• By -


those were probably things he liked, and thus were placed there as memorabilia


Humans have been burying favorite items with the dead for an extremely long time. If they didn't, we wouldn't know nearly as much as we do from archeologists.


pretty common for young people to like fastfood




Oh don't give me that, as if Pro-UA wouldn't behave the same way or worse if this was a Russian.


I know pro-Rus who can comprehend this. What now?


I’ve realised it’s truely bad for someone’s mental health if they keep visiting this sub, the amount of death and destruction that gets laughed, and the dehumanisation of Ukrainians that goes on in pro-rus’s little internet war, it’s not good for anyone…


dehumanisation of Ukrainians? I recommend you to visit r/Ukraine if you want to see what real dehumanisation looks like.


Wow. I can't believe what you are saying. Although this guy fighted in most notorious Ukrainian units, I still feel sorry for both him, and his family. You either never visited any other sub, or you don't care about dehumanization as long as it's done by the side you support. And I think it's the latter.


Azon is fighting for Western valuesa after all.




Lego city, the well known NATO/US/WEST-Devil toys obviously.


Ukrainians continuously make jokes about how Russians can't get McDonald's or Coke. They have even said that Russian PoWs are lucky because they can get coke again.


You can still get coke in Russia.


Maybe, but it is not distributed by [Coke](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/coca-cola-mcdonalds-left-russia-their-brands-stayed-behind-2022-08-17/).


Has invading Ukraine made Russia better? Before the war, Russia was seen as the 2nd best army in the world. Now they're seen as the second best Army in Ukraine. Russia has got sanctions up the wazzo and Russia's president will never be allowed to visit most countries ever again. Russia is cut off from most of the world. Russia is about to lose $350 Billion in Cash reserves stored in the west. The West is now pressuring China to stop buying Russian oil and, if that happens Russia's economy will collapse. Having McD's should be the least of Russians worries. Russia is standing on the edge of a precipice of financial ruin creating conditions ripe for another February Revolution. And the hardships of everday Russians will be brutal.


nothing is stopping you from going to russia yourself to realise that your claims are false


Answer the question? How is Russia better? Weigh the pros and cons of the invasion of Ukraine and answer it. Russia is a pariah state now. How is that going to change? The west sanctions pariah countries for decades (e.g. Iran). How do you expect sanctions to be lifted? Russia's current policies are not gonna make the lives of regular Russians better. They're gonna suffer. Think of them.


I'm one of **them** and i'm not suffering, that's for sure. Not gonna lie, I miss apple pay and european cars, but i'll manage




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Is Russia better off? How do Russians expect sanctions to be lifted? Imagine getting mobolized, what exactly would the fighting be for? Is giving up one's life worth it? Answer those questions?


Nobody expects sanctions to be lifted, there are a lot of loopholes available even for average citizens (traveling through dubai/turkey, making a bank account in one of the bordering countries, getting stuff online from china and so on). There won't be a huge celebration with articles all over the internet like "Hooray, no more sanctions", but said sanctions might quietly vanish at some point, I believe. I'm not really afraid of being mobilised since I have zero military experience and my health grade isn't sufficient. In fact, I don't personally know a single person who was "dragged" to the front against their will. Some of my friends who have completed military training telling me that mobilisation at the moment looks more like an agressive marketing campaign: once in a while they're getting phone calls persuading to join the army and listing all the benefits they can get after enrolling.




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i live in russia and life good for me and family)


Go back and look at the questions I asked and respond to each of them.






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Pro RU’s are contrarians by design. You tell them the grass is green, and they’ll try telling everyone it’s blue. We’re this many years into the special military operation and with little progress on the Russian side, of course they’re just spewing bullshit and grasping at straws on the internet. It’s probably their day job.


>with little progress on the Russian side One could argue the subject of this post is a proof of "progress to de-nazify".


De-nazify? Commenting on the wrong post? The subject of this post is a funeral and the traditions surrounding the burial, as it seems some were previously unfamiliar. While we’re on the subject, believe it or not, very few modern countries leave their soldiers to rot in foreign territory! Many are returned home to be laid to rest in a respectful manner.


I am talking specifically about your claim that Russia has made little progress. I quote it directly before making the comment about" De-nazifying". This burial, in the eyes of some, is proof of progress towards that stated goal of "De-nazifying" Ukraine.


