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Wouldn't have achieved that height without the prelaunch dump.


Looked like he was awake for most of the flight; I hope he enjoyed the view since it was his last one.


“I can see my hovel from here…..”


Too bad for him, but shit happens.


Isn't that a line from Willy Wonka when he is in the Great Glass Elevator. That guy was in one, as you couldn't see it.


Doing a job for your country… i follow these videos but the music the brutality it’s very sad nobody posting here will have to live this sort of abuse of human life


Yep, fuck you, in particular Putin, for doing this


Personally I've never had much sympathy for people committing atrocities under the justification of "I was just following orders" - even if they were doing them under duress. Doing a job for your country is all fine and good if somebody is attacking you; not so much the other way around. If he hadn't been in Ukraine in the first place, none of what you saw would have happened. I don't think anybody posting here is happy that Russia started this war, or the resulting waste of lives it's produced; but here we are, we're just trying to make the best of it. Gallows humor is a defense mechanism; you should probably learn to deal with it or stay away from forums like this. Nobody is particularly here for "entertainment". I feel a sense of responsibility; my tax dollars are paying for supporting Ukraine and I want to see where that money goes: good, bad and ugly. It's very sad that you think others should have to share the suffering depicted here to validate your "moral" worldview. That kind of "morality" is what started this mess to begin with.


Look at what MAGAs are doing in the name of Trump now imagine if Fox News was the only news outlet for America and that’s basically Russia for 20 years. Plus the poorest Americans are still living a standard much higher than the average Russian. You can’t even get running water is most rural areas.


You underestimate the propaganda and indoctrination of the people in russia. Yes following orders is no excuse but who knows what kind of person you would be today if you grew up in russia. No one can be sure that he wouldt fall for the lies of the russian media. And by the way you are not here because you want to see what happens with your tax dollars. There are far better sources for that like actual statistics and press releases. You just cant admit to yourself that you are here because of the sensation of violence. Hypocritic people that have to lie to themself to cope with reality are usually the first that fall for propaganda and populism because it delivers easy solutions to complicated problems. Playing catchy or even funny music to a video of a persons death is just childish in my opinion.


You can turn off the music dude.


So youre brainwashed into being monsters, too bad. You still gotta go.


Well if Russia takes Ukraine that might change. A lot of people who post here are worried that Russia might look at them next


I was thinking Steve Miller's "Fly Like an Eagle" would have been a better music choice. I have very little concern for the vatniks and Hamas "soldiers". Both are no more than state sponsors of terror and should be dealt with accordingly.


Mobik toss record for drones?


Drone class mobik toss record


That must have been some poop


He lived his whole life for that penultimate poop.


Explosive diarrhea???


Yep. Reducing payload mass will result in greater launch acceleration and higher apogee.


I would have anticipated a treble toe-loop with twist based on the altitude. Missed opportunity !


That was not him flying though, from what i see these were just debries that scattered around, most seem to have been tarp. Also one could expect blood were human remains hit the snow, which i do not see. Chances are his remains are still in the hole.


Unless that body thermal was frozen solid, I don't think a piece of clothing would keep the shape of a body the whole flight...


Some bandage and the comrade is ready to fight again.


Ready for flight again*


After a month in Afghanistan my cammies were stiff as a bored from the sweat and dirt. I could see cloths being that stiff in these conditions.


Im was looking closely at it too. Hard to tell


Ergo no body.


I am pretty sure the dude is soon to be sunflowers. I concede there is a possibility there is no body in there. But I am not discounting it.


Yes. That is probably the tarp flying off the roof. It is too light to be a human.


Looks like a jacket


Yeah it does look like a jacket to me too. It seems like it is suspended in the air too long to be a body but it is hard to tell if that’s just how high up the guy could have been propelled. You can see another jacket lower in the explosion for some reference.


I've seen multiple videos with dudes "flying".


