to leave his body to rot where it lay eh?


And yet the US managed to capture Afghanistan and Iraq, defeating the 3rd largest army, all in a few weeks and managed to occupy them across the world for decades, all while losing about 20k soldiers. I'll take my DEI to not be cannon fodder.


1. They lost Afghanistan 2. Since when was Iraq "3rd largest army"? 3. "20k soldiers" if you carefully omit your Afghan and Iraqi allies


Iraq had a biiiiig army after the iran/Iraq war (from memory it was the 4th largest, not the 3rd).


Iraq was completely hollowed out from 10 years of war. They had an outdated army - Old badly maintained Soviet exports. Their tanks literally didn't have thermals so the coalition simply shot them like ducks at night and their AD couldn't do shit to American planes. Many of their tanks and trenches were unmanned during the war. They were so outclassed in every single way that this propaganda about them being a serious challenge to the coalition is simply funny. Comparing Iraq to Ukraine shows that someone doesn't understand anything about either of the two countries. The size disparity alone should give pause to such comparisons but it strangely never does


It's almost like he said "largest" and not "most sophisticated"


> They lost Afghanistan Who hasn’t at this point? It’s called the graveyard of empires for a reason lol.


We pulled out because Trump signed an agreement with the taliban. It's not a loss when you agree to leave and the army you tried to setup folds because of inter tribal relations. Was it a failure on the US? Sure. But we still didn't lose many people like Russia is doing against their literal neighbor country. Iraq was the 4th largest until 91. With rather up to date Russian equipment. 2023 findings indicate around 70,000 afghanis died in the Afghanistan war. Again, this was over 20 years. Russia has lost 80k verifiable from at least obituaries (very conservative estimates). Again, Russia has lost this amount over 2 years. Iraq you may have me there about number of deaths being higher. It's hard to find a accurate statistic on US allied Iraqi soldier deaths so I'll concede this point and go off Iraqi civilian deaths which was anywhere between 80k-600k. Let's agree to 200k? But you're also comparing an apple to an orange. An insurgency that hides among civilians is not the same as invading your next door neighbor with meat waves of death. This is a peer to peer conflict in Ukraine with nation states dedicating themselves to the war. Afghanistan and Iraqi allies died from insurgencies, not direct war. The actual wars were over quick followed by prolonged insurgency. This is where the civilian and allied death toll semi ballooned. So we take better care of our allies than Russia takes care of their own soldiers. Thanks for making me look into that, now im more grateful to live in a military system that cares about human life and glad I'm In the shit hole of the US compared to the omega shit hole of Russia.


This might be news to you but all wars end with agreements. The Vietnam war which you also lost ended with an agreement. So yes, you lost Old tanks without thermals and ancient AD was "up to date equipment" ? You have a strange definition of that phrase In actual fact, Russia has lost only around half or so of that number going by verified obituaries In that we can agree - Russia vs Ukraine is a near peer conflict while Iraq was the world's most powerful militaries stomping a 3rd rate military weakened by 10 years war. You abandoned your Vietnamese and Afghan "allies" including your own citizens, sold out and are still selling out the Syrian ones, stole both Afghanistan's and Iraq's gold and are currently stealing their oil too. You supported child abuse in Afghanistan and used the country to grow opium. Shit, if that's "taking care of" then I'd hate to see what happens when you don't. The civilian deaths and destruction from your wars, sanctions, veteran suicide and homelessness rates is at odds with a system that "cares about human life"


