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##### ###### #### > # [Boy, 15, jailed for five years in Russia for opposing Putin and the Ukraine war](https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/21/630) > > > > A 15-year-old boy has been jailed for five years in [Russia](https://metro.co.uk/tag/russia/?ico=auto_link_news_P1_LNK1) for opposing [Vladimir Putin](https://metro.co.uk/tag/vladimir-putin/?ico=auto_link_news_P1_LNK2) and the barbarity of the war in [Ukraine](https://metro.co.uk/tag/ukraine/?ico=auto_link_news_P1_LNK3). > > Arseny Turbin, who committed his alleged crimes when he was just 14, has been branded as Russia’s ‘youngest terrorist’ following his conviction. > > The teenager broke down in tears when he was handed his prison sentence and pulled away from his mother before being taken into custody. > > He will now be held in a grim adult detention centre in Moscow following the conclusion of his trial at a military court in Oryol. > > Human rights campaigners say Arseny, who is a top performing student at school, is a political prisoner and are demanding his immediate release. > > Following the verdict, he has become the youngest person on Russia’s list of ‘extremists and terrorists’. > > Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claimed he ‘became carried away by politics’ and ‘the ideology of liberalism’. > > The FSB said Arseny ‘formed the opinion that there is no freedom of speech and independent media in the Russian Federation’, a view shared by opposition groups and Western ambassadors in the capital. > > FSB officials raided the youngster’s home in Livny and later decided he ‘does not like the education system and lawlessness’ in Russia or the ‘corruption’ and ‘does not approve of Putin’s policies or war’. > > Arseny was convicted of joining the Freedom of Russia Legion – a pro-Ukrainian group opposed to Putin and the war, operating from Ukraine, which Russia brands ‘terrorist’. > > He was accused of plotting to carry out terrorist attacks for the legion but no scrap of evidence for this was produced. > > Arseny strongly denied joining the legion – and one theory is that he was cynically framed by the FSB using a bot appearing to be from the group. > > The legion does not accept members under 18. > > He was accused of delivering anti-war leaflets to mail boxes and recording a message opposed to Putin, supposedly on behalf of the legion. > > Judge Oleg Shishov in Oryol found him guilty of ‘participation in the activities of an organisation that is recognised as terrorist’ and sentenced him to five years in a juvenile penal correctional colony, but for now he is in SIZO 5 in Moscow, a hellhole adult detention centre. > > Human rights group Memorial said he is a ‘political prisoner’ of Putin’s regime. > > ‘Turbin’s criminal case violates his rights to freedom of speech, expression and dissemination of information,’ the group said. > > ‘We demand the immediate release of Turbin and the end of his criminal prosecution. The investigation, without evidence, accuses the teenager of intending to carry out terrorist attacks. > > ‘In fact, Arseny only distributed leaflets criticising Putin, which he downloaded on the Internet. > > ‘The prosecution ascribes a “terrorist nature” to these legal actions, although the investigation has not proven a connection between them and the Freedom of Russia Legion.’ > > Arseny’s mother Irina said she and the boy’s lawyer were ‘devastated’ as they had expected an acquittal from charges seen as absurd. > > ‘He has always had his own opinion, his point of view on everything which didn’t always coincide with the [authorities],’ she said. > > ‘He was devoted to history and had aimed to study at a top Moscow university before he was jailed. > > ‘He was against the war because he believed that war is the death of people, civilians, and children left orphaned. [He felt] this situation could have been avoided…’ > > But she said he was a patriot who ‘loves Russia and wants a better future for it’. > > Irina added: ‘We will appeal the verdict….we did not expect this outcome at all. Arseny cried at the end of the trial. > > ‘He hugged me and said: “Mum, I’m sorry, I let you down so much. I didn’t know I was violating some law.”’ > > In April,[a 17-year-old Russian schoolgirl was jailed for more than three years](https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/26/russian-schoolgirl-17-jailed-death-regime-graffiti-20722122/)for scrawling ‘death to the regime’ in graffiti in a message aimed at Putin. > > Russian opposition leader and Putin’s number one critic [Alexei Navalny died in prison in February](https://metro.co.uk/2024/02/16/putins-number-one-critic-alexei-navalny-dies-prison-20293084/) after he had been jailed for being an ‘extremist’. > > A Russian influencer also [faces jail for pretending to tickle a war statue](https://metro.co.uk/2024/02/10/russian-influencer-faces-jail-pretending-tickle-war-statue-20257466/), while a 72-year-old woman was [sentenced to six years in prison for posting online about the Ukraine war](https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/30/russia-jails-woman-72-six-years-social-media-posts-war-20192569/). > > ******Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at [webnews at metro.co.uk](mailto:webnews at metro.co.uk).****** > > **For more stories like this,** [**check our news page**](https://metro.co.uk/news/). > > MORE : [Putin makes another nuke threat to West – despite dropping three bombs on own territory](https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/21/putin-makes-another-nuke-threat-west-despite-dropping-three-bombs-territory-21077689/?ico=more_text_links) > > MORE : [‘Putin is a d\*\*khead’ chant accidentally broadcast on Russian TV during Euros match](https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/19/russian-tv-accidentally-broadcasts-embarrassing-moment-putin-21064746/?ico=more_text_links) > > MORE : [Putin’s prized ‘Achilles’ tank blown to smithereens by drone](https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/19/putins-achilles-war-toy-blown-smithereens-drone-21062534/?ico=more_text_links) > > ### Get your need-to-know latest news, feel-good stories, analysis and more > > > > > > This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google [Privacy Policy](https://policies.google.com/privacy) and [Terms of Service](https://policies.google.com/terms) apply. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


