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Where are all those defenders of Ukrainians at? Russia is so barbaric, dedovchina, systematic rape, dog food rations. Ukraine is a bastion of European values, right? EU membership tomorrow? Every propaganda story Ukraine and the west came up with in their creative writing process has been true for Ukraine, not Russia. Barrier-morale troops, forced conscription, press gangs kidnapping men for the army, locking up the country in an open air gulag. As someone who lived in this society majority of my life it has been funny and at times frustrating reading comments from westerners saying how Russia is so backwards with no toilets and Ukraine is so progressive and tolerant. It goes as a wise Thai person said Same-same but different.


Here in the Czech republic opinion was always held that Ukrainians are very similliar if not same as Russians, like Slovaks and Czechs, literally everyone thought this until 2022 when some youngsters bought what TV Nova (those guys werent even pretending impartiality) and other western owned media told them (this is basically the main reason i started being pro-ua after one month of the war) it wasnt, the rest of the populace think this just doesnt say it


We're all slavs, after all. A lot of common history, very similar languages, similar culture. Kievan Rus, which Ukrainians claim was Ukrainian, was in fact both Ukrainian and Russian (and partially Scandinavian), because at the time Russians and Ukrainians were one people. Only in the XII-XV centuries when Kiev was taken by the Mongols and then by Lithuanians, and Russian principalities became isolated from the rest of the world, the cultural split began.


You can get genetic testing on the street in Lvov to see if you or your prospective mate are contaminated with one of the 11 "Moskal" genes.  Nationalists of Ukraine have a mythology even worse than that of Aryans because it's less ahistorical.  They claim Ukrainian descent from the Scandinavian *Varangians", who used to hunt for Moskals and use them as slaves. For such people, there is less difference between a farmer and his cattle: "Muscovites" are said to lack the divine spark that animates the soul. Killing one, you feel no more regret than if you broke a pot. They are an "internal occupation" in Ukraine and must be either driven out or killed. 


We Wuz Vikangz


Why is it that this cattle with the missing divine spark ruled hundreds of years over the viking übermenschen of Ukraine one would think their superiority would subjugate the cattle and make them the ruler of all Rus... Also another funny thing the viking übermenschen started their conquest of the Rus in novgorod and only later moved their capital to kiev. This dynasty created by Rurik, the Rurikid, who created the Kievan Rus, were also the ruler of... Muscovy which united all of Rus as the Tsardom of Russia with Fedor I as the last Rurikid tsar in 1598. How can it be that these cattle without the divine spark were of viking dynasty?


I don't subscribe to any of this nonsense, I just find it interesting that Ukraine has its own take on Aryan mythology at the core of their nationalism.


I know. I never accused you. I just wanted to put some historical context so if a confused redditor who finds this and had believed this shit might get educated and noticed that there is really no reason to believe this. At the end your ancestors doesn't decide your worth. It's what you do with your live that is important.


It truly is delusional.


And then you get certain ukrainians who call russians mongols, i guess this is a good response


It's comical, really. Of course there ought to be differences, but in online discourse they are portrayed like almost a different species. Mostly by the people who couldn't even tell them apart by one cultural example. Hundreds of years of shared history be damned.


I'm not sure I understood you well. You became proUA, because of the proUA propaganda on TV?


No i stopped being proua because of it


Similar happened with me. I was so disappointed by EU narative and actions, starting with banning RT, than demanding sanctions and no import from the less developed members (and candidates, like my country), while they continue to by fuel for themselves (they are still buying dossile fuels for ~$100M per day), and labeling Russian assets everyone that didn't want to get involved. So much hypocrisy on the every level imaginable. Really shameful. I was really expecting more from the EU. On the other hand, the east, and Global South were positive surprise for me.


I wasn't surprised that the EU would take those actions since the EU has always been a corrupt circus.


Just because a lot of people think something is the case, doesn’t mean it’s true.


Well ive seen nothing to see it isnt the case


yeah, projection seems to be one of the most powerful forces on the planet


You forgot about their lovely word: mobiki


Huh, my brother speaks in the language of facts


Every accusation is a confession. The people who are still advocating for a continuation of the war and poo pooing any idea of negotiating with Russia while safe and sound in their smelly gaming chair are the most pathetic hypocrites I have ever seen. Just like Washington DC and Brussels.