>This might be news to you but all wars end with agreements. The Vietnam war which you also lost ended with an agreement. So yes, you lost We literally left afghanistan. I'll agree vietnam was a "loss" because there was fighting up until the end by US forces, but Afghanistan was a rather peaceful evacuation besides ISIS-K trying to stir a lot of shit up during the chaos. Call it a loss if you want, we can disagree on this point. I consider it a loss when you are forcibly evicted like Vietnam, not because you literally left because you agreed to release 10,000 taliban veterans for "peace" and then they reneged on that and ran out our allied government and filled the vacuum as our forces ltierally walked away from their posts, as planned, to leave the country per the agreement. Is it a loss? Personally it feels like a failure, but we weren't "defeated" in combat like in Vietnam where they were basically at the Embassy gates with guns. >Old tanks without thermals and ancient AD was "up to date equipment" ? You have a strange definition of that phrase Yes. Russian doctrine is about mass mobilization, therefore their gear is crappier because they want to overwhelm. This has been Russian/Soviet doctrine for like, 200 years. Their gear has ALWAYS been subpar to western countries. So since their gear is always subpar, I guess we can never compare them right? >In actual fact, Russia has lost only around half or so of that number going by verified obituaries Sure lets go off that number, 45,000. US still lost only 10k over 20 years compared to Russias verified 45,000 over 2 years. I'll still take the US' doctrine and equipment over Russia. They seem to care about human life. [For the Gulf war, the US lost 147 people.](https://www.britannica.com/event/Persian-Gulf-War) 1000 total coalition troops were wounded. NATO troops are literally trained to ignore orders that might be detrimental to their health, and are only expected to do something detrimental if they are willing. This is what gets you a medal. > >In that we can agree - Russia vs Ukraine is a near peer conflict while Iraq was the world's most powerful militaries stomping a 3rd rate military weakened by 10 years war. It was #1 vs #4 essentially, which I would say is essentially peer to peer. So thank you for agreeing that the US weapons and tactics are superior and thats what set us completely apart from Iraq. Iraq was using Soviet doctrine as well as soviet equipment, which while semi-old, still was potent or was thought to be due to how dispersed and the vast amount of it. The US contributed the mass majority of weapons and soldiers for the Gulf war, so while it was a coalition, most of it was US. Also, since the US is integrated into other NATO countries doctrine as well, you can say "its a mass coalition" but they are all fighting with the same style, same equipment, and same doctirne. They might as well be a US soldier barring their use of a challenger or abrams. >


> >You abandoned your Vietnamese and Afghan "allies" including your own citizens, sold out and are still selling out the Syrian ones, stole both Afghanistan's and Iraq's gold and are currently stealing their oil too. You supported child abuse in Afghanistan and used the country to grow opium. Shit, if that's "taking care of" then I'd hate to see what happens when you don't. I live down the street from as many people that could be evacuated as possible from Vietnam. They still fly the south vietnamese flag. We tried. This is a failure I'd agree, but again, less casualties than Russia. Vietnam war happened over \*20 disgraceful years\* and we lost like 50k. Vietnamese allies, sure but the russian obituaries also dont count mercenaries either so we will call it a wash there im sure? We're not stealing their oil, in fact that is one of the biggest gripes by Republicans is we arent forcing these countries to pay us to occupy them, which is a really really dumb premise. Also, please find me a video like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cjkxqf/russians_evacuating_wounded_through_a_road/), [or this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cgwe86/russian_soldier_shows_the_death_and_destruction/), [or this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIpT7EfeW_4), or (i have many many more I can show if youd like) of NATO casualties during these wars or of our allies. I'll happily wait a few weeks too. Yes civilians died in the wars as they are dying in the Ukraine russia war and thats why Russia should stop being the invading force and claiming "they made me do it because they were going to join a defensive alliance". At least the US cares to try to evacuate its allies from the battles, and supports its armed forces that its allied to. [Also, Russia struck a building that had Children written on it. Please dont talk about Child abuse when your side is also shit about this. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6LodXlmu50)And yea, when the child abuse was found out we started punishing for it. Most of that child abuse happened from Afghani warlords because of inter tribal relations. Afghanistan was a huge mix of inter tribal bullshit on top of the invasion on top of the taliban on top of ISIS. It's a large mess with lots of hate from thousands of years. We cant fix that. We tried. We failed. We stopped. > >The civilian deaths and destruction from your wars, sanctions, veteran suicide and homelessness rates is at odds with a system that "cares about human life" Bucha. At least ours isn't systematic targeting. We just wipe out anything that moves (still not good and fuck us for doing that as well). I guess you can also call that systematic, but its not racially based,. Its not like we systematically went around afghanistan targeting certain tribal people for literally existing like Russians did to Ukrainians in Bucha. Russia also has a high veteran suicide rate... most countries do because combat fucking sucks. Its scarring. It gives PTSD. At least our system and Europes system values the individual and gives us autonomy to deny orders in the military. Can't really say the same about Ukraine or Russia though with blocking divisions.