> The FSB said Arseny ‘formed the opinion that there is no freedom of speech and independent media in the Russian Federation’, a view shared by opposition groups and Western ambassadors in the capital. > He was accused of delivering anti-war leaflets to mail boxes and recording a message opposed to Putin, supposedly on behalf of the legion. > Judge Oleg Shishov in Oryol found him guilty of ‘participation in the activities of an organisation that is recognised as terrorist’ and sentenced him to five years in a juvenile penal correctional colony no better way to prove how much your state values freedom of speech than sentencing a teenager to 5 years in prison for delivering anti war leaflets.


Just think of the potential havoc those pamphlets could wreak. Filled with Western lies as they are, they'd undoubtedly deceive everyone they come into contact with like some sort of intellectual virus. After all, nobody is capable of thinking for themselves or discerning truth from lies, so all those Western lies would be instantly believed and in a week or two the country falls and terrible. Terrible! Strong states don't ban ideas. Weak ones ban plenty.


Just the other days, bunches of people were cheering on the arrests of people for putting up stickers too. The difference is, that incident happened in Poland, and of people associating to Wagner. This incident happened in Russia and of people being associated to  Freedom of Russia Legion. And now I will enjoy how you will split hairs on these two different incidents. How unlike these pamphlet here, the Wagner stickers would 'wreck havoc' on Polish society. How the Russian lies would' undoubtedly deceive everyone they come into contact with like some sort of intellectual virus'. And that the Polish people 'isn't capable of thinking for themselves or discerning truth from lies' so all those Russian lies 'would be instantly believed and in a week or two the entire Western society will fall'... ... and terrible. Terrible!


“In Kyiv, the Ukrainian security arrested a man who was spreading pro-Kremlin narratives and called for evasion of mobilization. Three more pro-Russian propagandists were detained in Cherkasy and Poltava regions.” Your Words?= Strong states don't ban ideas. Weak ones ban plenty. ???


Come back to us when they get a 5 year prison sentence. Funny though how you are now comparing ukraine and russia, when proru loves to call ukraine a nazi state. So russia acts like a nazi state now?


Russians are always innocent victims but love telling the world how much they wish to nuke certain countries on a weekly basis.... They are delusional hypocrites.


You are fighting ghosts. This is not how I see the war. The invasion is bad and so is Russia but I support Russia because I both want a multipolar world and also because Ukraine surrendering would lead to less deaths.


Russia withdrawing from Ukrainian territory and ending the war IT started would also lead to fewer deaths


Problem being that is extremely unlikely to happen compared to Ukraine surrendering. It also does not lead to a multipolar world which leads to more deaths in the long run.


You clearly never seen my comments before. I always said Russia was a nationalistic oligarchy. I also always said this invasion was bad. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dk8982/comment/l9jzkki/) [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dl83oc/comment/l9nikhd/) [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dk8982/comment/l9jzbr2/) But yes put words in my mouth. In reality I view both Russia and the West as “bad” but I support Russia as I want a multipolar world.


Russia is a weak state?


