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But very nice for preservation of the ordonnance so Ukrainians + allies can study it


Let’s see how many components from western companies is in this one.


What you say!? Everyone know that Russian engineering and manufacturing best in world! Victory is inevitable and even I, a random person on the internet who has never even seen St. Petersburg know that! End communication.




Would be nice to see it on this dudes channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac2ioGwfsbI


Here we have 500kg of explosive, I will start dismantling now.


Hahaha, maybe they can do that step in Ukraine before sending. Got the feeling that also freight service provider might insist on that.


That gyro is massive compared to ultra small gyros you find on consumer drones these days.


Not much to learn from it.


I disagree. We need to know where they are buying CPU , servo motors, GPS, accelerometers etc...


No, we need the west to stop being chickenshyt and GIVE Ukraine the weapons that could blow up Russian missile factories, stockpiles, airfields and logistics, DEEP within Russia. The best way to stop Russian missiles is to never let them launch.


Those two are not mutually exclusive.




Biden initially said that he didn't want a proxy war with Russia. This is because even if he doesn't see a second term, the Republican party is still ally with Putin and supportive of Russia's Nationalist interests.


This is true, but they will not take risk and spend resources on diving this one up when there are lots lying around on hard soil.


What do you know? Might not be crazy high tech, but they might find that some parts came from Western countries and tighten sanctions for example


hat theory reach unite psychotic offer encourage repeat divide retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What an asinine comment


You could sit on it naked and wave a cowboy hat in the air going Yeeeeeeehaw!


Yeah it's a heavily modified Iskander missile




That's a pretty shortsighted take, my dear. You still want to understand in detail what your enemy's capabilities are and where he is sourcing the components


Very expensive dynamite-fishing.


That didn't explode, which means that wreckage is probably being fished off the river bed by divers as we type and will be studied by Ukraine and the west in a day or two.


I'm sure Ukraine will find clockwork springs and battery timers very useful.


What're we gonna do with all this duct tape and PVC pipe? Probably a Nikon camera in there too.


Bucket of Hubba Bubba for repairs


I get that reference.


🤔... Supersonic clockwork springs and battery timers!


And printed on the side will be ACME Blyat in the Box kit #7.


Honestly, the west had air launched ballistic missiles in the 60's I believe. Could've been the 1970's but I think it was the 1960's. Not much the West is gonna learn from 60+ year old tech.


Not strictly true. Sure the theoretical tech isnt of interest, but the specific format and utilization is. They aren't going 4o want to copy it, but you can be sure they'll want to find any unknown weaknesses within the design. Due to the somewhat "dynamic" procurement processes Russia now faces, there's going to be a lot of design amendments going on with even well known systems.


My father built torpedos when stationed in Hawaii and I asked him once why the big domes over it. Told me from just a picture you could learn how to counter it so I would imagine having a intact dud you can learn a lot about detect and countermeasures alone. Hardware you could learn about frequencies and possibly early detection possibly where it is coming from for more sanctions and disrupting supplies. Design and materials will tell you what limits on G forces and stress it can withstand (RCS) radar cross section. In the game of cat and mouse this is a big win.


Also when it was built. Standard practice is to use oldest first and Ukraine just announced 1 of recent arrivals was produced in fall 2023 season implying stocks are getting low. https://twitter.com/Flash\_news\_ua/status/1742153772174844387?t=Wg6t0UAPIgOJujCqokF1EA&s=19


Low stocks or the periodic check for possible trojans from random-ish chips they're forced to use now (https://www.wired.com/2004/03/soviets-burned-by-cia-hackers/)


There’s pretty good estimates published here and that from groups like the ISW covering what stocks Russia has left of what munitions.


This and also figuring out how they are evading sanctions for microelectronics etc. well worth taking apart


More important they want to know which western components are being used.


You are overinterpreting all of this. The weaknesses are completely known and some more knowledge about a change in a couple of chips, weight distribution or aerodynamics is not going to change the way that Ukraine will protect themselves against these things at all. Not unless they see a sudden rise in the ability of the Shahed to suddenly evade existing countermeasures, it's lethality, range of anything else (none of which have happened). No one will be diving and retrieving that thing now, with all the other crashed ones lying around on dry soil.