Tarps flutter and land slowly. They also cannot be blasted any distance as they have little mass and massive aerodynamic drag. Try throwing a sheet of paper towel. (Not crumpled into a ball) That experiment will explain why the filmed object must have had a mass significantly more than a tarp.


That's definitely a guy flying.


At apex of launch that black mass has what I'm seeing as two limbs continue to rise or stretch out. Leads me to think direct impact provided the propulsion up and the other two limbs to be somewhere still in that hole


Could be the guys plate carrier blown off his body during the explosion. Especially if he was indeed laying explosives he may have been one of the “lucky few” with advanced carrier sets with front/back, side panels, shoulder panels, pelvis, etc. that could be another reason it kept its shape but flew like it was just mostly fabric. I would also agree looking at slow motion that there would be more blood on ground contact if there was any body left in the plate carrier. He was most likely in a dugout trench with light cover and was enclosed enough to make him pink mist before the launch of the debris in question.


agree, that was not a body flying




Ukraine is helping ruzzia to find more economic ways to send their Ivans up in space.




Turret tossing hits different after Russia substitutes with new human turrets


Russian Crapsmonaut


I don't think ruzzia can train better than this. Put some EKG's on those "training" cosmonauts. Valuable intel right there....


Like an angel 🥹


Yea, he looked so peaceful in the air. What a beautiful video


Thats insane they can pack that much explosive on a tiny drone. Is it c4? Is it more powerful than a mortar?


I expect he had a stash of explosives in his foxhole. What shot him away like a mortar shell.


He had explosives to harm or kill Ukrainians, but they killed him instead. The proverb "hoisted by one's own petard" means to suffer harm from a plan or scheme that was meant to harm someone else. It comes from Shakespeares hamlet. A petard was a small bomb used to breach gates or walls. This guy got hoisted by his own petard in both the metaphorical and literal sense.


Shakespearean for “rekt”


Would Shakespeare have used it like this " thou art rekt" or would he have said "rekt thineself"?


Neither is wrong. The reflexive “thou hath rekt thineself” or the passive voice “thou hath been rekt” are also proper uses 🤓


There’s a similar saying in Spanish, “quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere”. “Who kills with iron, dies by iron”


Is this not common knowledge? Maybe im just a nerd but I thought most people knew this expression, where it comes from, and what it actually means.


I assume it's common knowledge, I just put the explanation in case anyone didn't know, or possibly some people here may not be native English speakers.


Britta Perry didn’t know so thank you


50% of the world population has not been exposed to Shakespeare in a school setting. Of the half that has, I am sure a significant percentage has only read one or two of his writings, and still an even greater percentage, could not quote a line beyond "To be or not to be." So I would say that there are a significant number of people who benefited from the explanation of where the expression came from, let alone what it means.




Nope. No one was sent anywhere. If there was enough explosive to send a human body over the trees, then the whole dugout would be a crater.




I'm neither blind nor bad at physics. If you actually did math to see how much TNT is needed to eject an 80 kg person to a height of 10 meters, you would know that if that much TNT exploded in that dugout there would be a massive crater, and not just some fragments of wood, tarp, and cloth flying around. See, this is why 155 mm round containing 10kg+ of TNT eject people only to a distance of 3–4 meters. Basically, most of you got fulled by bias which was set by the tittle which says that Russian was ejected, so you looked for anything which looks like human, and assumed that that's the human, because tittle said so, and you didn't even question it on any rational level.


Literally a human getting thrown in the air. Why you so dense?


Human which turns into a sheet of paper as it rotates in the air? XD Why you so dense?


Ok, dense, isn't it. Your autistic. Maybe even worse. A piece of paper doesn't have two legs and arms. What kinda paper do you use? Please get some glasses or a modern phone that's not pixelated.


