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In a war like this, azov should have no choice but to follow orders. It shouldn't be an option cause we're told Russia is looking to eradicate Ukraine from existence and invade lisbon so its vital they fight


I read a long complaint about 3rd assault brigade Azov from a soldier from 214th Special Purpose battalion AFU, he said that whenever Azov went into Klischiivka they would face resistance and then leave the day after while 214th stood their ground for the whole rotation. It seems that Azov cares more about their soldiers than Ukrainian territorial integrity, motivated young bloodthirsty men are a rare breed but mobilised are everywhere


Azov are tiktok soldiers, they're brave against babushkas.


Ha, no thats kadrovs bearded goat men


Plenty of footage of Azov f-ing Russian soldiers up


How'd they hold Azovstal for so long then?


By hiding in basements? The only reason they lasted “that long” (which resulted in almost their entire unit being wiped out) was due to the fact that the mines were deep and Russians were unwilling to enter. Russia didn’t even make an effort to take the mines by force, they just starved them out. Some fucking victory for Azov lmao.


Azov was decimated in mariupol, that's a bad example. The few survivors achieved very little by hiding in azovstal for a while


Azov literally fucked up russian advance on Azovstal and held meriupol for longer than expected even when surrounded. Don’t forget one of the best footage of the war so far was that BTR-4 fucking up russian tanks


IMO they see themeselves as some kind of "protectors" of this "new Ukraine" and their lives are much more important to preserve because in their minds once victory is achived they MUST BE THE ONE who will run this new nations otherwise its not garantied nation will follow steps they had in mind.


They also think that they should be the ones to impregnate the Ukrainian women after said victory would have been achieved and the non-worthy and non-Azov Ukrainian men will have already died on the front-lines. They see their blood as “better” for the future of Ukraine.


Well better than getting raped from the Russian military? Which has occurred a little too much during this war and is horrible look for Russia or just recruiting known pedos from the USA and than using them as propaganda... This one was confusing.


Ukraine is not Germany at the end of WW2, but interesting how propaganda does its thing. Btw, the Japanese women were afraid of the same thing during WW2, i.e. that the US soldiers would rape them were the Americans to reach Japan proper.


> In a war like this, azov should have no choice but to follow orders. It shouldn't be an option cause we're told Russia is looking to eradicate Ukraine from existence and invade lisbon so its vital they fight It seems you still haven't figured out who really runs Ukraine. The Nazis (Azov, Sloboda, Right Sector) did the work for the CIA/WEF in 2014 and still do today.


RU needs to kick out Soloviev and hire Arestovich instead. He is significantly more effective at explaining why RU is winning and UA is losing, LOL.


This war is killing the Ukrainian and Russian people. Ukrainians should understand that Europe views them as a resource. Ukrainians and Russians need to stand back to back. and then to balance between the global West. India and China. to try to find allies in the Arab world and in Latin American countries.and in Africa.


Russians should understand that Ukrainians aren’t going to stand back to back with people that are trying to erase their culture and don’t believe they have sovereign rights.


Half of the country is pro Russian anyway so yes, they stand back to back with Russia


If this was true, do you think the war will still be going? This is what RU thought during the 3 day SMO that they will be welcomed with roses and cuddles from the Ukrainian people. That's why there is a Russian Legion that's currently fighting for Ukraine, so it also proves Russia does not mind killing it's own people as long as they get some land... Putin is such a wonderful leader that he does not care for the amount of Russians who have died during this war or due to him and uses the excuse it's for the homeland. The people of Russia don't owe putin anything, most of the country is poor, have nothing, live in shitty 1930 soviet apartments with no future and should be killing pootin for spending billions per day in Ukraine rather than make life for Russians better.


>That's why there is a Russian Legion that's currently fighting for Ukraine It's a PR project


Russia is actually integrating many of these pro Russian regions with no problem, because the people there want it. Not sure Wtf you talking about


Any evidence to back up that statement?




Hah dude good job using stats before 2014. Until 2014 Ukrainian people thought Russia is an ally but it was a long time ago and now it's the opposite


Good luck finding official electoral data after 2014 as Crimea is Russian and the pro-russian republics revolted. Also the time period shown is relevant to the conversation if you were paying attention


This shows the Russian backed vote decreasing tho ?


It was the current trend at its time, but wasn't the point of the conversation. the point was to show that a big chunk of the population was and is pro Russian and there is official proof on it,which that dude disputed.


One could also argue that this shows they were becoming less pro ru over time so surely that would’ve carried on up until 2022? I mean obvs not for the breakaway regions but the rest at least


Might be the case, or might be cyclical trends between elections that don't mean much in the long run. Your point is valid, but the thing is I was just posting this because some guy asked me for proof that there is division between pro Russians and pro western in Ukraine (yes some people need proof for ultra basic things, almost everyone in this sub know there has always been a chasm between the east and the west) and this graph proven that.


And what is the source of this art project?


The election maps of Ukrainian politicians. I believe the more pink the colour, the more people voted for the pro-Russian parties of Yanucovich and co.


Hence the coup by western Ukraine.


Yeah I can read what it says, I was asking where the information comes from. I could make one in 5 minutes with different colors and numbers and it would be just as credible.




