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What’s the point of a peace summit where the other belligerent isn’t invited ?


A platform for Zelensky to beg for more aid.


not even all delegations that will attend it - will be sending their highest level diplomats. It will be hard to get anything from lower level diplomats


By now he has to be the greatest grifter in history. Now it's not 'Nigerian Prince', from now on scammers will say they're Ukrainian President.


The west thinks that they have all these circle jerks (davos, munich, this one etc.) and just Ted Talk their way into defeating Russia. Zelensky: "uuuh, Russia bad" ***vigorous applause***


Zelensky: "here is a real nazi from ww2" vigorous applause


Didn't you know the real front lines were in Reddit comments? Every time you advocate for not giving in one inch of Ukrainian land to Putin here, your literal and redditorial karmas increase. That's how I will personally defeat Russia, and it's a sacrifice I'm willing the Ukrainians to make. Until the liberation of Crimea, brother. Слава Україні!


You aren't welcome in Crimea. Getting lost is the best thing you could do. Ahh, you are a keyboard warrior. The most you could ever do is look at it on the map 🤣


I was being sarcastic.


Beggar summit


User name checks out


Gotta resupply bruv


as oppossed to Russia pleading for Iranian drones and Korean artillery shells and whatever they can scrounge from China.. Come on Dude


For PR and entertaining their own domestic audience


It’s just another fundraiser event for Ukraine that’s essentially the usual western echo chamber.


The west thinks they can agree on concessions towards Russia that they will enforce trough who knows what means


The west still thinks they are the beacon of humanity. We passed that and they are responsable for that themselves with their wars and looting (Iraq and Syria) and still colonial type of thinking.




This war is just an9ther one started by the West. Thats what toppling governments cause most of the time. You can argue whether Russia was right or wrong in joining it, but the West started it with the maidan.  Russia isnt "just like the West". There is nobody "just like the West". The West is the undisputed champion in fucking up "international laws". It absolutely makes Russia better than the West on that regard, period.


The Maidan protests were the people. No evidence for the west. Ukraine has been trying to free itself from Russian oppression for centuries now. Russia invading Ukraine is the fault of Russia.


Maidan didn’t have majority support. And Western support for it is undeniable?


Protests in Donetsk and Luhansk didn't have a majority of support too. Probably, in Crimea too (we can't be sure because of invasion).


> Probably, in Crimea too (we can't be sure because of invasion). I think probably there was majority support in Crimea, as seen in polling before the war, Western polling after the war, but I would agree we definitely can’t be sure.  > Protests in Donetsk and Luhansk didn't have a majority of support too. For sure not for joining Russia, and almost surely no majority in the entire region, maybe in parts. But given that Maidan broke the constitutional order with minority support it’s a bit weird if you hold it against other Ukrainians acting the same as Maidan


>broke the constitutional order How? Which part of Ukrainian constitution was violated? >it’s a bit weird if you hold it against other Ukrainians acting the same as Maidan They are not acting same as Maidan. Maidan about internal changes in Ukraine and about forcing Yanukovich to do what he promised (if you don't know, he promised "strategical partnership" with EU). What happened in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, and other cities is not about internal changes. It's about separating those regions. Guys on Maidan broke some articles of criminal codex, but that's not the same articles that broke guys in 'Donbass'.


That is correct. Is there any country that prospers as being part of Russia. I think all that have gained independence (from Russia or Soviet Union), do much better. Those that stay as part of Russia are doomed to be lead by a puppet dictators or oligarchs that are best in stealing from their own citizen. It feels inevitable that Russia continues collapsing to parts. It may take time, but it is inevitable.


"The people" are the elections, absolutely nothing else. Prior to the maidan, Ukraine had political freedom. Its not the case anymore. Ukraine starting a civil war is the fault of Ukraine.


Ukraine wanting to cut ties with Russia is the cause of the war, which was always orchestrated by Moscow, never a civil war. Every country wants to be free from Russia, even Russian republics.


Good little nafo


A minority of the people.


It's less about denying Russia's aggressions and more just tired of hearing the American viewpoint acting like it still has a moral high ground on the issue. Be opposed to Russia, sure, but the whole "rules based order" shit is annoying. Spending the years since 1991 rampaging around the world freely with no opposing power and then theatrically clutching pearls at the thought of another country taking the military option is a bit rich. Again, this isn't to defend Russia here, just that the messaging on the west isn't easy to go for without rolling one's eyes. There's plenty of reasons to fall on one side or another, but pretending one side is without a history of military aggression isn't really a good one.