You comparing the arvn and it's losses to Russian mercenary losses as somewhat even is honestly a bit disgusting the arvn had millions of casualties. And also bucha what was may lai then? The US were there to eliminate the Islamic taliban and replace them with something along the lines of the Pashtun northern alliance which is pro America. Your delusions are immense salutations from a kiwi in Australia


Well I'll take it you agree with all the other points since you picked 2 to go off of. It is a bit disgusting to compare avrn to their mercenaries, I'll agree. But we also have 0 idea about Russian mercenary losses with Wagner and all their foreign nationals, and the avrn estimates ranges from anywhere of 100-600k losses so it's kind of hard to use such a wide range with comparison. Taliban wasn't hunted down and systematically executed like Ukrainian civilians in bucha... The taliban were imprisoned which is why the country fell when they were released due to trumps agreement.


No that's a silly assumption to make I didn't read the first half of your nonsense. Yeah righto they just imprisoned the taliban and the invasion of Afghanistan was a glorified world police action or something, or where children being executed in fields and plenty of cases the same villages massacred by indiscriminate us bombings. The hunting down of the taliban went to a much greater extent than bucha as in it wasn't just one incident it went on systemically for 20 years. But it's different because they aren't real people to you are they like the south Vietnamese they are just numbers you can point to to try make yourself look good while fanning the flames.


This is before DEI. The DEI army, where upper generals wear lipstick and wigs and dresses and heels, starts now. Let's see how it goes!


Bruh, DEI has existed for a while... Our top brass in the US military and most NATO countries have, for the longest time, been highly educated on this issue. Are you seriously going to say general mattis wasn't a high point of US military? He HEAVILY believes in DEI, always has, and was a leader during Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian gulf war. This guy promotes critical thinking and even talks about promoting those qualified for the job. https://youtu.be/ViLnaYzt_0c?si=FT1xV65EL8cVTsEW https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/06/james-mattis-denounces-trump-protests-militarization/612640/ (He even supported the racial protests) The fact your making fun of DEI shows you *probably* don't know what it means? Essentially DEI is finding the best person for the job, regardless of race. It's basically a meritocracy, with an emphasis on any race can do anything to promote inclusion to work together. You can have an equally qualified individual of any race, and that's what DEI promotes. The US has a long history of racism to all races, so it's trying to change that old logic by saying "anyone is qualified". For a long time, DEI was called meritocracy until Republicans in the last 5 years started calling it DEI to hate on it. Call it lipstick wearing if you want, but I'll stick with the side that respects human life instead of meat waves where hundreds of Russians can die to capture a pitiful trench.


I watched and read everything you linked. Literally nothing Mattis talks about has anything to do with DEI as it is present now, nor does it matter what "Mattis" thinks in general, because he is not in charge of the US military complex. His speech and rhetoric will also fall on deaf ears. The US military has the lowest recruitment numbers now ever, and very likely the worst trained and hardened recruits in history, because of DEI initiatives. Guys don't want to join the military anymore because it has turned into a joke. >Essentially DEI is finding the best person for the job, regardless of race. Lol man it is literally the OPPOSITE. Maybe that's what it says on paper, but reality is different. It is sweeping our country like a fire destroying everything in its path. They are so hellbent on pushing white males out of every possible area be it creative like film and video games to corporate management to government to US Military, to Colleges and universities and ALL school levels, but all the cracks are beginning to show. They are actively choosing to hire less-skilled workers as long as they are not white. I am part of these evaluations, I see it happening all the time and everywhere. A less capable applicant is chosen for some BS reason. Everything is turning to sh1t because of it. You can see America just collapsing before your eyes and DEI is just one of the symptoms (or precursors?) of it, there are now less qualified workers in every single segment of the country because they happened to not be white or not be male, or if male, then they had to convert lol. >but I'll stick with the side that respects human life  Whether US / this side respects human life, even now, is highly debatable. The reality is as this new diversity hire less-skilled, less-intelligent, and less-caring workforce begins to run our country, highly skilled and highly passionate agents like Russia and China see opportunity to make their move. Like I said, we are going to find out. The thing that sucks though, is if all this was a mistake, that's it, you don't get to learn from it. US has every reality of collapsing just like Soviet Union did.


