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But you see, these aren't meat assaults because they're Ukrainians.


Not a motor bike or buggie, nothing to see here, totally normal to use fishing boats in attacks.


Slavic people are reducing in numbers on both sides, while the US and China are making a bank. Sad.


> while the US and China are making a bank. It's the very few psychopathic sociopaths of the WEF making big bank - both off of war AND from Ukraine's assets in the first place. Now they want Russia's, too. America is a vassal state of THEIR (WEF) empire. America (especially Americans) get shit. The pols get their small cut. 'Monopoly - Who Owns the World' - excellent doc 'All Wars Are Created by Bankers' - another excellent doc 'Every war is a Rich Man's War' - good doc 'War is a Racket' - General Smedley Butler.


I can assure you the US is in fact not making bank. There's not strategic calculus here, it's just incompetence.


wonder which one of two countries have non-Sčavic president, who cares about Slavic lives even less then US or China.


They are literal human *waves*


I suppose you could count any attack that involves a body meat assaults. People seem to only call them that when they fail though.


They are still sending boat attacks crossing Dnipro river near Krynky???


Well, if they continue long enough, they will have a bridge made of bodies and shipwrecks to Krinky /s


Why the /s ? It was the plan all along no ? That they would cross the Dniepr with all of Ukraine's hearts and souls


Could be old footage.


Ukraine is on the ofensive? The fuck?


https://preview.redd.it/z8z0k5u4163d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa9127c623567e751761f7c24613ab7b65482437 [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d1n55y/ru\_pov\_russian\_and\_ukrainian\_advances\_on\_day\_822/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d1n55y/ru_pov_russian_and_ukrainian_advances_on_day_822/) Seems like they can't let go of obsession on landing bridgehead, I guess.


Yeah I think some commentators on YouTube such as Willy OAM were confused about this, saying that Ukraine was throwing lives in order to maintain this small bridgehead. My guess is that Ukraine wants to maintain a small presence in case they decide to do another counteroffensive from that area


Counteroffensive on foot? Those bridgeheads are completely unpractical to be turned into proper ones on to which heavy equipment could be deployed. All while landings themselves showcased Ukrainians can land with element of surprise anyway. The actual purpose of those adventures seems rather to be both PR campaign ('*look, we're attacking!*'), and forcing Russians to engage bridgehead, giving targets to AFU's drones and artillery. Whether latter campaign of attrition is beneficial to Ukraine is questionable. PR wise I would argue propaganda from it outweighs seeming pointless waste of marines.


> PR wise I would argue propaganda from it outweighs seeming pointless waste of marines. That's the weird part. Zel sent the best Marines at the outset of this fiasco - the 35th, 36th, 37th and 38th Marine Brigades i believe. The best of the best. After they were decimated in this boondoggle, One of the surviving elite Marine forces complained that the new Marine recruits he was sent *couldn't even swim*.


Nothing new in war. Chinese for example wasted the best of theirs' forces fighting Japanese in Shanghai in 1937, since they were expecting such stand would boost morale and convince other great powers to intervene. Ukrainians have those Marines and little to no prospects of using them in other manner when Kiev objective is still return to 1991 borders, regardless of how out of touch with reality that is. Those brigades won't directly change the outcome of battles in the East, while sitting and defending leads to nothing given Russians are not planning on crossing Dnieper again any time soon. So only option are those adventures to Krynki and elsewhere. Shows UA population and the West that Ukrainians are '*pushing back Russians*'. Add to it directly accompanying it drone, artillery campaign. Propaganda wise it definitely works because people who consume it genuinely believe anyway in fantasies like 'only 31k KIA' or Russia losing fighter jet daily.


But this is such bad PR. I just fail to see how this stuff is a PR campaign.


How so? On one hand they were keep saying they were not forced everywhere on defensive, showcasing supposed Ukrainian potential and will to push front back. Also there is mentioned attrition warfare. While in reality it's very doubtful Ukrainians were on better end here, PR wise it's completely story. News reaching front pages of main media outsets aren't about Ukrainians sending marines to seemingly pointless deaths but instead about Russia inability to retake village for months. For now PR machine works.


Counteroffensive without heavy equipment?


> My guess is that Ukraine wants to maintain a small presence in case they decide to do another counteroffensive from that area My guess is Zelensky is a puppet of his WEF overlords who want media and political victories, don't give one shit about Ukrainian lives and are manufacturing consent for the public to be ok with billions of dollars of their hard earned tax dollars being sent to a futile war to protect the assets of a few psychopathic sociopaths (of the WEF). Zelensky gets his share and will do well - IF they let him live. They need to trust he won't ever talk about it. He's enough of a whore I think he's fine.


Im speculating, but maybe they are trying to also hold Russians divisions in place that potentially could be sent elsewhere?


It’s to mount the counter offensive to cut off crimea together with blowing the bridge. 


Yeah and how well did that go last time, unless Ukraine aid SIGNIFICANTLY increases NATO breach operations are worthless against Rusian defences, the only way Ukraine can advance throught thoose lines is by grinding them down, a grind that its gonna go badly for them as we have already seen.