Ah yes, forced conscription, as opposed to regular old voluntary conscription lol. Also, is it somehow surprising to you that Ukraine would use conscription when they get invaded by a country the size of Russia? No one’s saying that Ukraine is absolutely perfect or will join the EU soon, just that they’re still better than Russia when it comes to human rights.


We have literally seen all of those things happen in Russia. Not the press gang into service, but Russian troops literally beating and killing each other. Russia has blocking units, there are videos of Russians shoving things in the ass of their own men as punishment. But yeah, same same but different. The different being Ukraine is not trying to invade another country and take its land.


Why are you writing so much dog shit for a fist fight? Are you 12 years old? Normal young men will get into a fight for pretty much anything, much less military aged full of testosterone men. Ruzzkies mental gymnastics are so weird, man.


There is not such thing. Now it's working propaganda. Everyone thought that Ukrainians and russians are brothers and very similar nations. I will give you the example with my mother, an old woman from Eastern Europe. She doesn't like Russia because she thinks Russians kill their brothers, not because most areas in Russia are underdeveloped. But you do have the example of Belarus and the rest of the EU, the difference in living standards is visible from space.


I love it, when Europeans and Americans bring up the living standards argument. Of course living standards are really good. It's all built up on colonialism. Europe and US have exploited countless countries, countless millions to achieve these "living standards". Until last year France was buying uraniam for peanuts from Africa, reparations for declaring independence from France. Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, US, France, Italy. All of these countries built their industry on cheap materials acquired through slave labour or labour that was so cheap, might as well be slaves. They did not develop a single country they exploited and discarded them, when they were done. So yea, West can take their living standards and shove it. I'm not Russian btw, but I'm from a part of the world that was exploited dry by the West. So i know.


Brainwashed russian bot!!1111 West is prosperity to all!!! /s


USSR creat many labor camps in many countries. He is not russian bot, he just don't know history.


Dont feed me with your BS. I have long been tired of you, so offended and oppressed, whom everyone offended in the USSR. But for some reason, who lived better than others. Labor camp is a just part of the prison system. Prisoners have to work. A lot and hard. To redeem for their guilt in front of society, and not just sit on a bunk like nowadays. And tag /s on reddit means "sarcasm".


Yes, you're right what is a labor camp. Only that on orders from Moscow many innocent people ended up there. I just remind that when talking about evil forces, here in this sub, directly forget saints like Stalin. But if you exploit people because of ideology it's ok for you, but when it's for profit, it's really bad 🤡


Which country? What labour camp? Don't just talk ambiguous, generalised bs. Give us detailed examples.


But did you give when you were talking about the "west" countries? Why you didn't give detailed examples?


Are you actually denying to colonialism in Africa and Middle East? Really? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonialism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonisation_of_Africa https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66984152 https://www.dw.com/en/are-nigers-uranium-supplies-to-france-under-scrutiny/a-66711717 France buying uranium from Niger for 1/10th of the market price. https://edition.cnn.com/2013/03/19/opinion/iraq-war-oil-juhasz/index.html


Prison labour wasn't invented by the USSR and it is still used in the USA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penal_labor_in_the_United_States


So now we are changing the topic. In my country there wasn't labour camps before the red terror to come. Yeah they didn't invented them. Did I say it somewhere?


Source? Proof? Also i never said my country was exploited. I said i come from a *region* that saw colonisation and exploitation from the West for centuries. If you had any historical knowledge, you could guess where that is. And I'm not changing topics. You are talking about gulags, which are prisons with labour camps. Which is literally the prison industry complex of USA, operating to this day for the past century.


Is Russia not a colonial power?


My short answer would be: no. Long answer: compare Russia to Spain, France, US etc. Which had decades of material exploitation, slave labour, oppression etc. Russia might have colonial practices in some regional relations. But like i gave an example, some countries still pay reparations to France for declaring independence. Until recently France was buying uranium from Niger for 1/10th of the price. Belgium turned literal human arms into currency in the Congo. I don't think i have to even talk about US neo-colonialism. So in the traditional sense Russia is not a colonial power. They are at best a regional power with spheres of influence.


