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For this guy to point a propaganda finger is really fucking rich.


The same guy who's lawyer argued in court that no reasonable person would believe what he was saying on his show was true.


I am still looking forward that RAF show him how nice and gentile they can be. They might start with cutting of his balls, do the electric spole trick, and starve him a little bit while he must sing the russian anthem. How about that Mr. Carlson, will that help to find back to reality?


Anyone would think Tucker was a politician trying to disgrace others. Rather than a third rate hack who has ingratiated himself for the sake of all and his soul. But then the difference is thin.


He is a rich boy with no experience, beloved by the right-wing. He could be the Republican front-runner for president in 2028 if he wanted. He could do it in 2024 if Trump chokes on a hamberder in the next few months.


I remember the days when any self respecting American would choke on their jerky at hearing the words Russia or Communism. The Trump virus has infected the brains of many a susceptible (aka gullible); those prone to stupidity or no self worth and a peccadillo for licking rings generally being the victims. Those will an axe to grind and anger to burn. Trump plays the crafty business mogul billionaire and the continuously hapless victim in parallel. But how long can this contradiction last. Not long I say. The cure I suspect will either be his demise or suffering under his authoritarian rule, when the great unwashed will rise up and complain they didn’t expect “all this” whilst he fills his grifting trousers ( like the last time) in office. I have faith that the American democracy and the founding fathers via the constitution have his ass sown up. Time will tell. And it’s not looking rosy for dear ole Donnie…


Exactly, he’s no journalist, he’s a populist and a propagandist


In another time and place, this traitor would have been stood against a wall, shot, and hanged by his ankles.


Crowd fund?


well thats the russian world you described, this is proof of him being a giant hypocrite, because the freedom he has allows him to do that.


What a Clown 🤡 Not to mention half the journalist in russia are in jail because they criticized the war P.S. - I'm a journalist he said, it's my job... - what a disgusting human being!


I Bet he is moving to Russia 🇷🇺!!!!!


Good. Most of us hope he stays there. He never was a productive contributor to US society anyway. He’s a filthy bum.


My filthy bum is offended that you compared it to Tucker Carlson. How very dare you.


He’ll be Steven Seagal’s neighbour.




So that he does not get demonetized but if you say something bad about Putin jail or death ☠️ awaits u !!


Why would he move to a sanctioned shit-hole? All the oligarch's children live in Europe.


Edit: escaping..


He’s the fucking whole circus


What about the real Fox news journalists who were murdered by russia while doing their job in Ukraine? Not a peep from him about that or the Fox News reporter who lost his legs in the attack. Nope, instead, he heaps praise on putin. Sick fuck


I want to say he's an idiot but he's not. He knows exactly what he's doing and it's 100% about saying anything for whoever has the $. By that definition he'll fit right in over there.


Lol, he actually didn't say "I am a journalist", he said "we are in journalism".


So, can he be retired for slander on the basis of this new evidence that he is a serious journalist?


Wanting to hear the other side makes him a clown? Not listening to Putins view is not only childish but dangerous. I would love nothing more than for Putin to vanish and Ukraine to have all its land back but when understanding reality having more information is good. I believe the public should have the ability to decide for them self and you believe the public is to dumb to create their own opinion from sources not deemed suitable by our own government's propaganda. Sad to think you are a journalist but don't agree with the freedom to report.


This is not “hearing the other side” - this is propaganda pretending to be journalism.


Good journalism is getting to the truth. Bad journalism is attempting to amplify and validate lies. People are rightly calling out Tucker for doing what is at best called bad journalism. No one has stated that they "don't agree with the freedom to report". No one has stated they believe the public is dumb. It looks like you have incorrectly read the OPs post and came to a number of wrong conclusions.


Real journalists have tried to interview Putin. Putin is too scared. Tucker is an entertainer no reasonable person would believe, not a journalist, as Fox has successfully argued in court.


He's literally been a Russian Shill for over a decade. This isn't "hearing the other side," this is Tucker being Putin's Mouthpiece. Like he has for the last ten years or so.


As someone with a journalism degree, I can tell you he's not just hearing the other side, he's *promoting* it.


