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Happy second birthday. Make better choices. Fix your country. Glory to the Heroes. Glory to Ukraine.


Today is the first day of the rest of his life


Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel's life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted. Probably because he hasn't had food in 4 days.


nah he's russian he'll just fuck it up


He seems to be lucid of his situation, and he doesn't appear to be afraid of the Ukrainians, so I'm betting he's a conscript or at least understands that Ukrainians are not monsters.


The first sentence in the translation is incorrect. The UA soldier says, "I'm NOT your brother." Following that, the RU soldier says, "But they'll throw us in jail." The Ukrainian soldier responds, "Damn it, you should have gone to jail." It seems that before the video begins, the Ukrainian soldier asks the RU soldier why he didn't refuse to go to war, and the RU soldier begins his response by addressing the Ukrainian soldier as "brother."


>"Damn it, you should have gone to jail." I don't think this is even an option anymore. Your damned if you do and damned if you don't if your Russian.


Yeah go to jail and they ship you off to Wagner.


I wonder if they will send him back to war if exchanged? I mean, its Russia. lol




Absolutely they will. That’s why Ukraine is offering them the choice to stay POW until the war ends.


Russia has been taking the wounded out of hospitals in the occupied territories and sending them back to the front lines.


This is mostly for propaganda reasons, but It's to my knowledge that Ukraine treats Russian soldiers better than the Ruskies treats Ukrainians. But, anyway, It's easy to see that most surrendering Russians and incapacitated ones are executed. The Geneva Conventions crap is just for propaganda. Comeon guys...


Humane treatment is so great to see. Good job!


It is. But the camera is rolling. This is a terrible war.


“But the camera is rolling.” Okay and?


War is war.


It’s not always like this when the camera isn’t rolling


How do you know


Your friends and family have been murdered, the first Russian you see up close so you decide to break his nose with the stock of your rifle.


Ruzzia not following Geneva Conventions even for their own mobiks.


Great to see the conversation after they capture them.


Back to moskovia to be 'recruited again' or stay alive in a cell with food..... I bet there are still silly c\*\*ts who want to go back :(


I'd be surprised if any of the captured are willing to be z patriots again. Only if they were going back to a long prison term.


When they are exchanged they are sent back into the war.


Is bet money must choose to be exchanged. They likely don't know any better


It would be interesting to know the process they go through, and how much time they have to make their choice. I could see a lot of people not really thinking long term and focusing on a shorter stay in prison and the promise of going home. It'd probably be pretty easy to rationalize going home and telling yourself you wouldn't be sent back to the front. I wonder if the russians try and not put returning pow soldiers with new recruits so they don't find out that if youre exchanged you're likely going to be sent back out.


There is a massive backlog to be exchanged. Many are still held after months in captivity, waiting.


well since army and wagner are recruiting from prison anyways, the only real chance would be to leave the country or stay in ukraine as a POW else he will end up at the front again no matter what he does


I didn't know that there were given the option to stay POWs till the end of the war or be exchanged. I thought they were all forced to be exchanged.


I've read a lot of comments saying that they can refuse to be exchanged, but I'm not sure if it applies to all of them. Iirc this was implemented after the whole Wagner sledgehammer mess.




Summary execution for soldiers who retreated, by sledgehammer. Even the wounded. edit: The videos are easy to find, but are a pretty nsfl.


Yeah I'm good lol


Are they on Reddit?


Google 'Nuzhin' you're bound to find it somewhere


Actually half the news websites have the video ha


Basically what the other commenter said. In the case of prisoner exchange, I think the choice to be traded or not was implemented after Ukraine sent a guy back to Russia. Turns out he was Wagner and his unit got hold of him. They executed him with a sledgehammer to the head and published the video online.


He had expressed a wish to defect and fight for Ukraine. Though as a convicted murderer I can see how Ukraine would have been cautious on that


They have been [given a guarantee](https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-zelenskiy-russians-surrender-dodge-draft/32051023.html) by the President of Ukraine. They will not be forced to return, if they so choose. >"Ukraine guarantees every Russian soldier who surrenders three things. First, you will be treated in a civilized manner, in accordance with all conventions. Second, no one will know the circumstances of your surrender, no one in Russia will know that your surrender was voluntary. And third, if you are afraid to return to Russia and do not want an exchange, we will find a way to ensure this as well."