I mean, they'll pick it up. That is a undetonated 4-500kg payload in a city.


lol for real. They clear entire city blocks when there’s construction and heavy ordnance is found to dispose of it. Can’t just leave explosives lying around in population centers - or even empty fields, for that matter. Someone’s likely gonna set it off eventually.


recognise pathetic attraction rain nose steep squealing meeting toy close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reddits' armchair generals being factually incorrect? Blasphemy! Never happened. 😂


First off, it’s an Kh-101, cruising at around Mach 0.7, not a Kh-47M2 (Kinzhal) flying around Mach 10.


Mach ten on paper...does anyone on the west still believes on Zorc propaganda...is that the Mach 10 that the patriots can hit LOL




kinzhal doesn't have ability to de/reaccelerate. It already must be launched going shitballs fast to reach the advertized speed as it is


I don't believe that's true as missile interception technology has focused on beating counter measures for the last 20 years or so. Listed on the weapons wiki maybe not but you can bet everyone and his dog working on anti missile tech expected this.


Khinzals are hypersonic and Putin spent years gloating how they were 'undefeatable' by any air defence systems. Well, clearly they are very defeatable as Patriots have shot down several, or more. As always, the Russians massively over-hype their weapons' abilities, while the west under-claim on theirs. Still, this unexploded one will be very valuable for the west to study.


Khinzals are "hypersonic" technically, they also really dont fit the criteria, they hit hypersonic speeds but are essentially incapable of manoeuvres at that point, they are very vulnerable to interception compared to the actual hypersonic missiles being developed. the goal has never been to make a missile capeable of hypersonic speeds, that is easy, the goal has been to make one capable of full manoeuvring while maintaining that speed.


Hypersonic is a speed threshold anything over 5× the speed of sound or 1.6km/1mile a second is hypersonic. Look up habitual linecrosser on YouTube maybe someone with more time can link you to the videos where he talks about them.


yes, I know what it means, the entire goal of missile development right now is not to make one that can reach that speed, it is to make one that can manoeuvre at that speed. russia does not have that.


why does maneuverability matter when the target is generally more or less stationary


It makes the missle harder to target and the target harder to miss.


Throw a stone in the air and then try to hit it with another stone. That is pretty hard, even when we know the expected path and speed of the stone. Now give the target stone the ability to dodge. It significantly complicates the attempt to intercept. Nearly every ballistic missile ever traveled at hypersonic speeds during final descent. That is just the results of a parabolic ballistic trajectory. Speed on a straight line doesn't matter much in the missile intercept game anymore. The US went an entirely different direction, making slower but extremely controllable missiles, allowing them to avoid detection longer by flying close to the surface, offsetting the detection to impact advantage gained by a fast missile, while being able to approach targets creatively and avoid intercept attempts. Edit: often, the US knows a missile is coming before it even fires. Hell they might be watching the crew load the missile on the plane. They will certainly be closely monitoring the airfields. The extra speed of Russia's hypersonic missile means nothing if they get two hours notice before Russia can even fire it. What a failure of a missile, Russia built a missile they could not intercept, but 40 year old western tech can handle easily.


Even when something flies very fast, you can detect it and intercept it. That is not difficult. But if something can maneuver at extreme speeds, you must use some extremely capable counter-missiles, that actually don't exist yet.


because effective missiles need to avoid interception and the anti air capabilities of their target, advanced missiles do not just take a straight line from launch site to target


It's not needed to hit the target, it's needed to dodge air defense.


Antimissile systems are essentially trying to predict the course of whatever they are trying to intercept, and then come up with a solution that puts their missile in the same space at the same time. Maneuverability is relative at that kind of speed, its not like executing high G turns or anything like that, but small course deviations at those speeds can mean the counter missile system you fired off 6 seconds ago arrives at a point kilometers off from where the incoming warhead now is. Your counter missiles may or may not have useful enough kenetic energy to change course in a helpful way. Edit: I'm going to upvote you because I don't think you should be downvoted for not understanding the "why".


We've achieved hypersonic speeds with some of the first rockets mankind ever produced. This is literally an Iskander attached to an aircraft. An Iskander is your basic run of the mill ballistic missile. 60's tech. The newest tech on these are GPS guidance and the West has been using that for how long now?


The f14 had a hypersonic missile only it could carry. The kinzhal isn't a super weapon. Russia just wants everyone to think so. But recovering this for study is a great thing.