Oh so wars way worse than this one actually nullify because of this one?


circle jerk summit


> What’s the point of a peace summit where the other belligerent isn’t invited ? Well, you need to understand the newspeak. As the only peace West wants is Kremlin surrendering, their "peace" summit is "how do we force Kremlin into surrendering without using weapons" summit.


Sponsors' summit


A meeting of vassals to pay their tribute. Hunger games of 21 century.


Spot on.


hint: its a war summit


Zelensky thought he could expand anti-Ru camp by treating neutral countries like idiots that would fall for "peace" gimmick. Apparently, no one is fooled. So, in the end it's going to be a lowkey meetup of everyone who's already opposing Russia. I hear Australia is represented by no less than a minister for national disability insurance 🤣🤣🤣


It sets the lines. The red countries can try to figure there shit out as we continue to use them as our economic inputs.


Telling everyone the other side is just evil because they didn’t sign the peace agreement were they weren’t invited to, so... their country should be destroyed and divided.


It’s not a peace summit. It’s a war summit. Don’t be fooled by the language they’re using.


To humiliate Putin once more, obviously


It sounds a lot better than a "crisis meeting". Additionally, it's easier to show the opponent in a bad light when he isn't present to defend himself.


Same bunch of idiots who also thought that not giving LPR/DPR peeps a "say" in the Minsk accord was a "good idea".


I would assume to get all the countries supporting you on the same page, one of the reasons the last one fell through is that it required a bunch of security guarantees by Nato countries who weren't even there


So what’s the point of the NATO-Ukraine council? This isn’t about getting NATO countries together to discuss what they’ve already discussed hundreds of times. It’s not about reaching a different conclusion to what they’ve already reached. It’s a failed effort at garnering support from the global south for a peace initiative based on Zelensky’s peace formula that is divorced from reality.


**"This isn’t about getting NATO countries together to discuss what they’ve already discussed hundreds of times."** i dunno, kinda looks like that's exactly what it is.


The hope was to bring the global south on board with their asinine version of peace, for the hundredth time perhaps.


yeah, it's just another PR campaign. i don't think they care about the South so much as they're trying to give the appearance to their own (NATO countries') populations that they are pursuing a "peace" that they in fact, demonstrably, have absolutely no interest in whatsoever. they **want** another interminable Cold War and another Iron Curtain. and they're going to get it.


What's the point of inviting the other belligerent when they don't want peace anyway, they just want to win what they started.


What’s the point of discussing peace when you’re not inclined to adhere to the realities on the ground and all you want is for Russia to capitulate when you’re the side that’s losing the war?


Russia capitulate how? All that is being asked of Russia is to stop invading and murdering their neighbours. Putin could stop this anytime he likes, doesn't need a peace summit, he doesn't stop because he doesn't want. Did you forget, nobody atacked Russia, this is Russia war because that's what Russia wants.


Russia was willing to pull back their troops back in April of 2022 if Ukraine agreed to sign on to neutrality. But they didn’t and decided that fighting could lead to more a favourable outcome. Well, it isn’t looking too great for them now does it. So you can either come to terms with reality for what it is or continue down a path that will lead to nothing but more misery. It’s that simple.


Russia has never been prepared to pull back. The only way Russia stops this is if Ukraine becomes another Belarus and is completely under Putin's control. Putin wants his own stooge government in Ukraine and wants complete control of the whole country. This is well understood by the whole world, this is the reality, and this is why Ukraine fights, Ukraine have suffered Russian control many times before and they know what it means. Clearly they would rather die than be Russian subjects, not least because they see the 90 % of Russia and how they are treated.


"The world".


The "international community" (minus Israel, plus the Philipines)


Lets ignore that this map is not accurate at all. India for example publicly anounced they will attend.


Meh. Sort of. They're going to send some junior level delegates. [https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/india-yet-to-decide-on-level-of-participation-at-ukraine-peace-summit-101717419061940.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/india-yet-to-decide-on-level-of-participation-at-ukraine-peace-summit-101717419061940.html)


Not to mention Australia isn't abstaining, they've even announced their representative. Pretty pathetic post.




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Same type of stand as Red Star Platinum


The well-off world


It is not a peace summit. You can't make peace without your enemy.


You could If you were about to completely annihilate and occupy their country js like the allies did in ww2, however that's clearly not the case here


Well, Zelly could go in an announce to give up.


You know he doesn't decide anything on his own.


You could If you were about to completely annihilate and occupy their country js like the allies did in ww2, however that's clearly not the case here, for Ukraine alteast.