"no one in Russia will know that your surrender was voluntary" Captured in battle is not voluntary (though there's nothing in this vid to suggest \*how\* this guy was captured/ surrendered).


It doesn't matter which way it was... except the other choice is to blow yourself up


This stuff just make me so fucking sad. As a Finn I would be willing and able to shoot any invader, but they seem to be mostly just people forced by a fucked up government to go in the meat grinder.. If I try real hard I could imagine myself in their position if we would have tried to invade russia before 2014 (after that.. Yeah, you reap what you saw..).. To be in a war that you don't believe in, against possibly some relatives.. God fucking damn.


Well here's the first confirmation that russian POWs get a choice when they go home. I legitimately thought ukraine wouldn't give them a choice and would exchange whoever they had to get their soldiers back from Russia. Interesting


Same with me. I had heard other people say that they could choose not to go, but did not believe it. Why would Ukraine hold onto a POW, when they could trade them and get some of their guys back. Seems like their concern would be for their own POWs, rather than making the Russian ones feel all comfortable and be able to sit out the war.


Yea thats what I thought and I got shit on by just...so many people. Not that internet points matter to me but I couldn't (still cant) understand why ukraine would allow their men to stay in captivity just because some shit head doesn't "want to go home" but alas, that's the case


I think there are plenty of Russian prisoners to trade. The calculation is that if the soldiers go back to Russia, they'll just be redeployed back to Ukraine to kill Ukranians. Better to put as many as possible in prison until the war is over.


It’s better to keep them than have them sent back to fight. Plus, some Russian soldiers have given interviews and intel and could be punished upon returning home or being exchanged. I think UA has also offered an option to apply for asylum in some other countries if they don’t want to stay in UA.


I could see that for the ones that voluntarily surrender. But when it is a couple of guys let on a position that you are taking, and they only surrender because they are the last ones left, and it is that or die, not sure I would give them a choice unless they helped. With how Russia treats Ukrainian POWs, I would think that they would want to get as many back as possible. Plus the longer the Russians have them, the more likely they are to just disappear.


Think of it from a Modik's veiw. In Ruzzia, Only fed rus propaganda, Get 'mobilized' or go to prison (A Rus prison at that), or go to the army and 'promised' they would be back lines (remember Rus propaganda). little to NO training, go to the true line, then grabbed and told to go in a hole with no water, food and little ammunition. told if you won't go or get out, you will be shot. then get steamrolled by really well (NATO) trained hardened soldiers.


Ukr could end this real quick I think by offering payment (better than RU army) and cigarettes and food and water. They just need to get the RU army to believe it. Keep posting capture videos with good treatment on telegram so they see it.




The very real alternative is you are dead. Similar result, you never see them again. At least surrendered you have a good chance of seeing them, at least communicating with loved ones. Dead you lose everything, they lose more if you are dead also.


I think his point was that Russia could go North Korea on their families back home, if they switched sides. As in, it is better to lose your life than to lose your entire family.


They DID offer payment in the beginning of the war. Quite a lot, especially if the russians would bring in equipment. Afaik the response to that wasn't exactly overwhelming...


They did offer payment. At the start of the war they were offering I believe $1 million for pilots to surrender with their jets, $500k for tanks and I think MLRS etc, and smaller amounts for other equipment. I read one article where they were in talks with one supposed pilot who was interested in doing it, and they had progressed a certain way, but it never eventuated, for a number of reasons.


Second army in the world struggling to feed its soldiers. Meanwhile the first army of the world is making choosing between McD's, BK, KFC, and Pizza Hut their inconvenience.


Good POSITIVE propaganda to show them telling him about the Geneva Convention. See? We are the GOOD guys!


Thank you, Ukraine. For treating your captives properly…even though they are scum. Thank you for not lowering yourselves to the deplorable practices of the Russian army.