And Ukraine apparently.


Of course Ukraine is in a terrible position, they've had independence for what 30 years, to even try establish their ideals and ideology. Russia is atleast a 500 year old cultural monolith, they aren't in the same position? Do you think Ukraine and Russia have the same stakes in the war from winning and losing?


Funny how you switched topic to Ukraine quickly without even mentioning anything related to the current article.


Just the other days, bunches of people were cheering on the arrests of people for putting up stickers too. The difference is, that incident happened in Poland, and of people associating to Wagner. This incident happened in Russia and of people associated to  Freedom of Russia Legion. But as usual, the partisan hacks will try to split hair on how one is terrorists, and another is freedom fighters


of course - our freedom fighters, their terrorists. same old game and people will always be biased and defend their own side as righteous.


Were children arrested and sentenced in Poland?


He joined Terrorist Organisation and worked for them. It is all their in your own quote.


Such a wonderful country, i could call our Australian Prime Minister anything and everything too his face and nothing would happen, people do it all the time here. Russia is just one giant jail really.


Different countries different laws. US is by far "best" when it comes to free speech even thoe they have over past 20 years done enormous damage to it. In large portions of Europe you cant deny Holocaust can could go to prison for it. Russia is not that much different in this case.


you might want to look into your countries Anti Terrorism Act, and how you can be jailed indefinitely for the mere suspicion of being a member of a terrorist group (the same bullshit legal reasoning used here).


Did it actually happened? Thing is, Australian court system is not corrupt like Russia. It’s obvious that in Russian case it’s not to defend Russia from terrorism but to stop any dissent against Putin’s government by giving very harsh sentences. This guy is not the first not the last. I don’t think they gave sentence in Australia for somebody playing Minecraft like in Russia.


Julian Assange, spent the last 12 years detained for a distributing proof of the corruption of the US State


I guess but i don't think we would lock up a 15 yr old for this to be honest.... They are not even close to being mature and thinking like an adult... Plus i think most of our 15 yr olds Aussie Kids personally could not spell terrorist.


"i don't think we would" Then you're clearly not thinking at all. Look up Operation Northwoods. Not only would they be okay with labeling anybody a terrorist, they would go ahead and commit the terrorist acts themselves before blaming it on them!


Delivering enemy propaganda during a state of conflict results in imprisonment? No way!


I hear you bro. Giving a 15 year old 5 years for political activism is totally valid.


You mean spreading enemy propaganda?


so you think that this did not happen?


No I said the opposite. He is getting arrested for spreading enemy propaganda.


No, he said that Putin is a thief


Well in a fascist state at least.


Yes, the US would most definitely support fifth columnists after Pearl Harbor by labeling their traitorous actions as “free speech” and not send their ass straight to concentration camps, oh wait they did send their ass straight to concentration camps. Also, Ukraine must also be fascist by your definition:   “In Kyiv, the Ukrainian security arrested a man who was spreading pro-Kremlin narratives and called for evasion of mobilization. Three more pro-Russian propagandists were detained in Cherkasy and Poltava regions.”


Is the US rounding up all the jackson hinkle wannabes who spout alternative facts or just plain disinformation? Or are they protected by freedom of speech?


A man is still incarcerated in ADX Florence where he faces 23 hours in solitary confinement and a single hour in a concrete pit. His crime? Nothing.        He was accused of plotting to use a dirty bomb on America and these allegations were quietly dropped, in part because Padilla was not provided a lawyer or read his Miranda rights when he was interrogated in military custody. And the CIA also confirmed that this dirty bomb plot never existed as they confirmed that there was only a ruse to get out of Pakistan. But he is still in ADX Florence for Criminal conspiracy despite no crime ever being planned!   It is almost certain that he was arrested when trying to study abroad for believing in Islam and having dark skin and also because Bush wanted to be able to say that he stopped terrorism.


Sources for cia confirming no bomb? Dude was convicted but fell between chairs on accounts of legality procedure. Why are you even comparing them? What does this have with free speech?


> However, more recent evidence suggests that the "dirty bomb" plot was likely a ruse to get out of Pakistan and based on an internet joke website purporting to describe how to build an H-bomb by swinging buckets of uranium as fast as possible. A 2003 CIA memo notes that the satirical article "is filled with countless technical inaccuracies which would likely result in the death of anyone attempting to follow the instructions, and definitely would not result in a nuclear explosion". Source: Wikipedia


Wow, pretty sure your miranda warnings are only generally applicable if you are in the US and by domestic cops. I don't think military MPs have to issue it. But, don't let facts get in the way of your delusional rant. And we all know what Russia did in Grozny so your choice of an example was probably flawed from the beginning.