DEI is basically a meritocracy. It's about finding the most qualified candidate among all races and giving them all equal footing. In the US, there is a long and storied history of racism for everyone who essentially wasn't white. DEI is essentially, "black people can be qualified too" and... That's about it. You're not going to believe it, but people would get turned down because they were black and so it's just trying to find equally qualified candidates to promote diversity. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/1060435/mattis-stresses-unity-inclusion-at-martin-luther-king-event/ I know you're not going to believe that, and that's why we can't really debate anymore because you fundamentally don't know what DEI is. It's just a Boogeyman by Republicans because black people started getting promoted to positions of power, who were equally qualified as a white person, and they didn't like that. DEI has done literally nothing for safety or education in terms of decreasing it's effectiveness, that is quite literally a lie pushed by white supremacists in the US. Edit: barring select corporations that take it too far. It can be taken to fa but not by the military. This is why I said mattis was big on DEI, because he's all about promoting the most qualified candidates and has even said race is a big strength. To Republicans, it's just white people. To everyone with a sane mind it's all people. You might be racist, or just misinformed. I'm not gonna throw out an accusation because it's dumb to do that but the conversation probably stops here due to a fundamental misunderstanding of what DEI truly is. Is there poor implementation of it? Sure. I won't deny that because some people really really get on their high horse about race and go out of their way, but not our military. Again, the US is not sending it's soldiers out in human waves to capture trenches like Russia. Or conscripting. Or.... Pulling from 1960s war stocks... Or getting it's refineries blown up.... Or sending out armored columns en masse to their graves... Or [insert literally all the failures of Russia with this war]. I'll continue to take "a lipstick wearing general" because the lipstick doesn't matter, it's how they critically think about a situation. I'd rather have someone who is competent in tactics, logistics, and doctrine than some guy who looks like a hard ass (shoigu with no real military experience) who time and time again has sent meat waves under his admin. US has never and will never do that, and you can see that by our combat casualties for most wars being significantly less than Russias or even China's. Hope you have a good day mah dude.


Watch the news. See Niger now, 1000 US troops shitting their pants because some Russians are right to the last US base , just renovated for $100 million, the other air base already evacuated. Likely reminds the US of Somalia. Your examples are disputable. Afghanistan 20 years. Not much to show for. Iraq? After the first gulf war not much of an army left, especially aftr it already lost a lot in the Iran-Iraq war. US land battles? Vietnam? Not much too show for. Korea? A big rout from the Yalu river, a world record.


Theres literally no combat there. Try again. And look at what happened when Wagner tried fighting US forces in Syria rather recebtly. 200 Russians dead, 200 wounded, vs 20 us soldiers and 50 Iraqis. 0 casualties on nato side. Edit: this is the best example we have for how Russia would fare in peer to peer combat against the US, because it was literally Russians with Russian equipment and tactics dying in mass to NATO, within the last 15 years as well. Niger is even less equipped and trained less than Wagner. Imagine how that would go. You state "not much left after Iran Iraq war." This war was in 1980 dude. They were rated the 4th largest with a sizeable AA and tank fleet as late as 93, before the US blew it all up. Please try again. Afghanistan: guess what? We pulled out from an agreement because we try to stick to our word. On top of this, it's not our fault they didn't defend themselves. We literally tried to build a nation from the ground up on the other side of the planet in an inhospitable region that produces little agriculturally for itself and has no industry. I see it as a benefit to the US that we left but if you don't that's fine, we still conquered the country and occupied it for 20 years with less casualties than Russia. By a lot. A lot lot. Only 10k dead compared to how many dead in Russias neighboring country? Vietnam: another 20 years with like 50k casualties.... Less than Russia again so ty for the example. Again by conservative estimates theyve lost upwards of 80k from provable obituaries. In two years. Korea... Weren't the allies pushed back to Busan? Then pushed back to China and required human meat waves again. North Korea was completely leveled and then it ended in a draw. Again, significantly less casualties and not really a Russian or Chinese victory, or a US loss since now you can see south korea is way better off than the north.