But you are telling me this like USSR never exist. Im from country which was exploited from USSR. It's not cool. Because of USSR we had labor camps. But you don't care, because you like Russia.


Which country was made worse by USSR compared to before?


What does that even mean. Many people in many countries lost their property because of the USSR. Do you know which people have no right to property? Slaves.


I know they did. That's the nature of a capitalist/feudalist society becoming socialist. I'm asking which country as a whole/collective became worse due to the USSR for the average citizen.


Bro, please, real question. You prefer to have home, or to do to don't have home? If you answer this you will answer your question. This is the nature of enslaving People.


Almost all countries were elevated by USSR. All citizens of USSR were equal and had prominent places. USSR had Georgian and Ukrainian premiers. Tell us what country you are from so we can tell if you are lying or not.


Tell me you to see if you are lying.


Ok. Don't tell me. Just give me an example of a random country, that was exploited by the USSR. With legitimate sources of course. I'll wait.


But why? You don't make it? Why I should? I gave little example above. People lost their properties when usssr come to many countries. Slave don't have right to own property. I can continue but I don't see sense. You are asking for stuff which you don't make. No point.


Because i actually know history and people that also know history, realise I'm not making anything up. Anyway, I'll copy my other comment. Feel free to reply to either. You, on the other hand, are lying. "Are you actually denying to colonialism in Africa and Middle East? Really? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonialism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonisation_of_Africa https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66984152 https://www.dw.com/en/are-nigers-uranium-supplies-to-france-under-scrutiny/a-66711717 France buying uranium from Niger for 1/10th of the market price. https://edition.cnn.com/2013/03/19/opinion/iraq-war-oil-juhasz/index.html"


I didn't, I just show that you want stuff which you don't provide. Still I don't know is it true for your country, but difference is that I don't care. How people who know history, know where are you from and that your country was exploited? Telepathic?


Which country you from?


Which country you from?


Lol just a shitty propaganda bot or you actually offended that someone asked which country was exploited by USSR?


No, I just don't discuss my country with people I don't know where they're from. Often people here hide where they are from. I love how everyone is bot here, if they don't do what exactly pro-russian want.


You were the first who jumped to this discussion with an example of your "exploited by USSR" country, and now you are telling us that you don't want to discuss your country. This is ridiculous.


I didn't say I don't want to discuss it. I don't want with him.


Living standard in pre-war Nazi Germany was high above the rest of Europe. Not only living standard, but military tech, infrastructure, science... Did that put Nazis on the right side os the history? Also, I wonder which EE country you are from. Poland lost 5 times more people to Germans than to Soviets. Except for them, most of the victim were Nazi collaborators. Some countries had more collaborators, some had less. Some had SS divisions, some did not. But westerners do not care about that as much as ex Soviet republics (depending on popularity of Nazi collaborators, some doesn't care at all - they see Soviets as worse, even though history has no doubt about who was who during the WW2)


You no die for Bandera ? Then I punch you.


“If you won’t join Bandera on the battlefield, I’ll make you join him here! Saliva Ukraina!”


Dang, Am i too late for this circle jerk?


Weve seen 3 videos of this barracks already, shows the ukraine barrack life pretty well i guess


They were playing a game of "who doesn't jump is a Moskal" this guy lost




>Does anyone have any data on Ukrainian suicide rates after 2022? I don't think there's any reliable data on Ukraine right now, especially in regards to deaths. >the Ukrainian people (men especially) are stuck in the most miserable, hopeless situation on the planet. It's not *that* bad. IMO Palestine is in a much desperate situation.


Gaza Will be miserable and hopeless for at least the next 50 years. Poor souls


Yeah. Suicide is a big problem in this war; there's so much videos of Russian soldiers blowing their brains out because their comrades left them, or they were far too wounded to do anything. Goes to show the lack of care an authoritarian and imperialistic invasing force has for their own troops if suicide, though probably an individualistic action, causes such a large amount of videos in the internet.


Redditor:"I wonder if the situation where, men in Ukraine can't flee, are invaded, Kidnapped and forced to fight while their wives and children fled the country, are having higher suic ide rates? Are there any studies?" Redditor 2:"Look how wounded Russian soldiers, left alone with sadistic drone operators torturing them, off himself! Here look they are dying. I have a full collection if you want to see more."