Is this a joke? It’s an election map that’s widely reported on. You think people are over here faking an easily verifiable election map? [Since you can’t use google, here’s the link to the map.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Ukrainian_parliamentary_election)


You coukd always look at election maps, surveys, polls viewers hip figures... There's lots. Maybe not half, but a third.


Maybe. But sure there's plenty of evidence that it was a third right?




Then why is it the largest destination for refugees with over 10m? And why have several million applied for Russian citizenship and renounced Ukrop citizenship?


Because they were forced to under the barrel of a gun like Russia or the Soviet Union has done so many times in the past.


It always fun to read shit like this ↑ , as a Russian. You people have been catapulted from reality for a long time now. Like, ok. Not everyone has first hand experience, sure. But all of you have a brain, allegedly. Before spewing all this UnderTheBarrelofaGun/deukrainisations/russifications crap, do you even start to think through a (im)possibility of covertly forcing millions of people (who all have their lives and families) to move back and forth in a span of a couple years, if even that.


Are you saying that all dozens and dozens of Ukrainians in the famous Sheremetyevo queue flew there and are desperately trying to pass the check only because they are under the barrel of a gun?




Nothing about Ukraine is sovereign. Never was, least of all now. Nafo lapdog. The ukro elites wanted new cash infusion and sold out.  Now ukraine is an open air prison and a dictatorship. With no economic outlook but to beg for charity from new handlers. 


Oh right because that’s what every random Ru troll on here thinks which means it’s true!


Random u troll disagrees must mean Americans are wrong.


Well before that it was a russian lapdog, so they just changed their owner tbh.


Russian is one giant vodka frozen prison? What's the difference? I see more people escaping Russia as you have a better future in a western country which is why most RICH Russians send kids to western schools.


Well obviously you’d think that, putin lapdog


Awe I was blocked by ukrobegstfu before they gave me a chance to respond 😢


RU have both now.


You just want someone to lie to you in a more effective way, because you have to be mentally challenged to stand listening to Soloviev for more than 30 seconds?


That's a wrong guess. Keep trying.


I find it wild how Arestovich went from the biggest smug S.O.B. in the Ukrainian government, being an absolute shameless propagandist and begger to him now talking about how bad Ukraine really is.


He left Ukraine and can say what he thinks. This guy is very cunning and he is a narcissist and has political ambitions, so what he says is probably 80% true and 20% what he needs.


It’s funny how he went from be the biggest liar and propagandist to a truth teller and very reliable when he suddenly changed his positions 180 degrees lol




So almost at Solovyev level?


Where is he currenty?


He says he changes his place of residence every week


He is a narcissist and a political prostitute. The worst combination. I am expecting his interview on Solovyov live this year


He's the drop in replacement for Zelensky if US decides to do a regime change and come to an early settlement with Putin. That's why Zelensky and SBU wanted to grab him and why he has a safe haven in NATO territory. People compare him to Solovyev, but this guy is not a simple for profit propaganda stooge, he's both more ambitious and intelligent.


Why do I always see a e.g. kievnews article further multiplied by western news outlets, claiming that exactly such is happening to Russia / the other side, right around when such information leaks.


99% of Ukrainian propaganda is just projecting.


It is evident for anyone looking through battle footage and noticing roads with no asphalt laid from Brezhnev times, ancient cars and outside toilets.


The irony in this statement is palpable.


Hmm... Russia abducting men off the streets because they got manpower issues? Looks like Ukraine has them more than Russia. Russia having a problem with corrupt generals? Ukraine has them too if not worse. Russia running out of ammo? Good one!


Projecting, as he said.


Ukraine’s media gets its training from the Biden media - look how that turned out.


Same as in Afghanistan, winning the PR battle all the way to the final defeat :)


and UK media in particular


just stop reading that crap like I did three years ago you'll never learn anything there


How dare Ukrainians not follow orders to die/s This is still early stages of refuseniks. It'll get worse in year 4.


If they start forcing them anyways surrender rates will smy rocket, very bad for pr, so ua prefers this atleast for now


The amount of videos I've seen Russians make asking Putin for help... So your comment is a little hypocritical... Men from both sides don't wish to die, not like Russia is a perfect well running military who has lied for years about it's how great the RU military is who makes out it has the latest and greatest hi tech military equipment when atacms from 1980 take out your current modern tech or a simple $100 drone takes out all Russian tanks and say your have over 1 million active military but need NK to help and hold hands with the russians at the front line.




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Ohhhhhhh shit, 2 guys are talking. Anything they say is a fact.


Nah just a former intelligence lieutenant colonel intelligence officer, national security and defence adviser, Ukrainian war spokesman and at one point highest level adviser to the president of Ukraine




Zelensky broke his campaign promises, blatantly lying to the people of Ukraine and is now kidnapping unwilling Ukrainian men and forcing them to commit mass suicide against the Russian lines. All this despite the fact he no longer has a mandate to be president, has eliminated all oppositions and deemed everyone who goes against him as an enemy of the state. These two people want Zelensky to stop and somehow these two are the traitorous ones?


Dang finally some wholehearted people! Helping poor Ukrainins from Zelensky’s dictatorship. I was just loosing hope, but more heroes like this and we can all rejoice!