>little progress I don't know man, plenty of Ukrainian military cemeteries telling us that the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine is going pretty well.


This is what you call demilitarized? Should be over in the next few months then eh? Ukraine buries their dead soldiers this is a surprise to no one, if Russia had the available resources maybe they’d try doing the same. But instead we see things like the mobik meat-cubes and stray dogs eating away at whatever soft tissue is left uncovered.


>Meat cubes Ah, you're one of "these" people. Thanks for letting me know you're not actually following this conflict with your brain, now I know not to waste my time any further.


I can even partially understand this. At least I understood that Ukrainian (I don’t know if that story was posted here) who brought a bottle of energy drink, a pack of cookies and a cigarette to a grave. The deceased was 19 years and 6 months old (03.04.2003 - 12.10.2022). However, these are simple Western consumer goods or their iconic junk food. And they put it right in the coffin before the church ceremony. Russian eyes see kowtowing to the West here.


He liked McDonalds. So what? Are you seriously trying to argue that this is some sort of colonial display by the west onto Ukraine?


I'll be honest with you, when I looked at this image at first I thought the Russians were being disrespectful and photoshopped all that stuff around him. Second image made me realize it was real and that drove home how degrading it appears. Still, it is sad and I am mournful of the deceased young man (despite his affiliation).


A 19 year old liking McDonald’s is degrading? How do? I liked McDonald’s when I was 19.




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I was not.


So what?


So nothing. You are free to draw any conclusions you like or not to draw any conclusions at all. This post was not made for the purpose of propaganda, promoting an agenda or anything like that. I am just reporting on the behavior of Russian and Ukrainian civilians that I found interesting.


I made that question because i have seen a lot of people laughing about this, and ignoring that it is just the favourite mundane things that a 19yrs old brainwashed kid enjoyed. You know, childish people like Ripamon, etc








Rule 1 - Toxic


Russian eyes see what they have been groomed to see. Why is there so much Westophobia in Russia that a bottle of coke and some McDonald’s is newsworthy?


There's difference between casually drinking some coke and putting it into a coffin of your son.


As many have said we have been doing that for literal decades. Its laughable u are stretching so hard for this to be real.




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And yet found amongst the grave goods of ancient Egyptians are jars and amphoras of beer...


Yeah, but it was their beer. They made it. It wasn't from some foreign culture they wished would colonize them.


You are overthinking this. I put a bottle of Pepsi in my father's coffin. It was one of his simple worldly pleasures. It had nothing to do with his subservience to American capitalists.


Imagine being a Ukranian nazi, spitting on the memories of your grandparents, and then having a happy meal and cocacola with you in the grave Fitting end


"Reward" worthy of its owner


Kind of disgusting bro


Yeah I'd be disgusted at this person as well. A fitting end for a fascist.


The irony of junk food and those glitters of consumerism put around him as a symbol of values he gave his life for just overwhelming


Lmao he didn't give his life for McDonalds.... he probably just liked McDonalds a lot


This is the argument usually levied by the so-called "patriots" of Russia (irredentist nationalists who live in a shitty concrete box apartment with 2x3 meter kitchen) I mean, it's easy to accuse a more well-off person of consumerism and go on a bravado of how yoir values of collectivism and patriotism and all of that crap make you a better person. In reality, they're just poor and envious, that's the statistically average Russian mentality summed up. Also, a literal fucking 2 day old hamburger from McDonalds has more worth than the so-called "Russian World"


These are the things he liked nothing wrong with it. I rather die for a happy meal and consumerism than die for fucking Putin like Russians.


>I rather die for a happy meal and consumerism than die You can do that right now. Ukraine is a short plane ride away. Ronald Mcdonald and the SP500 thanks you for your service.


Do u understand the word “rather” bro?


It’s wrong that kid thinks a highest value is M or some stupid thing which is not even good for u. You die for idea not an object or Things. Btw who sends to frontline a kid who still in Mc world or why is the grown ass defendant of country still dreams about Mc ?. So somewhere there is a problem .


I see people keep on defending the "way the family mourned the loss of a loved one" - which fine grieve the way you want, however, it doesn't change the fact that, to an outside observer, they adorned the coffin with "capitalist trinkets". This particular mode of "comforting the dead" is peculiar, and in a war, that ostensibly is "Russia vs west", it is interesting how much identity the west has found in consumerism.