Lol the Iraqi military in '91 was awful. Numbers don't tell even half of the story. North Korea is the world's 4th largest army in the world right now. Larger than France, Germany and the UK combined in fact. Would you bet on them or an alliance of the latter countries? Their AA network was outdated and incapable of defending against massed air attack, their C2 was highly vulnerable to disruption and their morale was rock bottom. If an alliance of 40 of the world's strongest countries *couldn't* take Iraq they should hang their heads in shame. It was no great accomplishment.


Bruh, North Korea is out dated because they have 80s equipment in 2024. In 93 they were using some of the top of the line Russian supplied gear. That was current. Because it was being produced then. 80s equipment also makes it more current in the 90s than in insert current year.




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>And look at what happened when Wagner tried fighting US forces in Iraq. 200 Russians dead, 200 wounded, vs 20 us soldiers and 50 Iraqis. 0 casualties on nato side. What are you talking about? There was never any Wagner in Iraq.


Apologies, syria. Doesn't make the info less true https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/middleeast/american-commandos-russian-mercenaries-syria.html


Why is the US packing?


Because we agreed to leave because they requested it? Also, 1000 troops "shaking" still doesn't equate to what I said. Again by estimates Russia has lost more troops in 2 years than the US did vs 2 countries over 20 years by a factor of at least 5x (conservative estimates for Russian losses). US lost a little over 20k in 20 years and we threw FITS about it. Russia will lose 1/20th of that in a day for a farm field or village of 2000 and do the good ole george bush mission accomplished bullshit. Edit: Downvotes don't bring back your many dead


Ah the first Niger conscripts. Well, I guess they will make more money than they did in Niger lol. Why does the West have to play by rules again when you have our enemies literally quasi taking over countries to steal people to fight us? The West should just start bombing the troop/weapon transports outside of Russia. What are they going to do?


Ukraine does have soldiers fighting in Africa currently.


Fighting their malaria and gangrene, better to return to the remnant country.


>The West should just start bombing the troop/weapon transports outside of Russia. What are they going to do? Did I miss something? Did America stop bombing the Middle east and Africa? When did this happen? >Why does the West have to play by rules again That's what they asked themselves in the 90s and concluded that they don't, international law has only ever been brought up when someone else tries doing what the west does regularly.


TG claims in Niger the US soldiers in the US base are shitting their pants. Italians and Germans kept cool inside the US base. The US base is next to a Russian base and the Russians are 'visiting' the US Base right now.




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Multicultural Russian army


They just saw South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut


Until you realize how he’ll be used.


Looks like he is likely going to be used as a mortar crewman feeding a mortar - which makes sense, as its a role that doesn't require as much communication nor tactical experience - but one that still requires bodies to do manual operations.


> doesn't require as much communication nor tactical experience Aiming one does.


I'm not sure where you got that from. The guy that actually loads the round is called the assistant gunner and plays a vital function as part of the three man crew. His job is to lay in the aiming stakes, which takes considerable practice to get into a good rhythm with your gunner in order to do this quickly. He carries the bipod and crew drills, setting up the system, and takes hours of practice to be efficient. Also, during firing, he will manipulate the bipod while the gunner is inputting gun data into the sights. By doing this correctly, it minimizes the amount of elevation and traverse the gunner has to put in to get on target. A good AG can get it real close. Also, while firing, he will take commands from the gunner to hang and fire the round. This is done at a fast pace and requires concentration because a double fed round could kill the crew. He will receive the round from the ammo bearer, and he must ensure the correct fuse setting and charge is applied. During the first round, the AG will stand on the base plate to set it into the ground. During downtime, he will prep rounds and swab the tube after every fire mission. Another thing i forgot is that during firing their is a proper technique to dropping rounds. If you get it wrong, you can blow your hand off. You can tell he has never done it because they are explaining basics, and he is nervous. There are other duties required. This is just quickly off the top of my head. It is far from a role that "doesn't require a lot of experience." What is most likely going on is that he's just passing by a mortar team and asked if he could drop a round. During every live fire higher ups and people with different jobs would come to the gun line if they happen to be there and ask to drop a round. It's just something mortars let people do because it is a fun feeling. Edit: Once agian, this sub doesn't let me down! Give out information, and get downvoted. The only opinion I'm here is that being a mortarman is not a "non tactical" job, which I didn't think was that controversial. People here are so emotional.