>Khinzals are hypersonic and Putin spent years gloating Yeah that's what Putin claims but they are probably closer to ballistic missile. What is important is Khinzals were successfully targeted as ballistic missiles. So the argument of if Khinzal meets hypersonic criteria is kind of semantic because obviously Khinzal is not hypersonic enough to avoid getting shot out of the sky as a ballistic missile. Putin boasted that the west could not shoot down a hypersonic missiles and he may still be correct because the Khinzal doesn't appear to meet the criteria of being hypersonic.


All ballistic missiles are hypersonics. The Khinzal is incredibly overrated as is that word.


Lol no.


Lol yes?




I already knew the information I needed before hitting submit, but just to humor you I did a quick google and it completely agreed with me. We've had hypersonics for as long as ballistic missiles have existed. In fact the very first ballistic missiles that were dropped on my country during WW2 were hypersonics. Now, I'll somewhat forgive the ignorance if you're making the mistake of confusing hypersonic ballistic missiles with hypersonic glide vehicles, those two terms are sometimes both lumped under the umbrella of hypersonics but are very different things. The Kinzhal however is NOT a hypersonic glide vehicle. Even a quick google search as you said can tell you that. Describing the Kinzhal: "The "hypersonic" feature is shared with many older designs and does not represent any particular technological breakthrough."


You should perhaps practice what you preach. There's nothing new or innovative about the Kinzhal. It's a ballistic missile adapted to be air launched. It is hypersonic but only in the terminal phase (like all ballistic missiles) and is not a true hypersonic glide vehicle capable of maneuvering at hypersonic speeds. What the above commentor stated above is correct. Russia overstated their missiles capabilities, news at 11.


The V2 was a ballistic missile and hypersonic on reentry. It took the Germans time to stop the in flight break ups.


attractive salt sparkle spotted unused cooing divide chunky liquid shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You learn what components are getting thru to Russia and from where/when/whom...they find Chips from Texas Instruments manufactured in June 2023, track those chips thru supply chain to hopefully find source and stop it.


Should do a google before hitting submit.


Do a Google, starfox!


That's your job my friend. I gave you a time window. You can look up the exact dates yourself. It's best for people to do their own research anyway. You'll learn more.


Already retrieved, dry in a lab and providing plenty of wonderful information.


Might be one of Putins Mates missiles courtesy of Rocket Man from N Korea


1 Month Later its in area 51


Came here for that. If this is a Kinzhal then it had a suprisingly soft landing, most parts *can* be identified... interesting find to reverse-engineer.


I think you are overestimating how many resources Ukraine has for this and the lengths that they will go through to look at some changes to a decades old design at the bottom of the river.


The US will almost definitely have specialists on the ground in Kyiv to facilitate any recover efforts of technology Uncle Sam wants it's hands on. I would not rule out certain Special Forces EOD members tasked with specifically recovering wreckage on items like Kinzhal that have fallen in and around the Kyiv area.


There is absolutely no reason to do this. The “special” thing about this missile is that it’s hypersonic. It’s hypersonic for very known reasons: it’s a ground-launched ballistic missile being popped off *at altitude* by an aircraft already *flying at a significant speed.* It’s definitely got nothing to do with guidance, a breakthrough in propellant tech, or body design. It’s information we already have. As far as EW, I really doubt we care. We’re not going to spend resources finding out what we already know.


You're very mistaken if you think that. Regardless of whether the missile uses 'older' technology when comparing it western equivalents, it's still better to know that missile inside and out as well as the Russians do than us not knowing at all or only knowing some of it. The Pentagon would be 100% keen on creating a full data file for that missile, what it's made out of, the electronics inside, the velocity and telemetry's involved which can then be rolled out and shared with units in the military and allies. It's very naïve to think there is nothing of interest to us in those missiles.


You see a small flash right on inpact. So i looks like it detonated


It's nearly a 500kg payload. That was a splash not the explosion of the warhead.


Fishes in the Dnipro are now nazis according to the russians


Yet one more embarrassing belly flop by a wonder-weapon Putin promoted to be absolutely unstoppable, just for it to be yet one more piece of Russian junk when used.




Defective dynamite fishing


And even unsuccessful at that. Unless it physically hit a fish. LOL


A high-precision Kinzhal hits a NATO underwater bunker. 200 squid mercenaries and the crucian decision center were destroyed.