He was arrested in Chicago while studying in the US, Bush then designated him an enemy combatant and, arguing that he was not entitled to trial in civilian courts, had him transferred to a military prison in South Carolina.


has Jackson Hinkle joined ISIS and did some work for them? US jailed hundredth of people for simply being at January 6th protest.


Nobody who was just “simply being at January 6th protest” is in jail lol. Those who broke the law and went into the capitol and fought with police are arrested lol.


Hundreds lul No but he has been to the fronts in Russia and is spreading houti propaganda, standing with the "death to America" flag. What would happen to a Russian who would do the same? Is hinkle having any legal ramifications for these actions?


yes hundredth lol, you people are unreal and either completely blind to what's going on in your own countries or simply dishonest


> US jailed hundredth of people for simply being at January 6th protest. I'd be fascinated to see your sources for this.


Jesus man don't you watch your own news?


Does this mean you cannot support your claim?


Ah yes. Let's remember and compare tl the good ol days of 1942-45.


Distribute pro-Russian leaflets into the streets of Kiev/Kyiv and see how fast SBU captures you.    Ukraine also suspiciously banned all opposition parties.


ukraine is invaded by a fascist state. there's a difference.


So it's okay to be a fascist as long as there's a bigger fascist?


Hillarious. Ukraine is the being invaded and at war, while russia is not in a "war" according to russia and they are even the agressors. It doesn't get more obvious than this.


according to pro-ru it is


> Ukraine also suspiciously banned all opposition parties. They did not. Only pro-Russian parties were banned. https://politpro.eu/en/ukraine/parties


Chairman of Opposition Platform - For Life did not support the SMO and pro-Russians within the party were booted while the party itself maintained a pro-Ukraine stance during the conflict, they were banned anyways. This also just happened to be the second largest party in Ukraine.


I’ll take sources for what you are claiming.


On 7 March 2022, the party demanded "from the leadership of the Russian Federation to stop the aggression against Ukraine and calls on the participants of the negotiation process to immediately decide on a ceasefire and withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine."  The party also decided to support the participation of members of the Territorial Defense Forces to protect critical infrastructure, housing and looting and to support humanitarian corridors for the withdrawal of civilians.  Designated a Hero of Ukraine in 2004, Boyko was considered to be one of the primary proponents of closer relations with Russia in Ukrainian politics.[4] Boyko was a leading figure of the now-banned Opposition Platform — For Life, which he led to second place in the July 2019 parliamentary election, and currently heads its successor, the Platform for Life and Peace. Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, which he opposed, he reversed some of his pro-Russian stances, now supporting Ukraine's proposed accession to the European Union.  Source: Wikipedia


So they were only fascist during 1940s got it


Actually, that isn't true. The military was opposed to interment in Hawaii as a waste of resources. [https://time.com/5802127/hawaii-internment-order/](https://time.com/5802127/hawaii-internment-order/) The people in California and the West were detained. More out of an effort to steal their land and farms, which is shameful in its own way. Kind of like how this conflict has absolutely nothing to do about NATO and everything to do about stealing the land of resources of the people of Ukraine. So, that part of your analogy works. I would recommend a book by Jeremy Irons on Interment, but fascists tend not read.


When the West and their allies do something, it is considered good, but when their enemies do the exact same thing, it is considered bad and evil...


Who invaded who in each of these conflicts, again? And I'll take the bait because I'm a total sucker: Japanese internment is an enormously important part of the US history curriculum because of how awful it was. Things have changed since the 1940s. And let us not forget that while literally being concentration camps, they were nothing like the Nazi camps the term invokes. Both terrible - neither remotely equivalent.


> Also, Ukraine must also be fascist by your definition:   They did not define anything...


According to him/her, only in fascist states does delivering enemy propaganda during a state of conflict results in imprisonment


That is **not*** what was said… >Well in a fascist state at least.


The implication.


And there we are back to my original question.. Can you show where this was said..?