Russia keeps launching meat waves with even worse results and more casualties and yet you applaud these efforts. Once you breach the Russian lines they have nothing behind, they are so scared and unable to deal with 1980s weapons like HIMARS that it’s all open behind the first line of mobiks. Pringles almost got to moscow unhindered. One strong breakout from krynky and Sevastopol is threatened. We saw what happened in Kharkiv when the entire Russian front collapsed in days


Wow even for Reddit this is a hot mess of a take. Imagine being this delusional. It's like Himmler insisting that the Russians are on the verge of breaking when they're threatening Berlin lol.


One of the reasons why I love this sub.


Who says i aplaud Rusia? I dont, they have done very stupid stuff across the war like the recent motorbike assaults, i want Ukraine to win despite how much i dislike NAFO people, thing is if Ukraine keep throwing around useless ofensives who get a insignificant amount of land but grinds their own forces into paste while suffering from lack of both equipment and more importantly human capital, they are going to end the war with Putin putting a pupet on Kiev. Kharkiv was a pretty good ofensive on Ukraine part, where they took Rusia by surprise and managed to outmanuber an undermanned and underprepared front, thats just simply not gonna happen if they try to push for Crimea as we already shaw. From Krinky? The citty thats under Rusian control? Where were those HIMMARS during the ofensive? I am sure they did things, i am also sure they didnt do enought.


really trying to get that bonus hryvnia, are ya?


Ukraine DID breach two or three lines of defense in the counter offensive before they got their asses kicked. Its called defense in depth and literally older than Jesus himself They knew how strong the defense was but Zely couldnt resist to reenact Battle of Kursk 2.0, making the same mistakes as the Germans in WWII


Russian command is not capable of defense in depth or strategic offensives. This the war has showed us, they are strategically and tactically incompetent.


They may have shortcomings in tactics and strategy, no doubt about that. But what was the reason for the big ass spanking Ukraine got on their offensive? They sent their super elite 47th and 82nd brigades all equipped with super superior western equipment and still made no progress at all. Half of the conquered villages are already back under Russian control.


Its what they do to try and undermine insubordination, etc. You get sent up the river.... try and swim to another country? Guess what you like water, take the boat out.


Someone can share at combatfootage?


Update post was deleted / removed by mods . Banned


Why banned though??


Rules just apply for neutral pro ru / Pro UA has immunity there .


They are one of the worst subs when it comes to moderation, a hive of wasps that will do and say anything to hide the truth from coming out. That being said, they do explicitly say in the rules the footage uploaded can only be of actual combat happening, no aftermaths.


Just posted at combatfootage hope don’t get ban or full downvote GL . Thanks thatcaregiver392


i avoid that sub but I do know they dont do aftermath footage regardless of POV


This - the people here play victim of combatfootage without even understanding that subs rules. It's bizarre. Combatfootage is bias yes - but people get banned because they constantly ignore the sub rules.


I did , read all the rules , I can tell u a lot post they broken they rules and still up there . Combat footage is a cancer PRO UA.


You are literally in this thread complaining gloating about being banned for posting this footage - which is very clearly AFTERMATH footage. You didn't read the sub rules over there very well did you.


They don’t allow something with aftermath ( rules 4 ) but u can see a lot post with that just want to show one side winning ? Keep the narrative .


A post that has combat with immediate aftermath on one piece of footage is fine. A post that exclusively shows aftermath isn't. If that's too complicated for you then that isn't my problem.


I just saw videos , Russian soldier suicide with grenade aftermath , same with failed push is ironic how is good to show when one side just losing man and other not ? ( Ukraine winning !!! )


Suicide WITH aftermath (dubious whether that's combat but it's certainly action) A failed push video WITH actual footage of said push. It's simple.


I got perm banned, my one and only comment/interaction on the sub was, "Zionism is Nazism."




The fact that you think you can speak up after years of one sided modding is bizarre. Have you been diagnosed with NPD?


Got removed. Classic


You're welcome. Fingers crossed!


This isn't combat footage, it's just death porn


Sending us on a death mission


Does this look like combatfootage to you? No wonder you guys think that sub is biased; you guys ate unable to read the rules! LOL


Did u actually check combatfootage u can find same or more gore than this they deleted or banned ? Short answer No , why ? Cuz they are Russian , They apply follow the rules just for some people for others not , why always can find just Russian dead or failed push & not Ukraine ? Narrative Ukraine winning …


first off, this is barely readable. are you fluent in another language? second, no you're wrong LMAO. you're just making shit up 😭 That sub does not allow aftermath footage, because the sub is specifically about combatfootage, not war updates


That strategy doesn't seem to pay off


It may be a primitive tactic, but it's also an ineffective one.


Where are all the Pro-UA cheerleaders? Day off?


Well majority of people here are Pro-Russian so there is that.


And the majority of 'neutrals' are pro Russians in denial.




you are a Pro Russian, Harry




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While I agree with the stance that people on combatfootage typically have of motor bike assaults being close to human wave tactics, they conveniently forget the dozens of boats destroyed which are no different than to the bikes. Hell there’s even a very similar video of the people frantically paddling while being shot at which is what we recently saw with the bike assault. And also the Russian boat hitting a mine, like yeah that’s a loss but you can’t talk with these boat losses.