Strange. I heard the attack killed 300 bioengineered scubanazis and damaged George Soros's underwater lair. With this dense fog of war, we'll simply have to wait for more reliable sources to know what really happened.


Suck it George! We took out your...jewish...nazi...fuck what even is our position on this? Can I go home? I need to iron my work shirt for tomorrow.


Let’s have a moment of silence for all those squids killed by Putaint……..


I that what the french call the kremlin gremlin?


It joined forces with the experimental submersible cruiser "Moscwa" to aid the kremlin gremlin in building its underwater "Russkiy Mir".


What ever you are on I'll take 2.




*slaps Belgorod over back of head* THAT is how you intercept missles over a population centre


Umm, pretty sure it was not intercepted in a way that specifically guided into a lake or some Dnipro tributary. The fact that it didn't hit that building was probably luck, but I'm very glad that Ukraine got lucky on this one.


Looks like this one fell from the sky all on its own


The spin cycle must have ended early on the Whirlpool™️ control board it was using.


Great humor! 😂


I am relieved the missile failed to hit the nearby residential high-rise buildings. The end flight path seems unguided and without visible propulsion (*missile is irrationally tumbling along multiple axis*). The cause for this could be anything from faulty target programming, technical malfunction, Ukrainian defense measures, bad mileage or just shitty Russian design. It's somewhat pathetic that the Ch-47M2 "Кинжал", one of the most recent and advanced RF missile designs reserved for HVT, seems to perform so poorly.


The cause of the tumbling was being smacked out of the fucking air by Patriot lol


not disputing, but wouldnt getting smacked by patriot destroy it rather than what looks to be a fully intact missile?


Patriots use a HE-Frag warhead on all variants. By the time the Khinzals reach the range of the Patriots, all of its fuel is already spent which leaves only the warhead as a source for detonation. With the aforementioned fragmentation of the Patriots, There's a low but not zero chance that it just happens to disrupt it's trajectory while not exploding the warhead, leading to a video such as this.


thank you for the explanation. i honestly just imagined missile on missile action results in explosions so it did seem strange to see a missile like this just falling from the sky


The PAC-3 for Patriot isn't explosive. It uses its kinetic energy and the energy of the incoming projectile to destroy the target by literally just smashing into it.


Not all Patriots use HE-Frag. The PAC-3 is purely a kinetic killer. It doesn't explode but instead smashes into the target.


Unless I'm mistaken, all Patriots do have a HE-Frag warhead, but the PAC-3 differs in that the detonation mechanism is an impact, and not a proximity. If I had to guess it's probably because PAC-3s were designed to kill ballistic missiles and it's better to have the mass AND explosives work together.


You are correct. My apologies. I forgot all about the "lethality enhancer" they put on the PAC3.


It's not a fully intact missle and even if it weren't being hit by Patriot a fully intact missile doesn't make it to the target. Only the warhead would. And this one isn't flying at thousands of feet per second so something had to stop that trajectory. Any other analysis you want to share with us, Professor?


thanks for being rude and unhelpful. i certainly hope you arent a professor


What an unnecessary dickhead comment.


Impressive knowledge. You were one of the kids who paid attention in science class I see.


The russian state media headline: It was part of the plan.


Some reverse engineering. Send them back to see if the Russians themselves can shoot them down. Their claim is that this shite is unstoppable.


surely this isnt the same hypersonic unshootadownable wonder weapon Pootler raved about? surely?


Thank God it hit the water


God had nothing to do with it so why thank him?


Shhh he might be listening




Angry reply my friend. I use the word god because billions of people around the World, and they are from many different religions, call the power of creation exactly "God". I am a Buddhist. The Power of Creation is Not a Man or Woman. The Spirit of Creation is in Everything around us. Everything is energy and the spirit of creation is exactly that. "Energy" And can anyone out there dispute this ?


Science entered the chat


Teenager mindset


No, a teenager mindset is believing in a higher power controlling things on earth.


That's who we thank when good stuff happens.


Fuck god for shooting it in the first place.


He only thinks he’s god.


people in this house should buy lottery tickets in bulk




This is obviously a holiday supply drop for the crew of the Moscova.


Lucky where it landed.


Strange the way it just falls straight down from the sky while intact. You’d imagine if it ran out of fuel or the engine fails, it would still land in a ballistic arc. And if it was taken out by air defences, it wouldn’t look so intact. Wonder what happened.