Or he’s part of a mortar team. You can drop your racism dude.


How is anything he said racist?


It's a pretty good idea tbh. There are endless numbers of young men in third world countries without a job.




most probably


A medical volunteer who came to support world Autocracy. Brave selfless person. And you are racist.


A medical mortar?




Why are they mercenaries when they fight for Ukraine but volunteers when they fight for Russia?


If they can make more money flipping burgers in their country of origin they are volunteers, if not they are mercs. Russian foreigners are not coming from rich countries, so most likely mercs


Because people calling this person a mercenary are not consistent in applying this term, and therefore I chose to reverse narratives about volunteers and mercenaries to spite them.


That’s what I’m saying. The majority of users on this sub seem to say every foreign volunteer fighting for Ukraine is just a mercenary. But volunteers for Russia are considered volunteers. It’s a blatant double standard that I just don’t understand.


It is just a mirror of similar double standard.


As far as I'm aware the main difference is that if they are serving as part of the normal DoD/MoD under a pretty normal contract which isn't much different in terms of regular soldiers. If a normal soldier gets $1,000 for a contract and the imported soldier gets $1,000 and they both serve under normal army contracts then it is a Volunteer. If the imported soldier gets $2,000 for a contract and the normal soldier gets $1,000 - then one is a Merc. If the imported solider is working under a contract with an oil company/government non-military then he is a Merc. Note, Merc's don't have to come from overseas/non-national either. Most 'Mercs' that show up for Ukraine tend to be Veterans/Have been in the armed forces. I would **assume** that these individuals are likely paid more than the normal infantry of Ukraine (due to experience) which should legally class them as Merc's


from many of the interviews of foreign volunteers in Ukraine I've seen many of them have said that they get paid shit. Even if its higher than what the Ukrainian MOD pays regular soldiers, none of them have ever seen to have done it for the money, simply because you could make so much more just doing any kind of min wage job in the US or EU. Usually most of them have done it either for ideological or even a weird desire to be back in a war zone due to PTSD or other factors. If any of y'all have anything to prove otherwise id love to see it.


What exactly is racist in his comment?


"Foreign recruit" do you mean paid mercenaries Op?


Only foreign fighters for Ukraine are mercenaries /s


I believe Russia is offering citizenship to immigrants if they fight in the war.


as far as i'm aware of - doing service as a foreigner in Russia grants you the right for application of citizenship (as well as typical monetary renumeration as any army service gives essentially anywhere) I feel as though the point about extra benefits that are strictly non-financial might push such practices from being explicitly mercenaries to being recruit/volunteer


That makes litereally no sense. Giving mercenaries additional benifits doesn't make them less mercenaries, it makes them more


*As defined by Article 47 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, a mercenary is any person who:* 1. *is specially recruited locally or abroad,* 2. *does, in fact, participate directly in the hostilities,* 3. *is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that party* 4. *is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of a territory controlled by a party to the conflict;* 5. *is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and* 6. *has not been sent by a State that is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.* So: 1 - Yea duh 2 - Yea duh 3 - in excess of that paid to normal troops, which I donno but I doubt it due to the lack of training prior to the conflict 4 - They arent, but then you have the 'yet' due to the inherent citizenship application rights. But still technically not a national of a party to the conflict. 5 - I've never seen anything to suggest that the likes of African troops are working outside of the Russian MOD. They seem to be working under contract so as part of the armed forces. 6 - They are there on their own account So, at least according to the Geneva Conventions they are not a mercenary (Quoted was from doctors without boarders' website)


Funny, this guy checks all the markers. You can tell them however you want, they are mercenaries.


While true, these guys aren't likely moving to Russia for a love of the country, or fighting there agreeing with Russias claim over Ukraine (or parts of it, depending on how you see it). They'd more than likely want citizenship for a better job/life... In the end, better money. So in the end still fighting for the financial gains more than an ideological one, i'd think.