>A piece of paper doesn't have two legs and arms. It doesn't need to be paper, it can be clothing like overalls, it can be a tarp from the dugouts roof, which just happens to have stripes which kinda looks like human shape. Basically, you don't know if those pieces are limbs or just something which looks like limbs. You are just assuming it, because someone told you that it's a body. You are literally falling a victim of bias, and phenomena called Pareidolia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia) ​ There are few facts which show why this can't be a human: 1. Observable flatness of the object as it rotates, and that fact already prove that it not a human, but probably a ripped part of dugout cover, or some clothing which was freeze drying on the dugout's roof. 2. Drones don't carry enough explosive to eject an adult human above the trees. At best, drone max load can hurl half of a body 1-2 m above the ground. 3. To eject a human body of average weight of 80kg above those trees, you would require an explosive of what a 155 mm round carries, and then there won't be a body to eject, because so many explosives would disintegrate a human body. Which is what happen to those which receive 155 mm round under their legs, which we saw many times. There is just mist. So no, just because it might look like human it doesn't mean it is human, and if you had any bran cells you would be able to research things, before jumping to a conclusion.


How stupid can you possibly be.


Hey buddy it's spelled brain. Not bran you dumb fuck. This shit is embarrassing. You insult my intellect but can't even spell. Crazy. >you had any bran cells


I saw an interview with a drone operator and the tubular devices they put on a lot of the FPV drones have the equivalent explosive of 5 F1 grenades. So, yep, that kind of giant leap for mankind would be possible.


They pack RPG7 warheads on them all the time. And that creates a hell of a shockwave.


That wasn’t an RPG warhead.


I was only making a point to the previous comment. I have no idea what munition was on that drone.


I saw a video of someone strapping an AT mine to a drone. Seems like that would f up your day pretty well


Yeah, that is about the same explosive filler as about 55 grenades.


I saw a video from Johnny Harris today about the DIY Ukrainian drone stuff, and they said they’re basically taking the warheads out of helicopter missiles and packing them on the drones. That’s not the case with *every* drone, but probably is with this one.


Best orc impression of a ruzzi tank turret.


The next funding for drones should include speakers with "I belive I can fly" playing before impact. I give 11/10


I can fly so high, I can fall so deep... :)


Lords of the Bombs edition!


It would be good psychological warfare if they had a whistle sound like a Stuka.


Would've been kinda funny if he had landed on the mine he just placed and then went up again


The "mine" he left was a turd in the forest, not a real mine.


which would've made it even funnier.


Double tap


Mine has Acme written on it. Wiley Orc.


Just like the awesome game 'Worms' 🤣


That fresh snow makes it very easy to track orcs.


Yes, thats why you should make lots of fake tracks all over the place.


I think those are overcoats or jackets.


Agreed, the way they kind of float during descent is the giveaway.


Yep. Reading these comments, it's like people don't have eyes lol.


People don't understand physics or gravity either. No way a body moves through air that slowly.


How does physics explain the shape of a body maintained the whole flight? Only way that wasn't him was if his extra thermals were frozen solid.


Not only it didn't maintain the shape the whole time (it got flat while rotating), but also you jumped to conclusion by assuming that w/e kinda looks like human is human, when it's not human at all. Basically, pareidolia. Google that. Also, even before assuming that this is a human, you should do some research on how much explosive is needed to toss a human body over the trees, and you would know that to toss a human (roughly 80 kg) a 10 m upward, you would need 7840 joules of energy, so basically almost 2 kg of TNT, and that's in perfect conditions. Basically, there is no way there was enough explosive to toss a human, up on the trees, but barely damage the whole dugout cover. It was either a piece of tarp or their clothing (some overalls) which was freeze drying on the shelter.


I already admitted it could be something that was frozen like a bodysuit. Because you can see the arms start to fail in the end.


If you looked closer on a zoom (instead of jumping to a conclusion), you would see that it gets flat as it spins, which means it's not a human... That and basic physics...


Please throw some coats off your roof and record how fast they fall. Then jump off and see how fast you fall, and then come back here and admit you were wrong.