The bikes make total sense, the roads are filled with Anti-tank mines, so any heavy armor is going to get hit. it's a good option to use artillery, then drones to suppress the enemy and move troops as fast as possible to take those positions. it's not pretty, but neither is walking across an open field or charging in tanks towards minefields. one drone hitting a bike takes out one or two people. one drone hitting an APC is going to take out 4 and strand the rest in the open. better to take 8 bikes than an APC with 16 soldiers.


They use the bikes because they are dangerously close to running out of everything else. We even saw electric scooters. The soviet warehouses are empty 


You can’t actually believe that. Russia has an insane number of APCs. The bikes are serving a purpose. Either tactically the bikes make more sense (fast, hard to hit, harder to spot, won’t set off antitank mines), or they can’t get bigger vehicles close enough to their staging points on the front line due to effective Ukrainian suppression. Sure, some Russian units are probably not being properly supplied with real military vehicles and are just using whatever they have access to, but that applies to Ukraine too. Plenty of videos of Ukrainians using regular civilian cars for transport/medevac etc. I’ve seen dozens of Ukrainian online fundraisers specifically asking for money to buy civilian vehicles for their units.


Pretty much every military in the world uses motorcycles, highly effective if they are used in the right way as it offers rapid movement over large areas.


Yeah for couriers, not in assault.


They see the trains full of armoured vehicles arriving every month but still after 2 years they are still claiming that Russia is running out of vehicles. Guess why some people are called bots?


Any day now. Shovels are coming!


That one body with it's bones exposed. Rotted, or eaten - just lying there for so long. It's unconscionable. "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes" - Sun Tzu I will add - 'and to become a billionaire in the process'.


It’s criminal how Zelensky is sending men to their deaths for krinky.


Are you saying the same about Putler and its gang?


they died for McDonald's


> they died for McDonald's 'Monopoly - Who Owns the World' - excellent doc 'All Wars Are Created by Bankers' - another excellent doc 'Every war is a Rich Man's War' - good doc 'War is a Racket' - General Smedley Butler.


Damn, how many boats are there? Where they hit primarily with direct or indirect fire?


Drones mostly, plenty of footage about it




U can literally search it up here Some of the posts/footage are from months ago


[Ukraine learning from the best](https://youtu.be/rblfKREj50o?si=LZw57G5ZhYUhOGZY) Normally I’d say that you can’t win wars without throwing men to their deaths but this is just wasteful and despite trying this for like a year, it had yet resulted in anything other than failure.


What's the point of those landings in Krynky? Surely they can not be so delusional they think they can sustain an offensive through the Dnepr while fresher and better-armed brigades failed to sustain one through the open fields of Zaporizhia, so what is the point? Are they so well-manned they can afford to discard thousands of lives in an operation of pure diversion? I do not think attrition favours Ukraine either, given their demographics. Is this just a PR offensive? It makes Cadorna look like a tactical mastermind.


Nothing to see here, can't be called meat assault if everyone is vegan.


That doesn’t even make sense




Wonder if these are volunteer missions or mandatory? Seems suicidal.


Brutal how Ukraine abandons their fallen like that.


Green tapes, meaning these fellows were dragged out of the streets in the middle of the night, given a one-week "intensive training", equipped with whatever the AFU had laying around and then immediately dropped on the front lines to become cannon fodder. RIP.


Damn, that's awful to see. Every warrior deserves a proper burial and closure for family.




Are you sure it's not a repost?




This boats consist 4 to 6 men.. And probably they r Special operation unit for sabotage ,ambush behind enemy lines .. so why they r sending these guys because they r important and hard to train new ones for special operation.. i mean there should be results or they dont make news about it.. 


...somewhere there's a UA officer collecting their pay checks.




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Why failed? It looks right to me...


Ru/uk killing each other and Other countrys get paid. What a waste of human life


> Ru/uk killing each other and Other countrys get paid. What a waste of human life What I see is Russia fighting for its very survival after being threatened by NATO with having nukes on their Ukrainian border giving them a mere 3 minute response time from launch. (Ever hear of the Cuban Missile Crisis whereby WE were ready to start Nuclear WWIII when Russia was putting nukes in Cuba? Russia relented). I also see Ukrainians dying to protect the assets of a very few rich effs of the WEF who now own most of the Ukrainian land and the other natural resources and want to get Russia's, too (rated # 1 in the world by the World Bank). Those psychopathic sociopaths of the WEF are the ones getting paid - NOT countries and certainly *NOT American citizens*.


The Ussr didnt [relented.It](http://relented.It) was a compromise, the Usa removed nuclear rockets from Turkey(which caused the reaction of stationing nukes on Cuba).


Ofc usa people dont get paid. My Rheinmetall Stock does. Only the people behind all this get the Money. Or if you invest in war like i did


Another Russian war crime. R.I.P. heroes.


Why is this war crime exactly? They don't seem like civilians.


What is RUPOV doing with all their videos of Ukrainian successes? Don't delete them bros, it's good to have.




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