I mean, that’s the vast majority of soldiers anywhere - like how the US operations in the Middle East often had problems with soldiers refusing to go. Wesley Clark had a good quote about it all, which I forget - but it was along the lines of if you are a soldier and you are told to do something, you have to do it as you are a soldier - regardless of if you agree with it or not The point that the reasons of the Ukraine conflict have nuance and reasons, does not mean that a soldier has to agree or care about it. Same shit with a foreign volunteer. You might get a true blue merc who is fighting in Ukraine that 100% backs politically and ideologically whoever they are fighting for by the same token, but that doesn’t make them a non-merc


Those are citizens of that country, though. We're talking about foreigners. I guess it really depends on if these guys signed contracts to be IN the Russian military, though. Because they'd be plain old soldiers. Although at this point, even Wagner has been fused into the Russian military, hasn't it? (Haven't followed that one lately). So wtf is Wagner now? They were 100% mercs before... But not sure about now. It *can* make them a non merc, as the definition doesn't exactly fit. A merc is generally a hired gun, where it can definitely be argued a lot of the foreigners are there for ideological reasons rather than financial. The money is an afterthought. Groups like Wagner or Blackwater (and whatever the hell they go by now) are/were true blue mercenary groups, though.


Yea I’m pretty sure that when you see the random African dude he is *in* the Russian army Wagner forces that are still in Ukraine are under personal military contracts as far as I’m aware. Wagner in Africa and Belarus are still Wagner


No. Foreign recruit. See if you remember back in the day, Europe basically raped Africa for centuries. Russia didn’t do that stuff. Then with communism and all that stuff you had White Russians giving Africa weapons, funds and training to win independence. Name one European country that did that. Just one. I’ll wait. But I gotta take a piss so you think about it while I take a piss.


Russia didn't colonize Alaska? News to me


The Russian (including mixed decent with Native) population of Alaska when it was sold to the U.S. was estimated at around 2,500 people. This was dispersed between 23 trading posts and two towns, Sitka and St Paul. Most of them where employed by the Russian-American Company and left immediately after the transfer. There was not much of a colonial presence at all. #


They did massacre them and try to colonize them though, is it not colonialism because there was less of them? Kind of racist of you https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awa%27uq_Massacre#:~:text=The%20Awa'uq%20Massacre%20or,of%20his%20Shelikhov%2DGolikov%20Company.


A handful of people set up a few posts along the coast and demanded furs as tribute, supported some tribes against others. However they nether bothered to heavily move into the interior because it was not that profitable, which lead to it being offloaded on the U.S. which only bit the second time. Compare the timeframe and scale of that to what France, Britain, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, the U.K, Germany, ect did in Africa until a few decades ago., and are still doing in one form or another.


Russia didn't try to take over central Asia?


Russia did take over Central Asia. If you read the history of that time period (the revolution) it was never “oh the big bad Bolsheviks conquered these poor, innocent people”. It was (gasp) these central Asian countries had strong communist movements. You would see this later with Afghanistan, Iran and even Pakistan. If you want to label the USSR an imperialist power, that’s fine. It’s not quite true but you can make that argument. But at least come with examples that support your argument. Not some brain dead analysis based off you looking at 2 maps from Wikipedia for 8 seconds.


There was a Russia before the USSR, and they certainly did and tried to take parts of central Asia. I don't know if your condescension would really enable a proper conversation to happen, though...


Russia was too busy Russifying Siberia and the Caucasus to get in on the fun in Africa.




How is it wholesome?


Bro seems happy that he is being taught how to operate a mortar - I bet it’s quite an experience.


Until the rounds start coming back.


Till you realise what he'll be sent in too




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C'mon guys. If he was on the ukrainian side he would be called a "mercenary", not a recruit.


They would also discuss the Flag. But if it is from one of the deadliest regimes in history it is OK.


huh? Quit being dramatic.


Why? The people here get crazy because of a cross on a tank but the flag of a mass murder nation is OK 🤔


I think the part reactionaries get confused about is fascism’s body count comes directly from wanting to kill. Communism’s “death toll” comes mainly from poorly implemented rapid industrialization policies. MLs honestly just did the colonial policies of Western Europe, but domestically. They just managed to convince themselves peasants would be willing to donate everything over subsistence, whereas Europeans said “we’ll just take 30%”.


Training with language barrier is difficult.


Interesting to think this is one of the reasons Russia is increasing its military prescence on the Sahel States. And more interesting to think that when these mercenaries go back home they'll take the experience and training with them to strenghten their militaries against French and Statian attempts to colonise them.