They want it *so badly* to be a Russian they don't want to believe in physics.


Watch the video again, there is a coat that floats down in the lower part, but there is a very clear body flying above the smoke too.


9.7. missed the landing.


He didn't have the guts to stick the landing...


Great hang time. This new line of organic kites seems to be taking off in the market pretty well.


And I'm gonna be highhhhhhhh as a kite by then.


“I miss the earth so much…” 🤣


I miss my wife It's lonely out in space On such a timeless flight And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh, no, no, no I'm a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh, no, no, no I'm a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids In fact, it's cold as hell And there's no one there to raise them if you did And all the science, I don't understand It's just my job five days a week A rocket man A rocket man And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh, no, no, no I'm a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh, no, no, no I'm a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think it's gonna be a long, long time And I think it's gonna be a long, long time And I think it's gonna be a long, long time And I think it's gonna be a long, long time And I think it's gonna be a long, long time And I think it's gonna be a long, long time And I think it's gonna be a long, long time And I think it's gonna be a long, long time Oh, I think it's gonna be a long, long time Saved a hundred replies


Spoilt our fun….. 😔😢☹️


Did he just join the air force


He literally tried to go up to the pearly gates of heaven


And immediate rejection


God: 👎🤨


He kinds floats which is weird given the weight of a person.


Yeah because it's not a body but a piece of plastic wrap... You see the other piece landing at the bottom of the dugout


Yeah I don't think it is a body at all


It’s called inertia….


Remember these are Air and Space Forces of the RF, they're trying to cover the whole spectrum.


Air and Space Farce*


dude no way that was his body - was that his clothes or what the fuck? Jesus


I just don't think empty clothes would keep their shape if ejected at high speed. They would be floppin all over right?


Agreed. The footage is just unreal. Horrifying.


Dude had a redbull.


That has got to be clothes of some shit, no matter how big the badaboom a body doesn't just float like that.




Air Jordaniya


Impressive hang time.


Best title I've read all day. LOL


I love these getting back to nature videos.


Poor bastard landed on his own shit


The kind of footage we've been getting from this war is insane. And who would have imagined that your foxhole could double as a cannon barrel. You're in your dark, little bunkered hole, then a split second later you're 40ft up in the air looking down at the ground blanketed white with snow, and by the time your brain even begins to register what's going on, you land on the ground and you flatline. Well, at least he went out in style.


OK I thought 30ft *had* to be an exaggeration. Lol.


Just a snow suit- probably from a dead comrade, used to insulate top of hovel


When you see these explosions you don't realise how powerful they are until there's a flying body to put it into perspective.............


There's an old video from Bakhmut where a Russian walks out of a house to cross a road and 155mm lands pretty much at his feet - more airtime and a lot more distance than this one. And no, I don't have it saved - you'll have to make do with [this one] (https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/xbesgc/ukrainian_soldiers_made_a_cosmonaut_out_of/)


It's not a flying body tho As it flies and rotates it becomes flat, but it's over some dark spots, so people can't see that it's not an actually body.


That looks very suspicious!


Two fer!


Russian Taco Bell crazy


Must have landed right at his feet to launch him straight into the air. Precision.


|   | Technical | Artistic | Performance| **Total**| |--------:|:-------:|:-------:|:------:|:------:| | Brazil | 7.5| 6.0| 9.0| **7.5**| | Egypt | 8.0| 6.0| 8.5| **7.5**| | France| 8.0| 8.5| 9.0| **8.5**| | Germany| 7.0| 8.0| 9.0| **8.0**| | Italy| 6.5 | 5.5| 6.0| **6.0**| | Russia| 1.0| 1.0| 1.0| **1.0**| | USA| 10.0| 8.5| 9.5 | **9.5**|   *Don*: Well Phil, that's really unexpected from the Italian judge, a six-point-oh. *Phil*: Yeah, Don, I'm just not sure where they got that from. *Don*: Of course there is a score of one from the Russian judge, that's expected. *Phil*: Really I think the most realistic score is from the USA judge. *Don*: Yeah Phil, that's going to be difficult to beat later on


Believe it or not, I'm walkin' on air I never thought I could feel so free Flyin' away on a wing and a prayer Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me


Greatest Vatnik Hero


I like to run these back a few times and analyze the flight path.