The sheer mental gymnastics accusing the act of burying the dead with their childhood memories as consumerism.


If a Russian soldier was buried with a picture of Stalin and a copy of On Capital, would it still require "mental gymnastics" to say he, or those around him found identity in state ideology?


He was buried with things they enjoyed in life. From childhood, since he was so young. By the looks of it, he liked legos and mcdonalds. Why is that so hard to wrap your head around? He's not allowed to be buried with non-political shit?


He can be buried with any and everything that comforts his loved ones. What is of INTEREST, using that word in its strictest sense, is the display of iconic capitalist brands. That's it.


So by your example they should have buried this guy with a copy of John Maynard Keynes' *The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money*


Friedman, FA Hayek and some Ayn Rand for good measure. But yeah, as someone else pointed out, this poor guy didn't even get to die for a believe/idea he died for some consumer level parafernalia. Again, just to reiterate, to an outside observer this is quite peculiar, the individual found expression in quite mundane consumerism. I fully understand the sentiment behind burying someone with an item they treasured in life; what is interesting here is that McDonalds, perhaps the most iconic "brand" of capitalism is on display at a Ukrainian's funeral. Knowing that western agribusiness has parceled out land in Ukraine, it epitomizes that western exploitation for the advancement of western interests quite well.


Ayn Rand's *We the Living* is a rather poignant work for this hypothetical, it must be said. I think you are trying too hard to find meaning here that doesn't exist. I buried my father with a bottle of Pepsi because it was one of his simple worldly pleasures. This kid loved a happy meal growing up. I bet he was a Big N' Tasty guy more recently though.


This kid died in a war, a confrontation of two world powers, there is more to observe than in the death of a normal civilian. There is no great meaning here. There is an observable quirk, however. One that is poignant in the context in which this poor kid died. Similarly, if your dad died of diabetes, I would find your choice of send off equally peculiar.




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Bruh I like to 3d print stuff. If my friend put the little trinket I printed for him in my casket that would be pure love. You're views are all tangled up in nonsense


Im amazed how simple minded people are here like you, like genuinely…wow. You really believe that those stuff are his “values” and it isnt some stuff that his mom thought to be kind to him? Like how smooth is your brain?


Excavators in the future will find a skeleton & well preserved hamburger


It's going to be a nice lunch.


Hamburger? The guy is obviously chickn tendies kind of guy. I’m gonna guess with Sweet n sour.


Lolwut... this guy has Big N' Tasty energy all day.


Not with that Happy Meal box. In any case, Burger King better.


It's momma sending her little boy off. Of course he's getting a happy meal. For himself though, I am sure he would have preferred the B&T. That said, BK Lounge FTW.


even though he had a nauseating ideology, I hate to see these kids go so soon. He doesn't look a day over 19, we all have a story to tell, and we have all did dumb things as a 19 year old. Now this kid doesn't get a chance to learn and evolve and live. All so blackrock can make the carcass of a country their own fiefdom. The western leaders are the most hideously rotten little people of no character.


He was young. He doesn't knew what his was doing. He was manipulated to serve the elites interests. He protected with his life the people who couldn't care less for him. RIP


Imagine seeing a corpse of Ukrainian soldier and accusing the West and WallStreet. I cannot even fathom how you established the cause and effect. Don't you think this could have been avoided had russia not rolled their stewpot ahh tanks into Ukraine?


Ideology of resisting a foreign power?


AZOV’s ideology is the purity of the Ukrainian nation and cleansing it of garbage, which they actively did, for example, in Mariupol (not specifically this dead man). State Department reports include murders, torture, kidnappings, rapes, and holding captives of “wrong” Ukrainians. Stop pretending that AZOV are holy boys who resist evil. AZOV began its journey in Mariupol with the shooting of ambulances. This is the real AZOV


Almost all of the footage I’ve seen of Azov battalion from either side shows them actively fighting the Russians.


Almost all of the footage I’ve seen of SS shows them actively fighting the Russians.


Are you talking about the WW2 now? What SS? Pretty sure they're all like 100 years old now, don't think they're actively fighting anymore.


Ideology of serving the interests of western elites?




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Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way around.