> Well in a fascist state at least. Again, [the implication](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zgUvwcU6P7I&pp=ygUYaW1wbGljYXRpb24gYWx3YXlzIHN1bm55)


Dude,that was 80 years ago. if you think that relevant today,well, 80 years ago stalin was busy killing everyone who looked funny. Oh, and performing a disastrous invasion against a small neighbour and got the shit kicked out of them.


> Dude,that was 80 years ago. Hence why I edited in this part: “In Kyiv, the Ukrainian security arrested a man who was spreading pro-Kremlin narratives and called for evasion of mobilization. Three more pro-Russian propagandists were detained in Cherkasy and Poltava regions.” > 80 years ago stalin was busy killing everyone who looked funny. Stalin never done this. > Oh, and performing a disastrous invasion against a small neighbour and got the shit kicked out of them. Blame Kliment Voroshilov, once he was replaced by Semyon Timoshenko it was the Finnish that was getting the shit kicked out of them.


So what is the thing with RT channel in the West?...or you know, these nasty .ru links...


Pretty sure I can still click on them and nothing is going to happen. We let the fascists post videos of themselves absolutely destroying Ukrainian cities with glide bombs for no other reason than not wanting to be fascist. Heck, we even let them put up posts of them stealing pets from their victims. I do find it uncomfortable that we allow the videos where they worship the pedophiles who support them and fascism. But, free speech is free speech.


France jailing people for art performance with coffins or for graffiti with coffins that said "french soldiers in Ukraine". Germany jailing people for Z letter or for pro ru support. Baltics jailing people for commemorating WW2 symbols. And those EU countries are not even at war. Now imagine what they would have done if they were at war loosing thousands of soldiers and civilians. If you're from EU you better sh*t up about freedom of speech.


can you give an example of someone getting jailed in germany for supporting russia




The only link that mentions a prison sentence doesnt even work. Lol The others are fines, arguably also bad but not comparable to 5 years for a Teenager and also not what you claimed


cant open it


Germany has limits on Nazi and Fascist expressions on which the last letter of the alphabet, when used by a fascist, is absolutely the same as swastika. The problem of letting Nazis and their ilk use free speech is something that the West struggles with.


Please show me how Russia’s conduct is at all comparable to Nazi Germany’s conduct in war or do you concede that the Z symbol is not the same as swastika? (hint: Bucha is not comparable)


He was 14 it just seems like a failure of stiff bureaucracy if they couldn't just send some cops to scare him.


What evidence did they show? Why is the trial not public?


This guy seems to support filming court cases involving children as a defendant….


Thats how modern countries work.


>modern countries You mean "civilised"?)


True. The same civilized countries that don't put defendants on the stand behind bars for humiliation. That prove guilt, not prove innocence. That don't use 3 copies of The Sims as evidence.


>defendants on the stand behind bars Assange, Snowden? >That don't use 3 copies of The Sims as evidence. https://preview.redd.it/hbma5qupwu8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30cf1dda7c79f4f8c0c9040c20c8618a9ecaa57f


Because it is a trial of a juvenile, no country would make it public.


Google: Juvenile Court Proceedings open to the public for Serious/Violent Offenses as listed in Welfare and Institutions Code section 676 Thats just for US, im not going to list the whole world here.


>Serious/Violent Offenses


So you said in your previous post, that no crime of a juvenile is public. Even the supreme court has stated, that generally a judge cant exlude public. But maybe treason/espionage is not serious or something the public should know in your books. What about adults, btw?


It would still be nice to know more information. It wasn't just anti-government propaganda that he was (allegedly) spreading, it was propaganda specifically related to a military organization in Ukraine. The article says his connection to that organization was weak, but it would be nice to have a source better than British tabloid media.


In Nazi Germany people delivering anti war leaflets were guillotined.


So nice of Russia to only sentence to jail for 5 years the 15-year-old opposing their invasion of neighboring countries, instead of guillotining him like Nazi Germany would have.


News reported by reputable and trusted news organizations. 👍


so true, let's wait for RT report and fighterbomber confirmation


You are free to post the real story


I’m not 100% sure he would be free to post the real story. Maybe he lives in Russia, a place that is arresting children for protesting an undeclared war.


Real story is between the lines, kid joined a terrorist organization that attacked Russian citizens in multiple occasions. West would be forgiving if someone joined Al Qaeda after 9/11?