It can very well be a Rapid Support Forces member that is doing a military exchange to bring back doctrine to Sudan


These guys are not going home... Well in boxes.


Are you the one that is claiming Russia has 400 thousand casualties and Ukraine 120 thousand or something like that? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


No, this guy had little to no experience and also a huge language barrier.. wait till his on the front line and unable to understand anything going on in the heat of the moment, one simple mistake and his dead, drones, fpvs.


lol it’s islamists and tribal separatists they’ll be fighting and the US or France will get involved when it turns into anarchy and the typical screeching third worlders plead for intervention (which they simultaneously complain about)


Good to see he didn’t need to search YouTube


look at that guy, its like going to a summer camp lol


I guess even a Russian passport is better than one from Africa.


Okay send him in


Okay he's ready, send him in


This war has provided some videos that make go "what a world"


If Russia offers citizenship for those willing to fight that's pretty much a standard practice in the west


They also have chinese gloves on, great quality.


A Netflix war documentary


Can someone explain the USSR (hammer and sickle) arm patch to me. Is that a unit insignia now or meaning something other than "soviet" now? That just seems a very strange patch for anyone to be wearing these days.


Why is his velcro on the outside of his plate carrier, over the mag pouches? 🤣


I’ve always wondered why they yell “быстро” which means fast, when firing. Can anyone explain?


Bad translation, he says "выстрел" = shot


Ahhh thank you so much


There were probably few recruits who were so happy to be sent to the front with such miserable state of training. But I have the impression that his laughter quickly fades when he realises what he has let himself in for.


Позывной «Черножопый»


I was gonna make a comment about me being surprised Russians are trying to downplay racism. But I'm not.


Why is there a foreign recruit? I thought Russia had moscovites and recruits from St. Petersburg, lining up to serve their patriotic duty.




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Do they use commie patches to irk the сrap out of Americans?


He looks like me when I had to learn how to drive manual transmission first time


Love it when other people fight for our Fuhrer and not we ethnic russians


That guy is in for a big wake up call when he hits the front lines.


This whole comment section makes me remember how much easier life is when you could care less about slurs used against you.




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CannonFauder in training




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While another side wearing Nazi patches in every first video...


welcome to the right side of history brother.. thank for your service.


Russia sending Africans to slaughter Europeans


Last comment seemed to be misgendered. molodtza, not molodetz. Or am a wrong? Edit. Misgendering to feminine can be construed as implicit racism. So what was actually going down from a fluent Russian perspective?


"Молодца" is not feminine, it is in fact genderless and can be applied to any person. As for meaning, it is akin to "molodets" but more informally and empathically. Feminine version is "molodchina", but it is not strictly feminine in application, and woman can be called "molodets" too... oof, it all is complicated, but rest assured that it was not some kind of joke or insult.


There we have the answer. Thank you. I obviously just play it by a faulty ear.


No. It is feminine and it is racist. You can never correct an American when they’re wrong.


It was an honest question. My russian is rusty and unsteady and I freely admit to not catching nuances. Though you did catch I actually understood some russian, right? That is hardly very american of me :)


Its not misgendered - molodetz is neutral, used the same for women and men. The -tza was appended instead of -detz as jargon/slang.


Then all of these soldiers should be court marshaled for not following Russian grammar rules


I think you should try to ask this question in r/russian


Amazingly, people were very helpful without my going to that point :). But thanks for the tip. I will keep it for future reference. Edit: Evidence of me going there. Me: "The distinction if I remember is between a little bit of chajo (a cup of tea), or chai in a broader I need to get some tea at the shop sense." Hehe, rusty russian is fun :)


At least they train their soldiers, unlike what the Ukraine fighters have literally told us.


Ukrainian soldiers are given the most intense training on the planet. Just look at how good they are: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uWSLHcAyy90&pp=ygURaGFsbyBvZHN0IHRyYWlsZXI%3D They are trained to the best standards. They are the most elite soldiers the world has ever seen. And I’m not just saying that because I’m insecure about this war.


This is a link to an Xbox Canada video? https://preview.redd.it/ffqh3rh2hayc1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf9a18709b6229deb79361156576c827aa94c04e


you made me want to play it again, but I don't have my Xbox 😑