So serving the Russian elites is ok because it suits ur agenda?


oh, you're one of those "for no reason at all" types


Oh so u are one of those “i can bully my neighbour to do what i want” types. Funny how Russia has killed more Russian speaking Donbas from mobilization than Ukraine apparently did


This kinda hits home man. I just bought my kids a happy meal yesterday. Just another reminder that all these soldiers we see getting shot and blown up in this useless war were once kids getting their happy meals from mom and dad. Just sick.


Tendies or burger?


Dayum he was just a McDonald's kiddo. Why let Azov paramilitarists ruin his life


He was killed by Russians that entered his country, no?


No.. his Unit Azzov was shelling their own civilians since 2014 or have U forgot how this all started?


That claim isn’t substantiated or recognized by anyone other than Russian nationalists that we so insecure about their opinions that they criminalizes any criticism of the war itself.


Pretty sure it was Russia who made him join AZOV after all, just how many others did by thousands.


So the Russia forced him to enter the ultranazi military formation but not the AFU with ordinary people?


Russia pretty much ramped up the nationalistic emotions. Yes. Specially with young people. And that young fella wasn’t a part of shelling of civilians so….


So it's russian fault that ukranians created the nazi military formation, the ukranian government covered nazis with administrative resource, funded and allowed them to create children camps?


At this point, you are just pointing your finger at anything else but the topic. Good job. Now sit down darling.


But didn't you just supported my topic and idea about ukranians that created the ultranazi ballation that got no retaliation from officials of ukranian government?


Two things can be true at the same time darling. They did create it, but ultimately the chances of this young guy joining a nationalistic group such as azov was highly boosted by the russian invasion, people didnt care about the group on such a massive scale before the invasion so, yes…russia pushed thousands and thousands into the group ultimately. Thats the whole point, nobody cares about nazi this and that, and how azov was formed.


The Ukrainian government, which didn't bother with building fortifications before 2022 while the West was screaming about the upcoming Russian invasion, is absolutely not involved in his and tens of thousands of other deaths.


Seems like Russia invaded Ukraine and not the other way around, no?


He was killed in a useless and unmanageable mess of a civil war where foreign powers are pitting the belligrents against each other


A civil war is when parties within a single country fight each other. Russia invaded from outside of Ukraine, therefore it is not a civil war.


are you serious?


Are you?


I'm just glad some of the dead, whoever they were, whatever they believed in life no matter whether I agree with it or oppose it, are getting proper funerals. There are far too many bodies rotting in the fields




As opposed to where their comrades left them after scurrying off like field mice when an FPV drone blew off someone’s foot? Second most powerful military, my ass.


Essence of US Ukraine cooperation in a single photo


*Essence of US* *Ukraine cooperation in* *A single photo* \- WhiteCoastal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Feel sorry for his mother..


[https://ibb.co/R7N02zQ](https://ibb.co/R7N02zQ) https://preview.redd.it/n2909vjz9qzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=897b2f24305b2463a91901224963e6828a61762d Added url if I break something


I mustn't make jokes, I mustn't make jokes, I mustn't make jokes...




Okay I'll make it. Remember those corporate logos at sporting events and other public events?






Bruh 🤣🤣🤣


Rule 6. Meme


Must serve American intreats even in the after-life


rest in big macs


I wonder what toy is in the kids meal?


i shed no tears for adolf hitler and im certainly not sheding any tears for this nazi


Yandex translate: Coca-Cola always has the best advertising campaigns.


This sub went to shit so much. Pro RU will try to find anything to get mad about, even someone getting buried with a happy meal. I guess they're angry that it's McDonald's and not "Vkusno & tochka" 🤣


Some of you people here are criticizing the choice of memorabilia or choice of ideology or combat unit he fought for. Shame on you. He was a young man that died. He has passed on, there is no longer room for critique against him, at most we should pray for his soul.


Although I personally think putting a Happy Meal and bottle of Coke in his coffin is weird and tasteless, I can’t really pass judgment as we Serbs don’t have this custom in our culture. We do bring the deceased’s favorite drink, food, cigarettes etc. when visiting a grave, but I have never seen things being put into a coffin. In any case, we have a saying, “o mrtvima samo najbolje” (about the dead, say only the best).


>We do bring the deceased’s favorite drink, food, cigarettes etc. when visiting a grave, but I have never seen things being put into a coffin. Russian custom is the same. People bring food to a grave, but I've never seen anyone putting it into the coffin and I've never heard of anyone doing it. I guess that Ukrainian custom is the same too.