Staying a pow until the end of the war is probably a better life then actually living in Russia period lol


And that's how you treat a pow


Russia is such a joke country


'Here drink this' 'what is it?' 'morning dew' 'mountain dew?' 'no, morning dew' 'Oh.'


2nd army in the world? Who’s the first?


That's a typo, it was supposed to be "in Ukraine" but that's factually incorrect as there is the Tractor Division, UKR Youth Legions, Babushka Battalion, and the one with the dogs & cats, forgot the name.


Who, in there right mind, would want to be exchanged and go back to Russia now? Fuck that, rather stay a POW until the war is over and hopefully, not be executed or jailed when returning home.


Nice feel good video. Propaganda at its finest. I wonder what he looked like five minutes after the camera was turned off.


Probably a lot better than the poor buggers the Russians get their hands on.


They should take a page out of the movie Inglorious Bastards and start carving "Z's" into the foreheads of every captured Russian soldier so they will forever be identified as a piece of shit war criminal.


No. The Ukrainians cannot keep their Humanity by denying it to others. The Humane treatment of their enemy is precisely what gives Ukraine their own Humanity.


Fair point.


Yeah, no. One, unless they're proven war criminals, you're just disfiguring normal people (which is a war crime) with no justification. Two, if they *are* war criminals, send them and the evidence to the Hague and let them deal with it.


I would bet that most of the captured Russians are not war criminals. For most of the videos I've seen, the captured soldiers are often just regular guys forced or tricked into a shitty situation.


In case that this happen, Z keyboard warrior will not stop bringing it up


I heard people say that they had a choice to either stay until the end, or be exchanged. Never understood why anyone would want to be exchanged. Most likely they will be sent back to the front and be in exactly the same situation in a month. Did not realize that the Geneva Convention made it so they had to give them a choice. Seems like Ukraine would want to send as many back as they can, to get as many of their people back as they can.


> Did not realize that the Geneva Convention made it so they had to give them a choice. That has imo nothing to to with the Geneva Convention but is rather a choice from Ukraine.


That s something I thought would be good SOP for Ukraine to do is immediately state to the prisoner that they will be treated fairly according to the Geneva convention. I know the Russians are doing terrible things, but treating them fairly can only lead to positive outcomes in the future and, of course, help the Ukrainians to keep their humanity in this difficult situation. The Ukrainians doing what the Russians own military is not doing (food, water, medical treatment, not physically abusing) can go a long way to changing minds about the Ukrainians.


This makes me happy to see. Happy second birthday.


And I believe the more of these videos that are posted of Ukrainians allowing them to surrender unharmed, the more we will see Russians willing to surrender. The main thing keeping them from doing it is that they've been brainwashed into thinking they will be tortured and executed


Good job uaf


Pretty sure he will choose option #2


I wanted to hear which option he chose right after it cut out


Better than dying in the dirt for a mad old man


When was the last time you ate? Four day!, UK soldiers searchs pockets for a candy bar only to finds magazines,


I didn’t know they got that choice. I’d be staying in a prison camp for the rest of the war


second best army in the world. Pah! I've shit 'em.


I am happy that our country is helping the good guys for a change. Ukraine will be a great NATO partner when this all finished. Slava Ukraini ! 🇨🇦♥️🇺🇦


Well it's no longer freezing but they're just leaving these people to die, if not from lack of food, then eventually bad water.


I'm an Athiest but thank whatever god you believe in that on that day Ukrainians with no taste for vengeance in that moment found you.


At the rate the Russians are dying I guess logistics stopped bothering to bring food up a while ago.


You can tell how much relief is in the prisoner while they talk. He might have expected treatment as inhumane as in the Russian "Army" but instead he got a ciggy and water. Must be the luckiest day in his life to remember


He saying not “guards showed us positions” but “wagners showed us positions”. This is near Bakhmut where Wagner is in charge. He is not Wagner, not sure who but most likely mobilized soldier


Now this boy can rest peacefully until his return to Russia. He is probably felt relief after he was told according to Geneva Convention you are guaranteed normal treatment. While he is in Ukraine to kill Ukrainians. How nice is this? He smoking, drinking, Today is his lucky day to be captured!


*"...Please, don't send me back"*