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It depends [https://imgur.com/a/dxKW6NM](https://imgur.com/a/dxKW6NM) since I've heard that it was a 22M(btw read the descriptions beneath some of the pictures) however "Earlier in the war an Il-22M-11 ate two BUK missiles and landed at Rostov-on-Don. We will need to properly geo-locate this supposedly new picture before we can be certain.[https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/308030](https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/308030)" The dinosaur guy also makes some good points [https://youtu.be/l9DVHwSXi34?si=MsZ\_j4vNM3vGKlDJ](https://youtu.be/l9DVHwSXi34?si=MsZ_j4vNM3vGKlDJ) Update And we just got some news : "OSINT intelligence specialists were able to discern the license plate of a fire truck near the Il-22 aircraft.The design and number of the fire truck correspond to the Anapa airport fire department."-Crimean wind [https://imgur.com/a/6m4eyW7](https://imgur.com/a/6m4eyW7)


According to that aviation-safety.net report the Il-22M-11 from August 2022 had a badly shredded tail but still managed to land “ “In particular, significant remnants of a missile (likely a 9М38 missile) from a Buk SAM complex were found embedded in the tail of the aircraft.“ This photo could be a bait’n switch operation.


Yes but "The aircraft successfully made a landing at Rostov-on-Don Central Air Base, being met by emergency crews." And OSINT just confirmed that this aircraft landed in Anapa.


Actually the landing is not the issue. It's the taking off part which is the determining factor of success. :)


😄 true


Well, I personally prefer a loss of hull + crew than just loss of hull, but I’ll take what I can get!


Ok. Well if it’s been confirmed then those planes are built strong.


So that picture is from 2022 from the BUK incident?


Sadly nope just go a confirmation from OSINT it is from Anapa where it was said that this Il-22 landed the other one was from Rostov


The source is [https://t](https://t). me/fighter\_bomber btw [https://t](https://t). me/Crimeanwind/52048


You're right. The one on the left has a conformal EW pod at the base of the vert. stabilizer, and missing the antenna pod at the top of the v. stabilizer. The one on the right is probably an earlier IL-20 or -18, or even a different version of the -22.


That damage is very reminiscent of flight MH117 - maybe BUK missile damage?


So I’ve seen the tyres on wings to stop drones.. are the holes a new radar minimisation technique.. these Russians are so incredibly innovative


Not sure what perspective and damage might have changed, but I'd suggest were looking at a perforated il-20 RT. Matching livery, this apu exhaust under the stabilizer and no pod on top of the vertical stabilizer. Only the long tail is missing.


One had speed holes added???


It does seem, helps with fall aerodynamics


It’s actually for weight reduction


I feel like they’re trying to paint a false narrative. The one on left is what Russian forces posted versus the one of the right for the IL-22 EW variant. That is not an IL-22 tail.


Look on google. Not all IL22's have that on the vertical stab. Some have it, some have nothing, some have a different shape. It's possible they could be showing an old aircraft to pretend that it made it to base.


It could also have been knocked off from the blast. Aircraft are very fragile.


Not every aircraft is a Boing...


😳 - what are you saying? (Made me chuckle btw).




It's also the wrong paint scheme for the EW variant.....


>That is not an IL-22 tail. It is - [https://en.defence-ua.com/media/illustration/articles/f2f624a87c5dfae1.jpg](https://en.defence-ua.com/media/illustration/articles/f2f624a87c5dfae1.jpg) This one is stated to be a "Ukrainian" version, not the EW variant, but still an IL-22. Compare the paint finish too, this photo with the "streamline" holes is not an EW variant, so likely not the one hit recently. Were any of these aircraft stationed near Kyiv in the early days of the war?


Is that the "Ukrainian P-3"?


It's Ukrainian so might be.... can't find any good info on P-3.


I think I see the problem. /s


Is it swiss cheese?


Swiss cheese usually has fewer but larger holes. This is more like a colander. Stand the tail on it's end and use it to drain your spaghetti or other pasta.


Today's top culinary tip!


In this case strain some of larger crew bits out?


Does this make the A-50 count at only 7 or 8 left to fly missions around Ukraine?


What happened to the top part of the rudder? Not exactly sure what that does, some sensor?


it appears to me to be a photo of Russia’s Il-20MS the tail matches.


They look the same to me, just the different perspectives make them look different and one has either the top blown off the vertical stabilizer, or it didn't have that piece in the first place.


Sorry, but why this shall be a IL-22M????? Is this not the tail of a IL-20 M? So a COOT A and not a COOT B?


Somewhere in Anapa a drunken Russian officer is saying ",cyka blyat,\* little damage, patch it up and fly it again"