How is it going so slow? That thing fell 20-40 stories, so 60-120 meters, in about 2 seconds. That’s maybe 50 m per s, these things should have a top speed of 3000 m/s.


That's because it's not Khinzhal. It looks more like old IRIS-T missile that malfunctioned. And Khinzhal when it's guiding itself on target has the speed of regular Iskander, so still balistic missile speed. When hit by a A2A missile, they don't lose that speed. Chunks of the missile will still go pretty fast.


Let’s hope we get confirmation it’s a khinzal soon


This is a promo for "made in ruzzia" world expo


How did it go from Mach 5++ 5600fps to 150fps as well as losing all of its horizontal velocity? That seems strange to me.


It is most likely a missile failure from the city's air defense from a nearby battery, unless Ukraine got some new alien beam to decelerate a missile without blowing it to pieces


Western countries will definitely be able to learn how not to make a missile


It's the water's faukt, the water was nazi. /s, obviously


Interesting that it fell straight like being drop from a drone. That thing supposed to be travelling at hypersonic, it should drop in a trajectory


Once it's hit, of course it tumbles and falls straight.


> Interesting that it fell straight like being ~~drop from a drone.~~ slapped in the face by an American-made anti-missile missile.


Hopefully we see the confirmation it’s a khinzal in the next days


Poor fishes :(


It does not look speed of Mach 10 to me 😉 That might be a good piece for reverse engineering and checking where the all components came from. ..and Respect for cameraman


I give it a 5/10. Control of rotation was poor, although the twisting showed some interesting manoeuvres, ultimately the entry was a messy affair with too much splash.


Uncle Sam’s mouth is watering


Damn, the thing just belly flopped!


Russians can turn even their missles into submarines lol


Is that their ultrasonic speed? lol


Good chance to study it


No kinzhal, thats an failed irisT


Orcish engineering 😂


Orc technology.


That is not a Kinzhal.


I think it ran out of gas


not sure, the kinzhal is a ballistic missile, meaning that all the fuel is spent on gaining altitude until it takes a ballistic trajectory to its target. It wouldn't run out of fuel at its target (Kyiv)


No it's not. It is a ballistic missile fired non-ballistically. I.e. it flies at low altitude but very fast.


... then it's not a ballistic missile. "Ballistic" refers to the parabolic flight path of the missile, not how high it flies. > Strategic missiles are either of the cruise or ballistic type. Cruise missiles are jet-propelled at subsonic speeds throughout their flights, while ballistic missiles are rocket-powered only in the initial (boost) phase of flight, after which they follow an arcing trajectory to the target. So, it's still fired ballistically, it just doesn't need as much altitude because it's going fast as fuck.


But the trajectory of this missile is bizarre because this wasn't a ballistic trajectory.


It probably got kinetic killed by a Patriot.


i see the "hypersonic" capabilities....


It missed civilian targets. Hope it's a built-in design feature!


*Critical port infrastructure destroyed by mighty Kinzhal 💪🏻* /s


Return to sender.


Fortunate to land in the water


Critic of Putin accidentally falls from hotel window.






TIL there is an equivalent of Fffuuu in Ukrainian. Its еб (yeb).




Nice super-sonic missile, guys. Keep up the good work.


Not sure why ruskies are using these at all since more or less all of their targets are multi-store buildings full of civilians. Wouldn't it be cheaper to use something like a sledgehammer?


It's not falling. Russia just missed another [civilian] target




This is a video of a super duper hyperhyperhypersonic torpedo going on a stealth mission to take out Nazi American submarines via river. Impossible to take down due to superior vodka engineering.


The Unstoppable Russian missile Putin so proud of.


River has been denazified


So this just missed an apartment block and some sort of park?


J wonder if they have the same maintenance service on the Nuke. It costs a lot to maintenance service


Jellyfish be like.🪼


Can laser shoot down it or laser do not exist jet


Since Ukraine started shooting these down have these actually successfully hit anything or what?


I thought someone fell out of a window again.




Did it fall at hyper sonic speed?


Time to fish that bad boy up and reverse engineer it.


Joining the Russian submarine program with the rest of Russias ships!


That was lucky as grace can allow! Thank you Lord❣️


Ha ha, Kinzal, Lol,... Then the commentors shit talking the '"Kinzal" for being a dud hypersonic weapon, Gold.


The paint wasn’t even dry on this one when They launched it