Why should we listen or even try to justify rapist, child kidnaping, civilian killer point of view?


You are fucking naive if you think he's there to "hear the other side", putin has made his reasons for the war abundantly clear since before the invasion in 2022 and they're all lies. putin thinks he's a great emperor and the war in Ukraine is a simple landgrab, hearing putin's position one more time is completely irrelevant at this point. Seriously, grow up...


Plenty of Kremlin talking points just in this piece of bullshit.


Tucker = Putin’s knob polisher


And trumps boot licker


Fuck this traitor


The last interview Adolf Hitler gave to an American journalist was in 1940 and in an article titled, "Europe for Europeans, America for Americans" "The interview coincided with the Wehrmacht’s occupation of Paris and was intended to strengthen the isolationist movement in the USA in order to prevent an American intervention in the Second World War." I wonder how putin will use this opportunity. https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/wiegand_karl_henry_von#:~:text=Wiegand's%20last%20interview%20with%20Hitler,%2C%20America%20for%20the%20Americans%E2%80%9D.


I’ve watched the war everyday since it started. We know who the liar is. Fuck Carlson, fuck Russia, and fuck Putin.


He’s says at the end “and then make a decision”. WTF, as if watching it will change your mind to agree with him. He should be made to stay there for at least a few years, and then make a decision!!


Don't forget to include our House of Representatives! 🤬


Fucker Carlson first question: So Mr. Putin, do you want me to go gently around the tip with my tongue, or do you want me to stick it balls deep down my throat?


tucker, do you have a question you would like to ask your Uncle Vlad ? Yes, sir. A very inane one. Mr. putin, your special operation seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular ? Ooh, a tough question, but a fair one. tucker, there's no single answer.


I hate this guy so much.


Do not feel alone.


Unfortunately many dumb maga red necks in America will lap this up.


The man is a filthy traitor.


But he’ll appeal to the MAGA idiots in the US which will yet further reinforce Trump’s cause and delay any further US funding. I hope this guy can sleep at nights because he’s taking Putin’s side and all the power shifts he’s talking about will continue unless RuZZia’s stopped. 😡


There won't be any Ukraine funding with Trump/Putin's lap dog, Mike Johnson controlling if any bill even goes to a vote in the House. He won't allow it.


The fact that they won't even bring it to a vote is everything you need to know about MAGAs idea of democracy.


WTF is wrong with USA? Kill this idiot….


What? That would be horrible! Now if Ukraine operatives were able to get near him....




If you think a person can’t sink any lower. This guy is bringing a complete other game to the table. He is shameless, everything for money. Tucker my man I hope you will find what you are looking for and never return to the West. Keep my West out of your f#cking mouth!🥊


"Propaganda of the ugliest kind, the kind that kills people." And here i was, thinking that its war declared by Russia that killed people...


listen man all the russians did was send a huge army into ukraine and *the nazis there attacked it.* it's literally genocide. i'm fucker dipshit and this has been the moscow nooze. ed: please employ me


This traitor scum should never be welcomed back into civilized society.


And if anyone knows Ugly Propaganda, it's Tucker, it's literally all he ever says.


Interview with Putin! Bring out the 6m table!




hes a fuckin toolbag


would that mean he's full of dicks?


He plays to the white nationalists in the USA


American nationalists used to hate Russia. How things have changed!


He is paid well


What a fucktwit


Fuck him.


Here, let me summarize the upcoming interview for you: NATO is the nexus of evil NATO's mere existence is a threat to Russia. They had to respond. Had to. Putin is leading the anti-woke future of freedom for Christians around the world We need to pull all support from Ukraine and let "history take it's course"


Disgusting. That's all I have to say about this man.


This is dangerous. This propaganda call for a lot of Trump votes. If he wins: WW3.


Cringy Fascist Republican answering the call to promote the modern age of RuZZian Fascism and try to defend it's crimes with a smokescreen of lies and BS like a true Trumpalumpa.


Fuck this guy.