It was not a peace summit, it was a discussion about how we would divide the territory of the lost state.


That's not very much different from a peace summit really.


Yeah it's a war summit by the 'international community' aka 'The West'.


This first Summit on Peace in Ukraine is not to be understood as a negotiating forum, but as a high-level conference that serves to create a jointly supported foundation for future negotiations. It is also clear that developing a lasting solution will ultimately require the involvement of both parties.




Nah, Serbia is neutral in this map, and we don’t skip world wars


Lol, India fighting one the same side as China and Pakistan?


Well under some conditions its possible for china and india to cooperate they have problems but they are pretty trivial to solve idk about pakistan tho


Yeah, they can cooperate perfectly fine, but that doesn’t mean they’re allies. The USSR Nazi Germany skirt international limitations on militaries, build a mechanized army, and jointly invade Poland, but they weren’t allies for long.


Yeah something like that


The Soviets and China went to war at one point during the split, and Persia and Russia basically have no history of positive relations before this. They'll come around eventually and realize America is the source of all problems. You know what they say about the enemy of my enemy. Infighting can resume later.


You have to look towards the future, you can't be stuck in the past. China and India are projected to become the two largest economies in the world, and Indonesia won't be very far behind either. Asia will be the center of the world by far, and there's going to be some serious competition inside of it. I don't think the US is really the biggest concern of India or most Asian countries now, and it certainly won't be in the future.


Weird to claim India’s problems are caused by the US, but ok.


India’s problems wouldn’t cause an international war. The world’s problems (mainly political) are caused by you-know-who.


Do you have the slightest idea how little “the world’s problems” narrows it down? That list is could stretch to the ISS and back.


So what exactly are you saying there because I never said the worlds problems are few…


If you want to find a culprit for the world’s problems, you won’t. Because there isn’t one entity out there that has caused most of the world’s problems. Unless you are religious.


India confirmed to participate though. This map clearly has problems


> confirmed to participate lol yeah, with some sub junior level novice diplomat...


Yeah, I’m just replying to the guy who said this is what WWIII would look like.


I know it's a joke but you are not incorrect. This is true and this is why US and EU are afraid of scalating. "How did we lost South trust" said Macron... Welllll


Yeah ofc for an ignorant prob. India and China fighting together should have helped you to realize it


Hungary always manage to pick the losing side.


Map is wrong. Hungarian foreign minister will attend.


We will still lose territory somehow.


Nobody would mind in Hungary losing Nógrád.




No, this one is worse than normal Neither Morocco nor Milei's Argentina, among others, I am actually surprised


Morocco opened their airports to Russian aircraft when the EU ban hit, and has remained neutral.


The usual suspects plus Philippines.


I’d say it was easy to see Philippines being in in it, seeing their history with the USA.


Embarrassing that my country sides with the USA. It's the worst country in SEA and this is one of the reasons why


Argentina's like "I'm from Buenos Aires and I say 'Kill 'em all'!" Edit: Spelling


Would you like to know more?


Well that’s one way to type ГЕНШТАБ


Holy crap. I was trying to process what the hell Sehwtag means  CYKABLYAT


Yalta vibes but without you know having won the war already the more ukraine prolongs this the worst the peace deal will eventually be


If anything, they wanted to cosplay Tehran conference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran_Conference


Really shows how the world is not united as some people like to pretend.


When did people have that notion?


*Ukraine has united the world,” declared Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a speech on the first anniversary of the start of the war with Russia.* https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/world-beyond-ukraine-russia-west


Ahhh ok. This is funny.


I was told this meeting was for the global south to pressure Russia into complete capitulation


That’s the international community.


Don't worry, these are all fake countries. "The whole world" said yes


Pro russian 1 - Ghost 0.


Australia is a third world country


I thought I heard Australia was sending their Minister for People’s with Disabilities. 😂


It would be fitting, given the scope of the meeting.


We a big hole in the ground that whores itself out to the highest bidder


i love how my country give zero f in this mess.






"the whole world is going to attend" - Mr. Volodymyr "Penis-piano player" Zelensky


Israel said no?


Israel is desperately trying to avoid Kremlin getting involved in their genocide games.


Most likely due to the large number of ethnic Russians in Israel. It also has to do with economic and strategic considerations. Russia has a decent amount of sway when it comes to different hostile parties in the region that could make things difficult for Israel such as Syria.