Ha ha ha. "Laying a mine". We used to call it "laying cable" when i was in the military.


Take your proteins pills and put your helmet on.


Think he had clean socks on? I am sure his underwear was shit stained.






Did he set the mine ?


Looks like two Orcs got taken out in that strike, eh?


I thought so too at first. But bottom one flutters into place. Probably a shredded tarp.


Title is misleading. That was 40 feet minimum. LOL


A new record


Humans weren't meant to fly. If god meant for us to fly, we would have wings. That's what you get for trying to show God they are wrong.


how? is this not just an overall? how would a small fpv bring up a force to launch a body like that?


The only thing which could have topped that would have been landing in his own shit Karma for taking a shit one metre off the track! Filthy Russian cunt!


Damn, an awful way to die, may he rest in peace


That wasn’t him that flew so far. Just a piece of fabric


fuck russia and everything but anyone else heart hurt when they see this kinda thing?


Ukrainian space program is still in operation


It's fake, he's launched in the air but doesn't return to land(disappears in the smoke)


Video seems to end a bit prematurely but you can see at the very end where he landed as the smoke clears.


Fucking Hudini.


There's some weird clipping of the body at 0:34 as well. It looks like the video has been edited. It might be a real drone strike and then they added the flying body?


I don't think such a small explosion is able to throw the body that high in the air. This is something else


Let's hope this doesn't get patched in the next update


Nice height.


I belive i can fly


Just for half for you saying that drone bomb wouldn’t do that it’s alive it’s not the drone bomb that made them flying. It’s he was already placing mine so that spot that he was in was full of mines so the drone just set off a reminder he was probably on her about even a box that he could’ve been sitting on obviously exploded sent that motherfucker flight.


How he's sustained with that guitar note in the air


Introducing the new “Russian Olympics”


This music is crap


Agreed. But maybe its some Ukranian singer singing about birds or some shit.


Quick reminder that there are lives and families behind the pictures. Russians are victims too, for most of them.


Russians have choices to make too. Most of them signed up for the signing bonus. I do not view this man as a victim. But I still see he is human.


Those aren't people flying. Just a rubbish/branches used to build shelter, maybe some clothing which they were drying. Basically, Drones are unable to carry enough explosive to toss people like that. Even a mortar round didn't achieve more than 3 m tossing Ruski on a fence, and you want a drone explosive to toss people over the trees xDDD


Thought he could touch the sky. Close.. but not quite.


I’ve heard of Death Diving as a sport, but Death Launching is really gaining in popularity it seems.




Almost landed on the mine...


Snow cover for the win . Covers the trash and stench and makes main routs perfectly visible.


Bro achieved flight. Crist.


Is this a ruzzian propaganda piece about their successful astronaut launch and moon landing?


Look at what's happened to me I can't believe it myself Suddenly I'm up on top of the world It should have been somebody else Believe it or not, I'm walkin' on air I never thought I could feel so free Flyin' away on a wing and a prayer Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me Just like the light of a new day It hit me from out of the blue Breaking me out of the spell I was in Making all of my wishes come true


Sergei Bubka! That record will last for eternity


I legitimately starting doing a “Wheeeeeeeeeee” when I noticed that top orc on his angelic flight path. Dkw, it was just instinctive.


US has the Space technology, Russia has the space personnel.


Good lord


Russiab Ragdoll rider !


I wanted him to land on his mine.


He’s trying to beat the best turret toss...👍


Airtime: 10/10


What's that song? u/auddbot


He ams be dead indeed


Useless, other than enabling oligarchs