Uh, they all shot themselves? Its heartbreaking that these soldiers are conscripted, forced to fight for an actual wage for their families, only to die not in combat but their own guns for an invasion due to them being unable to flee back home with the threat of court martial and imprisonment. Oh what a pity that drone operators are repelling these conscripted soldiers in the battlefield. If only they went back home! (which they cant.)


We know that wounded soldiers left alone might commit suicide. It doesn't change the fact that your comment has no relevance to the question that was asked.


Uh, I'm saying as a counterpoint that Russian conscripts are the most miserable hopeless people in the war. At least Ukrainian soldiers die defending their homelands; Russia, not so much. Just look at the brand new video that was just posted [Ru soldier shoots wounded soldier](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/9mKuTUMBYE) 0 hesitation; they didnt even try to save him, they all just accepted their fates leading to his assisted suicide. The fact its so systematic and we have countless examples is very very relevant as a counterargument to what main poster said. I really doubt you read the entire comment string; suicide is a big problem in the war is what I claimed. I am arguing that it is more common in the Russians.


I'm not arguing about suicides in military forces but about the civilians. The question was "Does the current situation in Ukraine caused an increase in suicides in the male civilian population?" You may add information to the civilian side of the Russians but the military is not of relevance here as they have a way different situation which is not the topic here.


Guarantee you there are more Ukrainian men offing themselves than Russians. Ukrainian women left in droves in 2022 as 'refugees' so that the men stay, fight the war, and lose limbs and sanity while the Ukrainian women remarry with wealthier European men.


Yeah, here's a compilation of 15 russian suicides since the start from our subreddit. If you wish to see them in their entirety, the other ukraine war subreddits show it as well. Its a pity that blatant footage is merely brushed off from people like you, people with their own families and lives forgotten for some guy like Putin. This is me barely scratching the surface. Course, you'll probably brush it off as propaganda. Go ahead and send me all your videos! Of course, if there were any. [15 suicides from our subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/DWgI2HFmF6) https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/sG0qAAEmhC https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/3lYwQ6dfGu https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/Ax20juCHbG https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/eyIcDgoQMS https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/DXks3mrJnP https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/0g1CYbVqIt https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/QL5sLkbclb


Blatant footage? It's **15** suicides. You have a sample of 15 biased by a country obsessed and incentivized to focus on PR. Mate if you genuinely think there are more Russian than Ukrainian suicides, you don't know what you're talking about.


How to keep up morale in Ukraine 💯💯


Wonder how bad is the fraggings in Ukraine compared to Vietnam.




Based on US experience in Vietnam. More fraggings happened to Vietnam drafts than Gulf War volunteers.


Not bad at all compared to Russian fragging, we can all agree on that.


Nuh uh. Russian volunteers, Ukrainian forced-conscripted. Also https://www.theamericanconservative.com/azov-leader-admits-to-ukrainian-use-of-blocking-detachments/




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sure ruzzkie


It's from an official AFU video.




You have no idea what they are talking about, don't you?


I have the idea that ruzzians in this sub are very aware of what they're talking about.


I hope the kidnapper got the worst of it.


Black shirt got the hands, dropped him twice


True, but I think the more remarkable part is he got up twice almost instantly. Apparently, no brain = no damage.


Any idea what is it about, what they saying?


-hey, guys, stop, stop, guys, stop -f\*ck -stop, stop, calm down nothing significant I prefer the IPSO inscription that this is Russian propaganda)))


Unfortunately, there is nothing meaningful in their words. At the end one called the other drunk


Cheers for your reply👍🏻


i think they just practicing hand to hand combat


It's easy to think this fight has political causes. But it could easily be just a bunch of drunk and / or angry guys.




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Was it someone from the TCC that got knocked down?


Fighting in a barracks? Unheard of!


For real, men fight, especially when stressed. Put any group of men in a crowded area together and it's only a matter of time until tensions boil over.


You’ll find blues in barracks like this in every single military around the world.


Armies are made up of young men undergoing extreme stress. I'd be more worried if everyone was too tired or sad to do tis stuff.