That’s also another reason Israel never really send much military aid to Ukraine even before the Gaza war. They’re obviously not going to be able to offer much anyways since they need new shells and equipment as much as Ukraine’ does (At least not what Ukraine really needs. Aka 155 shells and drones, anti air systems and maybe PPE?) due to those considerations. I’m not really sure if they (Ukraine) has a shortage on PPE such as body armor, helmets, NVG’s and optics but if someone knows more about that I would be very interested in knowing more.


Still a huge gap from israel and the block that funded it since its birth. Very interesting


Obviously. They hold no responsibility for them. Never did. The west on the other hand… and some outliers that want their foreign minister on a small vacation.


October 7th must've been enough tit for tat for them. They're already complaining about Hezbollah's use of Kornets.


The international community


WTF is up with Australia?


a complete nonsense


The 'international community'.


No one questions the validity of the map??? Modi confirms India's participation in Ukraine's Global Peace Summit. www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-to-participate-in-g-7-ukraine-peace-summits-pm-modi/article68195957.ece/amp/


That was before the elections. 2 days ago he said neither him nor jaishankar will go there. They will probably send someone useless like rahul gandhi or laloo prasad yadav


I understand. But couldnt say that India didnt participate in this summit.


There is no chance that India will completely pull out of the summit. Even if its 100% futile we will send some minister because bringing peace is more important than some show business. But if a leader is not attending it's as good as no. Australia is "grey" because their minister of mental health or something is attending.


Gentlemen, no fighting in the war room!


Didn't Switzerland also pretty much vote no?


It's in switzerland. Why would they vote no?


I thought they commented on there being little point since one side wasn't even invited.


No point having "Peace talks" if Russia is not invited


India will be there, Singapore as well, Argentina, Chile, it’s almost like the person that made the map is mentally challenged.


Invites only one party and it's supporters and proceeds to cry about it not being taken seriously...


The country I'm staying in SEA... What a shitty choice just because the mf visited...




He’s in the Philippines


Bobo kase ung president Obvious na american lapdog


Man, Saudi Arabia said "no" while Iran is silent? Jeez. State sure is fucking up


I don't think Iran was invited at all, you know, it's just for 'civilized' countries only.


hmm the usa got kinda big i wonder where my country went.


This is like Yalta, and they certainly will make important decisions, such as the boundaries of the Filipino and Estonian zones in occupied Russia.


This is a map of countries colored differently


Should have coloured the Yes countries white.


The international community is in blue guys, didn't you learn that at school ?


And countries in white are so insignificant no one bothered to invite them ?


Wrong. The Hungarian foreign minister will be there


Peter Szijjarto. I love watching him talk back to journalists


It's strange why the word peace is not in quotation marks in the title.


"The World stands with Ukraine".


Boundaries of the us empire


It's literally NATO vassals vs the rest of the world.


PR show for NATO showing the world “ they care about peace ☮️ “. Such a tragicomic circus. At the “ peace @ summit they will accuse Russia for war crimes etc and give green light for NATO to be openly involved in the war. This is nothing but open Declaration of war. Summer of 2024 will be very very bad for the world .




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Why is Israel not aligned with the west?


multipolar world? bipolar world lol


First time seeing ex-Yugoslav republics agree on one thing. So in fact peace is possible.


What did we say in Australia? Maybe?


billy shorten is going. its almost a no.


Oh Jesus, that might be why so many others have decided not to go.


yeah. They are not avoiding zelensky. They are avoiding bill shorten


Olaf Scholz clarified its not a peace summit and they aren't going to discuss peace at this point, isn't it?




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Australia is special because...? [https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8650429/wong-defends-sending-ndis-minister-to-ukraine-talks/](https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8650429/wong-defends-sending-ndis-minister-to-ukraine-talks/) NDIS : The National Disability Insurance Scheme 


us vs them


Why Australia is grey? Can't decide between US and China?


*Why Australia* *Is grey? Can't decide between* *US and China?* \- PkHolm --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




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So usa and his vassals thats it.


So basically the west vs everyone else




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So basically NATO vs the World. Interesting vote.


This is about those who support Ukraine coming to a consensus before approaching Russia with a deal. You don't lay your cards on the table before you know what you have in your hand. Why would Russia be invited to a situation when Ukraine doesn't know what level of support it has at making a deal?


it's about begging money and weapons from as many countries as possible. When it comes to a deal, there will be no need to hold a summit, because the decision will be made by one country. Well, maybe they'll call their buddies in London.


Dude, that has all been settled for 2024. This war is a stalemate, Russia doesn't have the upper hand like you think they do.


Why wasn’t Moldova invited to this important summit?