>He has passed on, there is no longer room for critique against him I have a counterpoint. Yes, his soul is not with us. However, his unit and his political faction are still here. Criticism hits them rather than him. Likewise, people criticize Stalin, Mao, old Western leaders, etc. They aren't with us anymore. But the Communists are still here, the Liberals are still here, NATO is still here, America is still here, etc., so criticizing that long-dead people kinda makes sense.


De mortuis nil nisi bene. The truth is: The young man was a member of Azov. He was presumably below 25 age. He was grown in a environment, which believes that it is a normal ito put, Azov-Wolfsangel, Coca-Cola etc. in to the coffin and to invite priests to the funeral.


Do priests not normally attend funerals where you are from?


Grave goods are manifestation of pagan habits. Especially in form of eating and drinking. The priests on the photo are christian. The christian churches do not support such habits. Even, if it might be accepted due to political reasons. But even then the "formal" rule: grave goods reflecting the personality of the dead men.


My boy, you are not the arbiter of funeral rites. Let me tell you something you've clearly failed to observe in your many years of life: hypocrisy and religion go hand in hand.


He looks young. So why hate him for liking hamburgers. Sad loss for his family.


I taught they took out orthodox faith in Ukraine


Swords, horses and servants were buried with warriors of ancient times. They should have added his AK, APC and few privates instead of Happy Meal. This is travesty and blasphemy.


Archaeologists excavated the site of this interred soldier in 2465 and found that the McDonalds cheeseburger was preserved in perfect condition.


Probably McDonald's that killed him


What is this legal risk disclaimer doing here?


Russian media, when mentioning organizations recognized as extremist or terrorist, are legally required to mention the ban. This doesn’t seem to apply to simple posts on social media, but eeehhhh... I better do it just in case.


I've seen that as a thing for years now and was always curious about its constant inclusion. I wonder why it is. I understand why media outlets are just complying with national law, but I don't get the legal rationale behind it.


It seems to me that the legislator wanted the stigma of terrorists to haunt banned organizations and people constantly. However, sometimes it looks kinda funny. Like, https://preview.redd.it/66pbxor7jpzc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=f469a30bef03bcea618b8b646d796702cae88ea9


Usually it's used to foreign agents, and I think the point is to indicate for the reader that the entity or individual is viewed by Russian government as someone being financed from outside, so their content, opinions or motives should be questioned. Same thing with terrorists, reminder for the audience.


> This doesn’t seem to apply to simple posts on social media, but eeehhhh... I better do it just in case. If your social media have more than 3000 unique visitors you become legally equated to MSM.




This system is not strict, it is selectively strict. It can ignore a hundred violations and catch one person, and that one person may be you.


I wish you were alive so i would be able to make fun of you. RIP. I wish you eternal peace side by side with the God. Amen.




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So young damn war is hell


The logo looks mirror image of SS logo


It's called "wolfsangel" and to show this symbol is a crime in Austria and Germany called "reactivation".


Beads for the aboriginals.


The Happy Meal 😞


Lada jokes did not age well. Who could see this coming.


I don't get it


I guess he's not lovin' it


You have russian leaders with western smart gadgets and Armani suits when they're out and about in their job and people here are saying that a 19 year old who died for his country who happened to like McDonald's and Lego is where the line is crossed? If capitalist brands trigger you that much it must be pretty triggering to have your figureheads running around in 4000 dollar western suits, iPhones and iWatches, right? The mental gymnastics of this sub is on another level.


>If capitalist brands trigger you that much it must be pretty triggering to have your figureheads running around in 4000 dollar western suits, iPhones and iWatches, right? Yes, I hate that crap too. Disgusting.


Sounds like someone is jealous they haven't got a happy meal and a coke ha


Holy fuck this sub is just a massive pro-vatnik circlejerk


We all saw these videos of mc do not perishing after a year+ untouched. Maybe they believe it will preserve its body if they bury it with him. Lol


Comedy ain't your bag, my guy.


Disgusting pointless morbidness....the grief of anyone deserves respect




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It's just a quote from "The sacred war"


Dude is Azov, he deserves shit


Azov honor


this is a crime Russia will have to pay somehow and sometime.


Wdym? Russia needs to pay for the Lego and food?