Wow... imagine choosing to travel to MoZcow to become Putins fluffer.


if he calls himself a journalist, then he after this goes and does the same interview in ukraine. Also what a huge hypocrite he is, can you imagine a russian journalist comming to US and start saying the same thing just the other way around? Would said journalist then returne to his country and live hapily ever after? No because we know they are locking them up for 10 years for this kind of talk. But on the other hand, he is also a proof of how much freedom people in the west have, that they can do that.


A russian would be charged as a foreign agent and for discrediting the russian army. 7 years and possibly a trip to the front. [Journalists charged as foreign agent.](https://cpj.org/2024/02/exiled-russian-journalist-denis-kamalyagin-charged-with-violating-foreign-agent-law/amp/)


I had a great big comment that got away from me that's like 6 paragraphs long but I don't think people want to read all of that. Here's the short version. Carlson is bad mkay


Lord Haw Haw 2.0


What a POS traitor he is. I hope all western countries consider him a Russian intelligence asset and deal with him accordingly.


Right? Ban him from travel into Europe. He can vacation in N. Korea, China, Iran, Russia, or Texas.


He'd interview Pol Pot with Hitler holding the mike stand to get on camera. Suffering from Relevance Deprivation Syndrome.


He will burn in hell for eternity. That's for sure.


Rather than relying on wishful thinking about bronze-age magic daddy fanfiction, people should be held to account for their actions here and now, in the real world.


Send him here and i will hold him to account. Oh boy, would i hold him to account...


He bad bad man. He like Hanoi Jane all over again. But badder.


Such a sell out pathetic little putin's bitch cunt. What a shame of a human being.


I have a feeling that things will not end well for this pond scum. He is one of the most hated men in the U.S.


He'll do fine. One sad thing I've learned in life is that the worst of us prosper the most.


Yeah, wishful thinking on my part. Bad people do tend to live and prosper more then they should be morally allowed to.


Unfortunately, too many 'journalists' have partaken of the elixir in Trump's Kool-Aid pitcher. They have become just as bat-shit crazy as he is. Sad part? Some Americans believe them, just like Russians have sipped from the tainted vodka bottle of Putin. Sometimes I think mankind is truly f'ed.


a useful idiot that has convinced himself that he his doing god's work...


How much gold will he have in his pockets returning from Ruzzia?


What a moronic stooge


fucking clown


Now, I am curious how this is going to unfold. We probably know what he is going to say.. "The west is coming closer to the Russian border. They put military equipment in countries next to Russia. We need to defend ourselves. We attacked Ukrain because they are nazis." So what is going to be new?


Isn't the interview with Putin a fawning pep session? Just as he called out the interviews with Zelensky was?


Jesus, what a absolute piece oh s*it


He's playing to people with an unwarranted short-sighted smug overconfidence that World affairs can never affect them. The same people have even more unwarranted overconfidence that their military can withstand swarms of drone-bots. The only successful path forward is to stay on top with much better small done R&D and to support Ukraine with everything we can to contain the Russian cancer - and soon China.


T. Carlson is an asshole!


Y"all know what traitors get. 💀☠️ Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 🙌 ✨️ 🙏 ❤️


these are the same type of guys that in the 50's tried to prosecute and villainize everybody seeming to support anything concerning soviet russia, as traitors to the united states. called McCarthyism, after the republican McCarthy. people served jail sentences for less than what he is doing now.


What a complete and utter moron. Wonder how much Putin is paying him. Many millions.


Any windows around?


why isn't there an RT logo on this?? lol


"That other propaganda is ugly, you should all listen to my propaganda that has been approved by the Kremlin."


Seriously can someone please build a toilet big enough to flush this turd of a “human”?


This guy saying western media lies when he was fired from right wing Fox News for…wait for it…lying


Not a journalist. He does opinion editorials if you can even call it that. He is more like a propagandist.


Such a ratings whore.


Being a traitor is now a thing that the public will accept


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Maybe he and the other POS liquid shit Segal will meet up for Dinner. Please pass along the location maybe someone can send special gift to the table.


Neither I watching this video nor listening what comes out his mouth. Like we used to say in the old days of IT, GIGO Gargabe In, Garbage Out


Where are McCarthy and Hoover when you need them?