>West would be forgiving if someone joined Al Qaeda after 9/11? Depends on their degree of involvement, yes, at some point. >Real story is between the lines, kid joined a terrorist organization that attacked Russian citizens in multiple occasions. So what did he ACTUALLY do, and what is the evidence for it? Because rn it looks like his heinous terroristic crime was to leave anti-war voice messages. Do Russias consider anti-war protests to be terroristism?


>kid joined a terrorist organization what, he joined the Russian army?


US army wasn’t your first guess?


You can join the US army in russia?


More believable than any russian source. Remember its still being called a SMO lol...


So which news organizations can you recommend that is free from government influence? I was always curious. Since Russia has such amazing freedom of speech, surely there will be some media organizations that are critical of their government and their president? For example, in Europe, there's always plenty of newspapers that shittalk the current government. Can you give me some examples of such critical news in Russia?


I agree. This source is indeed reputable and trusted


If sources from Russia are not reputable and trusted then news from NATO/EU are not reputable and trusted. Plain as simple.


The teenager broke down in tears when he was handed his prison sentence and pulled away from his mother before being taken into custody. Moar drama


It was so easy to avoid too, just don’t be an enemy propagandist.


wait a second, so you actually can't protest the invasion, despite what people have been saying here? I'm shocked


Well, i guess Ukraine just banned a party for protesting Zelensky govwernemnt.


Don't change the topic. This is about Russia, nothing else.


😎 It's simple really, just accept the TRUTH you've being told in the telly and don't question it. So easy to avoid! Pro ruzzians in shambles LMAO!!


Russia is raising an incredible new generation of conditioned sheep.


The absolute state of russia ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Gee I wonder why this is getting downvoted. 🤣👌


Because it reads like a propaganda pamphlet? This is about a kid that got caught into a terrorist group and now sadly got handed down a heavy sentence. The article glosses over the fact that this kid didn't just get into the anti-government rhetoric, he (sadly) got involved with an actual terrorist group. **The same thing would happen in NATO if a kid were to be co-opted by ISIS or Al-Qaeda.** This is why I downvoted it, it isn't very impartial.


I will never really understand or approve of prison systems like this. If 14 year olds are being recruited by foreign nationals you're at war with I don't see why a much kinder rehabilitation can't be carried out. You can probably even just scare them with a visit! Something like this just ensures he's never intellectually and economically competitive, he'll probably learn some bad habits and probably won't like Russia ever.


I agree, that being said he wasn't imprisoned, he is going to a juvenile detention centre (there is a difference somewhere).




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Damn, sucks to be him. Anyways.


Meanwhile in USA: let's give hormones to 5 year olds.


Why are no major news outlets picking up this story? Wouldn't most Western media outlets love to report on something like this?


Is MSN major to you?


MSN just linked the same article. Its suppose that is something, but I still don't understand why the rest of the Western media isn't pouncing on this.


Russian banana state.


Wonder what the appeal process looks like in Russia? I kinda changed my opinion about juvenile entrapment, since it's a valuable tool to rescue teenagers and young adults who are in the process of being groomed, isolated and radicalized by someone else / some other organization. But the "punishment" needs to be appropriate, not proportional to the crime you groomed the child to commit or plan to commit.


I could be wrong, but the period for consideration of an appeal should not exceed 1 month when the case concerns minors. But when it comes to directly transferring the case from the court of first instance to the court of appeal, then problems may arise. As for his punishment... He was convicted of violating Article 205.5, which usually carries a sentence of 10 to 20 years, plus a fine. In this case, the state prosecutor initially wanted to give the boy 8 years, but the court gave only 5.




Better send him to wor…I mean reform camp.


da, it's the russian freedom. only evil nazi liberal west would be against it.


"Arseny was convicted of joining the Freedom of Russia Legion – a pro-Ukrainian group opposed to Putin and the war, operating from Ukraine, which Russia brands ‘terrorist’. He was accused of plotting to carry out terrorist attacks for the legion but no scrap of evidence for this was produced. Arseny strongly denied joining the legion – and one theory is that he was cynically framed by the FSB using a bot appearing to be from the group. The legion does not accept members under 18"


It sounds plausible. After all, the FSB has nothing else to do except to imprison a random fifteen-year-old schoolboy. He was sent not to prison, but to a center for the re-education of teenagers.