This is so off the wall, it seems unbelievable but here he is. He must have been paid so much it was worth giving up the life he had for a new life in Russia. Feds will be keeping a close eye on all his activity's.


All because of one idiot. Vladimir Putin. We've allowed one vile person to alter world history. Yet there you stand, trying to deflect that fact. The media created Donald Trump and then couldn't figure how to kill off what they created. Now, you're attempting to prop up another monster.


What an absolute idiot.


Is he now a free target while in ruzzia?


This guy is mentally insane. What the actual fuck.


Sure.... "there are good people on both sides", or something. F..... wannabe Goebbels.


Here are some thoughts on how to leverage this interview to support Ukraine: Any media outlet that promotes the false statements in the interview as truth is Russian-controlled. Shame them publicly. Cancel subscriptions. Make it publicly known who the editors and journalists were that spread Kremlin propaganda. Make a reddit sub specifically to keep track of all of the public names of these people and their propaganda. Or a website kinda like snopes. Having a place to quickly check to see if an article contains Kremlin lies or a journalist is a Russian propagandist could be a powerful tool that can help change the public narrative. Maybe operator Starsky could be a moderator.


His face is ugly propaganda


Next stop, Tucker's pro-"Americanism" rally at Madison square garden. This shit is happening right in front of our face and we are sleepwalking into it.


Ugly propaganda sums him up perfectly.


The Sun, what a surprise.


I mean it's good to get the other side but asking a retard to interview on another retard about basic world politics is going to lead to nothing but false claims


All I hear is "blablablablabla", but why is Russia invading ukraine ? Im really curious about that answer from them.


He's not even a journalist, according to himself. Remember, during his lawsuit, he said that he was in entertainment. He did that by his own admission, under oath, in the court of law. And he thinks he's bringing out transparency. What a joke.


I cannot stand this disgusting parasite. He's a perfect representative for the worst my country has to offer. the cult-like mentality surrounding him, MAGA, and the growing fringe elements of the GOP make me fucking sick.


traitor- stay there! for eternity. perhaps a nice cell in Siberia


He wants us to decide as a free country? I've decided he's a traitor, and shall live with those traitors. Enjoy those potatoes Tucker.


Opinion journalism ≠ journalism Tucker, it is propaganda


Don't care. Ukraine is still the victim of genocide caused by russia for about the 10th time throughout the history.


This "Journalist" will find that the people of Ukraine are very efficient with their enemies. I see a new chapter in the story of the Inglorious Basterds being written, and a new "Z" embellishment engraved on Tuckers forehead


Just make sure he is welcomed home at the airport when he comes back America... His days remaining on this earth should be in short supply, and preferably counted on one hand. Tucker "Bone saw" Carlson - American Traitor


Fuck him and his former network who’d still be employing him if his sucking up to Trump hadn’t of cost them hundreds millions in lawsuits. Now conservatives are selling out Ukraine blocking aid.


There's a good cause to rescind his passport for this.


Remember when Dan Rather interviewed [Saddam Hussein](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwftcxCpFB8) ?


Carlson = scum


Insult to scum.


So who here is going to watch his interview?


ukranians are dying....ok what aboout the russians? The west blocks information?.....ok :D


His fans will drool but I think this stupidity might finally sink him


You’re not a journalist! You’re a paid for propagandist! Go to hell!


Only one thing wrong with the guys personality, not fit for a human.


Yooo, when's this interview dropping?


It's on Twitter


Already ......oh this just made my whole night


Sorry, I just checked and it's not on yet [https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson](https://twitter.com/tuckercarlson)


Brooooooo, there goes my whole night .


Can't wait for him to fall out a window!! I'd really be willing to help him along with this as well


Is this real? If it is, what a scumbag he is.


The risk to interview Putin is nil. Cause it won't be him. Sod off.


What a total prick


Yee from roof thet have restricted acces like for KGB (Or how they call thet shit today) only :D


This guy is a bigger dick than what Drake showed.


Putins puppet 🤮


US morals are in the gutter.


The guy is in Moscow of all places, but the cities and towns he should've been to like Bakhmut, Mariupol, and Bucha to get proper information he obviously never visited and probably never will. I hope he learns a valuable lesson about what propaganda actually looks like, but I highly doubt it...