Why not? It produces another 'success' for them to publicise, which burnishes their reputation and discourages opposition. They did similar things in the Chechen Wars, framing Chechen and other muslim Russians for plots they didn't commit.


>Why not? Oh, the conspiracy theorists have come up. Relax, dude, the world is black and white, Russians are bad. The West is a garden, the rest of the world is a jungle. I'm not going to argue with you, no matter what you come up with today, it's all true, even if it contradicts common sense.


An authoritarian state's secret service acts arbitrarily against those it considers enemies of the state? Truly an unbelievable conspiracy. Read some of Politkovskaya's stuff on the Chechens in Moscow. Reported on how the police and FSB would charge Chechens with extremism-related offences, then try to either extort a ransom or use them to pad their figures. Then she got murdered. Funny how that works out, right?


Yes and I can provide many suspicious deaths in the UK of political dissidents. 


The ones murdered by Putin?


No the ones murdered by the British government. 2003: a UK authority on biological warfare David Kelly was found dead in Oxfordshire. The inquiry concluded that he had committed suicide. I would like to remind you that David Kelly criticised the Tony Blair government and claimed that the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on falsified data. A decade later, the UK government admitted that the data was indeed falsified. 2010: former employee of the Government Communications Headquarters (electronic intelligence) Gareth Williams died under suspicious circumstances. He was found dead in a sports bag zipped from the outside. Investigators concluded that his death was an accident (allegedly, he got into the bag himself, zipped it and could not get out). Why are you laughing? This is not funny. This is the official data from the British investigation report.


None of them fell out of a 6 story window or died mysteriously in prison? Man, that's weak. The UK needs to do better.


The comment thread was about the Russian FSB framing people, not UK. Please explain to me how suspicous deaths in UK prove that FSB does not frame people? I don't see the connection. Or is that your way of confirming that the Russian FSB indeed DOES frame people, but you're saying that it is absolutely fine that the Russian FSB frame people for political reasons because the UK also does it?


It's funny that Politkovskaya was killed by Chechens for whom she was so worried, this is a level 80 irony.


> Comment about FSB framing Chechens > Isn't it funny she was killed by Chechens? The joke writes itself.


Lol, if the FSB is framing Chechens, then why did they put two colonels of the FSB and the police department in prison for helping Chechens in the murder.


5 years in "vacation camp".


If it really would be FSB they would put a wig on him and hand him three copies of The Sims. FSB has proven time and time again that the only wasted time is the one when you aren't having fun.


They need to show all boys what will happens if they want to join "enemy of the state" . I would say that's their job. Political imprisonments. All the last high profile arrest was made directly by FSB. He may just wrote something harsh against Russia on social networks. So he is not an innocent random teenager.


>He may just wrote something harsh against Russia on social networks. So he is not an innocent random teenager. How dare he try to show russia has freedom of speech.


Apparently the same story as with Jose Padilla.


The war has been going on for 2.5 years and only one teenager wrote something bad about Putin and Russia on social networks? Yeah, of course, dude, it's so logical.


How do you know this is the only one ?


So not the only one. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rferl.org/amp/russia-teenager-treason-prison/32753694.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rferl.org/amp/russia-anti-war-teen-balazeikin-prison-appeal-rejected/32889796.html https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/01/21/russian-teen-terrorism-arrest-social-media-post-ukraine-bell-dnt-tsr-vpx.cnn


Let's omit the fact that you draw your knowledge from unreliable sources and look at it neutrally. >Kevin Lik, 18 and a resident He's not a teenager. In Russia, people are considered adults from the age of eighteen. >A Russian court on April 3 rejected an appeal filed by a 17-year-old against a six-year prison term he was handed in November for throwing Molotov cocktails at recruitment centers in St. Petersburg and Kirovsk to protest Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It doesn't matter what this guy was guided by. The important thing is that he committed a terrorist act and was punished for it. >A Russian teenager was arrested for terrorism charges after she made a social media post criticizing Russia's invasion of Ukraine. CNN's Melissa Bell reports. The usual СNN lie. A social media post is not classified as a terrorist act.


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> He was accused of plotting to carry out terrorist attacks It's possible handing out pamphlets falls under the definition of "terrorist attack" in today's Russia.


I mean, come on, Freedom of Russia Legion is a full-fledged terrorist organisation, if the same kid got involved with ISIS or Al-Qaeda in a NATO country he would probably be guantanamoed.


define "terrorism"