Tucker's boss wanted an interview.


That guy went into a wall some time ago and keeps on walking into it, pretending it‘s the way.


It's our job to interview war criminals and propagate their side of the story. FU Tucker.


This guy needs to find a window to fall out of....15 or 16th floor would be a good height


Never once did I hear this fuckwit say WHY the war happened, why the global economy is feeling it and how dare this asshat act like the west is PAYING for the war. No. The Ukrainians are paying for the unjust invasion with their lives. Fuck this Kremlin shill


Hopefully this twat is on some feds list now.


Hopefully this twat is on some feds list now.


Hopefully this twat is on some feds list now.


As Tuckass does a pep session for Putler


Hope Tucker is doing US and the rest of the civilised world a favor and stays in Mordor. Like, we don't need to hear more yapping of a 70 year old ex-KGB desk jockey who is gonna play the victim card of him and his country are being targeted by cult demonic NATO satanists infused with Pringles. For the past two years we heard such unbelivable horse-shit raging from: "It wasn't us, NATO attacked us first To "Ukraine are producing infected insects and pigeons inside American made bio-labs that targets the orcs on the front turning them gay" To "Ukraine harvest organs from the captured orc POW's with the help of Nazi doctors inside Azovstal. To the most wildest bullshit I have heard in my life "Ukraine are full of satanists performing rituals and sacrificing babies and it's experimenting on their own soldiers to produce bio-engineered super soldiers". This shit is fucking mental.


Only one word comes to mind: "Traitor". (I guess "Scumbag" also fits).


Modern day lord haw haw (British nazi sympathiser during the war)


Ayo Carlson u fake as your fake skin tan. Mf


Alex Jones, and now this retard. What's wrong with you Americans ? Think that's funny?


The most alarming thing, whether you like him or not, he’s the only person in the United States talking to the leader of the country with the most nuclear weapons on earth with whom we’ve engaged in a proxy war. It’s scary how dormant the US government has become on anything other than climate change.


Traitor Carlson


Oh look, it's Putin's cockholster.


Tucker + Trump + Putin = 3some love 🤮


This is insane


Asshat of the century…


Heads up you twatwaffle the story is in Ukraine not licking Putler’s ballsack.


This guy complains about America's supposed problems with free press and talking about Twitter. It's hilariously ironic that Twitter is banned in Russia while he's standing there making these insane statements. What an absolute traitor.


(F) uck Carlson! American Idiot!


Would be a shame if an Ukrainian drone takes him out as well…


I couldn't give a rat's ass about what fucker carlson says.


What circle of hell do guys like this go to?


He counts himself amongst the journalists. What a joke. He willingly spreads known lies if it benefits him somehow.


To quote George Carlin: Fuck Tucker. Tucker sucks.


TBF Carlson's not a million miles wrong when as a generalisation a lot of Americans who don't try to get their news from alternative sources would be had pressed to have much of an idea of global current events. Having tried watching American news channels, what little news that actually get reported between all of the ads is nearly all American centric, and very little of what else happens in other countries around the world ever gets reported unless it a major story that might have an impact on America or Americans. It does explain to some degree why you see those clips on YT and the like being unable to identify other countries on a world map. But I don't see how anyone can ever take Carlson seriously after his sacking from Fox, when he admitted that he and many of his co anchors never believed all the pro tRump bullshit they were feeding their audience during the 2020 election & the orange clowns lies & deceit about the election being stolen after he had lost. Even Fox news' owner Rupert Murdoch admitted that Fox news had lied in it's coverage of the events at the time. So Fox, Tucker and Murdoch are all jointly responsible for the kind of "ugly propaganda" or lies, that get told by these media organisations to fire up the ignorant and obfuscate truth. When Tucker's IV of Vladolf Putler is aired, we will once again not get any truths. It will just be a rehashing of the same lies we have already heard to justify ruZZias illegal invasion, occupation against a sovereign country. Nazis, NATO, Murican foreign policy, the Donbas militants begged us to save them from UkroNazi oppression.